Satyen Nabar's Sun Spl analysed

Tuesday, 15 May 2018

No 12317, Tuesday 15 May 2018, KrisKross

1   Preserve jam (6) PICKLE [DD}
4   Drunk after consuming whiskey, one left at 6 p.m. say (8) TWILIGHT {T{W}{1}{L}IGHT}
10 Designed extremely serene, green IT Park (9) SERENGETI {Se..nE+GREEN+IT}*
11 After half-time, general free-for-all (5) MELEE {tiME}{LEE}
12 Challenge student to wear formal gown in the evening (7) PROBLEM {P{ROB{L}E}M}
13 Easily influenced president to stay in charge (7) PLASTIC {P}{LAST}{IC}
14 It is used to draw a king or queen perhaps (5) RULER [DD]
15 Second team in the auditorium gets minute for a critical review (8) SCRUTINY {S}(~crew){CRU}{TINY}
18 "American in Paris", perhaps? No — he's from another part of Europe (8) PRUSSIAN {PR{US}SIA*}{N}
20 Caught in delugea great flood (5) EAGRE [T]
23 Insulting a coach, essentially cursing at very end of game (7) ABUSIVE {A}{BUS}{cursIng}{V}{gamE} Not excactly 'essentially' KrisKross seems to have overlooked the 'S' in bus.
25 Borders of Europe controlled by Iron Lady (7) PEERESS {P{Eu..pE}RESS}
26 I spot nursing institution making dope (5) IDIOT {I}{D{I}OT}
27 I say, Frank's turnaround is a revelation (3-6) EYE-OPENER (~ I){EYE}-{OPEN}{RE<=}
28 Cabbage dressing — working girl's diet (8) CONGRESS {C{ON}{G}RESS}
29 At the entrance of airport, approval to start erecting small terminals (6) ANODES {Ai...t}{NOD}{Er...g}{S}

1   Graduate left to get document (8) PASSPORT {PASS}{PORT}
2   Group of travellers, mostly run around playing polo (7) CARPOOL {CA}{R}{POLO*} (Addendum - {RACe<=}{POLO*} - See comments}
3   Turn over envelopes with dead son's letters (9) LANDLORDS {ROLL<=} over {AND} with {D}{S}
5   Young, impudent member of the paparazzi? (14) WHIPPERSNAPPER {WHIPPER}{SNAPPER}
 Liberal Victorian heroine makes a proposition (5) LEMMA {L}{EMMA}
7   New tagline for jelly (7) GELATIN*
8   Where you could find men in depression? (6) TRENCH [C&DD]
9   A young lady — one around seven — starting to spell 'laissez-faire' (14) PERMISSIVENESS {PER}{MISS}{1}{SEVEN*}{Spell}
16 Following that article about conversion of pound, Germany moved out (9) THEREUPON {THE}{RE}{POUNd}*
17 Millions begin to emigrate when divided by certain laws (8) MEASURES {M}{Em...e}{A{SURE}S}
19 Party over — a French champion retires (7) REUNION {RE}{UN}{NO1<=}
21 Gathered information from a legend (7) GLEANED*
22 Setter goes through many articles about Jack the Ripper, maybe (6) MANIAC {M}{AN}{I}{A}{C}
24 Learner shortly lay down to rest (5) INTER INTERn


Bhargav's Talepiece

The bouncer and the dancer - Part 36

There was no immediate danger from the tee shirt guy who turned out to be half-MANIAC,  just another tourist.

The SMS message from CONGRESS turned out to be an EYE OPENER. The security measures in DCC were MINIMAL.

While they were going round DCC a PRUSSIAN wearing a coat with a "V" logo stopped SS.

"PASSPORT. Where is your passport? Come, you have been summoned for SCRUTINY."  SS was taken away to an inner room.  THEREUPON he was asked to handover the envelope given to him by Gombu.

SS came out with a sigh of relief and joined Kayal and the others. He felt that with the handing over of the envelope all his PROBLEMS were over.

TWILIGHT had set in when they returned to the hotel. Lily felt very happy on their REUNION.

What happened next?


  1. In Manglore. Had a wonderful evening yesterday with Richard. Talking crossword, Hindi films, Hindi film songs.
    Yet to do today's puzzle. Still searching for the print edition.

    1. Thanks Vasant. We remembered many regular bloggers. Ramesh may recall the memories of his last visit with his family. Mangalore - now officially Mangaluru - now boasts of India's first and thus far the only 3-D planetarium. I wish you had the time to visit it. As they say, there is always the next time. My sincere thanks to Paddy and the Colonel for giving Vasant my contact details.

    2. Welcome Richard. Nice to hear from you after a long time.
      I miss not only your participation in the blog but also your monthly Amul ads. My no. is 98840 42171. You may share with me on whatsapp.

    3. Paddy, I have your number and you have WhatsApp contact with me.

  2. Replies
    1. Or is he talking abt SI curse!

    2. That is why Col. has said that he hs overlooked the S in bus and taken 'SI' as essentially cursing.

    3. Yes, KrisKross indeed missed the bus!

    4. On second thoughts, I think it is overlooking of I only. Because essentially can pick up either one or three letters from CURSING.

  3. Replies
    1. Good one KKR. I was about to ask for clarification for 'CA' when I saw this.

  4. CGB's tailpiece has become a headpiece!

  5. Bhargav has sent me a sketch also with his Talepiece which I forgot to add. Will do so later after I get back home

  6. 27 I say, Frank's turnaround is a revelation (3-6) EYE-OPENER (~ I){EYE}-{OPEN}{RE<=}

    RE for?

  7. around = RE
    turn = reversal indicator

  8. Looks like turn id RE and turnaround is its reversal ER. But I am also unable to understand how we get RE from turn.

  9. Apologies for the mistake in 23A. I intended the parsing to be A BUS I V E, but wrongly clued "essentially cursing" for I, while it actually points to S. Really careless error - will try to be more careful in the future :(

  10. Got the print edition in the morning but could get to solve in the evening. For a long time was flummoxed at the SW corner until inter and idiot fell. Liked 5D, 9D, 13A,15A, 27A. Thanks KrisKross.
