Satyen Nabar's Sun Spl analysed

Thursday, 16 May 2019

No 12627, Thursday 16 May 2019, Hypatia

8   Shoot artist portraying sweetheart in court (6) BRANCH B(-e+ra)RANCH
9   Perhaps a younger Tony Stark, felt cold in metal clothing? (8) IRONCLAD {IRON{C}LAD}
10 She admires daughter's attempt to hold article and dance (8) FANDANGO {FAN}{D}{AN}{GO}
11 Bit by Hardy, heading out for seconds (6) SLIVER (-o+s)SLIVER
12 Anxious to consume cereal, the Reverend said (8) CAREWORN {(-w+c)CARE(-c+w)WORN}
13 Tea took forever, after taking lid off (6) OOLONG {tOO LONG}
14 Fixed hip, although with one large insertion (2-5) IN-BUILT {IN}{BU{1}{L}T}
17 Insist, as he dared to keep hidden (7) STASHED [T]
20 Look inside/out and get ready to fire again (6) RELOAD {RE{LO}AD}
22 They nearly miss totals or answer in fractions (4-4) ALSO-RANS [T]
25 Pets scratch man's documents (6) PAPERS PAmPERS
26 Dryer for the whole boarding school (3,5) TEA CLOTH {TEAC{LOT}H}
27 Say, liquor always kept in pouch with drug (8) BEVERAGE {B{EVER}AG}{E}
28 Drop down after amputation of a foot, in pain (6) ABSEIL {A{BaSE}IL}

1   Persist in rating a young leader, badly (3,5) TRY AGAIN {RATING+A+Yo..g}*
2   Say, study nothing about tense (2,4) ON EDGE {EG}{DEN}{O}<=
3   According to sources, Sanatana (Hinduism) is now the oldest religion (6) SHINTO Acrostic
4   Denies one's spiking drinks (7) DISOWNS {D{1'S}OWNS}
5   He's prepared for Cosby (3,5) BOY SCOUT {COSBY}* [RA] Not a fair RA in my opinion
6   He had a weakness and piled on pounds without trouble (8) ACHILLES {ACH{I}{LL}ES} I from? (Addendum - {ACH{ILL}ES} - See comments)
7   Brown bottles, say Spooner returned to bar (6) TAVERN {TA{REV<=}N}
15 Replaced partners initially in major tournament, extremely exhausted but not out (8) UNOPENED {U(-s+n)N OPEN}{Ex...eD}
16 Read lots about "Guide" (8) LODESTAR*
18 Relatively well known person in nineties novel? (8) EINSTEIN*
19 Even more hydrogen's absorbed by natural gas manufacturer? (7) FARTHER {FART{H}ER}
21 Happy leader got fired from behind (6) ELATED Anno pending (Addendum - bELATED - See comments)
23 This Sorcerer takes rest to cause harassment (6) SHAMAN HArAsSMeNt* [CA]
24 Hated how it's related to sauce? (6) RELISH [CD?] (Addendum - (REL IS H for relATED to become hATED - See comments)

Reference List
Artist = RA, Cold = C, Article = AN, Hip = IN, Large = L, Drug = E, Pound = L, (Reverend)Spooner = REV, Partners(In Bridge) = N,S,E,W,



  1. Replies
    1. I too thought so. But a simple behind will mean belated? I thought behind schedule or behind time!

    2. That is why I put in the anno as at 8:35

    3. 5.
      late in accomplishing a task.
      "I'm getting behind with my work"

    4. Thanks Prasad - That's exactly how I intended it.

  2. Replies
    1. Some of it gets easier as you get used to the setter's style of thinking.

  3. Favourite was 18d.Relatively well known was nicely done. 19d was risqué 😉

    1. I had hearty laugh after anno[y]ing clue!

    2. If the laugh is for 19d. +1

    3. Thanks Vasant:) Glad you had a laugh, KKR and Ram :) Apologies if it was offensive to anyone.

    4. +1 for Ram.
      Einstein was well done too.
      Did it much earlier to all of you from here in U.S., but could not share the joy.

    5. Thanks Paddy. Glad you enjoyed it. One of the perks of living abroad is that we get to try the crossword before others :) Hope you are enjoying your vacation with family.

    6. Sowmya/Paddy:I am soon join your ranks:-)

    7. Vacation or Work - Vasant?

  4. 24d related becomes hated when rel is h.

    1. Wow! Great cracking and great clue!

    2. Great solve Prasad. Well done indeed. This one seems to have stumped quite a few people in our Facebook groups too.

  5. 6d pound(s):ache(s) trouble:ill ACH(ill)ES, IMU.

    1. Exactly - Aches = Pounds and ILL is trouble. Piling on (Aches) Without (ILL) - Is the Container/Content indicator

  6. Superb brainwork is what comes to mind on this hypnotizing compilation. Thanks Sowmyaji.

  7. Replies
    1. Thanks for the feedback LV and a special thanks for test solving

  8. Commenting from my first mobile!
    I really liked this puzzle and the setter challenged me to the full.

    1. Congrats on the new mobile Srinidhi and glad you enjoyed it :) Hope you like tomorrow's grid too..Will look out for your incisive annotations :)

  9. First mobile?!
    Yes, her puzzles are always challenging but interesting and solvable with some effort.

  10. Sorry for the really late comments. 9A was enjoyable. Keen fans of Marvel comics would know of another separate character called Iron Lad who had his own comic series. His alter ego name was Nate Richards.
