1 Producing a lot of fear? Very much (10) DREADFULLY {DREAD}{FULLY}
6 Milky duck, mate? (4) OPAL {O}{PAL}
9 Around forest, finally decomposing, socks that'll feed plants (6,4) GARDEN HOSE {ARDEN} in {d...nG}{HOSE}
10 Time flying saucer returned to give us something to eat (4) TOFU {T}{UFO<=}
12 Incognisant – unsettled – backing (11) SANCTIONING*
15 Long time back, Everyman's included as potential success (7) NOMINEE {EON<=} over {MINE}
16 I'm surprised seeing Frenchman with salad, as a rule (4,3) OHMS LAW {OH}{M}{SLAW}
17 How you may draw back, wanting time: mistakenly (2,5) IN ERROR {IN tERROR}
19 Is the writer tucking into fish somewhere on the Med? (7) TUNISIA {TUN{IS}{I}A}
20 Blow a fuse, as you did with News of the World, Mr. Murdoch? (4,4,3) LOSE ONES RAG [C&DD]
23 Seabird or two, as we can hear (4) ERNE (~ earn (2D))
24 Hot Priest, we're told, achieved a noisy mode of transport (10) HELICOPTER {H}{ELI}{(~copped a)COPTER}
25 Soft, incredibly lustrous kimono at the outset? (4) SILK Acrostic &lit
26 Who shouted 'Eureka!' and screamed 'Hi!' running around? (10) ARCHIMEDES*
1 Appreciates accommodation (4) DIGS [DD]
2 Gross dollop of Béarnaise (4) EARN [T]
3 Part of salad board in actor's space (8,4) DRESSING ROOM {DRESSING}{ROOM}
4 Get mad? Aunt rethinks anger at heart (7) UNHINGE {aUNt}{retHInks}{aNGEr}
8 Raw, one careens with luge and sweats, perhaps (10) LOUNGEWEAR {RAW+ONE+LUGE}*
11 Terrible scene, woven on goddam weaving device (4,3,5) DOOM AND GLOOM {ON+GODDAM}*{LOOM}
13 Cricketers botched friendlies (10) INFIELDERS*
14 Aloof crossword setter's public image, ultimately: awful (10) IMPERSONAL {I'M PERSONA}{a...uL}
18 Hoofed mammals travelled to this place in East London (3,4) ROE DEER (~ rode 'ere)
21 Nail that may be put to use in stable (4) STUD [DD]
22 Most of cheek in undergarments (4) BRAS BRASs
Reference List
Time = T, Frenchman = M, Hot = H
Special today?
ReplyDeleteSpecial at 10:30 by Ghaza
ReplyDeleteWhat is 2D.
2 down clue.
Delete20A What does "as you did with News of the World, Mr Murdoch?" allude to?
ReplyDeleteThe phone hacking scandal of that newspaper journos to get stories.
Everyone who heard the story was soooo angry.