Satyen Nabar's Sun Spl analysed

Monday, 19 February 2018

No 12244, Monday 19 Feb 2018, Gridman

Answer and anno for 4D left for a rookie commenter till 10 AM.

1   Support at home somehow reset about a problem (11) BRAINTEASER {BRA}{IN}{TE{A}SER*}
9   Brown, dark-stained drinking vessel (7) TANKARD {TAN}{DARK*}
10 He's eying no small, regulated state of cleanliness (7) HYGIENE {HEs+EYING}*
11 Brilliance of strange tale about head of clan (5) ECLAT {E{Clan}AT*}
12 Alert Cole to reform a type of college in the US (9) ELECTORAL*
13 Cover one animal (5) COATI {COAT}{1}
15 Tart breaks cars with a short baton (9) SARCASTIC {CARS*}{A}{STICk}
18 French father's broad smile at Oriental bird (9) PEREGRINE {PERE}{GRIN}{E}

Peregrine Falcon with Kill.jpg

21 Child led by scholar to become construction worker (5) MASON {MA}{SON}
22 Covers around last of the covers (9) ENVELOPES {ENVELOP{thE}S}
24 Sidestep car? (5) DODGE [DD]
26 Hint: insect's among the Poles (7) SMIDGEN {S}{MIDGE}{N}
27 In sum, a couple of learners didn't keep mum (3,4) ALL TOLD {A}{LL} {TOLD}
28 Support New York hit by a fashionable youngster (11) TEENYBOPPER {TEE}{NY}{BOPPER}

1   Ram's prize is a flower (9) BUTTERCUP {BUTTER}{CUP}
2   Cancel article taken from year-book (5) ANNUL ANNUaL
3   Close shave? Close it! (4,5) NEAR THING {NEAR} {THING}
4   Straight dismissal of boy is perpetual (7) E?D?E?S (Addendum - ENDLESS bENDLESS- See comments)
5   Bribe school male rector to admit each (7) SCHMEAR {SCH}{M}{EA}{R}
6   Maker without legal claim (5) RIGHT Anno pending (Addendum - wRIGHT - See comments)
7   Fresh ceremony is said to be causing a complaint (8) NEURITIS (~ new rite is)
8   Coverage's reportedly lower (4) VEIL (~ vile) Not sure of Anno as this homophone is not right (Addendum - (~ vail) - See comments)
14 Nice farewell (2,6) AU REVOIR [CD]
16 Animal doll Maria destroyed (9) ARMADILLO*
17 Against soft competitor (9) CONTENDER {CON}{TENDER}
19 Perhaps Gemini, by keeping quiet, may have an effect (7) IMPINGE {IM{P}INGE*}
20 Election Commission's quashing of stay brings happiness (7) ECSTASY {EC'S}{STAY*}
22 If not, say LL... (4) ELSE (~ l's)
23 Smoker's request is frivolous (5) LIGHT [DD]
25 Daughter's substandard rise results in decline (5) DROOP {D}{POOR<=}



  1. 6D (-w)RIGHT, maker=wright, with out+ delete w, defn = legal claim

    8D VEIL (HP of VAIL), vail= lower

  2. 4D ENDLESS = perptual, (straight = BENDLESS - B (boy) )

  3. Gentle 1A!Typical Gridman fare with some instructive clues and elegant construction.
    21 minutes for this. Did anyone time their solving?What would be the solving time of the Super solvers?Under 10?

  4. If Vasant is not one among them!

    1. Paddy, I am not a Super best I am a steady solver..this I realised in this year's IXL finals..the time of Super solvers were 16 minutes(Ramki, Jose) to 21 minutes. That was also a Gridman puzzle!

  5. Yes, a fast one. Gridman starts his Ac. clues with his favourite support and ends with the golfer's support. All told, we support him all the way for the gentle,breezy brainteaser.

  6. 1d: butt is ram, butter is a milk product. Why butter?

    1. Butter= that which butts=goat, ram, sheep a la flower that which flows= a river

  7. So butter is rammer - ram. Got it.

  8. 1a: brainteaser - bra+in(at home)+(reset*)+a
    15a: sarcastic - (cars*)+a+stic(k)
    18a: peregrine - pere(Fr.father)+grin+e
    7d: neuritis - nu(~new)+rit(~rite)+is
    17d: contender - con(against)+tender(soft)
    19d: impinge - {gemini + p}*
    25d: droop - d+(poor<=)

    1. These are given above by Col. daily (except Fridays) ON other days, we only raise any doubts,queries, additions, alterations etc.

  9. Smooth as butter through a knife. Just the kind for beginners. Truly, I finished this in less than 15 minutes. That doesn't give me any claim to be a super-solver , Vasant.

  10. Rev Spooner & I p'haps suffer from Word processing and preceding succeeding speed ! Honestly, I always typ the next letter before the first word too solon. Dyspellia ?

  11. The Duke of Braganza left Portugal and after what seemed an ENDLESS journey reached Branson.
    The swashbuckling Duke was full of bravado as he had come RIGHT there to solve a BRAINTEASER in the party. He was a top CONTENDER for the cup.

    But a brawny TEENYBOOPER, a brat wearing a golden bracelet wanted to finish first with ECLAT and brag about his win.
    ALL TOLD not a tough one thought the Duke sipping his LIGHT brandy.
    "A word with double support?"
    The Duke wrote nonchalantly :
    A?????????A !!
    He was awarded the brass cup.


  13. 15A. In the sparsing an 'A' remains unaccounted.

  14. Replies
    1. Note "with a" in the clue. Prasad sir, you're probably saying that to the Col.

    2. Yes, sir, that's what I meant to do.
