Sunday 30 June 2024

Special, Sunday 30 Jun 2024, Moriarty

Welcome to our new setter Moriarty. Bouquets and brickbats welcome.

Three answers per commenter till 6 PM (Annotations compulsory) 
Please submit all your answers in one comment.  



The Sunday Crossword No 3313, Sunday 30 Jun 2024

13A, 14A, 1D, 2D
1   Finally enjoy prize after good turn (6) GYRATE {e..oY}{RATE}<=>{G}
4   Perhaps clubs holding all that remains: hands seen at ends of these? (8) ARMRESTS {ARM{REST}S}
9   Section of certain material one may wish to escape (6) INMATE [T]
10 Somewhere in Mexico, a Catholic by cupola, trembling (8) ACAPULCO  {A}{C}{CUPOLA}*
11 Good old crossword setter: lad’s flipping getting top award (4,5) GOLD MEDAL {G}{OLD}{ME}{LAD<=}
13 River creature getting closer in Cockney’s game (5) OTTER hOTTER
14 Leisure activity from which you may hope to be dropped? (9,4) PARCHUTE JUMP [CD]
17 Esther shortly dons formal footwear, makes timely investment (6,3,4) PRIMES THE PUMP {PRIM}{ESTHEr}{PUMP}
20 After a month, publication rejected letter from Athens (5) GAMMA {A}{M}{MAG}<=
21 Traditionalists hold out with loco beliefs in the end (3,6) OLD SCHOOL {HOLD+LOCO+b...fS}*
23 English books thrice rejected, embroiling English again in confrontation (3-2-3) TOE-TO-TOE {E}{OT}{OT}{OT}<= over {E}
24 Dog tooth (6) CANINE [DD]
25 Secret agent’s drinking in pub by Earl’s woodland (8) SPINNEYS {SP{INN}{E}Y'S}
26 Plays safe in t-shirts, to some extent (6) FEINTS [T]

1   Leave a fitness class, finding yourself off the deep end (5,3) GOING APE {GOING}{A}{PE}
2   One with a compass – point’s lost by him? (7) RAMBLER [DD]
3   Drink the writer raised, it honours a family (5) TOTEM {TOT}{ME<=}
5   Looked back on scripture lessons: cool! (11) RECOLLECTED {RE}{COLLECTED}
6   Copy badly executed procedure (9) REPRODUCE*
7   Part of Croatian city on high (5,2) SPLIT UP {SPLIT}{UP}
8   Hunts, in scrubs (6) SCOURS [DD]
12 Casting out money and Red Book (11) DEUTERONOMY {OUT+MONEY+RED}*
15 Punch a tenor, getting personal in area with many restaurants (9) CHINATOWN {CHIN}{A}{T}{OWN}
16 Those intoning M-A-G-I-C? (8) SPELLERS [C&DD]
17 Grandeur that is retrograde, Everyman’s a tragic relic of former times (7) POMPEII {POMP}{IE<=}{I}
18 Perfect, working out pain (7) UTOPIAN*
19 Ancient Greece’s artisanal trinkets’ expensive stones, primarily? (6) AGATES Acrostic &lit
22 Bird that’s seen on building site (5) CRANE [DD]

Reference List
Good = G, Catholic = C, Month = M, Periodical = MAG, English = E, Earl = E, Fitness class = PE, Scripture lessons = RE(Religious education), Tenor = T

Saturday 29 June 2024

No 14214, Saturday 29 Jun 2024, Gussalufz

If there is a theme, I am unable to spot it, I did see two NINA's SPOOL and SMART

9   Old, old relics repurposed as packing material (9) EXCELSIOR {EX}{O+RELICS}*
10 Holding maybe a chunk of western venture capital (5) PACER [T<=]
11 Crack a ton; draw (7) ATTEMPT {A}{T}{TEMPT 
12 Is in Barcelona, absorbing encounters in retreat with counts (7) ESTEEMS {E{MEETS<=}S}
13 Senior member of party getting foreign money (5) DOYEN {DO}{YEN}
14 Vampire's soup recipe: some type of blood with fresh veggies (9) PRIMAVERA {VAMPIRE}*{R}{A}
16 Seek carbon quota reforms at the earliest stage (4,2,6,3) BACK TO SQUARE ONE*
19 Unexpected exits from dodgy road sport (9) TRAPDOORS*
22 Log 10 miscalculated? Well! (5) ENTER {TEN*}{ER} 
24 Wholesome meal unwrapped on desk (7) EATABLE {mEAl}{TABLE}
26 "Trailer," per simmering wife describing fight (7) PREVIEW {PRE*}{W} over {VIE}
27 Bar featured in bible verse (5) LEVER [T]
28 Coffee and cigarettes essentially carried by French sycophant (9) FLATTERER {LATTE}{c..aREt..s} in {FR}

1   Settled up a bill involving Gussalufz (6) REPAID {REP}{A{I}D} A=Rep? (Addendum {PER<=}{A{I}D} - See comments)
2   Hic! City parties, drinking hard like a fish (8) ICHTHYIC {HIC+CITY}* over {H}
3   Happy to tour, I'm in and out (10) ELIMINATED {EL{IM}{IN}ATED}
4   Excellent weed, mine to roll up (6) TIPTOP {POT}{PIT}<=
5   Devotee's bench in church, with "I DIE PURE" scribbled (4-4) PRIE-DIEU*
6   Pickle of squash? Maybe not right (4) SPOT SPOrT
7   Dropping regulars!? Team's ethicist rejected proposal (6) SCHEME {tEaMs+EtHiCiSt}<=
8   Sees drag racing as an Olympic sport (8) DRESSAGE
15 Deals with rowdy male teenagers (10) AGREEMENTS {M+TEENAGERS}*
16 In Berlin, please rely on English getting ignored with resentment (8) BITTERLY {BITTE}{ReLY}
17 Get away from the woman defending boundless love of force (5,3) SHOVE OFF {SH{lOVe}E}{OF}{F}
18 Exceptional points in set — result: 1-0 (8) OUTLIERS {RESULT+I+O}*
20 Lively, uplifting musical showcasing Cuba (6) ACTIVE {EVIT{C}A}<=
21 Sea's full of unlimited epic colours (6) SEPIAS {SE{ePIc}AS}
23 Embarrassed about combat payment (6) REWARD {RE{WAR}D}
25 Poet excluded in recitation (4) BARD (~barred)

Reference List
Old = EX,O, Ton = T, Is in Spanish = eS, Party = DO, Recipe = R, Some blood = A, Well! = ER, Wife = W, French = FR, Hard = H, Right = R, Male = M, Please in German = BITTE, English = E, Force = F, Cuba = C

Friday 28 June 2024

No 14213, Friday 28 Jun 2024, Avtaar

All those who are not regular commenters but who are rookie commenters or silent followers of the blog are requested to post answers with annotations in the comments section. In your own interest please avoid looking up the answers from the interactive version. Don't hesitate to post your annotations, in case you make a mistake in the annotation someone will correct it with the right annotation.


Each commenter is requested to post only 5 answers thereby giving others also a chance to participate. Please provide all your answers in one comment.

Regular solvers/Veterans can post 1 answer each, but after 11 AM only.

Thanks for the response, here's the regular blog.

1   Foreign worker in Indian political group arrested by state (2,4) AU PAIR {A{UPA}IR}
5   Fell, like Archer? (4,4) BOWL OVER {BOW LOVER}
9   Christmas clothing section stocking knight's headgear (8) YARMULKE {Y{ARM}UL{K}E}
10 Case of engineer ducking training for duty (6) EXCISE {EXerCISE}
11 Doctor sends man away for resources (4,3,5)  WAYS AND MEANS*
13 Ice-cold expression? (4) BRRR [CD]
14 Company honcho in Delhi on vacation, joined by minister (8) DIRECTOR {DelhI}{RECTOR}
17 Spooner's discarded stinking bird (8) REDSHANK (~ shed rank to redshank)
18 Carol abused - one left (4) NOEL {ONE*}{L}
20 Liked relaxing outside a particular place with hills, dales and water bodies (4,8) LAKE DISTRICT {L{A}KEDI*}{STRICT}
23 American agents catching accountant's bloomer (6) ACACIA {A}{C{AC}IA}
24 Casual help in need steals book (4-4) LAID-BACK {L{AID}ACK} over {B}
25 Judges back old German service on the radio (8) ASSESSES {ASS}{(~ss}ESSES}
26 Trapping of people inside ends in fighting with one troublemaker starting to attack leader of Opposition (6) GHERAO {f...nG}{witH}{onE}{t...eR}{At...k}{Op...n}

2   Periodically stamp out escalating poisonous growth (4) UPAS {StAmP+oUt<=}
3   Avtaar's unfinished task - cutting supplies for groups that destroy food (4,5) ARMY WORMS {MY}{WORk} in {ARMS}
4   Races run by English Amateur Society (6) RELAYS {R}{E}{LAY}{S}
5   Bears led kittens around for idle enjoyment (4,3,8) BEER AND SKITTLES*
6   They swing with force, avoiding those stopping the ball (8) WIELDERS {W}{fIELDERS}
7   Ounce jumped at the precise moment (2,3) ON CUE*
8   Ike's introduction in episode with new hero is amazing (10) EISENHOWER {Ep...e}{NEW+HERO+IS}*
12 Slippery character in European country, close to politiciansworks on his own (10) FREELANCES {FR{EEL}ANCE}{p...nS}
15 Criminals counter cop (9) CONSTABLE {CONS}{TABLE}
16 Recycling of plastic outside American cities like Lincoln and Phoenix (8) CAPITALS {C{A}PITALS*}
19 Bent on skipping Disney movie (6) LIKING {LIon KING}
21 Host discussed Einstein's ratio of energy to speed of light (5) EMCEE {E/C = MC(~emcee) from E=M*C*C}
22 Official record of proceedings from Alcatraz, nicked every now and then (4) ACTA {AlCaTrAz}

Reference List
Indian political group = UPA, Christmas = YULE, Engineer = ER, Left = L, American = A, Accountant = AC, Book = B, Old German service = SS, English = E, Society = S, With = W, Force = F

Thursday 27 June 2024

No 14212, Thursday 27 Jun 2024, Hypatia

Solution to 13A has been deliberately left unsolved and is to be answered only by a non-regular / novice commenter, with proper annotation. Those who have answered earlier in the week, please give others a chance.

Open for anyone to answer, if not solved by 1 PM.

1   Fitful pet's cold near empty hallway (6) CATCHY {CAT}{C}{Ha...aY}
4   Flower vase uncovered in Jack's store (7) JASMINE {J}{vASe}{MINE}
9   Fresh green fluid essentially separating Iron and Potassium in plant! (9) FENUGREEK {FE}{GREEN+flUid}*{K}
10 Sea creature stealing power from wizard (5) OTTER pOTTER
11 Cold potato in chaat's fine (5) ALOOF {ALOO}{F}
12 Expects main part of fruit diets from Spooner (9) FORECASTS (~ core fasts to forecasts)
13 Rise in revolt arresting ex-military man! (7) S?L?I?R (Addendum - SOLDIER {S{OLD}IER*} - See comments)
15 Expert in a party's extremely indignant about Republican (6) ADROIT {A}{D{R}O}{In...nT}
17 Bollywood songstress entertains right at the start of musical retreat (6) ASHRAM {ASH{R}A}{Mu...l}
19 Nightmare from insect on shoulder (7) BUGBEAR {BUG}{BEAR}
22 Disturbed student, possibly bored by exhausting lecture (9) UNSETTLED {UNSETT{Le...rE}D*}
24 Very secure, not tense in couches (5) SOFAS {SO}{FASt}
26 Dropping head in fright’s a mistake (5) ERROR tERROR
27 Hypatia had books arranged in there to be passed on (9) INHERITED {I'D} over {IN+THERE}*
28 Old women wearing jewels and spinning (7) BOWLING {B{O}{W}LING}
29 Newly wed student taken to master (6) BRIDLE {BRID{L}E}

1   Garments basically free to all in prisons (7) CAFTANS {CA{Free}{To}{All}NS}
2   First of two joining a private charity dance (5) TANGO {Two}{A}{NGO}
3   Top Gun's rifle (4-5) HIGH-FLIER {RIFLE}* [RA]
4   Capital of Japan also known as Roppongi to all, originally (7) JAKARTA Acrostic
5   Serenely tranquil or innately calm, basically (5) STOIC Acrostic &lit
6   Part of main test in engineering (9) INTESTINE [T]
7   Outlet in Zen gardens is regularly ignored (6) EGRESS {zEn+GaRdEnS+iS}
8   One who succeeds holding extremely fine young female (6) HEIFER {HEI{FinE}R}
14 Breaking point for the ultimate sucker (4,5) LAST STRAW {LAST}{STRAW}
16 Engineer and soldier run into celebrity - a record holder (9) REGISTRAR {RE}{GI}{ST{R}AR}
18 Taking advantage of class conducted in China (7) MILKING {M{ILK}ING}
19 Friend had reformed for religious leader (6) BUDDHA {BUD}{HAD*}
20 Author in demand, mostly hides abroad (7) RUSHDIE {RUn}{HIDES*}
21 Fine sections of fibre pushed from below (6) SUPERB [T<=]
23 Tips of these are rather small inter-connected bones (5) TARSI Acrostic
25 Certain to be honoured, say (5) FATED (~feted)

Reference List
Cold = C, Jack = J, Power = P, Potato = ALOO, Fine = F, Party = DO, Republican = R, Right = R, Old = O, Women = W, Student = L, Engineer = RE, Soldier = GI, Run = R

Wednesday 26 June 2024

No 14211, Wednesday 26 Jun 2024, Hypatia

Solution to 12A has been deliberately left unsolved and is to be answered only by a non-regular / novice commenter, with proper annotation. Those who have answered earlier in the week, please give others a chance.

Open for anyone to answer, if not solved by 1 PM.

1   Wrong claims about university being harmonious (7) MUSICAL {M{U}SICAL*}
5   Against discharge dumped in river (7) DESPITE {DE{SPIT}E}
9   Sanskrit text, originally from Srinagar, contains Persian art (7) SHASTRA {Sr...r}{HAS}{ART<=}
10 Jumping over every other tree of jungle, he's one seeking a safe place (7) REFUGEE {tReE+oF+jUnGlE+hE}
11 Needs ten Chiclets to mask bad smell (6) STENCH [T]
12 Man, nearly fired stealing founder's capital (8) ?E?S?N?I (Addendum - HELSINKI {HE}{L{SINK}It} - See comments)
14 Auditor's extremely lively and ahead of time (5) EARLY {EAR}{Li..lY}
16 Loved touring city's stadium (9) VELODROME {LOVED*}{ROME}
18 Classic tales of French alongside romance novel (9) DECAMERON {DE}{ROMANCE*}
19 Conservative veils maiden drops in tubs (5) CASKS {C}{mASKS}
20 Expecting UN leader to follow behind China (8) ASSUMING {Un}<=>{ASS} and {MING}
22 Start from word Carl's playing in Scrabble (6) SCRAWL {Word+CARLS}*
26 Soldiers at Ground Zero in American city (7) ORLANDO {OR}{LAND}{{0}
27 Browsing thread in gossip groups (7) READING [T]
28 Heading to Republic Day parade finally kept on account of time in iconic location (3,4) RED FORT {Re...c}{p...dE}{Day}{FOR}{T}
29 Sign left above hospital ward (7) PORTENT {PORT}{ENT}

1   Old man sometimes careless, forgetting lost item (5) MOSES SOMEtimeS*
2   Film degree (5) SCALE [DD]
3   Doctor acts calm tackling emergency, ultimately a disaster (9) CATACLYSM {ACTS+CALM}* over {e...cY}
4   Lounge for cake (4) LOAF [DD]
5   Competitive exam held in favourite city (10) DARJEELING {DAR{JEE}LING}
6   Seekers ultimately following Islamic spiritual principles! (5) SUFIS Acrostic &lit
7   Smart and trendy say, raising new loans (9) INGENIOUS {IN}{EG<=}{N}{IOUS}
8   They draw viewers - clearly! (9) EYELINERS [DD]
13 Turned veto around - it's done! (4,3,3) OVER AND OUT
14 Try and finish each volume belonging to us (9) ENDEAVOUR {END}{EA}{V}{OUR}
15 How to make idols firm? (4-5) ROCK-SOLID {IDOLS}* [RA]
17 Spooner said, "Scrutinize risk: one could lie here" (4,5) DECKCHAIR (~ check dare to deck chair)
21 Delicious fruit among bananas (5) MANGO*
23 Put up American offer at the start of elections (5) ABIDE {A}{BID}{El...s}
24 Switch to the other side to fix match (5) LIGHT (-r+l)LIGHT
25 Trim growth (4) CROP [DD]

Reference List
University = U, Of in French = DE, Conservative = C, Maiden = M, Soldiers = OR, Time = T, Ward = ENT, Trendy = IN, Say = EG, New = N, Each = EA, Volume = V

Tuesday 25 June 2024

No 14210, Tuesday 25 Jun 2024, Dr. X

Solution to 2D has been deliberately left unsolved and is to be answered only by a non-regular / novice commenter, with proper annotation. Those who have answered earlier in the week, please give others a chance.

Open for anyone to answer, if not solved by 1 PM.

1   Completely engrossed in rolling sleeves till here? (2,2,3,6) UP TO THE ELBOWS [DD]
8   Exposed stealing lady's ring (5) BLARE {B{L}ARE}
9   Over throne, emperor is observing (9) ONLOOKING {ON}{LOO}{KING}
11 Extremely illustrious young lady in bar is contemptuous (10) DISMISSIVE {D{Il...uS}{MISS}IVE}
12 Film about eating disorder (4) PICA {PIC}{A}
14 Spins ball using cracks to take wicket finally (7) OUTINGS {O}{U{w...eT}INGS*}
16 Snickered as man finally considered leaving wife (7) NEIGHED {maN}{wEIGHED}
17 Baby, ultimately pretty, captivating everyone completely (7) TOTALLY {TOT}{p...tY} over {ALL}
19 Artist's representation of diva turned popular, enthralling many (2,5) DA VINCI {DIVA}*{I{C}N<=}
21 It's found in Hawaii, winged (4) IIWI $lit
22 Dissected necrotic area with new instrument (10) CONCERTINA {NECROTIC+A+N}*
25 Insulating material also glows perhaps (5,4) GLASS WOOL*
26 Accept a proposal ending in marriage (5) ABIDE {A}{BID}{m...gE}
27 Reversal in attitude caused by hater (6,2,5) CHANGE OF HEART {HATER}* [RA] &lit

2   Makes out with exotic lady say, perfectly captivating (5,2) P?A?S ?T (Addendum - PLAYS AT {L+SAY}* in {PAT} - See comments)
3   Toed line by acting in a submissive manner (10) OBEDIENTLY*  
4   Jumps to pinch old rings (5) HOOPS {HO{O}PS}
5   Need line desperately to stay very excited (9) ENLIVENED {NEED+LINE}* over {V}
6   Starting to become blue - breathe hard (4) BLOW {Be...e}{LOW}
7   Batter overwhelmed by thirst, somewhat pale (7) WHITISH {W{HIT}ISH}
8   Criticising a dumbo breaking device (11) BADMOUTHING {A+DUMBO}*{THING}
10 Impressive end to show by most amorous fellow enthralled by drinks (5,6) GRAND FINALE {RANDy}{F} in {GIN}{ALE}
13 Rivals were battling for trophies (10) SILVERWARE*
15 Extremely sexy Monroe posing over grate heartily - further words are unnecessary! (3,2,4) SAY NO MORE {SexY+MONROE}* over {grAte}
18 Hot woman jogging over smooth track beside canal (7) TOWPATH {HOT+W}* over {PAT}
20 More turbulent without government, region is unstable (7) NOISIER {REgION+IS}*
23 Typical iftar-hosting leader of Islam (5) CALIF [T]
24 Telecommunications network is down on vacation (1,1,1,1) I S D N {IS}{DowN}

Reference List
Lady = L, Throne = LOO, Bar = DIVE, About = A, Wife = W, Popular = IN< Many = C, Area = A, New = N, Lady = L, Old = O, Very = V, Fellow = F, Woman = W, Government = G

Monday 24 June 2024

No 14209, Monday 24 Jun 2024, Dr. X

Solution to 24D has been deliberately left unsolved and is to be answered only by a non-regular / novice commenter, with proper annotation. Those who have answered earlier in the week, please give others a chance.

Open for anyone to answer, if not solved by 1 PM.

1   Moment of greatest stress, close to numb with doctor operating to save family (8,5) BREAKING POINT {numB} with {OPERATING}* over {KIN}
8   Suspicion is strong after spouse almost catches husband (5) WHIFF {F}<=>{W{H}IFe}
9   Most ferocious leader of bandits perishes in raid (9) BLOODIEST {Ba...s}{LOO{DIES}T}
11 Most important reason for jockey getting tired? (10) OVERRIDING {OVER RIDING}
12 Ignoring Trump's latest ego trip (4) RIDE pRIDE
14 Fling during intermission? It will brighten things up (3,4) GAS LAMP {GA{SLAM}P}
16 Old doggy leaping to tackle thugs at centre is a hero (4,3) GOOD GUY {O+DOGGY}* over {thUgs}
17 Formal ritual performed after end of toast (7) TITULAR {t..sT}{RITUAL*}
19 Whirlwind starting to twirl violently on road (7) TORNADO {Tw..l}{ON+ROAD}*
21 Detailed chronicle about invasion (4) RAID DIARy<=
22 A, say, good lady dancing with retired men in retro bar (5,5) BLOOD GROUP {GOOD+L}* {OR<=} in {PUB<=}
25 One left fumbling in darkness? This will provide illumination (4,5) NEON LIGHT {ONE+L}* in {NIGHT}
26 Former South African cricketer hit a fantastic sixer finally (5) TAHIR {HIT+A}*{s..eR}
27 Mark led maiden astray? That's cheap (6-3-4)  NICKEL-AND-DIME {NICK}{LED+MAIDEN}*

2   They destroy crooked insurer (7) RUINERS*
3   Warm clothes or dresses, primarily inexpensive (10) AFFORDABLE {AFF{OR}{Dr...s}ABLE}
4   Start to inspect garden containing money plant (5) IMBED {In...t}{BED} over {M}
5   Sentimental drivel by director, mushy thing that's said before retiring (4,5) GOOD NIGHT {GOO}{D}{THING*}
6   Brought back LSD, dope, taking chances (4) ODDS [T<=]
7   Demanding information about arresting journalist at home (7) NEEDING {GEN<=} over {ED}{IN}
8   Tungsten, crude tin or another malleable metal (7,4) WROUGHT IRON {W}{ROUGH}{TIN+OR}*
10 Spooner picked up two hats for youngster following latest trends (5-6) TEENY-BOPPER (~beany topper to teeny bopper) (Correction - ~beanie topper to teeny bopper - See comments)
13 Grooved with my date, twirling over carpet (10) CORRUGATED {COR}{DATE*} over {RUG}
15 Knock back drink with girl, one serving person at the bar (9) PARALEGAL {RAP<=}{ALE}{GAL}
18 Expedition discovered oil in African capital (7) TRIPOLI {TRIP}{OIL*}
20 Sound of clearing throat after consuming drug in a line (7) APOTHEM {A{POT}HEM}
23 Son lost temper frequently (5) OFTEN sOFTEN
24 Criticism of skirt? Ignoring puritan ultimately (4) ?L?K (Addendum - FLAK FLAnK - See comments)

Reference List
Strong = F, Husband = H, Old = O, Lady = L, Men = OR, Left = L, Money = M, Director = D, at home = IN, My = COR, Son = S

Sunday 23 June 2024

Special, Sunday 23 Jun 2024, Ghaza

Three answers per commenter till 6 PM (Annotations compulsory) 
Please submit all your answers in one comment.  



The Sunday Crossword No 3312, Sunday 23 Jun 2024

1   Some artists use these small boat homes (6,4) SKETCH PADS {S}{KETCH}{PADS}
6   Somewhat eastwards, on and off (1,3) A TAD {eAsTwArDs}
9   Far-off beasts found in a Paris slum, upsetting (10) MARSUPIALS*
10 Flower from flipping digital assistant (4) IRIS<=
11 Force entertaining government to become re-elected (7,5) STAYING POWER {G} in {STAY IN POWER}
15 Spotted something that includes good tenor performer (7) DOMINGO {DOMIN{G}O}
16 Flimsy song, a metaphor for nothing (4,3) THIN AIR {THIN}{AIR}
17 One’s starting out as initially low wage recipient (7) LEARNER {Low}{EARNER}
18 Endlessly marketed daft insurance mascot? (7) MEERKAT MARKETEd*
19 Oh, even Luther converted in final moments (8,4) ELEVENTH HOUR*
23 Ill-natured help catching cold (4) ACID {A{C}ID}
24 Fail to prepare to fire cartridge with no bullet (4,1,5) DRAW A BLANK [DD]
25 Not quietly, removes skin from fish (4) EELS pEELS
26 Wildly eviscerate group holding gunpowder? (3,7) TEA SERVICE*

1   Home match (4) SAME [DD] (Correction - SEMI [DD] - See comments)
2   Nobleman seen in rear light (4) EARL [T]
3   Brook’s features (11) COUNTENANCE [DD]
4   Informed of second loo, did you say? (5,2) PRIVY TO {~privy two}
5   Initially didactic young lyricist (aged, now)? (5) DYLAN Acrostic &lit
7   Those two torture devices – for Spooner – they belong to bygone times (10) THROWBACKS (~ both racks)
8   Soldiers run away: traitors! (6,4) DESERT RATS {DESERT}{RATS}
12 20 isn’t one – but here it is! (5,6) PRIME NUMBER (20D  is one) 
13 After period of maturity, fruit and cheese finally rot (10) ADULTERATE {ADULT ERA}{f..iT}{c...sE}
14 Everyman’s jokes? Of no significance (10) IMMATERIAL {I'M}{MATERIAL}
18 Second aggressive fellow’s punky hairdos (7) MOHAWKS {MO}{HAWKS}
20 Ether, quaint number (5) THREE*
21 Globalism overwhelming island (4) BALI [T]
22 Island where you once sat next to small king (4) SKYE {YE}<=>{S}{K}

Reference List
Small = S, Government = G, Good = G, Cold = C, Second = MO, You once = YE, King = K

Saturday 22 June 2024

No 14208, Saturday 22 Jun 2024, Dr. X

1   Divine food with beer at sea (8) FOREBODE*
5   Bell-shaped hat of lady in company, revolutionary (6) CLOCHE {C{L}O}{CHE}
10 Stupor following damage - no cure primarily for malignant tumour (7) SARCOMA {COMA}<=>{ScAR}
11 Train ride on vacation enthrals retired couple (7) RETINUE {Ri{UNITE<=}dE}
12 Decayed mainly, wants money for dental filling (5) INLAY mAINLY*
13 Playing with money, group wins thousand by end of game (9) TINKERING {TIN}{RING} over {K}{gamE}
14 What one maintaining a campfire might do to worsen a tense situation (3,3,6) FAN THE FLAMES [DD]
18 Desire to save sick woman with case of exceptional weakness (8,4) ACHILLES HEEL {ACH{ILL}E}{SHE}{Ex...aL}
21 Reveller in wild orgy, consuming ecstasy after knocking back gin (9) PARTYGOER {YGO{E}R*}<=>{TRAP<=}
23 Detach firewall at first in computer operating system (5) UNFIX {UN{Fi...l)IX}
24 Character's new concoction of rum and ale (7) NUMERAL {N}{RUM+ALE}*
25 That is containing very superior form of chemical element (7) ISOTOPE {I{SO}{TOP}E}
26 Language of harridan is horrible (6) DANISH [T]
27 Dug a hole finally, turned to keep small plant (8) AGUEWEED {DUG+A+holE}* over {WEE}

1   Remains extremely sanctimonious in defeat (6) FOSSIL {FO{Sa...uS}IL}
2   Occasionally start to rise early, for a change (6) RARELY {Rise}{EARLY*}
3   Sexual invitation in Indian hill station by head of company during party (5,4) BOOTY CALL {B{OOTY}{Co...y}ALL}
4   Where old dad, smashed after drinking shot is sleeping very soundly (4,2,3,5) DEAD TO THE WORLD {WHERE+OLD+DAD}* over {TOT}
6   Fresh after drinking bit of tea or coffee (5) LATTE {LA{Tea}TE}
7   Proves criminals control corporation (8) CONFIRMS {CON{FIRM}S}
English singer popped ecstasy to perk up (8) ENERGISE {E}{SINGER*}{E}
9   Perfect beau in pic - romancing her, freely expressing love (6,8) PRINCE CHARMING {PIC+RoMANCING+HER}*
15 Questionable value, cease to have sugar (9) LAEVULOSE {VALUE}*{LOSE} Had to cheat on this one
16 Disheartened author cuddled by lady on date (8) DAMPENED {DAM{PEN}E}{D}
17 Simple switches in fine electronic musical instrument (8) THEREMIN {TH{MERE<=}IN}
19 Distinguished head of orthopaedics, often busy (2,4) OF NOTE {Or...s}{OFTEN*}
20 Reach out, start to eagerly kiss nurse (6) EXTEND {Ea...y}{X}{TEND}
22 Dilapidated, rusty nomadic dwellings (5) YURTS*

Reference List
Lady = L, Revolutionary = CHE, Money = M, Money = TIN, Thousand = K, Ecstasy = E, New = N, Very = SO, Shot = TOT, English = E, Date = D, Kiss = X

Friday 21 June 2024

No 14207, Friday 21 Jun 2024, Dr. X

All those who are not regular commenters but who are rookie commenters or silent followers of the blog are requested to post answers with annotations in the comments section. In your own interest please avoid looking up the answers from the interactive version. Don't hesitate to post your annotations, in case you make a mistake in the annotation someone will correct it with the right annotation.


Each commenter is requested to post only 5 answers thereby giving others also a chance to participate. Please provide all your answers in one comment.

Regular solvers/Veterans can post 1 answer each, but after 11 AM only.

Thanks for the response, here's the regular blog.

1   Spinelegs and lip injured - taking ultimately powerful narcotics (8,5) SLEEPING PILLS {SPINE+LEGS+LIP}* over {p...uL}
8   Actress in Kanoon and Aashiq (5) NANDA [T] Semi&lit
9   Belittled by sportsman at centre, easily dead cert to win (9) DETRACTED {s..rTs..n} in {DEAD+CERT}*
11 Uncertain after current director's fired for causticity (10) TRENCHANCY {CHANCY}<=>{TRENd}
12 Portray maiden wearing nothing in retreat (4) LIMN {N{M}IL<=} Never heard of this word.
14 Satisfactory introduction to unconventional movement of Pop Art (2,2,3) UP TO PAR {Un...l}{POP+ART}*
16 A revolting guy smuggling heroin that's going round in American city (7) ANAHEIM {A}{MAN<=} over {H}{IE<=}
17 Case is unusual, having tense buildup of fluid in abdomen (7) ASCITES {CASE+IS}* over {T}
19 Interrupts hard men starting to nastily misbehave (5,2) HORNS IN {H}{OR}{Na...y}{SIN}
21 Rings of gold with covering of brass (4) ORBS {OR}{BrasS}
22 Most stuffy fellow fights with couple on street (10) FROWSTIEST {F}{ROWS}{TIE}{ST}
25 American film director flying into a rage, restrained (9) TARANTINO {INTO}* over {A}{RANT}
26 Taking time, check revolutionary chemical compound in America (5) NITER {NI{T}ER<=}
27 Erred after castlingon the face of it (2,5,6) AT FIRST GLANCE*

2   Most extensive tutorial on gestation conducted (7) LONGEST [T]
3   Free from stress, at peace in sanctum finally (10) EMANCIPATE {AT+PEACE+IN+s...uM}*
4   Foremost of devas, involved in producing rain (5) INDRA {IN{De..s}RA*} &lit
5   High charge at entrance to show? Enter without paying (9) GATECRASH {CHARGE+AT+Show}*
6   Country with poor air quality (4) IRAQ {AIR}*{Q}
7   Jerk in old network (7) LATTICE {LAT{TIC}E}
8 & 23    What accomplished dancer might do to never make any mistakes (3,3,1,4,5) NOT PUT A FOOT WRONG [C&DD]
10   Lower number of men at indoor rave (11) DENOMINATOR*
13   One crushed by mental trauma in a country in Africa (10) MAURITANIA {1} in {TRAUMA+IN+A}*
15   Deluge interrupting holidays stops (9) RESTRAINS {REST{RAIN}S}
18   Kinky act featuring strip show (7) CABARET {CA{BARE}T*} Semi&lit
20   Trace of cyanide found in poisoned cynic (7) SCEPTIC {S{Cy...e}EPTIC}
23   See 8 Down
24   Opposed to immature prank (4) ANTI ANTIc

Reference List
Director = D, Maiden = M, Heroin = H, Tense = T, Hard = H, Men = OR, Gold = OR, Fellow = F, Time = T, Quality = Q