Tuesday 30 January 2018

No 12227, Tuesday 30 Jan 2018, Arden

 Capital fellow! Not in a fix over laundry (13) WASHINGTONIAN {WASHING}{NOT+IN+A}*
10 Under-the-table, with can opener, open (5) OVERT cOVERT
11 Revolt by unruly pair — stop hiring (9) UPRAISING {U{PAIR*}SING}
12 Get angry with power failure (4,1,4) BLOW A FUSE [DD]
13 Romeo lands in a pickle with coach (5) DRILL {D{R}ILL}
14 Gem bearing mine in North India, with 50% gold at the bottom (7) EMERALD {E}{MERA}{goLD}
16 Work hours reduced, not sure it's for the best (7) OPTIMUM {OP}{TIMe}{UM}
18 Animal lays egg by the river, right? (3,4) ROE DEER {ROE} {DEE}{R}
20 Tried out and allowed to open fire — things became more messy (7) DIRTIER {D{fIRe}TIER*}
22 Looking calm in red robes (5) SOBER*
24 Able to have an orgasm — keep quiet, it could be the wine (9) COMPETENT {COM{P}E}{TENT}
26 The sorrel horse doesn't take half an hour, make no mistake (9) ERRORLESS {SORREL+hoRSE}*
27 Expenses as opposed to income (5) OUTGO {OUT}{GO}
28 Proof assailed in a make believe world (5,8) FOOLS PARADISE* &lit

2   One time, one stripper (7) ACETONE {ACE}{T}{ONE}
3   The best come together to deal with apartheid (3,6) HIT PARADE*
4   Dealt with human nature — the man fled to far away island (5) NAURU {hUman+NAtURe}*
5   Crowd said to gather for 300% (9) THREEFOLD {THREE}{FOLD}
6   Nymph from town in Gujarat, took day off (5) NAIAD NAdIAD
7   Could be main philosophy (7) ANIMISM {MAIN*}{ISM} &lit
8   Scores fudged in game by cheats (6-7) DOUBLE CROSSES {SCORES}* in {DOUBLES}
9   A capital allocation involving goods collection (13) AGGLOMERATION {A}{GG}{LOME}{RATION}
15 Free to pick up a shirt, he wears cap which is very inexpensive (4,5) DIRT CHEAP {RID<=}{T} {C{HE}AP}
17 Criminal deported, inner ring damaged (9) TORPEDOED {DEPORTED}* over {O}
19 One from IIM admitted, therefore there is a ban (7) EMBARGO {E{MBA}RGO}
21 Envisages thought set up (7) IDEATES {IDEA}{SET<=}
23 Countryside, with river and mountain range (5) RURAL {R}{URAL}
25 Scrooge becomes smarter, changes sex to start with (5) MISER (-w+m)MISER



  1. IIMs are not still MBAs. They are PGDMs!!!

    1. I am yet to see one referred as such.

    2. From Wikipaedia

      The two-year Post Graduate Programme in Management (PGP), offering the Post Graduate Diploma in Management (PGDM), is the flagship programme across all IIMs. These post graduate diploma programmes are considered equivalent to regular MBA programmes.

    3. IIMs can now give degrees and the bill has been approved and signed by the PRESIDENT

    4. And all of us, alumni are still in petition to give it a retro effect. MBA equivalence is by the grace of AIU accredition (a separate process) valid only for India Many US and EURO schools didn't recognise them till 2001. Many had to under go tedeous route to get ph.d from foreign shores. FPMs had to redo for getting teaching assignments there. They can give MBA from the joining batch. But many seems to prefer PGDM because of the brand establishment.

  2. Lovely puzzle!Liked especially 1A, 8D, 12A, 24A(chuckle).3D was nicely done-could see the anagram only after all the crossings appeared.

  3. Nice but with complicated wordplay. Had to work hard, esp. for getting proper annos.
    A doubt about 15D-
    He wears cap- c(HE)ap- looks like it is cap which is wearing or admitting 'He'.

    1. Hi Paddy, wears is a standard insertion ind. If you wear something say a shirt, shirt will be around you right.

  4. 14a: {E}{MERA}{-go-LD} - 'E' comes from 'bearing'?

  5. E,S,W,N are directions/ bearings/ corners...
    They are also sometimes referred to as player/ partner since Bridge (card game) hands are depicted as such.

  6. How to be an "Economist" (!)

    Want to be COMPETENT in saving money
    Be say like those bees gathering honey?

    No need to live life like a MISER
    These simple rules will make you wiser.

    No need to go RURAL
    Just be a little frugal.

    Declare and implement an EMBARGO
    On any unnecessary OUTGO.

    Buying that EMERALD can wait
    Any extravaganza one should hate.

    Be careful and wary of DOUBLE CROSSES
    They will put you only in losses.

    Don't you buy things in a heap
    Just because they are sold DIRT CHEAP.

    One last thing

    If you think you can make money with
    rummy and dice
    Then be sure you are in a FOOLS PARADISE.

  7. Wow CGB!!
    Great rhyming poem and absolutely sensible and befitting and quite a few puzzle words used.

  8. From a (h)ARDENed stand yesterday, an easy-peasy one today.

  9. I know revolt as uprising.
    Upraising is new(s) to me!

  10. KKR,
    You have raised an interesting point. In the link given by col., the meaning given is only elevate,raise etc. with revolt not mentioned at all. I checked uprising and the first meaning given is revolt! A mistake?

    1. In the same link is given the meaning as rise which equals revolt

