Monday 18 June 2018

No 12346, Monday 18 Jun 2018, Gridman

1   Having a hand in? It's complicated! (8) INVOLVED [DD]
5   Father consumes white, primarily wholesome fruit (3-3) PAW-PAW {PA{W}PA}{Wh...e}
10 Stag beginning to bound and go up (7) BROCKET {Bo..d}{ROCKET}
11 Get the news about the ling (7) HEATHER {HEA{THE}R}
12 Went along with a tender over odd deed (6) ABIDED {A}{BI{DeEd}D
13 One thousand hail Rob cultivating a variety of cabbage (8) KOHLRABI {K+HAIL+ROB}*
15 Toy bird (4) KITE [DD]
16 Gymnastic feat makes worker jump (10) HANDSPRING {HAND}{SPRING}
18 Look for clues and reach Sone! (4,6) NOSE AROUND {SONE}* [RA]
20 Go and get female out to make plates (4) ETCH fETCH
23 Gripping sportsman? (8) WRESTLER [CD]
24 Young scout takes charge of the woman, an angel (6) CHERUB {C{HER}UB}
26 Apathetic to four leaving, causing a deadlock (7) IMPASSE IMPASSivE
27 Father's authoritative about part of a horse (7) PASTERN {PA}{STERN}
28 Mister abroad loses head; with wingless winter visitor, is astray (6) ERRANT {hERR}{sANTa}
29 Not extremely languid, saw insect, something huge (8) BEHEMOTH {BEHEld}{MOTH}

1   It's put down as to how the chess pieces are arrayed (2,5,3,5) IN BLACK AND WHITE [C&DD]
2   Six with old desire to be an instrument player (7) VIOLIST {VI}{O}{LIST}
3   More reddish, tending to break more with topmost layer falling off (6) LAKIER fLAKIER
4   Might one sate enough over these goodies? (4) EATS* Semi&lit
6   Doctor Nag haply produces relief work of sorts (8) ANAGLYPH*
7   Some rival happens to be backing old Persian dynasty (7) PAHLAVI [T<=]
8   Thus sit the team members not playing on the field (7,3,5) WARMING THE BENCH [CD]
9   Quietly going about without new covering (9) SHROUDING {SH}{ROUnDING}
14 Tom and bearer together fixed a measuring instrument (9) BAROMETER*
17 Party leader's with worker, a devoted follower (8) PARTISAN {Pa..y}{ARTISAN}
19 One of many in night train is also one of many under it 24 hours (7) SLEEPER [CD]
21 Depositor is back outside, crestfallen, in ruin (7) TORPEDO DEPOsiTOR*
22 Act he's carrying out is free of sin (6) CHASTE*
25 At far end of lane, go for a weapon (4) EPEE {lanE}{PEE}

Bhargav's Talepiece

The bouncer and the dancer - Part 65

Mystery SHROUDING the lost pearl necklace.

The person INVOLVED in the theft was Linda who was WARMING THE BENCH after the induction of Rita!!

A BEHEMOTH WRESTLER who ate every night at Shangri-la along with his wife, a VIOLIST, had told her about Clement buying a pearl necklace a week back in the jewellery shop when he was there. This information was passed on by the violist to her bosom friend Linda.

Soon Linda had NOSED AROUND her husband's desk and was aghast to see the proof IN BLACK AND WHITE. She took the bill and kept it inside her bra. A bill for 900 dollars.

This EATS her mind and she steals (rather takes away what she feels is rightfully hers) the necklace.  She will take up the matter with her ERRANT husband later.

How soon is she going to know that her LAKHIER husband has gifted Rita with one more necklace,  a CHASTE string of pearls worth 1500 dollars?

What happened next?


There are any number of jokes based on the viola and violist. Here is one: You may google for more.

What do a viola and a law suit have in common?
Everyone is happy when the case is closed. 


  1. Quite a few new words today (at least for me) made the going slow with need for outside help. But enjoyable as ever once you get it. Good start for the Gridman week (short?)
    Your score is 12 today- good going, esp. considering a few were difficult words to fit in.

  2. Gridman proved to be tough this time. Thanks GM.
    Liked 11AC for the deception. Looking for fish[ling]!

  3. Col.,
    Curiously 'Pastern' is not shown in the sketch, though it is explained in the other ref.

  4. 13A- I was trying to fit in 'Broccoli'- all the time wondering about a thousand. Finally got the correct one.

  5. 6d grammatically doctor produces is nagging.

    1. Didn't get your thoughts. Can you enlighten?

    2. Doctor(ing) produces or doctor producing, where my mind is stuck.

  6. Enjoyable opener from Gridman, the 15 letter grid. FOI was 1D & LOI was Anaglyph. Between them were humourous CDs, enjoyable DDs, cracking anagrams. Thanks Gridman.

  7. Nice trivia to the enjoyable tale😀

  8. 5A, 13A and 6D were weird but 11A and 20A quite tricky and nice. I liked !D and 8D. They showed great sportsman spirit!

  9. Though I solved them all, I wasn't happy about 3d: LAKIER (couldn't find it in the dictionary). And 2d: VIOLIST (desire = LUST, not LIST). Gridman is usually very good. Today's felt a little odd.

    1. I too had the same doubt initially! But on referring to, I got the following meaning for LIST:
      list 5 (lĭst) Archaic
      v. list·ed, list·ing, lists
      To be pleasing to; suit.
      To be disposed; choose.
      A desire or inclination.

    2. I have given a link to the dictionary meaning of LAKIER over the word. Check it out

    3. Thank you, Mr Kolluru and Colonel! Surprising to find Gridman resorting to obscure words (I'm not complaining; just commenting)...

    4. Got cleared with FLAKY.
      For my convenience I made it LAKHIER.

  10. The crossing gives LAKIER. But I think what was meant is LACIER?
    Lac is the red resinous substance we use to seal envelopes, etc.
    Not sure is Lac has an alternative spelling...

    1. The explanatory annotation given by Col is perfect. [-f]Lakier is derived from FLAKY meaning tending to form into fragments.
