Sunday 12 August 2018

The Sunday Crossword No 3008, Sunday 12 Aug 2018

 In direction of current ambition, securing private street (10) DOWNSTREAM {D{OWN}{ST}REAM}
6   Seabird's wings in storybook turning gold (4) SKUA {St...oK}{AU<=}
9   Crew took food according to report (5) EIGHT (~ate)
10 Get lost, drained and muddled (9) SCRAMBLED {SCRAM}{BLED}
12 Track back and pinch vegetable (6) TURNIP {RUT<=}{NIP}
13 Stocked by fantastic inn, amontillado's spicy stuff (8) CINNAMON [T]
15 Extra nervous beginner, last of intake in row taken round (6,7) FRINGE BENEFIT {BEGINNER*}{i...kE} in {TIFF<=}
18 Cat getting little horse so agitated (13) TORTOISESHELL*
20 Open with silly run, upset (8) OVERTURN {OVERT}{RUN*}
21 Hurtful obstacle followed by plot (6) BARBED {BAR}{BED}
24 Article, canny one stirring anger (9) ANNOYANCE {A}{CANNY+ONE}*
25 Question for children (5) ISSUE [DD]
26 Sailing boat left course, going west (4) YAWL {L}{WAY}<=
27 Healthy and popular, with good weight? Capital (10) WELLINGTON {WELL}{IN}{G}{TON}

1   Colourant below standard? Certainly time to go into that (8) DYESTUFF {D{YES}{T}UFF}
2   Gamble from composer dropping name (5) WAGER WAGnER
3   Smart about appeal, fairly well placed (7,6) SITTING PRETTY {S{IT}TING} {PRETTY}
4   Unwind remaining part (4) REST [DD]
5   Run into trouble over testimony lacking weight and expertise (10) ADROITNESS {AD{R}O}{wITNESS}
7  Outfit infiltrated by devious mole supported by engineers in distance (9) KILOMETRE {KI{MOLE*}T}{RE}
8   Passionate in study, enthralled by technique (6) ARDENT {AR{DEN}T}
11 Display from person providing website's latest post (13) MANIFESTATION {MAN}{IF}{w...tE}{STATION}
14 Sailor, leader of heroes previously, admitting sin, raised disgust (10) ABHORRENCE {AB}{He...s}{O{ERR<=}NCE}
16 We think differently about number possessing inside information (2,3,4) IN THE KNOW {NO} in {WE+THINK}*
17 Learner in shift working for club (8) BLUDGEON {B{L}UDGE}{ON}
19 Study of plants in colour occupying child (6) BOTANY {BO{TAN}Y}
22 Live group, harassed (5) BESET {BE}{SET}
23 Agreement necessary to provide alibi (4) DEAL [T]