Thursday, 20 February 2025

No 14413, Thursday 20 Feb 2025, Afterdark

Solution to 3D has been deliberately left unsolved and is to be answered only by a non-regular / novice commenter, with proper annotation. Those who have answered earlier in the week, please give others a chance. 

Open for anyone to solve, if not solved by 1 PM.

1   New stem and almost a part of a flower (6) STAMEN {STEM+ANd}*
4   Firm getting a shelter for animals (6) STABLE [DD]
9   High uncles laugh at beginner's dance (4) HULA Acrostic
10 Morons got a bit rowdy, broke vault (10) STRONGROOM {MORONS+GOT+Ro..y}*
11 Say, Williams finishing off fifth contender untroubled (6) SERENE {SERENa}{c..tEn..r}
12 Daughter with ease, as we hear collected money with people for a leather garment (8) DEERSKIN {D}{(~ease)EE}{RS}{KIN}
13 Courier in trouble, keen to leave a note in place (9) MESSENGER {MESS}{E(-a+n)NGER}
15 Butchery by ex-VP (4) GORE [DD]
16 New small tea stall (4) SEAT {S+TEA}*
17 Say, safety drill conducted by top two cricketers (Ash) at match (5-4) CRASH-TEST {CRi...s}{ASH}{TEST}
21 Squash club collects fee (8) MACERATE {MACE}{RATE}
22 Lost a small plate (6) ASTRAY {A}{S}{TRAY}
24 Deputy's corruption on company lease (10) VICEGERENT {VICE}{GE}{RENT} New word for me
25 Flower offered for God (4) IRIS [DD]
26 Identity card? ID card lost by individual (6) ENTITY idENTITY card
27 Magnificent rehearsal showcases focus (6) CENTRE [T]

1   Sleep in small shed, I am told (4-3) SHUT-EYE {S}{HUT}{(~i)EYE}
2   A positive tennis serve, fast (5) APACE {A}{P}{ACE}
3   As per report, agitation at CERN, head dismissed by direction (7) E?S?E?N ()
5   Ostentatious with money, steals regularly (6) TINSEL {TIN}{StEaLs}
6   Forbids to construct plant (5,4) BIRDS FOOT*
7   Controversial agenda tabled by Spain (7) EMOTIVE {MOTIVE}<=>{E}
8   Electrical appliance found at foothill, available at Zepto taken by engineer (6-7) FRIDGE-FREEZER {F}{RIDGE}{FREE}{Z}{ER}
14 Worried people enter vacant tenement after society's communiqué (9) STATEMENT {ATE}{MEN} in {Te...nT} after {S}
16 Injured bat, lies immobile (7) STABILE*
18 Upset hero at empty terminal exited entrance (7) STARTLE {STAR}{Te...aL}{Ex...d}
19 Ideas floated in Southern Spain coast (7) SEASIDE {IDEAS}* in {S}{E}
20 Caution in dugout, one taking last wicket (6) CAVEAT {CAVE}{A}{w...eT}
23 Model is not Mark (5) TAINT {T}{'AINT}

Reference List
Money = Rs, Note = N, Small = S, Positive = P, Spain = E, Foot = F, Zepto = Z, Engineer = ER, Society = S, Southern = S, Model = T

Wednesday, 19 February 2025

No 14412, Wednesday 19 Feb 2025, Vidwan

Solution to 23A has been deliberately left unsolved and is to be answered only by a non-regular / novice commenter, with proper annotation. Those who have answered earlier in the week, please give others a chance. 

Open for anyone to solve, if not solved by 1 PM.

1   Two months in the last quarter? Concentrate! (6) DECOCT {DEC}{OCT}
4   Opportunities to head into ship (6) SCAPES {S{CAPE}S}
10 The vile Yemeni, casting malicious look (4,3) EVIL EYE [T]
11 Trained agent putting love behind with rose! (7) TUTORED {T(-o)UT(+o)O}{RED} 
12 Ballot for appointment of a military chief? (7,8) GENERAL ELECTION [C&DD]
13 Ordinary, innocuous spice, most ordered! (13) INCONSPICUOUS {INNOCUOUS+SPICe}*
14 You cannot keep sitting on this instruction! (8,5) STANDING ORDER [CD]
21 Played by all fat fans too! It is not a real competition! (7,8) FANTASY FOOTBALL*
22 Give up control over half of Gallic nation (7) REFRAIN {RE{FRAnce}IN}
23 Clues about a forgotten legend of dribble (7) S?I?T?E (Addendum - SPITTLE {TIPS<=}{TaLE} - See comments)
24 This Greek art could provide rationale (6) EOLIAN [CA] {EOLIAN+ART}* = {RATIONALE} 
25 See southern parts blast (6) DESCRY {DE{S}CRY}

1   Basically to delve, remove earth, dig ground, excavate (6) DREDGE Acrostic &lit
2   Life energy's almost gone anyway, by opening of navel and roll of hair on nape of neck (7) CHIGNON {CHI}{GONe*}{Na..l}
3   Ice hero's animated greeting (7) CHEERIO*
5   Some delicate chunks of resin (7) CATECHU [T]
6   Rest inside Alexander's adversary's territory (7) PURLIEU {PUR{LIE}U}
7   Editor going in without chairs (6) SEDANS {S{ED}ANS}
8   Making fresh arrangement by correcting, taking time out for girl (13) RECLASSIFYING REC(-t+lass)LASSFYING
9   Hero's last manoeuvres involved King's decoy (8-5) STALKING-HORSE {HEROS+LAST}* over {KING}
15 Unfelt, universal, kind of musical (7) TUNEFUL {UNFELT+U}*
16 A raga in flowing river (7) NIAGARA*
17 Rope from Spooner's loo (7) RATLINE (latrine to ratline)
18 Tolerant English girl ignoring backside spasm (7) ELASTIC {A}{LASs}{TIC}
19 Disreputable girlfriend or Church? That's some weight! (6) GFORCE {GF}{OR}{CE} Why disreputable? Enu should be (1-5)
20 Inactive agent has cover (6) SLEEPY {S{LEE}PY}

Reference List
Ship = SS, Southern = S, Time = T, Universal = U, Girlfriend = GF, Church = CE, Cover = LEE