Saturday 6 January 2024

No 14065, Saturday 06 Dec 2024,Incognito

8   Greek having sex appeal and courage (4) GRIT {GR}{IT}
9   Stagnant position on a railway (10) STATIONARY {STATION}{A}{RY}
10 Cut down on intake and passed away holding alien (6) DIETED {DI{ET}ED} 
11 Flowers! Flowers placed around ship! (8) BLOSSOMS {BLO{SS}OMS}
12 Excitedly pat mower for getting parasite (8) TAPEWORM*
14 Prince having one new doctor in custody (6) ANDREW {A}{N{DR}EW}
16 Skis laid out to form "X"? (4) KISS*
17 Award got before Papa (5) OSCAR (alpha,...oscar, papa, ....zulu)
18 Part from Yosemite Museum (4) ITEM [T]
19 Oscillating fan use is risky (6) UNSAFE*
21 I spot ape running around... it's fitting (8) APPOSITE*
23 Huge deficit in fossil fuel (8) COLOSSAL {CO{LOSS}AL}
26 They may help to draw straight lines for kings, for example (6) RULERS [DD]
27 Once again, production is fun! (10) RECRECATION {RE-CREATION}
28 Record: "It's a piece of paper currency" (4) NOTE [DD]

1   Girl leaves provision of water for plants to model resulting in displeasure (10) IRRITATION IRRI(-g+T}TATION
2   Saint says, "Speak haltingly" (8) STUTTERS {ST}{UTTERS}
3   Familiar with American journalist starting to take offence (4,2) USED TO {US}{ED}{Take}{Of...e}
4   Hit boy and young animal (4) LAMB {LAM}{B}
5   Crazy Imran! Out to get a legendary creature! (8) MINOTAUR*
6   New nude is transported around America (6) UNUSED {UN{US}ED*}
7   Stuff starting to melt after car crash (4) CRAM {Melt}<=>{CAR}*
13 Doctor takes tea and coffee (5) MOCHA {MO}{CHA}
15 English church reader brewed tea for the voting populace (10) ELECTORATE {E}{LECTOR}{TEA*}
17 Old poems cover beginning of adventure abroad (8) OVERSEAS {O}{VERSE{Ad,,,e}S}
18 Shoe insert kept on holy book? That's rude! (8) INSOLENT {INSOLE}{NT}
20 How one might be travelling abroad in relation to a ship or aircraft? (6) ABOARD* Semi&lit
22 Average ward's pop or mom, perhaps (6) PARENT {PAR}{ENT}
24 For example, tandoor mentioned in above note (4) OVEN [T]
25 SOS sent out from shaking sailors' den (4) LAIR sAILoRs*

Reference List
Greek = GR, Sex appeal = IT, Railway = RY, Alien = ET, Ship = SS, Girl = G, Model = T, Journalist = ED, Boy = B, English = E, Old = O, Holy Book = NT(New Testament), Average = PAR


  1. 17A- Though I got the Oscar award, I could not parse it. Greek version of A for Apple? New to me.


    2. Thank you Col. for the link.

    3. Sir,
      Probably, the APLHA or ALFA, BETA, CHARLIE...etc. were coined during the WW-II, evident being their usage in almost all the modes of verbal communication apart from navigational terms in both air and marine means of transport. So much so, these ALPHA, BETA... ZULU are the phonetic notations or alphabets in ICAO as well as the Admirality and IMO (Internatioal Maritime Organisation).

  2. Replies
    1. But sad to say that I missed today's issue as my newspaper boy delivered only the IE (Indian Express) and not The Hindu, literally making me feel like a fish out of water.

  3. From elsewhere
    Its bitter,rather,outside! (4)

    1. I found the answer by cheating. But annotated myself. 🫏

  4. Brrrr is cold,chilly,isn't it?
    It's not a CD. What is the def.?

    1. That exclamation mark is the actual def. With the clue as &lit qualifier to def.

    2. Good one. Thank you for sharing.

  5. Breezy grid as usual. Thanks Incognito and Col.
    2D - The def "Speak haltingly" leads to STUTTER and not STUTTERS right?

  6. Easy & typical incognito.
    Thank Kishore!
