3963 14D
1 They provide – and are provided with – leads? (6,4) POLICE DOGS [C&DD]
6 High speed in section of film (4) CLIP [DD]
9 In steadfast manner, underlying reforms (10) ENDURINGLY*
10 Making comeback, survive wickedness (4) EVIL<=
11 In which nameless prince cavorts during dip, robe abandoned? (6-6) BODICE-RIPPER {PRInCE+DIP+ROBE}* Semi&lit
15 Second in Treasury dismissed before reshuffle, one with a big mouth (7) ESTUARY TrEASURY*
16 Land around a Pacific port (7) SEATTLE {SE{A}TTLE}
17 Packaging manufacturer, one's penetrating, more astute (7) CANNIER {CANN{I}ER}
19 Aid a gullible person, we're told (7) SUCCOUR (~sucker)
20 One who may be barely crawling? (6-6) SKINNY-DIPPER [CD]
23 Thought Everyman and deejay regularly falling out (4) IDEA {I}{DeEjAy}
24 Chatshow guests, perhaps doddery actor and nurse (10) RACONTEURS {ACTOR+NURSE}*
25 Quality of a wine that may be inappropriately picked (4) NOSE [DD]
26 Losing energy, De Niro jeers, barking pointed responses (10) REJOINDERS {De+NIRO+JEERS}*
1 Suffer from sunburn in exercise the French offered up (4) PEEL {PE}{LE<=}
2 German denied sportsmen's house is source of valuable deposits (4) LODE LODgE
3 Firm belly (11) CORPORATION [DD]
4 Compactness in cavity when half's given up for animals' lairs (7) DENSITY (-cav+dens)DENSITY
5 Who may wear pairs of spiked shoes, hoping to get a hole in one? (7) GOLFERS [CD]
7 Liquid preparation possessing traces of very erogenous powers, ostensibly? (4,6) LOVE POTION {L{Of}{Very}{Er...s}{Po...s}OTION} Semi&lit
12 Intellectual studying anatomy, audaciously clutching needle, experimenting with the optic nerve, primarily? (5,6) ISAAC NEWTON Acrostic
13 For every swearword, I initially overlay noisy drum sounds? (10) PERCUSSION {PER}{CUSS}{I}{Ov...y}{No..y}
14 '80s pop star's characteristic? Extreme frugality (10) STINGINESS {STING I-NESS}
18 Ordered tap: espionage involves paperwork (3,4) RED TAPE [T]
21 In the auditorium, spoils string instrument (4) LUTE (~loot)
Reference List
Name = N, Energy = E, Exercise = PE, The in French = LE, German = G, Parking = P
Special at 10:30 by Ajji