Tuesday 7 November 2023

No 14014, Tuesday 07 Nov 2023, Incognito

Solution to 19A has been deliberately left unsolved and is to be answered only by a non-regular / novice commenter, with proper annotation. Those who have answered earlier in the week, please give others a chance.

Open for anyone to answer, if not solved by 1 PM.

8   Bottle opener with everyone for dance event (4) BALL {Bo...e}{ALL}
9   Pilot leader, during attack, is fast (5) RAPID {RA{Pi..t}ID}
10 Old enclosure's not shut (4) OPEN {O}{PEN}
11 Aye, was difficult to make path across the Arctic, for example (6) SEAWAY*
12 Unusually silent journalist drafted (8) ENLISTED {SILENT*}{ED}
13 Queens and ranis sat fidgeting (8) TSARINAS*
15 Damage one brace covering malocclusion at first (6) IMPAIR {1}{Ma...n}{PAIR}
17 Order guy on romantic outing (7) MANDATE {MAN}{DATE}
19 Breathe on pointed top of tower (7) ?E?P?R? (Addendum - RESPIRE {RE}{SPIRE} - See comments)
22 Chefs put umbrellas covering spit? (6) SPUTUM [T]
24 One claim adjusted to obtain source of fuel (4,4) COAL MINE*
26 26 Vanquished? Great work, indeed! (8) DEFEATED {DE{FEAT}ED}
28 Rest! Oh, rest sprawling around (6) OTHERS*
30 Type of sandwich containing egg for sprinter (4) BOLT {B{O}LT}
31 Dodge female around this time (5) EVADE {EV{AD}E}
32 Inscribe, "Chinese following alien" (4) ETCH {CH}<=>{ET}

1   Game over, friend (4) MATE [DD]
2   Girl moved down and scowled (8) GLOWERED {G}{LOWERED}
3   Colouring material may be cyan or...? (6) CRAYON*
4   Placate animal consuming some legume seeds (7) APPEASE {AP{PEAS}E}
5   Singer receives help in city (8) ADELAIDE {ADEL{AID}E}
6   Spot refills (4,2) TOPS UP TOPS}* [RA]
7   Keep wild dog (4) PEKE*
14 A public representative goes behind saint to get postal sticker (5) STAMP {A}{MP}<=>{ST}
16 I managed to carry some mail for former Pakistani PM (5) IMRAN {I}{Mail}{RAN}
18 Love apples and some other fruits (8) TOMATOES [CD]
20 Public address by parliamentarian starting to hustle and rent tract (8) PAMPHLET {PA}{MP}{Hu...e}{LET}
21 One tin having small diameter for person from US north-east or Canadian south-east (7) ACADIAN {A}{CA{DIA}N}
23 Score 4!-4! (6) TWENTY Definition by example
25 Covet a flying bird (6) AVOCET*
27 God mentioned in the Rosetta? (4) EROS [T]
29 Endless mountains in the US tremble (4) ROCK ROCKies

Reference List
Old = O, Journalist = ED(Editor), On = RE, Chinese = CH, Alien = ET, Girl = G, Public representative = Parliamentarian = MP, Saint = ST, 4!-4 = (4*3*2*1)-4=20


  1. 19A. RESPIRE - (Re)(spire) - breathe

  2. 23d 4 factorial is 24(1*2"*3"*4) -4

  3. Liked 23Dn
    First ! for factorial notation and ! at the end just an exclamation!!!

    1. Right you are! I was wondering

    2. Very clever indeed. I was thinking the first 4 had to be 24 or 420, but couldn't think of factorial! 👌

  4. 29d aren't they Rocky Mountains!

  5. Vladimir was ENLISTED to play a RAPID fire match against Incognito.

    He had earlier managed to win a match against IMRAN and was seen ROCKING!

    Incognito being a genius defeated Vladimir in less than TWENTY moves. A quick MATE...

    Being a kindly soul he APPEASED Vladimir and promised to take him to
    ADELAIDE and introduce him to the TSARINAS.

    1. Kudos to you Sir, for this narrative from today's solutions!!!
      Wish you had also imagined an ACADIAN planning his trip by SEAWAY for this encounter.

  6. Col., reference list must be corrected.
    4! = 4x3x2x1. Not 4+3+2+1

  7. I like that different setters provide different levels of challenge. Today's puzzle was so easy that I didn't even have to fill in the grid. I could solve it all in my head.

  8. Yes. It was really easy.
    Liked BOLT, DEFEATED & ofcourse TWENTY.
    Thanx Kishore!
    @ CGB - Tsarinas in Australia?? 😀

  9. They had come there to meet Vladimir!!!!

  10. Please wait for my spin on Vladimir till tomorrow.

