Monday 29 January 2024

No 14083, Monday 29 Jan 2024, Karaoke

Solution to 23D has been deliberately left unsolved and is to be answered only by a non-regular / novice commenter, with proper annotation. Those who have answered earlier in the week, please give others a chance.

Open for anyone to answer, if not solved by 1 PM.

9   Product price without payment essentially? Say again (7) ITERATE {ITEm+RATE}
10 Happy countries without borders, yet to be born (2,5) IN UTERO cOUNTRIEs*
11 Abdominal pain? Apply oil in small measure (5) COLIC {C{OIL*}C}
12 A thinker'd work without any knowledge (2,3,4) IN THE DARK*
13 Determined to trespass and overwhelm first love with precious stone? Yes, but parents essentially rejected (6-6) SINGLE-MINDED {SIN}{G{Love}EM}{INDeED}
15 Buses etc use mainly poisonous lubricants on roads (6,9) PUBLIC TRANSPORT {Po...s}{LUBRICANTS*}{PORT} Port/Roads?
18 Heart of great importance? (5-7) EARTH-SHAKING {HEART}* [RA]
22 Supper club in dark place (9) NIGHTSPOT {NIGHT}{SPOT}
24 Maybe Santa's reindeer comes to rest, destroying shops (5) COMET {COMEs+to+resT}
25 Puzzle -! (7) NONPLUS Rebus
26 Joint at present near lake for nightbird (4,3) BARN OWL {BAR}{NOW}{L}

1   50% walk out of lectures for music (5) DISCO DISCOurses
2   Unit of a large group is growing (5) TESLA {A}{L}{SET}<=
3   Split hairs and almost pick Indian game (8) PARCHISI {HAIRS+PICk}* Actually PARCHEESI is only a Registered brand name of the Indian game PACHISI, shown below
4   Killed top to bottom for money (4) CEDI (-i)CED(+i)I
5   Hi-tech task is resolved. Call it a day (3,3,4) HIT THE SACK*
6   Maybe Scottish philosopher with religious instruction reveals what skeletons have? (6) HUMERI {HUME}{RI}
7   Anodynes relax to a certain degree (3,3,2) YES AND NO*
8   Pattern of padlock to be broken unplugging camera mainly (5,3) POLKA DOT {PADLOcK+TO}*
14 Troubling deep thoughts? Don't be dismissed from job (3,3,4) GET THE PUSH {dEEP+THoUGHTS}*
15 Big-bellied parent anxiously considers good name (8) PREGNANT {PARENT}* over {G}{N}
16 Machine pistols burn up extremely strong building (4,4)  BURP GUNS {BURN+UP+St..nG}*
17 Happy to get popular job without much work (8) SINECURE {S{IN}ECURE}
19 Fashionable belles often drop in these places (6) HOTELS {HOT}{bElLeS}
20 They are fired by army regularly from mobile operating systems primarily (5) AMMOS {ArMy}{Mo...e}{Op...g}{Sy...s} Not a valid plural
21 I agree, there is no law in this country (5) ITALY {I}{TAlLY}
23 Set to be replaced only for upper-class (4) T?B? (Addendum - TUBE {T(-o+u)U}{BE} - See comments)

Reference List
Lake = L, Large = L, Religious Instruction = RI, Good = G, Name = N, Popular = IN, Fashionable = HOT, Only = O, Upper-class = U, Law = L


  1. 15a unable to find exact def but synonym from

    The anchorage lanes, where ships ride on anchor.

    1. port
      seaport, harbor, jetty, dock, anchorage, harbourage, haven, roads, roadstead, hithe
      The above is from Chambers thesaurus with me

    2. The anchorage lanes, where ships ride on anchor is a Roadstead

  2. 23.d only...but
    Tubs ...for upper class ?

    1. Only = O
      O to be replaced by U i.e Upper-class in (TO BE) to get TUBE.
      Def : Set (TV set, Tube)

    2. O is replaced by U etc as shown above

  3. I think this is not correct

  4. 23D: TUBE..(to+be) ..O to U..TUBE = SET (eg TV)
