Friday 19 October 2012

No.10598, Friday 19 Oct 12, Vulcan

This is a breezy puzzle by Vulcan which will resonate with most solvers. There are several clues to like, made pleasant not only by the surfaces but cryptic elements that were well disguised. SWING, DOOR was my favourite. If any criticism is to be made, it is for the high number of anagrams - partial and full I counted about 11.

1 For someone who supports women’s liberation, it’s an occasion to celebrate. Short skirt’s making its way in (8) FEMINIST (MINI inside FEST)
5 Disqualified team, say (6) BANNED (~BAND)
9 God, extremely imaginative writer (8) CHRISTIE (CHRIST + I E)
10 Silence is felt all over the place (6) STIFLE (IS FELT)*
12 Curious case of private steel company bringing about something astronomical (9) TELESCOPE (P E + STEEL + CO)*
13 Satisfaction gotten from quiet trip (5) PRIDE (P + RIDE)
14 English nobleman not carrying the right sword (4) EPEE (E + PEEr)
16 Starting to look tense — struggling to settle (6) NESTLE (L + TENSE)*
18 Legendary actress no more around (6) MONROE (NO MORE)*
20 It hurts. Reigning world cup champions lose the first… (4) PAIN (sPAIN)
23 ….game, // mate (5) MATCH (DD)
24 Right now, dog is running for the gate (5,4) SWING,DOOR (R NOW DOG IS)*
27 Story’s // title (6) LEGEND (DD)
28 Last of workers are laid off and compensated (8) SALARIED (S + ARE LAID*)
29 Researched a document about Louis Vuitton (6) DELVED (DEED outside LV)
30 A regent exam primarily prepared for one in high school perhaps (8) TEENAGER (A REGENT E)*

1 A feature in the paper about a champion (5) FACET (ACE inside FT)
2 Mental state of a man winning gold (6) MORALE (MALE outside OR)
3 Homes set up in the poles (5) NESTS (SET* inside NS)
4 Cook pokes lamb’s head with one stick (3,4) SKI,POLE (POKES + L + I)*
6 A new wine list received for a course (9) ANTIPASTI (A + N + ASTI outside TIP)
7 Not quite fine with rolls made simple (2-6) NO-FRILLS (FINe + ROLLS)*
8 Strengthen the river enclosure (6) DEEPEN (DEE + PEN)
11 A recent/new kind of sign (4) NEON (NEO + N)
15 To sit on rocking cane perhaps (9) PERCHANCE (PERCH + CANE*)
17 Country’s website contains an error — not opening (8) PORTUGAL (PORTAL outside bUG)
19 Different from channels everywhere (4) ELSE (T)
20 Secret John (for the most part) had (7) PRIVATE (PRIVy + ATE)
21 Placed a bet, lost a grand, walked… (6) AMBLED (gAMBLED)
22 Destroying Missouri faction (6) MOWING (MO + WING)
25 Run into profit producing wheat! (5) GRAIN (R inside GAIN)
26 Program used in Rolls Royce’s tracking system (5) RADAR (ADA inside RR)




    In case any visitor notices anything untoward on the Blog please send me an immediate SMS at my number shown in the contact details above so that I can take corrective action.

    Someone hacked in last night and had posted an ad for some site besides showing some other sensitive details of the blog

    1. Oops. For seeing that message I think I have given some of my personal details :-(

  2. Good morning everyone

    Could not get a few in the northeastern side. Ran short of time. After 8-30 am, I always give up, not being able to resist the temptation of having a peek here.


    18A - also remembered Rita MORENO, the Westside Story star. (No more around &Lit!)

  3. For the moment I have activated a feature, so some of you may find it difficult to post comments

  4. In the new security feature, bloggers have to type the number displayed followed without space by the set of characters, which you may please clarify. I learnt by trial and error.

    1. I put in a space between the characters and the numbers. No problem.

  5. Bhavan, thank you for introducing the solution grid. Hope the Col would continue, the additional trouble apart.

    1. No problem Richard. I realized that unlike me most solvers use their hard copies when solving, so the solution grid would be hopefully easier to compare with their own.

    2. I don't think I will be able to put in the solution grid as I do not have the software for preparing grids and entering the solutions. Doing it in paint will take ages.

    3. You are already doing a great job. I know it would be too much to ask for.

    4. Bhavan, Thanks for the value addition in the form of Grid to this informative blog.

  6. Enjoyable crossword. I did not notice the number of anagrams until I saw the blog.
    Which just goes to show the importance of good surfaces.

    1. That is high praise indeed ( given your usual disdain for anagram clues)

  7. Though the no.of comments is 11, commenters are only a handful and many of the usual bloggers are missing including doc. Problems writing comments in the new system? I am just giving it a try.

  8. Replies
    1. Will let it run like this for a few days, though that is not the real solution to what happened last evening.

  9. A doubt about 3D-
    Is 'up' an anagram indicator? I was trying reversal.

    1. Up, I took it to mean "astir" or "on the move" which works as anagrind.

  10. 3 Homes set up in the poles (5) NESTS (SET* inside NS)

    'up' indicates reversal not an anind. but here it is used as anind. Of course, it was very easy to solve this, but I spent a couple of minutes with TES, before zeroing in on NESTS.

    1. It is very difficult to enter into this Chakravuya to post a comment. First it is difficult to read the letters and then it is more difficult to locate the number. Quite cumbersome. The number of posts in this blog will diminish. Col., make something simpler.

  11. Lovely, smooth. Balm on the wounded ego after Klue this week.

  12. Introducing solution grid is nice, thanks.

  13. @ CV
    SHUCHI has uploaded The Hindu Crossword 1001 in her blog. Will you be able to give us the privilege of an Acrolite version? Thanks.

  14. Really smooth surfaces. Same here, did not notice the number of anagrams till I saw the blog.
    Back to Sankalak tomm - Or are we in for another surprise ?

  15. Col, I did not have enter extra numbers/characters for my comment @ 1:16 PM .Not sure if you disabled that check, so bringing it to your attention.

  16. Yes, the security check is gone

    1. Yes I have disabled it as the problem was not from the comments section but through a worm whcih sent out mail to all the contacts in my mailing list and the email for posting to the blog via e-mail was also in that list, though I do not know how it got posted as it should have been saved in draft form till I authorised it for publication

    2. Better you change your current password

  17. Richard @ 12:49

    CV has uploaded the Acrosslite version at

  18. THC 1001 is also available at

    This is based on the Acrosslite version created by Bhavan

  19. 9Ac GOD = CHRIST

    In the New Testament, the title "Son of God" is applied to Jesus Christ. He is also called 'The Glorious Messenger of God'. But, not God Himself! In baptism also, they mention 'the Father, Son and the Holy Spirit'.

    May be, Richard can clarify. Perhaps, the setter's intention was the exclamation 'Oh God' as equating to 'Oh Christ'.

    1. Time to say 'Oh My God!'

      I never thought I would some day be summoned to testify before the THCC court on this tricky subject.

      I am neither very religious nor sacrilegious. I am not an expert on religion even.

      The lack of competence notwithstanding, I feel that Nadathur Rajan has put it succinctly. Christians follow the principle of Holy Trinity, the trio mentioned in the said post, the last sentence of which fairly puts the position in a fair perspective.

  20. Long time since we had Vulcan I believe, nice n neat.

    The security feature stymied me Col, don't know why, since I do not have a similar issue with other forums where this is required, eg Crossword Unclued. Anyway thanks for your mail.

  21. Today's crossie looked, at first glance, so unsolvable,very unusual with even many anagrams disguised cleverly. It took quite a while for all the mosaics to be filled, one by one, till the last that one felt like a poop as to how easy the crossie was !! Very cleverly compiled and set. Vulcan. Good job. Give us more.

    Col: Glad that the hacking was not form these comments. Hope it does not atatck us again. Thanks for the quick remedial taken.
