Saturday, 14 October 2017

No 12137, Saturday 14 Oct 2017, Vulcan


1. It is a rum used in a dessert (8) TIRAMISU {IT+IS+A+RUM}*

5. Approve of project leader's pay hike (6) PRAISE {Project}{RAISE}
10. Noticing old cast anonymously (9) INCOGNITO {NOTICING+O}*
11. Stop wearing gold for so long (5) ADIEU {A{DIE}U}
12. Intern initially employed by mill — adaptable (6) PLIANT {PL{Intern}ANT}
13. Speech about, for instance, a German magazine (7) SPIEGEL  {SPI{EG}EL}
14. Discuss one's English essay (8) TREATISE {TREAT}{I}{S}{E}
15. Sad times, year's beginning to frustrate (6) STYMIE {TIMES+Year}*
18. Part of a flower — a different one, not ovary basically (6) ANTHER {ANoTHER}
20. Entanglement of free-flying bird (4,4) REEF KNOT {FREE}*{KNOT}

22. It's tougher to stop the old collector (7) HOARDER {H{O}ARDER}
25. Party's head, I reckon, is the one that loots (6) PIRATE {Party}{I}{RATE}
27. Creature not born as a flier (5) EAGLE {bEAGLE}

28. According to a friend, for the most part, eating fish is a religious thing! (6,3) PRAYER MAT {P{RAY}ER MATe}
29. Hit opening, not conventional (6) THRESH {THRESHold}
30. Headed a study about a plant (8) AMARANTH {A}{MA{RAN}TH}


1. Couple of best winners (4)  TWIN (T)
2. Remember to gather once more (9) RECOLLECT {RE}{COLLECT}
3. Traveller from Michigan gets concession (7)  MIGRANT {MI}{GRANT}
4. This funny parody, at the start, is lively (8) SKITTISH {SKIT}{THIS*}
6. This pragmatic one is on a roll (7) REALIST {{RE}{A}{LIST}
7. Essentially nice in good cake decoration (5) ICING {nICe}{IN}{G}
8. Excited mammal that's trapped in dangerous net (9) EBULLIENT {BULL}{IE} in {NET*}
9. Gets hold of police officers (4) COPS (DD)
14. Rates this cryptic as most inferior (9) TRASHIEST {RATES+THIS*}
16. Little article about male revolutionary (9) MINUTEMAN {MINUTE}{M}{AN}

17. Surprisingly, no sample showing tumour (8) NEOPLASM {NO+SAMPLE}* Thanks to google
19. Everlasting without any purpose? (7) ENDLESS {END}{LESS}
21. Avoid doubt when catching ball (7) FORBEAR  {F{ORB}EAR}
23. A cover-up to hide University's promise (5) AUGUR {A{U}{RUG<=}}
24. Seasoned beef not good (4) RIPE {gRIPE}
26. Chit-chat that's somewhat long (4) ITCH (T)



  1. Enjoyable puzzle.Nice blog too.
    Coincidently I had looked up Neoplasm yesterday after a post in CCS. The word there was pleonasm and somehow while looking the word up I had typed neoplasm(affected by Spooner?)

  2. Pleonasm is "The use of more words than are required to express an idea".

  3. Interesting.
    30A- 'ran' from?
    It is Ramesh's turn to surprise with a Col. like blog. I ran to the bottom to check the blogger.

  4. 6 is very lonely here l so let me give company by being 7-- as a comment.

    Every one on the PRAYER MAT (for divali? ) which is beautifully spread out.

    Schaden Spiegel is a German magazine I used to get to read in Nairobi from my reinsurers.

    Vulcan has remained in a pseudonym for long. Who is he? or a she?

    1. Vulcan aka Vijay (VJ) says the setters link on top. But, to my knowledge, he has not participated in any discussion here in the blog.

  5. Thank you MB.
    One mistake & a typo.

    1. This was the toughest till now. Till last minute confusion was there about Swore & Store.Now can breath easy till noon tomorrow😀😀

    2. Hi Paddy,
      First time all correct solutions!
      Submitted at 6:30 pm on Sunday.

    3. Congrats!! But 6.30 pm?! To ensure 100%?

    4. Was busy with guests at Nellore.
      Am back in Hyderabad now.

  6. I too was not sure whether SWORE is right. Heaved a sigh of relief.

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. SWORE/STORE : If one took the clue, either could work out to be correct ! I swear ! Trouble in store tomorrow !
