1 Dodgy download offered by the French: it'll infect the others (3,5) BAD APPLE {BAD APP}{LE}
5 'Unopposed vacuous tycoon' describes president squandering billions (2,1,3) TO A MAN {O
10 Sandwich sandwiches fizz and 'fudge!' (5,2) BLAST IT {BL{ASTI}T}
11 What you get if a plan's ill-conceived? (2,1,4) IN A FLAP* &lit
12 Film-maker, vile creature, changing sides (5) LOACH (-r+l)LOACH
13 Boozy yob's unexpectedly got allure (5,4) LAGER LOUT*
14 Masseuse pounds foot, gives blessing (6-6) RUBBER-STAMPS {RUBBER}{STAMPS}
18 So far, Skype IT malfunctioning? Oh, come on (3,5,4) FOR PITYS SAKE*
21 More-or-less learning to fly across England (2,7) IN GENERAL {LEARNING}* over {E}
23 Shout out to Antarctica (5) SOUTH*
24 Consume slice of meat in toastie (3,4) EAT INTO [T]
25 Exhausting American in grump regularly (5,2) USING UP {US}{IN}{G
26 Bronze: tin containing uranium, nitrogen and tantalum (6) SUNTAN {S{U}{N}{TA}N}
27 Queen pursues 'favourite' to criticise 'eternal youth' (5,3) PETER PAN {PET}{ER}{PAN}
1 Rabbit on bundle containing books (6) BABBLE {BA{B}{B}LE}
2 Spicy madras produces sensations (6) DRAMAS*
3 Aromatic oil, dressing on distilled coulis (9) PATCHOULI {PATCH}{
4 Symbol for 'toilet' shiftily excluding female! (6,4,4) LITTLE BOYS ROOM* Semi&lit
6 Live with Dyson Airblade missing parts (2,3) ON AIR [T]
7 Political figure seen at local recycling in 2010 (7,1) MALCOLM X {LOCAL}* in {MMX}
8 Putting me in post dodgily? (8) NEPOTISM*
9 US blogger, lib, is feeble wimp (3,5,6) BIG GIRLS BLOUSE*
15 Kicks back and captures man alive in bingo hall (5,4) TAKES FIVE {TAKES}{FIVE}
16 Bureaucrats in charge fenced in by tenders (8) OFFICERS {OFF{IC}ERS}
17 Town in Belgium? Absolutely (8) BRIGHTON {B}{RIGHT ON}
19 Ended the call, being anxious (4-2) HUNG-UP [DD]
20 Romantic figure: 'Cold? I'll give you a lift' (6) CHOPIN {C}{HOP IN}
22 Assassin in Japan's concealed? (5) NINJA [T] Assassin on Double duty
Special at 10:30 by Raju
ReplyDelete22 semi &lit!