Satyen Nabar's Sun Spl analysed

Saturday, 15 October 2022

No 13686, Saturday 15 Oct 2022, Afterdark


1   Fight about very loud clamour primarily, as to new jackets (6,5) DUFFEL COATS {DU{FF}EL}{Cl...r}{AS+TO}*
9   Part of Colombo perhaps has best retreats (7) PORTION {PORT}{NO 1<=}
10 Petty Officer received bizarre cable on sham drug (7) PLACEBO {P{CABLE*}O}
11 Powerless people get agitated and run away (5) ELOPE PEOpLE*
12 Had people in Trinidad & Tobago to follow special communication (9) STATEMENT {ATE}{MEN} in {TT}<=>{S}
13 Argue to sack captain and get Stokes for vision (5) SIGHT (-f+s)SIGHT
15 Necessary to get rickshaw, mother has 101 tasks primarily while returning (9) AUTOMATIC {AUTO}{MA} and{C1}{Ta..s}<=
18 Logical to call engineer about sign of nervousness (9) DIALECTIC {DIAL}{CE<=}{TIC}
21 Primarily, short story is insipid (5) STALE {Sh..t}{TALE}
22 Mercurial? It'll cease being heavenly (9) CELESTIAL*
24 Centre curator hiding? Will happen again (5) RECUR [T]
26 Los Angeles company importing writing liquid by partnership (7) LINKAGE {L{INK}A}{GE}
27 Was advised 'be like one in hundred' for support (7) BASTION {(~be)B}{AS}{T{1}ON} 
28 Writers get qualified after Sid's backtracking made them unnecessary (11) DISPENSABLE {PENS}{ABLE}<=>{SID<=}


1   Demand indeed is down... (9) DEPRESSED {DE{PRESS}ED}
2   ...give up fellow, else leave (5) FORGO {F}{OR}{GO}
3   Hurriedly enter English film after it starts, in the middle (9) EPICENTRE {ENTER}*<=>{E}{PIC}
4   Game is as American as Tamil somewhat (7) CANASTA [T]
5   A shop in the borders; stop to get a petroleum byproduct (7) ASPHALT {A}{ShoP}{HALT}
6   But take time to deflect (5) STAVE {S{T}AVE} That would be 'stave off'
7   Condition of people in German (East) territory's primarily the best in retirement (8) DEMENTIA {D}{E}{MEN}{Te...y}{A1<=}
8   Typeface of Arabic seen on book (4) FONT {OF<=}{NT}
14 2G coverage for artist? Yes, near lake (inside) to fish (8) GRAYLING {G}{RA}{Y}{L}{IN}{G}
16 Decline to go to films? Have reservations (9) MISTRUSTS {MIST{RUST}S}
17 Open a church with permission (9) CLEARANCE {CLEAR}{AN}{CE}
19 Heartless trainers collecting atrocious price and muscle (7) TRICEPS {Trai{PRICE*}nerS}
20 Almost contact intelligence bureau regarding faculty... (7) CALIBRE {CALl}{IB}{RE}
22 ...keeping students behind college front entrance in jail (4) CELL {LL}<=>{C}{En...e}
23 Minors cycling in grassland (5) SWARD (+s)SWARD(-s)
25 Setter's in pound after canine's scramble (5) CLIMB {L{I'M}B}<=> {C}

Reference List

Very loud = FF, Best = No 1, Petty Officer = PO, Power = P, Had = ATE, Trinidad and Tobago = TT, Special = S, Stokes = S, Rickshaw = AUTO, Mother = MA, Hundred = C, Engineer = CE, Sign of nervousness = TIC, Los Angeles = LA, Company = GE, Like = AS, Hundred = TON, Writers = PENS, Get qualified = ABLE
Demand = PRESS< Fellow = F, English = E, Film = PIC, But = SAVE, Time = T, German = D, East = E, Best = A1, Book = NT(New Testament), Artist = RA, Yes = Y, Lake = L, Decline = RUST, Films = MISTS, Church = CE, Intelligence Bureau = IB, Regarding = RE, Students = LL, College = C, Pound = LB, Canine = C

Colour/Font Scheme

DefinitionSolutionComponent lettersEmbedded linksTheme word Reference list wordAnagram IndicatorC/C indicatorReversal IndicatorHidden word IndicatorLetter Pick indicatorDeletion IndicatorHomophone IndicatorMovement IndicatorPositional IndicatorSubstitution IndicatorOpposite indicatorLink/Connector, Extraneous



  1. A few wordplays are complicated, but liked 2G coverage.

  2. 22A- Cease to be shaded pink- part of anagram.

  3. Thank you Afterdark. esp.12a, remembering my transfer letter for Trinidad & Tobago in the year 2011.

  4. Very nice clues. Got about 75%. Can someone please elaborate TIC and FF?

    1. fortissimo music (abbreviation ff) adverb in a very loud manner. adj very loud.
      tic noun a habitual nervous involuntary movement or twitch of a muscle, especially of the face.
      Please check here (for most doubts are cleared)

  5. Tough today. Took 50 mins, but completed. My fav - CLEARANCE, DEPRESSED.
