Saturday 13 January 2024

No 14071, Saturday 13 Jan 2024, Afterdark

9   Building studio at Spain which is small (7) OUTSIDE {STUDIO}*{E}
10 Instrument to essentially log cases before rainfall (7) OCARINA {lOg}{CA}{RAIN*}
11 Exposed? Safe out of hospital (7) UNARMED UNhARMED
12 Soldier in bar is reasonable (7) LOGICAL {LO{GI}CAL}
13 A date between two people takes time and adjustment (9) AMENDMENT {A}{MEN}{D}{MEN}{T}
15 Once more in general swapping positions (5) AGAIN {IN}<=>{AGA}
16 Heels used imaginatively in California football club (7) CHELSEA {C{HEELS*}A}
19 Spot strike in Seoul outskirts by men essentially (7) SPECKLE {Seo{PECK}uL}{mEn}
20 Man holding clubs with twinned crystal (5) MACLE {MA{C}LE}
21 Director has problem with tip (9) HITCHCOCK {HITCH}{COCK}
By Bhargav
25 Squanderer has issue festering in money, right? (7) MISUSER {M}{ISSUE*}{R}
26 Down payment direction to procure printer frequently (7) EARNEST {EA{pRiNtEr}ST}
28 Player training to catch some mackerel fish (7) LAMPREY {PLAYER}* over {Ma...l}
29 Publicise department's order on college grant (7) POSTDOC {POST}{D}{O}{C}

1   Policeman stripping Hulk on a roof (6) COPULA  {COP}{hULk}{A} Roof should be CUPOLA?
2   Strike faster in disguise (6) STRAFE*
3   Adamant on changing sides to shoot (4) FILM FI{-r+l)LM
4   Drop clues frequently on church official (6) BEADLE {BEAD}{cLuEs}
5   Corrupts election at say, Pondicherry with ease oddly (8) POLLUTES {POLL}{UT}{EaSe}
6   Country delighted in misfortune? Strange humans basically (10) BANGLADESH {BAN{GLAD}E}{St...e}{Hu...s}
7   Shoddy soldier on break after Mass (8) GIMCRACK {GI} with {CRACK}<=>{M}
8   Talk with network following norm once? Not on (8) PARLANCE {LAN}<=>{PAR} and {onCE}
14 Leading story writers feature in appointment-book of clinic (10) DISPENSARY {DI{St..y}{PENS}ARY}
16 Plant a spy to steal note to trail corps (8) CAMOMILE {A}{MO{MI}LE} after {C}
17 Pardon former emcee wandering around America (6,2) EXCUSE ME {EX}{EMCEE} over {US} An extra E in the fodder
18 Resting places for butts (8) ASHTRAYS [CD]
22 Reward to tour European Union society to form connections (3-3) TIE-UPS {TI{EU}P}{S}
23 Drove around to Ohio to go too far (6) OVERDO {DROVE}*{O}
24 Out of England, sketching miserable and garish art (6) KITSCH SKeTCHIng*
27 Retiring teacher offered raise finally in advance (4) RISE {SIR<=}{r..sE}

Reference List
Spain = E, Hospital = H, Date = D, Time = T, Clubs = C, Money = M, Right = R, Department = D, Order = O, College = C, Mass = M, Note = MI, Corps = C, America = A, Society = S


  1. 27d arent raise and rise synonyms!

  2. Is 17 D OK? Where is A in excuse me

  3. If America is US then there is an extra e

  4. If America is US then there is an extra e

    1. I took former as X and America as US. E(X)C(US)E ME*

    2. Wander:travel without direction.

    3. I thought there is an extra 'e' too.

    4. How to justify removal of extra e
      former = ex
      emcee = mc = em , ce
      wandering = anag ind
      around = cont ind
      America = US

    5. I think it is just a simple error.

  5. Vladimir was in BANGLADESH.
    Some wierd noise OUTSIDE...And yet AGAIN...
    Coffee from Vladimir's cup had dripped down to SPECKLE his suit. His
    hands were trembling. He was UNARMED...
    The sight and scene could have shamed a HITCHCOCK FILM....
    Ganesh doesn't want to OVERDO things...
    He appears and says "EXCUSE ME"...
    What happened next?

    1. He looked up at the GIMRACK KITSCH on the roof vacantly and said "it is not COPULA"...

  6. 9A- Small=Outside?
    Small chance is outside chance of something happening?

  7. 13a two people:
    men( plural) and men(plural again)?

    1. I took it as men and men rather than a pair of persons.

    2. People=men, as a group of human beings.

  8. Great sketch of Alfred Hitchcock. Who is the artist

  9. Sorry to hear about the sad demise of Raj Jayaram. He was one of the six finalists in IXL 23

    1. Oh, very sad. May his soul rest in peace. Was it natural?

    2. Shocking news. Very sad. Om Shanti.

    3. Sorry to hear. Shocking to note that he was active in a competition just a month ago.

    4. RIP Mr. Raj Jayaram, whom I met only 3 weeks back in Bengaluru at the IXL finals. We conversed over lunch and he had given me some tips on how to get involved in playing Bridge. I am saddened to learn about his passing.

    5. I met Raj for the first time at IXL 2023, where he was impressive, finishing in the top 3. But more importantly he had a sharp and curious mind, and drew me out with a lot of pointed questions about puzzles and setting. I believe he was on the way to becoming a setter here himself. He was so full of beans it's hard to believe he's no more. Condolences to the family and near ones

    6. Met raj Jayaram at IXL 2023. Couldn't believe he is no more :( Condolences tohis family


    1. Killer disease took one crossword expert. Very sad

  11. Thank you CGB. Makes it more shocking.

  12. Roof is CUPOLA and not COPULA.
    My top left corner was ruined becos of this.

    EXCUSE ME - additional E was another problem.

    Perhaps minor errors from the setter. But a frustrating experience for the solver.

    Is OUTSIDE a synonym for small?

    1. I think it was used in the sense
      They have an outside chance of qualifying = they have a small chance of qualifying
