Friday 6 July 2012

No.10508, Friday 06 Jul 12, Arden

Like most of his recent puzzles, this offering by Arden was challenging and fun. I'm used to it by now, but there is a bit of verbiage in clues that needs discounting when parsing cryptically.

1 Turning out an English translation (8)  EVERSION   (E + VERSION)
5 Article returned by hand could be deadly (6) NAPALM  (AN<- + PALM)

10 Killing the horse during treatment (7) CARNAGE  (NAG inside CARE)
11 The Hutu are at fault for showing arrogance (7) HAUTEUR (HUTU ARE)*
12 Stand-in role as Electra (5) EASEL (T) Brilliantly hidden and my CoD
13 A girl goes over to western parts of London for some toughening (9) ANNEALING  (ANN + EALING)
14 Amazing how a team across the table shows interest in season (3-9) AWE-INSPIRING  (A + WE + I inside IN SPRING)
18 Optimistic investors have to follow a cut as they hold all the papers (7,5) BULLDOG,CLIPS  (BULLS outside DOG + CLIP)
21 So sure to find out (9) ASCERTAIN  (AS CERTAIN)
23 Outdated law was just right (5) EXACT  (EX + ACT)
24 At home there is a way for everything to establish (7) INSTALL  (IN + ST + ALL)
25 Aldermen almost broke the stone (7) EMERALD  (ALDERMEn)*
26 Variable taxes put pressure on those who work outside (6) EXPATS  (TAXES + P)*
27 It is a curse on one to keep those people in a sober organisation (8) ANATHEMA  (THEM inside AN AA)

1 Stay away as Jessica evenly gets cut (6) ESCHEW  (jEsSiCa + HEW)
2 Outflow as the material surfaces a second later (6) EGRESS (SERGE <- + S) 
3 Took in two points which was permitted (9) SWALLOWED  (SW + ALLOWED)
4 Placed in the theatre, the musical’s battling perhaps for some direction (9,5) OPERATING, TABLE   (OPERA + BATTLING* + E)

6 An island resort for a massage (Adults only) (5) ARUBA  (A + RUB + A)
7 Drink: Copy right over the thing provided (8) APERITIF  (APE + R + IT + IF)
8 Pledge for death in Italy without any restriction (8) MORTGAGE (MORTE outside GAG)  
9 The entire channel’s affected by the plant (7,7) CHINESE,LANTERN  (ENTIRE CHANNELS)*

15 Device to get things done (9) IMPLEMENT (DD)
16 A support is up against bearing grit, for example (8) ABRASIVE  (A BRA + IS<- + V + E)
17 With an extremely special cold drink, makes some chips (6,2) SLICES,UP  (SpeciaL + ICE + SUP) I thought COLD gives ICY, not ICE?
19 Able to copy tapas in Spain (6) CANAPE (CAN + APE)
20 Sporting arenas were at some distance previously (6) STADIA (DD)
22 It will go bad on the outside because it is a meat dish (5) ROAST (ROT outside AS)


  1. Apologies for the late blog. I had set it to be published automatically at 8.30 but for unknown reasons it didn't.

    1. One of the images ( Going for the jugular, ) does not load directly. Wonder if the problems you experienced is because of that.

    2. It has happened to me also before, seems to be a bug in Blogger. Unfortunately I was not at home at 8:30 else I would have checked and set it right.

  2. could finish only half :-(

  3. Hard one to crack for me :-(

  4. Some tricky ones today.
    19D stumped me till I found that "Tapas" in Spain means an appetizer (thanks to Google).
    8D the word MORTE was unknown to me till I saw Bhavan's annotation.
    16D, "grit" has two meanings - one is hardness of character, and the other is an abrasive particle (which I did not know).
    27A 'Sober organization' stood for AA (Alcoholics Anonymous, and here I was trying to find anagram using "Sober".
    2D "Serge" was also an unknown word for me - and hence though I stubled on "egress" using crossings, I could not annotate.
    On the whole a really challenging and yet fun puzzle. Arden has really raised the bar last 3 days.

  5. Looking around,blaming my computer,getting restless....and at last! An interesting end to a few unsolved clues and few more solved unannotated clues.

    We are getting used,as Bhavan put it, to his style of raising the bar and trying to keep pace with him.Highly engaging and interesting.

  6. Took me a fair while to get through this today. But still liking the entertaining style.

    Have to agree with Bhavan's preamble though about the verbiage. For impeccable clueing, every word should have its place and be in the right place and form. PS: Not a complaint

  7. From 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. we had an unannounced power outage and so I was away from the computer. This was a blessing in disguise as I was able to sit quietly and read several pages of Padma Desai's 'Breaking Out: An Indian Woman's American Journey' which was delivered to me at my door at 11 a.m.

    A richly readable memoir. Elegant prose with literary resonances.

  8. As a surgeon I was interested to find to familiar terms. One of course is Operating Table. The other is Bulldog clips. We use an instrument called Bulldog clamp in Vascular surgery which ,contrary to its name, is a soft clamp and does not damage the vessels though it prevents leakage of blood.

    1. I meant two and not to in the first sentence
