Satyen Nabar's Sun Spl analysed

Friday, 29 December 2017

No 12201, Friday 29 Dec 2017, Lightning

Today being Friday only the blank clues will be posted. All those who are silent followers of the blog are requested to post answers with annotations in the comments section. There is no limit on how many answers you want to give. In your own interest please avoid looking up the answers from the interactive version. Don't hesitate to post your annotations, in case you make a mistake someone will correct it with the right annotation.

The regular blog will replace the clues at 4 PM after which anyone is free to comment. 

Thanks everyone for the great response. Here is the regular blog 

Taking positions for the SA tour!

1 Cricketer that could form a crowd? (5,3) THIRD MAN [C&DD]
Carefully examined second ceremonial dress with diamonds (6) SCOPED {S}{COPE}{D}
Floodgate in enclosure with cattle (8) PENSTOCK {PEN}{STOCK}
10 Shade drawn in grand walls (6) AWNING [T]
12 Hide in small inlet by river (5) COVER {COVE}{R}
13 Instrument heats oil changing temperature (9) HELIOSTAT {HEATS+OIL}*{T}
14 Walk from second bait (6) STROLL {S}{TROLL}
16 Experts with wit and appeal trap democrat on first show (7) PUNDITS {PUN}{D}{IT}{Show}
19 Failed to contain uranium treated incorrectly (7) MISUSED {MIS{U}SED}
21 At first loud cry is let loose for words of a song (6) LYRICS {Loud}{CRY+IS}*
23 Settle on stretch for fielder (6,3) SQUARE LEG {SQUARE} {LEG}
25 Ditch German fellow missing altogether (5) GULLY {G}{fULLY}
26 Strain mutated in developmental stage of an insect (6) INSTAR*
27 Ordinary worker going inside to get fruit (8) PLANTAIN {PL{ANT}AIN}
28 On the way back, hundred had to put something in writing (6) NOTATE {TON<=}{ATE}
29 They let you hear songs with say heads of English recording studios (8) SPEAKERS {SPEAK}{En...h}{Re...g}{St...s}

1   Subjects to mostly select society’s leader (6) TOPICS {TO}{PICk}{So...y}
2   Invents a primarily overlooked process (9) INNOVATES {INVENTS+A+Ov...d}*  Semi&lit
3   Spend eternity somewhat to discourage (5) DETER [T]
4   A litre of blended cool hard liquor (7) ALCOHOL {A}{L}{COOL+H}*
6   Position of animal examiner essentially wasted (3,6) COW CORNER {COW} {CORoNER} Been following cricket for ages and heard this term for the first time!!
7   Measure to admit old proposition (5) POINT {P{O}INT}
8   Number is excellent, for starters put on a CD (8) DIGITISE {DIGIT}{IS}{Ex...t}
11 Friends counter strike (4) SLAP<=
15 Old bishop with helper that is attentive (9) OBSERVANT {O}{B}{SERVANT}
17 Impress a nice cult organization (9) INCULCATE*
18 Removal of ordinary assignment (8) OMISSION {O}{MISSION}
20 Manage dropping energy in valley (4) DALE D(-e)AL(+e)E
21 Limb’s edge – it could cause a fall (3,4) LEG SLIP {LEGS}{LIP}
22 Cryogen burst out regularly in constellation (6) CYGNUS {CrYoGeN+bUrSt}
24 Annoyed with state park (5) UPSET {UP}{SET}
25 Nag a judge irritated with drug (5) GANJA {NAG+A+J}*



  1. 9a: (enclose=pen, cattle=stock) = penstock. (DD)
    12a: (cove+r) = cover.
    13a: (heats+oil+t)* = heliostat.
    14a: (s+troll) = stroll
    16a: (pun+d (it)+s) = pundits.
    19a: mis(u)sed = misused.
    21a: (l+cry+is)* = lyrics.
    23a: (settle=square; stretch=leg) = square leg (DD).
    25a: g+(-f)ully = gully.
    26a: (strain)* = instar (googled).
    27a: pl(ant)ain = plantain.
    28a: (ton<-)+ate = notate.
    29a: (peaks+e+r+s)* = speakers.
    1d: {to+pic(-k)+s} = topics.
    2d: (invents+a+o)* = innovates. (clue itself is the definition?).
    3d: spenD ETERnity = deter (T).
    4d: (a+l+cool+h)* = alcohol.
    8d: digit+is+e = digitise.
    11d: pals <- = slap.
    15d: o+b+servant = observant.
    17d: (a+nice+cult)* = inculcate.
    18d: o+mission = omission.
    21d: (limb=leg; edge=slip) = leg slip. (DD).
    22d: (CrYoGeN bUrSt ) = cygnus. (odd letters picked up).
    24d: (state=up; park=set) = upset (DD).
    25d: (nag+a+j)* = ganja.
    Answer to 1a is 'third man', but could not relate it to crowd.

    1. Three is a crowd!!
      Well done Venkatesan. Next week onwards you will no longer be a rookie commenter and will have to join the regular commenters :-)

    2. Corrections to anno for 25a & 21d:
      29a: (peaks)* + e+r+s = speakers
      21d: leg's+lip (edge=lip) = leg slip.

    3. Hint : 29A : No anagram and no deletion involved.

    4. 16a pun (d) it s
      4d a L (cool h)*

  2. 10a dr(AWN IN G)rand; Shade = AWNING

  3. 23a stretch = square; SQUARE LEG

    1. Settle = SQUARE and Stretch = LEG as in leg of a journey

  4. 5a ceremonial dress = robe; PROBED ?

  5. Two is company and three is a crowd.

  6. Lightning having a 'Field' day

  7. B N Acharya
    5A SCOPED -second S,Dress COPE diamonds D

  8. 5 A SCOPED (second S ceremonial dress COPE diamonds D)
    6 D COW CORNER (animal COW, CORONER examiner essentially wasted-O at centre removed-(fielding) position

    1. Commendable interpretation. Are you still a rookie, Mr. Acharya?

  9. 7dmeasure-pint,oFrom old,point

  10. Replies
    1. As mentioned last time. You have to provide the annotations also

  11. CV@ 9.10-
    Lightning can also occur on the field-and is there now in the Ashes test at Melbourne!

  12. 20 D DALE (valley) Manage-DEAL drop e down to the end.(

  13. Who qualifies as a Rookie? One who is a raw newbie or one who was solving all these without appearing in the blog here ? As Col said rightly, P. Venkatesan seems to be a regular solver but not seen here before . A newbie can identify himself as to in which category he/she belongs. Any way, those in the closet ( not in the LGT sense !) may
    emerge clean !

    1. I belong to the second category. After seeing a number of rookies appearing in the blog on Fridays recently, I wanted to put myself to test. Writing annos improves solving and makes learning easier. My sincere thanks to the blog.

  14. 9a penstock(pen+stock)
    12a cover(cove+R)
    13a heliostat(heats+oils+t)
    19a misused (mis{u}sed)
    21a lyrics ({L}oud+cry+is)
    26a instar(strain anagram)
    27a plantain (pl{ant}ain)

    1d topics (to +{pic}k + {S}society)
    3d deter (spen{d eter}nity)
    4d alcohol (a+L+cool+h)
    11d slap ( pals<<)
    15d observant (o+b+servant)
    17d inculcate (a nice cult anagram)

  15. 1aBirdman. 10a. Awning 12acover. 9aPenstock 12a. Cover 14a Stroll 19aMisused 21a Lyrics 23a Square leg 27a Plantain 28a Notate 29aSpeakers. 1d. Topics. 2 d. innovates. 3d. Deter. 4d. Alcohol 11d. Slap. 15d. Observant. 17d. Inculcate18d. Omission 20 d. Deal 21d Leg slip 22d. Cygnus. 24d. Upset. 21a. Instar

    1. Rahul,
      No point in listing out the answers like this. You need to provide annotations also

  16. FIELD DAY!!

    There are some PUNDITS in the teaching field who as SPEAKERS dwell on such TOPICS that INCULCATE good habits in the minds of listeners and DETER them from consuming ALCOHOL and smoking GANJA.
    And then we have some pundits who STROLL in green fields and think of LYRICS for cinema songs. The OMISSION and comission part will come later.
    We also have pundits who are music directors. Spinners of tunes in lightning speed. One who gets inspired after dark. One who will NOTATE in krisskross fashion and hand over to the instrmentalists. One who is famous for his GULLY gana songs. All are known. None in COVER as an incognito. There are ardent fans for the. An engineer, a manager, a student, a Dr. X and so on.
    What does UPSET some are when the double entendres are MISUSED.
    Overall what a Grid Man!!

    1. WoW! What a tribute to all setters- beautifully woven with enjoyable LYRICS!!
      The Best so far, which indicates that future ones may beat this as well.
