Wednesday 25 November 2009

No 9697, Wednesday 25 Nov 09, M.Manna

Mr Manna has hit rock bottom today
 1  - A choice of courses or delicacies (10) - SWEETMEATS [CD]
 6  - Planned mode of protest (4) - DEMO*
 9  - Individual giving out letters for a dealer without money (7) - SPELLER ? Anno pending could it be dealer with money S{P}ELLER
10 - A photograph of way out couples (5,2) - CLOSE UP*
12 - Maclean’s turn to show restraint (8) - MANACLES*
13 - A sleuth finds dogs’ end (5) - TAILS [DD]
15 - Sound equipment (5) - AUDIO [CD]
17 - Green record, cost i.e. unfortunately enveloping (9) - ECO{LOG}IST*
19 - Tito’s real potential as a philosopher (9) - ARISTOTLE*
21 - No art in determining quantity relationship between items (5) - RATIO Anno impossible for me
23 - Soldiers favour clear sharp proof from printing surface (5) - {RE}{PRO}
24 - A march-in organised, to meet department administrator (8) - CHAIRMAN*
27 - Object to rubbish being taken in by nuisance (7) - P{ROT}EST
28 - Laying it thick one minute after zero hour (7) - {I}{M}{PAST}{O}
29 - Agent crosses eastern river (4) - SP{E}Y
30 - Legally one can go no faster (5,5) - SPEED LIMIT [E]
 1  - Something to wear that’s in the window (4) - SASH [DD]
 2  - Surprised head Grand leader with a gemstone (7) - E{M}ERALD* Awful clue, I suppose Manna intends a Grand is a Million
 3  - OK to take salt to an industrial U.S. city (5) - T{U}LSA* How are U and OK connected?
 4  - Record symbolised said registration (9) - {ENROL}{MENT}(~meant) Another awful clue
 5  - Trims sails to give direction to ships (5) - TACKS [CD]
 7  - Merit that’s reserved for professors retired from office (7) - E{MERIT}I
 8  - Work place rivals? (10) - OPPOSITION [CD] (Correction to Anno {OP}{POSITION})
11 - Activity in the open air (7) - OUTDOOR [E]
14 - Blue pencil might be used to get rid of these (10) - MALAPROPOS [CD] ?
16 - Final settlement of a strike? (7) - OUTCOME [CD]
18 - Having power to exert force on factory worker (9) - OPERATIVE [CD]
20 - Drop me out, I may burst inward (7) - IMPLODE ? Another impossible annotation for me
22 - Having managed to occupy most in retirement beam (7) - T{RAN}SOM*
24 - Was subject to hostile criticism (3,2) - CUT UP [CD]
25 - Agent of the French back to cause aversion (5) - {REP}{EL<-} )
26 - Starting point for ferret? (4) - SORT ? (Addendum ROOT [DD])



  1. 2Dn- Grand refers to thousand and hence {M}

  2. Thanks Ramya, my mistake, the clue still is an awful one as far as I am concerned

  3. This is so weird, I am wondering why I do this thing at all !!..:-(

  4. 20 D Possibly

  5. @sriks7,
    Where did you get PLOD from?

  6. 18D Maybe a DD?
    Having power to exerct force, as well as factory worker.

  7. Nothing to write home about today. Adding anything further to the Col's analysis could run into pages.


  8. Plod from drop. I know, not exactly right.
    But that was the closest I could get :)

  9. I thought PLOD might have an alternative meaning of DROP.
    But guess I am wrong.

  10. 3D I think OK refers to the state where TUSLA is located.

  11. Manna ( ~ 7 per month) and NJ ( ~ 10 per month) contribute 204 (over 50%) CW's in a year to the HINDU and this is the kind of junk they produce and is being accepted at THE HINDU. Like you said Richard, both Manna and NJ must be laughing all the way to the bank

  12. 9A Your Anno for Speller I think is right. Without in the clue means outside.

  13. Should we have a poll as to who is worse, Manna or NJ.
    My vote is Manna, because his clues will include a large number of printing errors, in addition to the usual quota of bad ones.

  14. Ok friends, just to beat the boredom, here's some trivia:

    Anagrams for 'awful clues':

    'useful claw'

    'saw full cue'

    'a few cull us'

    Can someone come out with an interesting one?


  15. Lawful Cues
    Claw fuel us
    Was full clue
