Thursday 18 January 2024

No 14074, Thursday 18 Jan 2024, Dr. X

Solution to 25A has been deliberately left unsolved and is to be answered only by a non-regular / novice commenter, with proper annotation. Those who have answered earlier in the week, please give others a chance.

Open for anyone to answer, if not solved by 1 PM.

1   Betrayal essentially! Partner and thin babe cavorting in bed (4,2,3,4) STAB IN THE BACK {parTner+THIN+BABE}* in {SACK}
8   Propose on vacation in bar to get hitched (5) ROPED {RO{Pr...sE}D}
9   Rushed back with budget report (9) NARRATION {RAN<=}{RATION}
11 Fight with fellow breaking key device on camera (10) VIEWFINDER {VIE}{W{F}INDER}
12 Ring stolen by cad is costly (4) DISC [T]
14 Old British soldier in art deco building (7) REDCOAT*
16 Revolutionary technique protecting long cartilaginous tube (7) TRACHEA {ART<=} over {ACHE}
17 Great old banyan, say, outside entrance to mandir (7) EXTREME {EX}{TRE{Ma...r}E}
19 Degenerate consuming ecstasy after drink performed the Cuban dance (7) RUMBAED {BA{E}D}<=>{RUM}
21 Member tackling unionist in plant (4) ARUM {AR{U}M}
22 Wife shouting without limits constantly? Fancy that! (4,1,5) WELL I NEVER {W}{yELLINg}{EVER}
25 Female entering topless - bust's impressive (9) E?F?C?I?E ()
26 Confess about drinking whiskey at university (3,2) OWN UP {O{W}N}{UP}
27 Analysed best teams - they succeed by circumventing rules (4,3,6) BEAT THE SYSTEM*

2   Highest ranked player in river returned after recurrent trouble (3,4) TOP SEED {DEE<=}<=>{SPOT<=}
3   Comfortable situation that might get prickly? (3,2,5) BED OF ROSES [DD]
4   Sheer fabric from salon in Ontario (5) NINON [T]
5   Farm worker runs after swift animal snatching undergarment (9) HARVESTER {R}<=>{HAR{VEST}E}
6   Base of toe crushed by nasty ball (4) BEAD {B{toE}AD}
7   Ice supplied to top hotel for Scottish social event (7) CEILIDH {ICE*}{LID}{Ho..l}
8   Boxer's last two vertebrae injured in ring (11) REVERBERATE {boxER+VERTEBRAE}*
10 Smooch a stunner heartily with abandon outside club? Totally! (4,3,4) NECK AND CROP {NECK}{A}{stuNner}{D{C}ROP}
13 Mellow husband turned amorous, cuddling up at home (10) HARMONIOUS {H}{ARMO{IN<=}OUS*}
15 In addition to that article, write about latest in research (9) THEREWITH {THE}{WRITE*}{r...cH}
18 Very strong taste of liquorice in authentic sweet (7) TRUFFLE {TRU{FF}{Li...e}E}
20 Move forward with a leap after securing victory (7) ADVANCE {A}{D{V}ANCE}
23 Picked up escorts in English city (5) LEEDS (~leads)
24 A little scissor to trim tail (4) SCUT {Sc...r}{CUT}

Reference List
Fellow = F, Ecstasy = E, Unionist = U, Wife = W, Whiskey = W, At university = UP, Runs = R, Club = C, Husband = H, Very strong = FF, Victory = V


  1. Dr.X begins with a bang- smooch a stunner, wife shouting without limits....
    Typical and enjoyable.

  2. Replies
    1. University – U or OU (Open University) or UP (in the UK one goes up to university)

    2. From chambers
      (formal) to or at university • up at Oxford

      Dont think its used outside London..

    3. So it is 'at university = up'.

  3. 25A Female(F) entering(containment ind) topless - bust(DEFECTIVE) impressive(defn) - EFFECTIVE

    bust = out of order = defective

  4. 25 across
    Let me try
    EFFECTIVE = impressive
    F(emale) = F
    Topless bust = (D)efective
    Now insert F in side EFECTIVE =EFFECTIVE

  5. Almost simultaneously! Good solve - both of you.

  6. Thanks Mr. Padmanaban, you always encourage others
