Sunday 25 August 2013

No 2753, Sunday 25 Aug 2013

1   Hero of poem (Will's second) Hathaway, mostly, edited (8) HIAWATHA {wIll+HATHAWAy}*
5   Start series of 20 games poorly (3,3) SET OFF {SET} {OFF}
9   Fish can do on lines (4,4) JOHN DORY {JOHN} {DO}{RY}
10 Short article on what sounds like unlawful crowd (6) THRONG {THe}{RONG}(~wrong)
11 Tight finish (5) CLOSE [DD]
12 It shows what's to be sung then - my composition about the woman (4,5) HYMN SHEET {HYMN {SHE}ET*}
14 Cold counter containing cod? (11) STANDOFFISH {STAND}{OF}{FISH}
18 US state: join copper going through it (11) CONNECTICUT {CONNECT}{I{CU}T}
21 American bandleader's open-air restaurant (9) TEAGARDEN [DD]
23 To rub out is simplicity once end of rubber's held (5) ERASE {E{R}ASE}
24 Draw French artist framing original for gallery (6) MAGNET {MA{G}NET}
25 Target in range on circling island (8) AMBITION {AMBIT}{I}{ON}
26 Par got by an Australian golfer (6) NORMAN {NORM}{AN}
27 What can make lemon melon and peach cheap? (8) ANAGRAMS [CD]

1   Commandeer hospital, one overlooking London, say (6) HIJACK {H}{1}{JACK}
2   Choreographer has unfortunately not returned (6) ASHTON {HAS}*{NOT<=}
3   Intended recipient of letter to speak to key European (9) ADDRESSEE {ADDRESS}{E}{E}
4   Unfeeling, like Hannah or Ethel? (4-7) HARD-HEARTED [GK] Also etHel
6   Distinctive character of Harriet Hosmer (5) ETHOS [T]
7   Only note in old old song (1,4,3) O SOLE MIO {O} {SOLE} {MI}{O}

8   Avoid argument with cast (5,3) FIGHT SHY {FIGHT} {SHY}
13 Magician in Florentine banking family - note title brought up (8,3) MEDICINE MAN {MEDICI}{N}{E MAN<=}
15 Creating large male band (9) FATHERING {FAT}{HE}{RING}
16 Northerner once seen flying along the track? (8) SCOTSMAN [DD]
17 Threaten to close, wind up (8) ENDANGER {END}{ANGER}
19 Airman out of place in yacht station (6) MARINA*
20 Evil trap set up for game (6) TENNIS {TEN}{NIS}<=
22 Ring any number in region (5) ARENA {ARE{N}A}


  1. 'O sole mio' video at 7D is really stirring, one must watch it.

    1. Definitely. In some angles, LP's face reminds me of Manivannan ! Prob'ly the beard

  2. Col Saheb,
    'O sole mio' is awesome !! I'm going to download it and add to my collection Non-English songs/music. Thanks.

  3. Now this was a very good day for me - CW was so interesting, AND, solved it in one go! Unusual for me,for Sunday CWs!! ;-)
