Friday 14 August 2009

No 9611, Friday, 14 Aug 09, Sankalak

A commendale set of clues put together by Sankalak
 1 - Garment for poor Tosca; it was unfinished (9) - WAISTCOAT*
 5 - Guys’ partners in Brando movie (5) - DOLLS [E]
 8 - Like a ball struck into the air frequently, guided all around (6) - L{OFT}ED
 9 - Belief, as spelt out, is capable of being achieved (8) - FEASIBLE*
11 - Vegetable that is all right with artist (4) - OK{RA}
12 - Conservative worker with a magnifying glass finds a melon (10) - {C}{ANT}{A}{LOUPE}
14 - Help a girl, one beginning to love (5) - {AVA}{I}{L}
15 - Give evidence at trial, on condition that youth leader follows… (7) - {TEST}{IF}{Y}
16 - …in a nervous manner, but somehow tidily consuming minutes (7) - TI{M}IDLY
17 - Feel sorry about losing head for a bird (5) - (-r)EGRET
19 - Burn completely the entire Inca construction (10) - INCINERATE*
20 - A little old money provided by a wannabe (4) - ANNA [T]
22 - In which two people (not necessarily clones) can retire? (4,4) - TWIN BEDS [CD]
23 - Ending orgy in a bit of indulgence and escaping (6) - FL{Y}ING
24 - A bird, note, female first (5) - {RE}{EVE}
25 - Capable at work in effect, I suspect (9) - EFFICIENT*
 1 - The stuff of a cricketer’s club (6) - WILLOW [E] These trees are a beautiful sight in the Kashmir valley, especially the weeping willows.
 2 - Cocteau’s work, one alien Frenchman’s strange explosive device (8,7) - {I}NFERNAL MACHINE*
 3 - Attached to a sudden trend in the market reportedly (4) - TIED (~tide)
 4 - Two-score kind of normal vision (6-6) - TWENTY-TWENTY [CD] Follow the link to see an explanation of 20/20 and 6/6
 5 - Revelation of record certain to include fifty per cent loss (10) - {DISC}{LO(-ss)}{SURE}
 6 - Such industry depends more on manpower but puts abuser in violent spasm (6-9) - LABOUR INTENSIVE*
 7 - A subject for the landscape artist (7) - SCENERY [E]
10 - Temporary facility for crossing a river, perhaps, that can be big, readily assembled (6,6) - BAILEY BRIDGE* Have launched a number of these during my career in the Army
13 - A moral story about the head of a criminal gang can be excused (10) - {PAR}{DON}{ABLE} (Correction - {PAR{DON}ABLE} See Satya's comments below)
16 - Windstorm causes distortion over Emergency Room (7) - {TWIST}{ER}
18 - Useful device projected in a big ad gets noticed (6) - GADGET [T]
21 - International group that could cause endless obstruction (4) - BLOC(-k)


  1. Colonel Sir,

    I want to let you know that I benefited greatly from your blog. One of the important things I gleaned from it is presenting the solution. I admit, at times I make mistakes but for the most part, thanks to your blog, I do quite well. Thanks again.

    On that note, would 13 down be annotated as
    PAR{DON}ABLE, since PARABLE = moral story?

  2. Hi Satya,
    You are right about 13D, I have made a mistake in entering the brackets.
