Satyen Nabar's Sun Spl analysed

Wednesday, 15 March 2023

No 13813, Wednesday 15 Mar 2023, Vidwan

Solution to 22A has been deliberately left unsolved and is to be answered only by a non-regular / novice commenter, with proper annotation. Those who have answered earlier in the week, please give others a chance.

1   Novel - extremely scoundrelly and full of gossips (5) NEWSY {NEW}{Sc...lY}
4   Angry 'hot' song used for targeting (9) CROSSHAIR {CROSS}{H}{AIR}
9   Cultivator initially comes for work to an unknown retailing establishment (7) GROCERY {GRO(-w+c)CER}{Y}
10 Boy quietly left, one not secure or enduring (7) ETERNAL {pETER}{NAiL}
11 Desperate, she tried securing my root chakras (5-4) THIRD-EYES {SHE+TRIED}* over {mY}
13 Average time required (5) MEANT {MEAN}{T}
14 Come to see naked sponsors of terrorism (3) ISI vISIt
15 Taking no good parts? That is smart! (9) INGESTING {I{N}{G}E}{STING}
18 Stewart for example - popular artist! (5) RODIN {ROD}{IN}
20 A bird preys essentially by cutting one quick! (5) EAGLE {prEys}{AGiLE}
22 Caught, say along with forbidden rank (3-3-3) O?T-AN?-O?T (Addendum - OUT-AND-OUT {OUT}{AND}{OUT} - See comments)
25 Purpose: Demand sanctioning of Casual Leave (3) AIM clAIM
26 One quietly tucked into couch with 2 feet (5) BIPED {B{1}{P}ED}
27 European from Greenland possibly (9) ENGLANDER*
30 Love to write and sing outdoors (4,3) OPEN AIR {0}{PEN}{AIR}
31 Virginia Spear's decorative drapery (7) VALANCE {VA}{LANCE}
32 Controversial article about diplomat at the forefront (9) HERETICAL {ARTICLE}*<=>{HE}
33 Hound's tough! (5) BULLY [DD}

1   Spooner's shining weapon for after-work parties (9) NIGHTLIFE (~light knife to nightlife)
2   Fly over a day in Jewish state (7) WYOMING {W{YOM}ING}
3   Yes, that is extremely limited harvest (5) YIELD {Y}{IE}{Li...eD}
4   Actor occasionally seen over fifty two years, warily rejecting approaches (5) COYLY {aCtOr}{Y}{L}{Y}
5   Management of error (9) OVERSIGHT [DD]
6   Something that decreases speed in remote fashion (5,4) STEAM IRON {S}{IN+REMOTE}* Correction to clue received from Vidwan. Still there is an Extra E and now a missing A.
7   Any darn liberal philosopher (3,4) AYN RAND*
8   Give up?! Lease again! (5) RELET RELEnT
12 High tea snack (3) EAT*
16 Constant state of sad, loveless drifts (9) STEADFAST {STATE+oF+SAD}*
17 Cubic-shaped moist rice (9) ISOMETRIC*
19 I try one to start scandal (9) NOTORIETY*
21 Clothing/dresses/apparel (basically party skirts) for academic break (3,4) GAP YEAR {G{Ap...l}{PartY}EAR}
23 Answer: 50 + 50 = 100% (3) ALL {A}{L}{L}
24 Some record in a logbook or service book (7) ORDINAL [T]
26 An assassin's stand (5) BOOTH [DD]
28 Judge uses it right away to confuse (5) GAVEL GrAVEL
29 Improvisation of plans laid out beforehand at start (2-3) AD-LIB {LAID}*{Be...d}

Reference List
Hot = H, Work = W, Unknown = Y, Quietly = P, Time = T, No = N, Good = G, Casual leave = CL, Diplomat = HE(His Excellency), Yes = Y, Fifty = L, Year = Y, Answer = A, Right = R


  1. Despite solving now for a long time, I'm always confused when I see the word 'basically'. Do you use the first letter/middle letter(s) or end letters of the word following 'basically'.

    1. As Col. has marked it, it is apparel basically is A and party skirts is P & Y.

    2. Skirts here means 'edges' of p(art)y

    3. From Free Dictionary at point No.4

      Skirt(Noun) : An outer edge; a border or margin: a base camp on the skirt of the mountain.

    4. Basically used to mean only the first letter for a long long time not far away from now.

  2. 6D, the word 'speed' is missing in print edition.

    1. 6D, print edition says... ' in a remote fashion ' . A is there but S(peed) is missing.

  3. 6D- No extra E. (In Reomte A)* giving Steam Iron.
    A is there in print edition- as 'a remote', but as RR points out Speed is missing in print edition.

    1. Paddy remote has 2 Es while steam iron has only 1.

    2. I thought the setter meant
      Decrease (s in a remote) - fashion.
      But the correction stumped me.

  4. Can the world remote itself be a deletion indicator, thus the last letter e is deleted.?

  5. Typo. Read word instead of world

  6. 22 OUT-AND-OUT meaning Rank (like rank horrible).
    Caught, say is OUT (mode of cricket dismissal)
    Along with is AND
    Forbidden is OUT

  7. Mean is require?! Mean T fir required? Just tense change.
    Is it Kosher now a days?

  8. Required= Meant. Right, isn't it? No tense change there.
    Mean from average

    1. Meant is the past tense of mean.

    2. @ Prasad - I had 2 doubts yday. Whenever u find time, can u kindly check? Thanx

    3. Meant is past tense. So is the def.- Required.

  9. Completed Vidwan! An achievement. Could not parse Steam Iron. OUT AND OUT - my cod.
