Satyen Nabar's Sun Spl analysed

Tuesday, 1 May 2018

No 12305, Tuesday 01 May 2018, Anon

1   Messy food first lady, learner produced (11) DISHEVELLED {DISH}{EVE}{L}{LED}
9   Firm man to rectify salute (7) COMMEND {CO}{M}{MEND}
10 Destroyed silver French coin (6) LIVRES*
France 1793-A 24 Livres.jpg
By National Numismatic Collection, National Museum of American History, Public Domain, Link
11 Relating to birth of South Africa region (5) NATAL [DD]
12 Fish, caught in odd spear, to flee (7) SCARPER {S{CARP}pEaR}
15 Manufactured new form of mead (4) MADE*
16 Increased support for one to access first door (10) PROPAGATED {PROP}{A}{GATE}{Door}
18 Trouble of retirement overwhelms heads of Channel Islands (10) SOLICITUDE {SOLI{C}{I}TUDE}
20 Tennis player won cricket tournament? Almost! (4) ASHE ASHEs
23 One thinking of entertaining (7) AMUSING {A}{MUSING}
24 Heartless heretic from South stumbles (5) REELS Anno pending (Addendum - {REbEL}{S} - See comments)
26 Italian house loses last three drugs (6) MEDICI MEDICInes
27 Stifle parents from end to end (7) SMOTHER (+s)MOTHER(-s)
28 New form of song therapy in shorthand (11) STENOGRAPHY*

2   One handles principles (6) IDEALS {1}{DEALS}
3   Conceal skin (4) HIDE [DD}
4   Cook loved piece of tricycle (10) VELOCIPEDE*
By User Vxvx on en.wikipedia -  Public Domain, Link
5   Purchase at bar, a regular Glen (8) LEVERAGE {LEVER}{A}{GlEn}
6   Pixies lose ends of laces, lie on mountain (7) EVEREST {ElVEs}{REST}
7   Emoticons confuse Keynes, for one (9) ECONOMIST*
8   Acted as cashier from first to last (6) EMOTED (-d)EMOTE(+d)D
13 Going through the motions before moving (10) PRETENDING {PRE}{TENDING}
14 Leader exited graveyards, confused by competitor (9) ADVERSARY gRAVEYARDS*
17 Cut three scientists on first ship to Israel (8) SCISSION {SCIe...s}{{Ship}{SION}
19 Sheep specialist is aglow (7) LAMBENT {LAMB}{ENT}
21 Rage in Parsee theatre (6) SEETHE [T]
22 Pin children, all but one, to church (6) BROOCH {BROOd}{CH}
25 Starts asking student insights about continent (4) ASIA Acrostic



  1. 24a I took it as Rebel (heretic) -b (i.e. heartless) + S (South) = REELS (stumbles)

  2. Good solving. 'From the South' was a little confusing & distracting.
    A few left to be learned from the blog.
    19d- def. aglow to be highlighted.

    1. From->origin/source rarely comes to mind.

  3. 17D- scissors derived from scission?

  4. 'from' in that clue doesn't play a proper part in the anno, I think. Does it?

  5. Though it was a fairly quick solve, found the puzzle a bit disquieting strangely. Maybe because of a few strange surfaces like 9A, 26A, 28A,4D,;6D.on the other hand liked the clues of 16A, 18A.

  6. Sunday special stock running low. I have just two left in the kitty, both by KKR. Please send in your CWs for publication

  7. The bouncer and the dancer - Part 23

    As the LAMBENT tail lamps of the speeding car disappeared in the darkness, Gombu returned to the florist's shop. No DISHEVELLED look.


    Was MADE of such stuff that he could take an ADVERSARY head on at times in an AMUSING manner. Born and brought up in ASIA, he wore many caps. Learnt mountaineering in the foothills of the EVEREST and had scaled it twice. Was an ECONOMIST from LSE and even had two (twins) from the MEDICI family as his classmates. Joined the army in America. Played tennis with ASHE. Was RECOMMENDED and deputed to NATAL and later to Nigeria on a secret mission.
    One could go on. But what is to be noted is that with his knowledge of STENOGRAPHY he had made in shorthand and kept it in a sealed cover.
    What was in that cover? Was it that cover he had handed over to SS?

  8. (he had made a list in shorthand)

  9. Some doubts:
    1A. Led = produced? (led to, probably)
    5D. Purchase = leverage?
    8D. Acted = emoted. Parsing not clear to me. What is the role of cashier?
    13D. Tending = moving?

    1. Purchased is used in the sense of grip, leverage etc. and is commonly used in tech. jargon.
      Tending is moving towards doing something.

    2. Purchase in "mech terminology the advantage given by a lever"
      Produce is to "direct" a play
      Tending:incline/move to lean
      All at

  10. 8D I find cashier mentioned as a synonym for demote

    1. Yes.
      Though strange it has appeared earlier.

    2. Cashier also means to sack from the position-- maybe of army origin?

      Purchase : You hold a Jemmy and use it get a purchase to pluck something out , may be.
