Monday 13 May 2013

No.10771, Mon 13 May 13, Lightning

Lightning's struck me on 26a,18d

1 Belt firm and hollow rod to provide support for a window (4,4) SASH CORD (SASH CO RoD)
5 Birds that snare very cunningly (6) RAVENS (SNARE V)*
9 Move smoothly to rhythmic Indian beat, nearly played back in excess (8) UNDULATE (UNDUE around TALa<)
10 Part names providing revolutionary slogan (6) MANTRA (T<)
12 Notes // charges (5) BILLS 2

13 They advise the head of church, principal head of state (9) CARDINALS (CARDINAL S)
14 Burning a short jacket (6) ABLAZE (A BLAZEr)
16 They box bowlers without a trace of kindness (7) PACKERS (PAC(K)ERS)
19 Western gunmen overawe lads (7) COWBOYS (COW BOYS)
21 Rigorous imprisonment at New York prison, in part for mutiny (6) RISING (RI SING from Sing Sing prision, frequently referred to PGW)
23 Spice on one meat slice (9) PEPPERONI (PEPPER ON 1)
25 Influence of NRA, perhaps? (5) LOBBY 2,CD Current topical reference to gun laws in the US?
26 Worry about flipping line of work (6) CAREER (CARE ER<=) - See comments
27 Emails on dispersing hard particles of wheat (8) SEMOLINA (EMAILS ON)*
28 Peter & Paul, say, are not surrounded by bodyguards (6) SAINTS (AIN'T in SS) The SS had the twin Lightning symbol ! Did you know their uniform was designed by Hugo BoSS ?
29 Sprinkling of holy water to dispel presages (8) ASPERGES (PRESAGES)*

1 Thickset, small and portly model swaps companion (6) STUBBY (S CHUBBY-CH+T)
2 Pommel wretched dacoit at first with the French weapon (9) SADDLEBOW (SAD D LE BOW)
3 Army officer trusts extremely young recruits (5) COLTS (COL TS)
4 About time one partially clears the network (7) RETICLE (RE T 1 CLEars)
6 A basic confusion about American moth (9) ABACISCUS (A BASIC* C US)
7 Surplus forex trading contained (5) EXTRA (T)
8 Watering holes around royal English street, most sporadic (8) SPARSEST (SPAS around R E ST)
11 Support for first president (4) PROP (PRO P)
15 A manner of speaking, intended with no trace of ambiguity, for expiation (9) ATONEMENT (A TONE ~MEANT) Correction in Anno (A TONE MEaNT)  See comments
17 Conferring a title of German Bishop on Lenin by mistake (9) ENNOBLING (G B ON LENIN)*
18 Institute engineer selects chipping tools (8) ICEPICKS (I CE PICKS)- See comments
20 Call to scatter auditor’s footwear (4) SHOO (~SHOE) or is it the other way round* ? The boot's on the other foot ?  Then it would be SHOE (~SHOO) * quote from PGW, usually preceded by 'the velvet hand in the iron glove 
21 Pirates from Austria protected by legislative amendments (7) RAIDERS (RIDERS around A)
22 Avoid // ring road (6) BYPASS 2
24 Average one follows Sabbath in this Indian community (5) PARSI (PAR S 1)
25 Movable toilets deployable at last (5) LOOSE (LOOS deployablE)


  1. 18 Institute engineer selects chipping tools (8)


  2. Monday morning blues again

    26A - {CARE}{ER<=}
    18D - {I}{CE}{PICKS}

  3. In the cartoon at 12A, the bills are for all the charges she has

  4. Thanks to Sandhya and Deepak.

  5. 15 A manner of speaking, intended with no trace of ambiguity, for expiation (9) ATONEMENT (A TONE ~MEANT)

    Correction in anno: A TONE ME(-a)NT 'a' from ambiguity

  6. 21 Pirates from Austria protected by legislative amendments (7) RAIDERS (RIDERS around A)

    Nitpicking about use of A for Austria, whereas the abbr. is AT (ISO Code)?

    1. Austria = A according to IVR code (as listed in Chambers), so it is fine.

    2. Licence plate code has: A

    3. IVR = International Vehicle Registration

  7. Yesterday's special had 6 leftovers. It's open to anyone who wants to have a go, I have also added the link to the solution in the main post.

    1. @Doppleganger: Enjoyed the wedding special!

    2. Thank you Sandhya, glad you enjoyed it.

  8. Nice work from Lightning. Good surfaces carrying a sense of plausibility.

  9. 12A - Thought of sharing this old gag:

    A head of the family is one who has many small mouths to feed and a big mouth to heed...

  10. Very careful- genderwise!! (in the second half!)

    This reminds me of the old joke- "I am the head of the family & I have my wife's permission to say so"!!

  11. Congrats to Doppelganger for an excellent crossie yesterday. Just finished it and my favs were : 17 down, 24 across and 29 across.
    Someone,(Paddy?) wondered that TIGHTROPE was a bit far-fetched. Tongue in cheek, Is a Mangalsutra not a rope tightly tied? Show me one bachelor , who, after a betrothal and marriage, was not walking on a tight rope !! The whole married life is a balanced walk on a tightrope ? Then , all men become peacekeepers.

  12. 16. bowlers with a trace of kindness could have been better
