Satyen Nabar's Sun Spl analysed

Saturday, 24 March 2018

No 12273, Saturday 24 Mar 2018, Gridman

Answer and anno of 26A left for a first time commenter till 10 AM.


1. Number used in operation theatre (11) ANAESTHETIC (CD)
9. Church rigorously beginning to suppress sensuality of group (7) CLUSTER  {C{LUST}E}{Rigorously}
10. Daily's publicity extremely nice for Hitchcock's movie (7) CHARADE {CHAR}{AD}{nicE} Is it a Hitchcock movie? See comments
11. Sudden attack leads to Indian commission taking unusual stance (5) ICTUS (Acrostic)
12. Vagueness of bad mishap involving mother losing article (9) AMORPHISM {MISHAP}* around {MOtheR}
13. Foreigner with one pucca Arab (5) IRAQI ? Anno not clear
15. Powerful // in operation (9) EFFECTIVE (DD)
18. Animal and pest in plane (5,4) TIGER MOTH {TIGER}{MOTH}

21. Marsh was cleaned up by a political representative (5) SWAMP {WAS*}{MP}
22. Celebrity indicates horoscope data (4,5) STAR SIGNS {STAR}{SIGNS}
24. Match-maker's trophy has side stripped (5) CUPID {CUP}{sIDe}
26. Army officer, General, gets direction to meet Irish woman, maybe (7) C?L?E?N (Addendum - COLLEEN {COL}{LEE}{N} - See comments)
27. I therefore drink something in elemental form (7) ISOTOPE {I}{SO}{TOPE}
28. Visionary power to see minute location, say (6,5) SECOND SIGHT {SECOND}{~SITE}


1. Record keeper's cunning visit goes awry (9) ARCHIVIST {ARCH}{VISIT*}
2. Expansively laud Tamil leader for being mature (5) ADULT {LAUD*}{Tamil}
3. A fulfilling person, son ratifies pact (9) SATISFIER {S}{RATIFIES*}
4. Woman's sack with Oriental grass and such (7)  HERBAGE {HER}{BAG}{E}
5. Irritate by withdrawing credit? (4,3) TICK OFF {TICK}{OFF}
6. Restrict credit to a politician (5) CRAMP {CR}{A}{MP}
7. Herb I can endlessly shower in church (8) BASILICA {BASIL}{I}{CAn} What is the role of shower?
8. Support // for a broad smile (4) BEAM (DD)
14. A rug is tornbale bundled out is doubtful (8) ARGUABLE {A+RUG*}{BALE*}
16. Yet sometimes these may fail to give profit to farmers (4,5) CASH CROPS (CD)
17. Suitable old walker at one medical department (9) EXPEDIENT {EX}{PED}{I}{ENT}
19. Cargo in transit is natural (7) ORGANIC {CARGO+IN}*
20. Jute the man has started selling to Scotsman (7) HESSIAN {HE}{'S}{Selling}{IAN}
22. South Indian cooka tired partner? (4) SICK {S}{I}{CK} From the phrase 'sick & tired'
23. Plan details // for glasses (5) SPECS (DD)
25. Probing release of short bit is the point (5) PRONG {PRObiNG}

Reference List
Church=CE, Publicity=Ad, Article=The, Political representative=MP
Son=S, Oriental=E, Credit=Cr, Politician=MP, Old=Ex, Walker=Ped, One=I, Medical department=ENT, Scotsman=Ian, South=S, Indian=I, Cook=Ck

Colour/Font Scheme

DefinitionSolutionComponent lettersEmbedded links, Anagram IndicatorC/C indicatorReversal IndicatorHidden word IndicatorLetter Pick indicatorDeletion IndicatorHomophone IndicatorMovement IndicatorPositional IndicatorSubstitution, IndicatorLink/Connector, Extraneous


  1. Charade is not a Hitchcock movie. I thought I had checked initially. In my subsequent reviews, failed to check. No excuses. Apologies.

    1. You are not very far off-
      and was additionally noted to contain influences of genres such as whodunit, screwball and spy thriller. It has also been referred to as "the best Hitchcock movie that Hitchcock never made"

  2. 26a- COLLEEN..female Irish name
    COL= Army officer LEE= General (Robert Lee?) N= Direction

    1. Good one. I was struggling with 'Gen' for general before getting Lee.

  3. one:I
    pucca is cooked. my unerstanding

  4. Replies
    1. Pucca has no meaning in Dict. Probably intended PUCKA. Still the anno is not clear

    2. Pucca is not cooked. In Hindi Pucca means permanent

    3. Pucca/ Pucka would mean well,typical etc.- here with intent to mean well cooked. But with Arab indication I was not sure if it si Irani or Iraqi

    4. Pucca/ Kacha is used in Civil Engineering to indicate Permanent/ temporary constructions. Permanent may mean proper.

    5. pucca/pukka (->pak->pakwan)(pak shastra) is cooked/ripe. kacha is raw.

    6. My take is
      Pucca Arab means muslim name and here it is Raqi;

    7. Foreigner with one pucca Arab. I- RAQ-I . There are two I s here. Which one stays and which one is elided ? RAQ - the arabic etympology could be as RAKHWALA or an overseer or as in the Islamic term, a conscious keeper ? as in, He's my Raqib . I think when Gridman used the word pucca he meant to indicate a true-blue IRAQI-- a pucca arab? He is the best to clarify , as the COl says !

      Sree_sree's interpretation of PUCCA is too far-fetched !

    8. In Tamil we have heard "Avan oru pucca thirudan" so many times!!!

    9. Pucca is a Hindi word . It has crept in to the English lexicon, like so many others. I wonder, why '' Adhu Vandhu '' which is so common among the Tamilians as a word-filler before they decide to say what they want is not in the English dic !

  5. 18A- Tigermoth was featured in one of the clues in yesterday's ET CW, which made it easy for me.

  6. 11A- yesterday a doubt was raised about Acrostic. This is a typical example with 'leads to' indicating picking of first letters. (they are not std. abbreviations)

  7. 7D- 'Shower' did confuse me too. Can someone explain what is the role of 'Shower' in the clue?

    1. I think it is there for the surface only and acts as a connector.

    2. SHOWER-= sprinkle- an anagram indicator for I CA(-N). HERB=BASIL + I CA(N) This is how I got it !

    3. Raju, there is no anagram in the clue

    4. How about my interpretation-- BASIL + I+ CA(-N ) - can endlessly and shower being the indicator to jumble I+CA ? Your interpretation is too simple ?

    5. BASIL+I+CA(-N) is already BASILICA, why do you want to jumble it?

    6. If so, why SHOWER ? why CHURCH? GOK- Gridman Only Knows !

    7. Raju I am really at a loss when I see your odd questions. Church is the definition

    8. BASILICA ! YOu can find yourself now !

  8. Maybe, to represent something falling from

  9. 13A: I think it is I+RAQI; Raqi refers to someone who has knowledge of Islam. Hence a pucca Arab?

    1. I got this meaning of Raqi in Arabic: elegant, pucca, sophisticated

    2. Great. Gridman was probably waiting for one of us to solve it.

    3. Indeed, I had checked and I must have seen it there only.

  10. 26A Army officer=col, General=Lee, direction = N(orth) gives Colleen
    Manogar, Chennai

  11. 22 down: How CK from cook? No indicator for picking up only first and last letters. Heartless cook would have been better.

    1. In chess notation, ck is 'cook'.

    2. Can you pl. give some ref. for cook/ck in chess notation? I have not come across either so far and I would like to know it.
      I tried to google the same, but so far not able to get it.

    3. I think in chess notation CK is probably check or symbolically notated with +

    4. Standard abbreviation for cook is ck

    5. std abbr used in Navy terminology.

  12. It is used in chess problems. A two- or multiple move problem sometimes may have a cook - a second and a possible solution not intended by the setter. That is a cook. It may be indicated by ck by etc.

  13. Thank you Sir. First time I hear this. Let me dig deeper.

  14. Thank you. Solved most of the clues without help of any sort. A satisficing puzzle. Thanks and regards to Gridman

  15. COLLEEN, the girl with the rimless SPECS, was now an ADULT. CUPID had struck her. She welcomed her IRAQI lover with a BEAM. A shy girl it was love at SECOND SIGHT for her. She wanted the wedding ceremony to take place in the BASILICA.
    But having grown in South India she insisted that an astrologer view both their BIRTH SIGNS and fix the date!!!

    1. Lovely story about Colleen, a South Indian girl

  16. Yes, lovely story about Colleen!
    10 A, Charade was the only confusion!
