Thursday, 26 October 2017

No 12146, Thursday 26 Oct 2017, Arden

1   Doctor doesn't try to admit group, just ignore (4,2,8)  SEND TO COVENTRY {COVEN} in {DOESNT+TRY}*
10 Country was short of money once (5) FRANC FRANCe Wonder if CGB has any of these?
11 Flower power — a coin in a different form (9) POINCIANA {P}{A+COIN+IN+A}* Thanks to Google. Also known as 'Flame of the forest'
12 Land at the centre of chaotic Cairo (7) CROATIA {CRO{AT}IA*}
13 Irritated that rival parties had to share a joint (7) RANKLED {R}{ANKLE}{D} R-Republican and D-Democrat
14 Feudal lord in the outskirts of Mumbai (5) THANE [DD]
16 It's current carrying cable, worker's agreeing (9) ACCORDANT {AC}{CORD}{ANT}
19 Not even cold at the top, extremely bright (9) CLEVEREST {CoLd}{EVEREST}
20 Delight as fish market opens (5) CHARM {CHAR}{Ma...t}
22 He's never happy, is in grave muddle (7) VINEGAR*
25 Issue when you forget a name, can recollect a bit (7) EMANATE [T<=]
27 Bones broken, I am at rest (9) METATARSI*
28 Ran away from Montreal, managed to find a place to stay (5) MOTEL MOnTrEaL*
29 Experiment done on electron, may be admitted in court (4,10) NOLO CONTENDERE*

2   Pack up, talk is rich (9) ELABORATE {BALE<=}{ORATE}
3   Essentially teach, it's gone out of circulation (5) DUCAT eDUCATe
4   Change picture and run as thousands leave children's home (9) ORPHANAGE {mORPH}{mANAGE}
5   Serious about rejecting American willow (5) OSIER SERIOus*
6   Rum fruitcake (9) ECCENTRIC [DD]
7   Follow right inside (5) TRAIL {T{R}AIL}
 It was long time ago, still going over relaid road (4,3) YEAR DOT {YET} over {ROAD}*
9   Discount share of waste material (6) OFFCUT {OFF}{CUT}
15 Full of vigour, no force on General to get in (9) ENERGETIC {gENER{GET}IC}
17 Violent act by a heartless protagonist like miss Deneuve, perhaps (9) CATHERINE {ACT*}{HERoINE}
18 State abandoned master, rest worked on marble (9) ALABASTER {ALABAma}{REST*} Marble?
19 Native American sheds inertia becomes like his forefather (4,3) CAVE MAN {natiVe+AMEriCAN}*
21 Use half the millet, cook breakfast (6) MUESLI {USE+MILlet}*
23 Time of birth entered is noon, at a local hospital (5) NATAL [T]
24 Repeat performance, maybe in return tin is extracted (5) RERUN {in+REtURN}
26 Dream about getting fortified (5) ARMED*



  1. I found it tough. But Col. is on time without any question marks.
    When you take a look at the blog, it seems ever so simple!

    1. I agree with you Paddy.
      Our blog is one of the biggest crossword educational societies.
      Thanks to Col

  2. 18d marble
    stain or streak (something) so that it looks like marble.

    Alabaster is worked on so it looks like marble.

  3. Thanks to Col for a very instructive blog and Arden for an impeccable puzzle. Learnt a few words and phrases like Poinciana and nolo contondere to name a couple.

  4. 21DN I felt the def could have been breakfast item. Any support?

  5. There is dict. support for the meaning 'food at this meal'. So the def is OK as it is. We need not add 'item'. If it had been added, you would not have raised the question.

  6. A COIN IN A different form? I have always been mentioning the Flame tree as Delonix Regia.
    Incidentally this flowering tree was earlier placed in the genus Poinciana.
    FRANC? Let me be frank. I am interested in Republic of India coins and other coins in general but am not any expert numismatist!! But I do know some of the CLEVEREST among coin collectors and who can also boast of ELABORATE collections. But once a person gets into the CHARM of collecting coins, I suppose he cannot get away from it.
    Some specialize in collecting error coins and OFF-CUT error coins could be found in their collection.In fact my own interest in coins did EMANATE after I got a 1 Paisa error coin having both sides tails! I have even received coins from BUZZER and Renga Sir.
    All said and done I keep myself ENERGETIC by doing some ECCENTRIC things like collecting coins, playing the harmonica (Vinod Raman is too good at it) etc.!!!

    1. CGB,
      I have become a fan of your daily dose of CW story and I eagerly look forward to it. A big cheer for your coin collection and I have also been an amateur at it and am encouraging my grandson to do it. He has a collection from various countries thanks to the tours of my daughter and son in law and their own vacations. It is an interesting hobby and could be educative as well. I regret That I did not preserve the collection of our old quarter anna coin with a hole in the middle (used to be called dhondi kalalna)

    2. Thanks Paddy. I will be too pleased to handover some coins
      for your grandson when we meet next. Any THCC meeting in near future? Long time since we had one.

    3. Seconding your proposal for a meet and requesting Col. to keep it in mind and arrange at a suitable time and place.

  7. 11A, Poinciana is also a beautiful jazz standard, performed by the likes of Ahmad Jamal and Frank Sinatra.

