Sunday 2 January 2011

No 2616, Sunday 02 Jan 11

1   - Mechanic about to return on locomotive (8) -{ENGINE}{ER<-}
5   - Outcome of increased exposure (6) - {UPS}{HOT} (Correction - {UP}{SHOT} - See comments)
9   - Intricate patterns in wing of church (8) - TRANSEPT*
10 - Delay robbery (4-2) - HOLD-UP [DD]
12 - First-rate golfer turned back in corridor (5) - {AI}{SLE<-}
13 - Release one rodent into river (9) - {EX{ONE}{RAT}E}
14 - I restrict others exercising a dog (8,7) - SCOTTISH TERRIER*
16 - Eccentric etcher resettles in a Durham town (7-2-6) - CHESTER-LE-STREET* Thanks to Google.
19 - Childish supporter wearing trendy hat (9) - {IN}{FAN}{TILE}
21 - Modest receiving second prize (5) - {PUR{S}E}
23 - Sign for reference book he's taken out (6) - The'sAURUS
24 - Secret assembly may become depressed with pound involved (8) - {CONC{L}AVE}
25 - Chat with French artist, one dropping out (6) - NATTiER
26 - Adulation adroitly put in a new light (8) - IDOLATRY*

1   - Another bit player (5) - EXTRA [DD]
2   - Statesman, happy one seen crossing street (9) - {GLAD}{ST}{ONE}
3   - Just beginning climb after noon (7) - {N}{ASCENT}
4   - This should get you there quicker from state school (7,5) - {EXPRESS} {TRAIN}
6   - Hebridean isle almost rounded by fellow explorer (7) - {P{IONa}EER}
7   - Monster in Hardy novel (5) - HYDRA*
8   - Private has to respect changes (3-6) - TOP-SECRET*
11 - So that the facts are clear, keep report about ambassador (3,3,6) - {FOR T}{HE} {RECORD}
14 - Sexton's article supporting racists, unfortunately (9) - {SACRIST*}{AN}
15 - What may bar and tinnie, if drunk, provide? (9) - INEBRIANT* &lit
17 - Hairstyle in fashion? Certainly (7) - {TON}{SURE}
18 - Newsworthy subject, a leader in London (7) - {TOPIC}{A}{L}
20 - Opera, big round the States (5) - {FA{US}T}
22 - Foe in Yemen beaten (5) - ENEMY*


  1. Remembered Disraeli. Els appears again after coming in RUMPELSTILTSKIN in the FT one. Liked EXPRESS TRAIN and FOR-T-HE-RECORD.

  2. Bhavan's special second CW will appear at 10 AM

  3. Nitpick :
    Outcome of increased exposure (6) - {UPS}{HOT}

    It is UP + SHOT (increased + exposure meaning photo)

  4. 16A,

    Known to cricket-buffs(Kishore, may I include you?) as the new venue for Oneday matches in England 2years back.

  5. DDS, Sorry, I will take a precipitation negotiable instrument.

    I had to Google that one...

  6. Kishore cannot be expected to write a single straight sentence. :)

  7. Is the emphasis on single or straight ?

  8. Suresh, I could have used def we had learnt which used to go:___ is a bill of exchange drawn on a specified banker and not expressed to be payable otherwise than on demand. Do you feel this is straight and not loopy ? Confronted with this legal definition, most of our friends would still try to get us committed without the option. And that does not include further goop added in terms of truncated and what not.

  9. My first complete Sunday crossword! (I think I have attempted solving about 10 or so of them in the last 13 years.)

    Dr. Srinivasan, I'm with you. I got 16A thanks to my memories of the '99 WC.
