Satyen Nabar's Sun Spl analysed

Thursday, 21 March 2019

No 12579, Thursday 21 Mar 2019, Incognito

Land ahoy!

8   Comedian's spirit found at the bottom of Pandora's box (4) HOPE [MD]
9   In geography, landforms conceal subdivisions of kingdoms (5) PHYLA [T]
10 Elliptical like POTUS' office (4) OVAL [DD]
11 Some kind of pig's money? (6) GUINEA [DD]
12 Breeze followed by rain was an unexpected bonus (8) WINDFALL {WIND}{FALL}
13 Dress suitable for islands (8) BERMUDAS [DD]
15 Word said during shooting? (6) CHEESE [CD]
17 War where America intercedes between Costa Rica and Germany (7) CRUSADE {CR}{USA}{DE}
19 One comes in and one goes out of a town in European country (7) BELGIUM BELG(-a+1)IUM
22 Guide soldiers to river (6) MENTOR {MEN}{TO}{R}
24 Dog with tail docked, preceded live royal soldier and another dog (8) DOBERMAN {DOg}{BE}{R}{MAN}
26 Practice about the funerary vehicle (8) REHEARSE {RE}{HEARSE}
28 Type of beans or trays (6) KIDNEY [DD]
30 Petty criminal seen at South Pole, initially, with four Romans following (4) SPIV {S}{Pole}{IV}
31 Officer commanding takes each man finally to a large body of water (5) OCEAN {OC}{EA}{maN}
32 Trot back, resulting in a contravention (4) TORT<=

1   Flying saucer goes back after time to get some food (4) TOFU {T}{UFO<=}
2   Writer discloses identity of literary psuedonyms (3-5) PEN-NAMES {PEN}{NAMES}
3   Mountainous region in state territory (6) UPLAND {UP}{LAND}
4   Cleaning of optical organ? Bunkum! (7) EYEWASH {EYE}{WASH}
5   Man leaves manacle behind farm building to get marine creature (8) BARNACLE {BARN}{manACLE}
6   Sweet for nob with two notes (6) TOFFEE {TOFF}{E}{E}
7   Welshman returns armour (4) MAIL<=
14 Lake surrounds round unknown eagle's nest (5) EYRIE {E{Y}RIE}
16 Puts up a Buddhist reliquary (5) STUPA {PUTS<=}{A}
18 Place where one may see things developing (8) DARKROOM [CD]
20 VKS Padukone, master of French race (4,4) GURU DUTT {GURU}{DU}{TT}
21 Stuck to present day, present location decision at first (7) ADHERED {AD}{HERE}{De...n}
23 Dozen of these can be gross! (6) TWELVE [CD]
25 Island wear (6) BIKINI [DD]
27 See Eastern secret agent (4) ESPY {E}{SPY}
29 Make money in the midst of learning (4) EARN [T]

Bhargav's Talepiece


TWELVE in a hot afternoon day.

Paul In his BERMUDAS ADHERED to his MENTOR'S instructions in the REHEARSAL and said "CHEESE".

The song was to be GURU DUTT's Sun sun sun Zalima...

All of a sudden - the girl emerged from the DARK ROOM wearing a BIKINI.

One could see HOPE in Paul's eyes....

What happened next?



  1. 1a pithus confines the spirits/souls. Is it MD? Or dd!

  2. I am not sure if the setter intended this to be a themed crossword. But yes the yellowed words do have a commonality- something to do with oceans, ships, undersides of ships, sailing, where ships may land, how ships may veer away from destination, women on the beach, etc. Setter to clarify.

    1. Your observation is perfectly correct, Sir. There was no 'intended' theme in this puzzle, though as you say, there is a tang of salty sea breeze ...

    2. After looking at a leopard for a prolonged period, and then looking at a blank wall, one starts seeing spots on the wall :-)

    3. Happy HOLI to yr-all. Enjoyed this un HOLI puzzle but more than this the Hindi shabdhakosh from the same setter with Schuchi. Made my HOLI day , after submitting it. It took more time for me to key in the annotations in Englishindi than the time for solving it ! Wish someone brings in an Online version for Hindi crosswords or is there already one ?

  3. Happy Holi!
    What better way to celebrate! A themed Incognito puzzle, a tale piece celebrating the legendary film maker, the sound of dhols beating, gulal flying in the air, partaking of thandai and bhang and Gujias.

    1. The Gujias! You've stolen my heart.

    2. But then I don't play Holi, as you know ;-)

      For those who don't know why, and want to know, please see:

  4. Please explain DD and MD

    1. DD is Double Definition
      and MD Multiple Definition...
