Satyen Nabar's Sun Spl analysed

Tuesday, 15 October 2024

No 14305, Tuesday 15 Oct 2024, KrisKross

Solution to 24A has been deliberately left unsolved and is to be answered only by a non-regular / novice commenter, with proper annotation. Those who have answered earlier in the week, please give others a chance.

Open for anyone to answer, if not solved by 1 PM.

1   Plant is copper-coloured - basically brown (8) CUCUMBER {CU}{Co...d}{UMBER} 
5   Raises popular fruit (6) UPSHOT {UPS}{HOT}
9   All in train ride welcomed by ticket-seller (5,3) TIRED OUT {RIDE}* in {TOUT}
10 American city from the East, most attractive, very close to Houston (6) TUCSON {CUTe<=}{SO}{h...oN}
12 Say, I am primarily obsessive, narcissistic, craving attention desperately (9) EGOMANIAC {EG}{I+AM+Ob...e+Na...c+Cr...g+At...n}* &lit
13 Closing section of song about Rome, partly (5) OUTRO [T]
14 Everyone cycling gets hurt (4) ACHE (-e)ACH(+e)E
16 Tramp is embarrassed about smuggling crack (7) DRIFTER {D{RIFT}ER<=}
19 In speech, hide firm's source of wealth - extremely profitable business (4,3) CASH COW {(~cache)CASH}{CO}{We...h}
21 Report describing Malta's parade (4) POMP {PO{M}P}
24 Bit of masala with old Indian bread - divine food (5) M?N?A (Addendum - MANNA {Ma...a}{ANNA} - See comments)
25 Revolutionary destroyed China's art (9) ANARCHIST*
27 Trouble going through garbage lying around in sewer (6) TAILOR {T{AIL}OR<=}
28 Calm mind before replacing associate (8) SERENITY S(-a+ere)ERENITY
29 Delivery charges? (3-3) RUN-UPS [DD] [CD]
30 How to make posh studio? (8) WORKSHOP {POSH}* [RA]

1   Boat captain's initial rank (6) CUTTER {Ca...n}{UTTER}
2   Ring my professor (6) CORDON {COR}{DON}
3   KrisKross' face shortly in newspapers, say (5) MEDIA {ME}{DIAl}
4   Wise earl, ignorant about computers etc. (7) ERUDITE {E}{RUD{IT}E}
6   Desirable to have Uranium converted into another element (9) PLUTONIUM {PLUM} over {U}{INTO*}
7   The male model had to think twice (8) HESITATE {HE}{SIT}{ATE}
8   Stew, roti and chole, essentially made in a clay oven (8) TANDOORI {ROTI+AND+chOle}*
11 Biting and chewing idli / dosa for starters (4) ACID Acrostic
15 Boastful Spooner's offer: "A pound" (4-1-4) COCK-A-HOOP (~hock a coop to cock-a-hoop)
17 Racism - it could be a dangerous weapon (8) SCIMITAR*
18 A star icon performing in capital city (8) ASUNCION {A}{SUN}{ICON*}
20 Stole some music for listening (4) WRAP (~ rap)
21 Quietly mix 40% booze as medicine (7) PLACEBO {P}{LACE}{BOoze}
22 European losing new coat (6) FINISH FINnISH
23 Don't sleep in repulsive places when touring Alleppey on vacation (4,2) STAY UP {{ST{Al...eY}UP<=}
26 Verify pattern (5) CHECK [DD]

Reference List
Popular = HOT, Malta = M, Old Indian bread(currency) = ANNA, My = COR, Earl = E, Computers etc = IT, Quietly = P, New = N


  1. 17D Colour missing in Racism. It should be added... May be

  2. Lot of sunshine from KrissKross on a very wet morning here in Chennai.

  3. Enjoyed-
    Cor for My!
    Sewer for Tailor
    to name a few.
    Thank you.

  4. 24A -MANNA = Divine food. Bit of M-asala, Old Indian bread = Naan (Mnaan)*

    1. That would be indirect anagram. Not allowed in cryptic crosswords.

    2. 24-a (M)(ANNA)
      masala - M
      old Indian bread - ANNA . which means sadam in Tamil...served as prasadm. Anna danam - divine food

    3. Indirect anagram is not allowed. In yesterday's crossword,
      (We haul + trading)* = daughter in law.
      Trading is used as the word for "this business"
      In this case "trading" is not considered an indirect anagram ?

    4. This business is definition there which leads to trading.
      The way CA is structured is
      (We haul+def)* =DIl which becomes
      Def = (DIL - we haul)*
      Like y=8-3.

  5. 24A manna=divine food
    Naan(indian bread) +bit of m(asala)

  6. Also read every word of the clue

    1. Manna-divine food; M9anna); anna-old Indian currency(bread)

  7. How does 29A work? Run-ups and delivery charges?

    1. It is a CD
      Reference to the cricket bowlers charging before delivering the ball

  8. 24-a (M)(ANNA)
    masala - M
    old Indian bread - ANNA . which means saadam / ANNAM in Tamil...served as prasadm. Anna danam - divine food
    I perceive it supposed to be usually call it as saadam / prasadam / divine food. only setter can confimed about WP

    1. No. ANNA is old Indian currency. 16n annas to a rupee and 12 pice to an anna, Bread here refers to money

    2. .I got it. Thanks Mr Suresh.....

  9. 24a - old indian food is MANNA - divine food is ANNAM. I think setter has given two definitions. but no indications for M - cyclic......The clue is not fully understood.

  10. In 30A, what is the significance of "how to make" ?
    It is an RA, so the clue can simply be "posh studio (8)" ?

    1. Setter is asking a question and leading towards RA.

    2. ok. If it is just "posh studio (8)", would that still be a valid clue for "workshop" ?

    3. Yes. You just need to add "!" Somewhere to indicate ita not as straight as it appears. So solvers dont go looking for a dd.
