Satyen Nabar's Sun Spl analysed

Friday, 2 February 2018

No 12230, Friday 02 Feb 2018, Anon

Today being Friday only the blank clues will be posted. All those who are silent followers of the blog are requested to post answers with annotations in the comments section. There is no limit on how many answers you want to give. In your own interest please avoid looking up the answers from the interactive version. Don't hesitate to post your annotations, in case you make a mistake someone will correct it with the right annotation.

The regular blog will replace the clues at 4 PM after which anyone is free to comment. 

Thanks everyone for the response. Here is the regular blog 

1   Accommodating one in factory (6) PLIANT {PL{1}ANT}
4   Say regularly, she’d be unwilling (6) AVERSE {AVER}{ShEd}
9   Hides whisky equipment on Scottish island (4) SKYE [T]
10 Drunken irate chaos at Irish parliament (10) OIREACHTAS*
11 Members, irrational, surround chamber (6) PHALLI {P{HALL}I}
12 Monarch’s taxes are high for long time (8) TALLAGES {TALL}{AGES}
13 Clocks German man at holiday property (9) TIMESHARE {TIMES}{HARE}(~herr) Homophone indicator missing
15 Mother protects first seed of South Africa tree (5) MSASA {M{Seed}A}{SA}
16 Redacts, removes first clause from decrees (5) EDITS EDIcTS
18 Seeks votes for paintings featuring sun (9) CANVASSES {CANVA{S}SES}
22 South Indian father to let out manifest (8) APPARENT {APPA}{RENT}
23 Tramp leads odd aunt with rallying cry (6) SLOGAN {SLOG}{AuNt}
25 Handling professional tax with gin cocktail (10) PROCESSING {PRO}{CESS}{GIN*}
26 Shorten harbour (4) DOCK [DD]
27 Jobless in ship, moves sideways (6) SIDLES {S{IDLE}S}
28 Hawk, at windows, say, is fair game (6) OSPREY {OS}{PREY}

1   Damage, chip oak plant (3,4) PAK CHOI*
2   One boy returns without Eastern morals (5) IDEAL {1}{LA{E}D<=}
3   Tool makes one almost agile (7) NEOLITH {ONE*}{LITHe}
5   Possible to accommodate sailor in base (6) VIABLE {VI{AB}LE}
6   Practices reel regularly at vehicles (9) REHEARSES {ReEl}{HEARSES}
7   Red vase smashed by those who escape (7) EVADERS*
8   Frail newt ran to start commotion with sibling (9,4) FRATERNAL TWIN {FRAIL+NEWT+RAN+To}*
14 Charmed at gate by daughter (9) ENTRANCED {ENTRANCE}{D}
17 Leaves from Spanish band, returns (7) DEPARTS {DE}{STRAP<=}
19 Faces six wise men (7) VISAGES {VI}{SAGES}
20 Bishop formerly condescending, ends apology (7) EXARCHY {EX}{ARCH}{a...gY}
21 Tenant parks ship in shelter in the East (6) LESSEE {LE{SS}E}{E}
24 Stranger to overdose with revolutionary Communist (5) ODDER {OD}{RED<=}



  1. 10D OIREACHTAS- Irish Parlaiment

  2. 6D REHEARSES( Re(el)hearses

  3. 1ac PLIANT I in plant (factory)
    4ac AVERSE aver(say)+SE (she)
    9ac SKYE (T)
    10ac OIREACHTAS Irish parliament
    15ac MSASA s in MA. SA(South Africa)
    16ac EDITS edicts-c
    18ac CANVASSES canvases (paintings)
    featuring S un
    22ac APPARENT appa+rent(let out)
    23ac Slogan slog+ an(AuNt)
    25acProcessing pro+cess(tax)+ing(gin)
    26ac DOCK dd
    27ac SIDLES idle in ss

  4. 14D ENTRANCED = entarnce (gate) + D (daughter)
    17D Departs; de= Spanish for of; Parts = strap (band) reversed

  5. 1dn PAK CHIO
    5dn VIABLE ab(sailor) in vile (base)
    6dn REHEARSES ReEl +hearses(vehicles)
    7dn EVADERS anagram
    8dn fraternal twin frail + newt+ ran+To
    14dn entranced entranced+Daughter
    19dn visages vi(six)+ sages(wise men)
    20dn exarchy ex(former)+arch+apologY
    21dn lessee ss(ship) in lee(shelter)+e

  6. 21D Lessee (as in a rental contract) for tenant; Lee is a sheltered place, E for east

  7. 2dn IDEAS i+saeed without e
    12ac tallages tall+ages

  8. 22D Apparent (South Indian Father: Appa Let out: Rent) -Krishnan.

  9. 24dn order der(red) in or(ovetdose)
    28ac osprey (hawk)

  10. 13ac timesherr times + herr(german man)
    3dn neolith neo(one)+ lithE

  11. 13A: TIMESHARE , clocks=TIMES, German man = HARE, ( holiday property )

  12. 11A PHALLI (plural of phallus ) , irrational = PI around chamber = HALL

  13. 28A: OSPREY ( a hawk), say windows = OS (windows is an operating system ), fair game = PREY

  14. 2d ideal (i) d(e)al boy returns without E????

    1. 'e' is within dal or dal is 'without' e. This is standard CW usage.

  15. 2D: IDEAL -- moral , one = I, boy = LAD reversed ( DAL) E from East

    1. From east is reversal indiacator for lad. For e see above.

    2. Without = outside

      From freedic see point no.5

      without (wɪˈðaʊt)
      1. not having: a traveller without much money.
      2. not accompanied by: he came without his wife.
      3. not making use of: it is not easy to undo screws without a screwdriver.
      4. (foll by a verbal noun or noun phrase) not, while not, or after not: she can sing for two minutes without drawing breath.
      5. archaic on the outside of
      formal outside; outwardly

      So I DAL returned outside E becomes I D(E)AL

  16. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    1. Since Dr Krishnamoorthy's comment had a lot of blank spaces plus a duplicate answer I have deleted his original comment and pasted his answers here
      1a: pliant - pl(i)ant
      4a: averse - aver + s(h)e
      9a: skye - whiSKY Equ........
      10a: oireachtas - irate choas*
      11a: phalli - pi surrounding hall (chamber)
      12a: tallages: tall(high) ages(long time)
      15a: msasa: m(s...)a sa(South Africa)
      18a: canvasses: canvas(s)es
      22a: apparent - appa rent(let out)
      23a: slogan: slog(tramp) + a.n.
      25a: processing - (pro)(cess)(gin*)
      26a: dock(DD)
      27a: sidles - s(idle)s
      28a: osprey - (os)prey

      1d: pak choi: (chip oak)*
      2d: ideal: (i) {d(e)al*}
      3d: neolith - one*+ lith(e){agile}
      5d: viable - vi(ab)le, sailor in vile
      6d: rehearses - r.e. + hearse(vehicle)s
      7d: evaders: (red vase)*
      8d: fraternal twin - (frail newt ran s....)*
      14d: entranced - entrance(gate) + d...
      17d: departs - de + strap<=(band)
      19d: visages - vi(six) + sages(wise men)
      20d: exarchy - ex + arch + y (.......y)
      21d: lessee - ss(ship) in lee(shelter) e(east)
      24d: odder - o...d... red*

  17. There seems to be very many pros amongst the ''amateurs'' here ? or are they silent participants in the blog? If the latter, they ought to feel better f they appeared regularly. Well done, all of you. Today's ANON puzzle is just the right one to make a beginning. Their Grammar in analysis is indeed commendable . God show , folks !

  18. "german man at holiday" is a reference to holiday hare,my understanding.

    1. Holiday property is Timeshare.

    2. As in Sterling resorts in India . I visited one in Siruvani and stayed for two nights. Earlier, one had to be a Member by subs etc but now it is open to all but at a higher than regular Members' rate.

      This is different form HOMESTAY where families rent out a portion for Boarding and Lodging to tourists. Am I right ?

    3. timeshare are more of vacation homes that you own for a part of the year. one gets a fixed time (of the year) per year to stay on sole basis. its mostly owned by few ppl. some commercial ventures sell only the right to stay without ownership. but the time/date is mostly fixed, unlike a holiday booking.

  19. Three commenters posted for the first time here today: George Thomas, Srinivas Gopal and Dr. Krishnamoorthy.
