Monday 29 January 2018

No 12226, Monday 29 Jan 2018, Arden

Answer and annotation of 18A left for a rookie commenter till 10 AM.

1   Testify receiving regular help, keep drug out (6) DEPOSE {D{hElP}OSE}
4   A Greek letter — basically takes one piece of jewellery (8) AIGRETTE {A}{1}{GR}{lETTEr}
10 Motor operated pawl, perhaps (5,4) POWER TOOL {p/POWER}{awl/TOOL}
11 Starts with cakes and rolls, only baker to make St. John's bread (5) CAROB Acrostic
12 Ghastly child, learn to behave properly (7) CHARNEL {CH}{LEARN*}
13 Fancy hat on Paddy (7) CAPRICE {CAP}{RICE}
14 Admonition for cutting credit will follow (5) ENSUE cENSUrE
15 It's expensive town having mobile convenience (8) SAPPHIRE {S{APP}HIRE}
18 Hector — he gets into action, covers a pit (8) ?O?I?E?R (Addendum - DOMINEER {DO{MINE}ER - See comments)
20 Returned smash, Ted goes for a replay (5) RERUN REtURNed*
23 Not this one in metal plant (7) POTHERB {P{OTHER}B}
25 Gas tank empty, no energy in short (7) NEEDFUL {NEED}{FUeL}
26 Quick and silent incursion during assault (5) RAPID {RA{P}ID}
27 Cook writes his item on the menu (5,4) IRISH STEW*
28 Many a choice between say Jack and William (8) ASSORTED {ASS}{OR}{TED}
29 War casualties said to be fixed (6) MENDED (~men dead)

1   Drew picture, tense really (8) DEPICTED {DE{PIC}{T}ED} Anno not clear See comments
2   Fruits trade picks up — watermelon and pineapples initially (7) PAWPAWS {Wa...n}{And}{Pi...s}{SWAP}<=
3   Calm around midnight, it's back to the park (9) SERENGETI {SEREN{niGht}E}{IT<=}
5   Caroline points out law to act as a guardian (2,4,8) IN LOCO PARENTIS*
6   Summarise fast bowler's run-up (5) RECAP<=
7   Hunter's mistake breaking a bank (7) TERRIER {T{ERR}IER}
8   Sign to assemble men inside (6) EMBLEM [T]
9   Approve to be part of drama — to help is Royal duty (8,6) NOBLESSE OBLIGE {NO}{BLESS}E {OBLIGE} Anno for E pending (Addendum - {NO{BLESS}E} {OBLIGE} - See comments)
16 Semicircular ring, stable man has a ring (9) HORSESHOE {HORSES}{H{O}E}
17 End up covering low ground, it's uncultivated (8) UNPLOWED {LOW} in {END+UP*} Anind wrongly positioned
19 Focus on annexing the peak, force out the creature (7) OCTOPUS {fOC{TOP}US}
21 Denied increasing trade union involvement in delay (7) REFUTED {DE{TU}FER}<=
22 Old city's resurrected, like to drink gin (6) SPARTA {A{TRAP}S} <=
24 Wine, that's up or down? (5) EIDER {RED}{IE}<=



  1. We have seen a few instances of a word split like this earlier too. I don't remember to have seen any indication for the split, though I feel it would be better.

    1. Exclamation mark is not for the split. I meant that Really = Indeed!

  2. Replies
    1. That is NO or NOH, I haven't seen it spelt as NOE


    3. The link you have provided is not a Jap Drama

    4. Noe is a play by Andre Obey as given in Free Dict under Noe

  3. 9d- I can't even see how we get 'No'.
    Does 'part of drama' lead to 'No' & e?

  4. 18A DO(MINE)ER=HECTOR.Mine from Pit and doer from "he gets into action".

  5. 18A domineer doer covering mine


    Robert arrived to DEPOSE about the robbery of the AIGRETTE.
    The robber it seems had got into the shop after breaking in using a POWER TOOL. A piece of CAROB was the clinching evidence.
    CHARNEL isn't it? And CAPRICE as what did ENSUE was that he had returned to take a SAPPHIRE. Indeed a DOMINEER. To have made a RERUN.
    But then luck doen't favour for ever. During the escape he had tripped on a pot of POTHERB. Then the NEEDFUL had to be done in a RAPID manner. Yet he had the nerve to enjoy IRISH STEW and other ASSORTED food on the way back. By then his leg seems to have MENDED.

    to be continued....

  7. Thodarkathai eppo thodarum?
    Stopped at a crucial moment!

  8. You might have got the bigger picture from what was DEPICTED earlier.(Let us forget the PAWPAWS he ate in the SERENGETI and that he was taken care of by IN LOCO PARENTIS. All these are minor irrelevant points).
    Allow me now to RECAP.
    Robert, yes Robert had committed thefts. Soon the cops came with a TERRIER ( of all breeds why this?) and the EMBLEM worn by them said they are from Scotland Yard. To catch the culprit was their NOBLESSE OBLIGE.
    They were taken to Roberts house with a HORSE SHOE on the door after crossing the UNPLOWED stretch of land and an old cinema poster of Bond's OCTOPUSsy.
    Robert initially REFUTED. (An epicurean he had planned to escape to SPARTA with the booty after his supper with EIDER.)
    But alas!
    The potherb fall was his downfall!!

  9. Mini tales are growing into novelettes and becoming all the more enjoyable. Thank you CGB.

  10. Roe deer roe : egg dee : river r
