Tuesday 30 April 2019

No 12613, Tuesday 30 Apr 2019, Anon

1   Unrealistic rogue right, needing no introduction, cunning (11)  IMPRACTICAL {IMP}{R}{tACTICAL}
9   Have party on ship (7) POSSESS {POSSE}{SS}
10 Office of power (6) AGENCY [DD]
11 Maybe after this? (5) APRIL [CD]
12 At first, sea fish for captain (7) SKIPPER {Sea}{KIPPER}
15 Wedge of fruit from end to end (4) LUMP (-p)LUM(+p)P
16 Shuts water, destroys fungi (5,5)  WHEAT RUSTS
18 Unnecessarily annoys? Wily! (10) NEEDLESSLY {NEEDLES}{SLY}
20 Delay returning from a carnival (4) GALA {LAG}<={A}
23 Intolerant large toed doctor (7) BIGOTED {BIG}{TOED*}
24 Glorify alien overwhelming unknown odd owls (5) EXTOL {E{X}T}{OwLs}
26 Italian city resident initially infatuated by Gypsy (6) ROMANI {ROMAN}{In...d}
27 Applause, love for accountant leaving on holiday (7) OVATION {O}{VAcaTION}
28 Bothered by regular Boer’s union with Communist (11) BELEAGUERED {BoEr}{LEAGUE}{RED}

2   Mule is devouring breakfast food (6) MUESLI*
3   Trick royal to exercise (4) RUSE {R}{USE}
4   Frankly my dear, he did not give a damn (5,5) CLARK GABLE [GK]

5   Novice constructed next pier (8) INEXPERT*
6   Bowmen decapitated infantrymen (7) ARCHERS mARCHERS
7   Twist back in bandage when spreading out (9) SPRAWLING {WARP<=} in {SLING}
8   Has peculiar sheep at retreat (6) ASHRAM {HAS*}{RAM}
13 Rebuking child’s urging (10) CHASTENING {C}{HASTENING}
14 Criticizing regular bans on gliding (9) ASSAILING {bAnS}{SAILING}
17 Almost everyone has place set aside (8) ALLOCATE {ALl}{LOCATE}
19 Abstract of curtailed grand book (7) EPITOME {EPIc}{TOME}
21 Hit, taint a cook (6) ATTAIN*
22 Censure every other able judge (6) BERATE {aBlE}{RATE}
25 Bother about robe (4) BORE*

Reference List
Party POSSE, Ship = SS, Alien ET, Unknown = X, Accountant = CA, Union = LEAGUE, Sheep = RAM


Monday 29 April 2019

No 12612, Monday 29 Apr 2019, Lightning

1   Stamp perhaps left inside by perfectionist (8) STICKLER {STICK{L}ER}
5   Warning at den close to forest surrounding Austria (6) CAVEAT {CAVE}{A}{f...sT}
9   Conclude one electronic gate is substandard (8) INFERIOR {INFER}{1}{OR}
10 Independent parliamentarian with manner to damage (6) IMPAIR {I}{MP}{AIR}
12 Dutch cheese used delightfully for starters in tourist city (5) GOUDA {GO{Used}{De...y}OA} State or City?
13 Among other things, missing new private island area (5,4) INTER ALIA {INTERnAL}{I}{A}
14 Fun is ongoing, holding together (6) UNISON [T]
16 Wise bet cast in online portal (7) WEBSITE*
19 Rob the wasted European with furtiveness (7) STEALTH {STEAL}{THe}
21 Small walls at first really beautiful (6) PRETTY {P{Re...y}ETTY}
23 Im entering a country with liveliness (9) ANIMATION {A}{N{I'M}ATION}
25 Buzzer’s call right (5) PAGER {PAGE}{R}
26 Was sailor concealing violent attack? (6) ASSAIL [T]
27 Nearly get correctional facilities to drop international vegetables (8) BRINJALS {BRINg}{JAiLS}
28 Former lover inclined to prolong (6) EXTEND {EX}{TEND}
29 Approaching heartless man in time for a change (8) IMMINENT {MaN+IN+TIME}*

1   Unwilling to spend final money after robbery (6) STINGY {STING}{m..eY}
2   Control of well-organised, fine uncle (9) INFLUENCE*
3   Destiny of king trapped by god of love (5) KARMA {KA{R}MA}
4   Sentiment of limitlessly isolated leader upon returning (7) EMOTION {rEMOTe}{NO1<=}
6   Fine naval officer caught/bowled by English (9) ADMIRABLE {ADMIRA{B}L}{E}
7   Hema illuminated partly by message (5) EMAIL [T]
8   Deviously rent the area to intimidate (8) THREATEN {RENT+THE+A}*
11 Last of potatoes not dry? Turn around and cook slowly (4) STEW {p...eS}{WET<=}
15 Doctor so valiant in rescue (9) SALVATION*
17 At home, the empty fireplace is put together (9) INTEGRATE {IN}{ThE}{GRATE}
18 Increase intensity sorting case behind on time (8) ESCALATE {CASE*}{LATE}
20 Salute leaders of Haryana assembly imposing levy (4) HAIL Acrostic
21 Criticize (not mar) syntax in this crossword, perhaps (7) PANGRAM {PAN}{GRAMmar}Not really. Where's the Q? See comments
22 Configure in advance, with power to be readjusted (6) PRESET {P}{RESET}
24 Small addition fixed at home upfront (5) INSET {SET}<=>{IN}
25 Scheme from post office at New Zealand isle (5) PONZI {PO}{NZ}{I}

Reference List
Electronic gate = OR, Parliamentarian = MP, Private = INTERNAL, Call = PAGE, Former lover = EX, Robbery = STING, God of love = KAMA, Isolated = REMOTE, At home = IN, Criticize = PAN


Sunday 28 April 2019

Special, Sunday 28 Apr 2019, K Koteswar Rao

Three answers per commenter as usual till 6 PM (Annotations compulsory)
Please provide all your answers in one comment.

7   Half the street is free from fog (6)
8   Number of spots in butterfish (4-4)
9   48? No, Henry is in confusion! Drop the subject (6,2)
10 Irritable, bad-tempered and so on in your old practice (6)
11 Wait until dark (5)
12 Expression of acceptance. Amen!(6)
14 It’s very stupid to think salsa, a pack dance (2,5,2,1,5)
17 Dismiss final championship games endlessly (3-3)
18 A counterfeit rejected by wet-nurses (5)
22 Custodian’s wife left for good to a pleasant spot (6) 
23 Bone container stops vessel for minute recording of a death (8)
24 Many, many, many – He has many tongues with him (8) 
25 Blueprint of authentically Asian Group name (6)

1   Support group recalled in exact powerless spot (9)
2   Antelope has nothing to add to short way of walking (6)
3   Express surprise without hands (5)
4   Topless hat takes the detested person (8)
5   Support rests entirely on the wagon (8)
6   Engineering colleges brainwash heartlessly on Sunday (5)
8   Interior exterior – It was in power in 1989? (8,5)
13 Duty imposed on article of silver embedded in piece of work (9)
15  Laid off in flatboats and leaves (8)
16 Admit defeat and burst into tears before pawnbroker (3,5)
19 Dessert spoon first taken in second help (6)
20 Disturbance to have a stock to stake out (5)
21 Language prominently spoken from British-India days (5)

Across Lite version can be accessed at KKR 22


The Sunday Crossword No 3045, Sunday 28 Apr 2019

1   Trained airman and Royal Marine showing solidarity (3,2,3) ARM IN ARM {AIRMAN}*{RM}
5   A kid free from anxiety (2,4) AT EASE {A}{TEASE}
10 Crumpled towel - who'll give a hoot? (5) OWLET*
11 Ginger cake dunked in drink: not a welcoming sign (2,7) NO PARKING {NO{PARKIN}G}
12 Yet Attic's in need of translation for ancient Athens, say (4-5) CITY-STATE*
13 Night before conservationists' do (5) EVENT {EVE}{NT}  Conservationists/NT?
14 Kramer's taken aback, giving notice (6) REMARK <=
15 Surgeon can be seen here and there at play (7) THEATRE*
18 Her tea's simmering, leading to pops in a microwave, say (7) REHEATS*
20 Good (the actor) in 'Wild Rosebushes' (according to the audience) (6) BRIERS (~ briars)
22 Delightful chap on the radio provides penicillin, etc (5) FUNGI (~fun guy)
24 Unfairly bowled, a weak spin on the ball (4,5) WIDE AWAKE {WIDE}{A+WEAK}*
25 Snidely suggest how unmarried couples live fundamentally undermines a truth eternal (9) INSINUATE {IN SIN}{Un...s}{A}{Tr..h}{Et...l}
26 Tonic unopened, almost all of slice discarded: it's one way to serve gin (2,3) ON ICE {tONIC}{s..cE}
27 Wassail not as spirited around start of November; Christmas is when you might bid them welcome (2-4) IN-LAWS {WasSAIL}* over {No...r}
28 In a manner of speaking, sweatier, in a way (2,2,4) AS IT WERE*

1   Having let cold in, make amends immediately (2,4) AT ONCE {ATON{C}E}
2   Use force? There are only 20 of them! (4,5) MILK TEETH {MILK}{TEETH}
3   Awkward swot is anorak fan? No-one's told me otherwise (3,2,3,2,1,4) NOT AS FAR AS I KNOW*
4   Rifle spread fire (7) RANSACK {RAN}{SACK}
 Funny story, flailing a baton after agitato? Me neither (5,3,2,1,4) THREE MEN IN A BOAT {ME+NEITHER}*{A+BATON}*
7   Carroll's lead in a story (5) ALICE {A}{LI{Ca...l}E} &lit
8   This decade, endlessly weightiest (8) EIGHTIES wEIEGHTIESt
9   Cheery, rowdy pub receives penalty regularly (6) UPBEAT {PUB}*{pEnAlTy}
16 'Avert your eyes!': sounds like Romantic painter was full of sorrow (4,5) TURN ASIDE (~ Turner sighed)
17 Wimbledon ace in good shape, one imparts the writing on the wall (8) GRAFFITI {GRAF}{FIT}{1}
19 I don't care who's at fault (2,4) SO WHAT*
20 Wrapped in cotton wool, end up delivering unwelcome information (3,4) BAD NEWS {SW{END}AB}<=
21 Strait-laced, stuck up in cashmere vestment (6) SEVERE [T<=]
23 Alan's confusedly giving description of Alain's vowels (5) NASAL*


Saturday 27 April 2019

No 12611, Saturday 27 Apr 2019, Incognito


1. Baron not having stuff to colour leather (8) BLACKING {B}{LACKING}
5. Free-wheels  // in lands next to sea (6) COASTS (DD)
10. Sanskrit aphorism formulated by ultras without learning (5) SUTRA {UlTRAS*}
11. Indian warrior king's headgear retained in your area in the beginning (9) KSHATRIYA {K}{S}{HAT}{Retained}{In}{Your}{Area}

12. Covet a mad bird or missile (6) AVOCET {COVET+A*}

13. A type of wheel that controls cattle in Germany (8) STEERING {STEER}{IN}{G}
15. Pen with custom (5) WRITE {W}{RITE}
17. Everyone following Western tabloid get interior decoration material (9) WALLPAPER {W}{ALL}{PAPER}
19. Oxidise an egg before cross young army officer has tea brewed (9) OXYGENATE {O}{X}{Y}{GEN}{TEA*}
20. Classification date was mechanically written (5) TYPED {TYPE}{D}
21. Final pant before croaking? (4,4) LAST GASP (CD)
23. Napping general swallowed by snake (6) ASLEEP {AS{LEE}P}
27. Top person to look after (6,3) NUMBER ONE Anno not clear See comments
28. Smell of a gypsy (5) AROMA {A}{ROMA}
29. Splotches spoilt satin skirt at first (6) STAINS {SATIN*}{Skirt}
30. Top Gun pilot's // loose cannon? (8) MAVERICK (DD)


1. Arabs travel to this port (5) BASRA {ARABS*}
2. Writer with sex appeal has unknown power (9) AUTHORITY {AUTHOR}{IT}{Y}
3. Rogue knight's holding part of a church (5) KNAVE {K}{NAVE}
4. Weapon United Kingdom hid in the north east (4) NUKE {N{UK}E}
6. Place the ball is kept when taking a penalty kick // then and there (2-3-4) ON-THE-SPOT (DD)
7. Technological fantasy movie created by the Supreme Court of India and the Film Institute initially (3-2) SCI-FI {SCI}{Film}{Institute}
8. Flabbergasted by // unsteady movement (9) STAGGERED (DD)
9. Caucasian fibs while telling diplomatic untruths (5,4) WHITE LIES {WHITE}{LIES}
14. Hops wildly after hard work in a bad working environment (9) SWEATSHOP {SWEAT}{HOPS*}
15. Court daughter with money and ultimate poems in forests (9) WOODLANDS {WOO}{D}{L}{AND}{poemS}
16. Washington's first lady's initially rustic and raw (9) EVERGREEN {EVE}{Rustic}{GREEN}
18. Sprinkle on a seasoned sausage (9) PEPPERONI {PEPPER}{ON}{I}
22. Mambas lost initial momentum and danced this dance (5) SAMBA {MAmBAS*}
24. Wager  // an anti vampire weapon (5) STAKE (DD)
25. Lark played in a renovated National Park (5) PRANK {N+PARK*}
26. Cheese found wrapped in taffetas (4) FETA (T)

Reference List

Baron=B, Learning=L, King=K, Germany=G, With=W, Western=W, Egg=O, Cross=X, Young=Y, Army officer=Gen, Date=D, General=Lee
Sex appeal=It, Unknown=Y, Knight=K, United Kingdom=UK, North=N, East=E, Supreme Court of India=SCI, Daughter=D, Money=L(Pounds), First lady=Eve, A=I (A=One=I)

Colour/Font Scheme

DefinitionSolutionComponent lettersEmbedded linksTheme word Anagram IndicatorC/C indicatorReversal IndicatorHidden word IndicatorLetter Pick indicatorDeletion IndicatorHomophone IndicatorMovement IndicatorPositional IndicatorSubstitution, IndicatorLink/Connector, Extraneous


Friday 26 April 2019

No 12610, Friday 26 Apr 2019, Incognito

All those who are not regular commenters but who are rookie commenters or silent followers of the blog are requested to post answers with annotations in the comments section. In your own interest please avoid looking up the answers from the interactive version. Don't hesitate to post your annotations, in case you make a mistake in the annotation someone will correct it with the right annotation.

Each commenter is requested to post only 5 answers thereby giving others also a chance to participate. Please provide all your answers in one comment.

Regular solvers/Veterans can post 1 answer each, but after 11 AM only

The regular blog will replace the clues at 2 PM.

Thanks for the response, here's the regular blog.

7   Hero staggers badly after throwing rotten eggs (4) STAR STAggeRs
8   Violent little sea on moon, for example (9) SATELLITE*
10 Get tar to dance? That's the objective (6) TARGET*
11 A stammering clergyman? That's right! (8) ACCURATE {A}{C CURATE}
12 Cowboy country's stew (4,4) WILD WEST {STEW}* [RA]
14 President's manager lost his head and ran amok (6) REAGAN mANAGER*
16 Mythical creature has nothing for cavalryman (7) DRAGOON {DRAG{O}ON}
18 Check if Yankee can be witness (7) TESTIFY {TEST}{IF}{Y}
21 As known to friends, current president exchanges first letter with eighteenth president (6) RONALD (-d+r)RONALD  R is the eighteenth alphabet
23 Covertly designed sirenetc. (2,6) IN SECRET*
25 Sailor soils and takes a rain check (8) ABSTAINS {AB}{STAINS}
27 In the beginning, a terrible tax assessment caused kerfuffle and raid (6) ATTACK Acrostic
29 Proved to be tin dropped by toucan (6,3) TURNED OUT {TOUcan}* [RA]
30 Battles with a rusted sword in the beginning (4) WARS Acrostic

1   Stabler rides wildly, consuming drink (8) STEADIER {S{TEA}DIER*}
2   Doctor has a good smoke (4) DRAG {DR}{A}{G}
3   Parasite lands in tea estate initially (6) TSETSE {SETS} in {Tea}{Es...e}
4   Shaken, ET halts showing surreptitiousness (7) STEALTH*
5   Poured a claret around a dish from the menu (1,2,5) A LA CARTE {A+CLARET}* over {A}
6   Mole stuffed food, right? (4) PIER {PIE}{R}
9   Old art returned? That's bonus! (5) EXTRA {EX}{ART<=}
13 Go mad about creed (5) DOGMA*
15 A teetotaller icommand gives storage space (5) ATTIC {A}{TT}{IC}
17 Veteran's ancient watch (3-5) OLD-TIMER {OLD}{TIMER}
19 They'll skin you — run now, with money (8) FLEECERS {FLEE}{CE}{RS}
20 Don't hit one over goal (7) MISSION {MISS}{1}{ON}
22 Go around gold piece (5) ORBIT {OR}{BIT}
24 Goddess at Sikh organisation (6) SHAKTI*
26 Port wheel protector (4) TYRE [DD]
28 Settlement to allow production at last (4) TOWN {TO}{a..oW}{p...oN}

Thursday 25 April 2019

No 12609, Thursday 25 Apr 2019, Incognito

Welcome to Chennai. Incognito would have had a problem if he tried to set a clue for the new name of 'Central Station'

1   Endlessly clean that lady's male domestic animal in Chennai locality (12) WASHERMANPET {WASh}{HER}{MAN}{PET}
9   Dying writhing around university neighbourhood having snake park (6) GUINDY {G{U}INDY*}
10 By morning British captured upper class area near coach factory (8) PERAMBUR {PER}{AM}{B{U}R}
12 Bulb shaped roof on one ring shaped building: modern, without using rods at first (5,4) ONION DOME {ON}{1}{O}{MODErN*}
13 Disc jockey's pub spirit (5) DJINN {DJ}{INN}
14 Take the chair after the trade fair and explain (7) EXPOSIT {EXPO}{SIT}
16 Stop and expend money around the United States (7) SUSPEND {S{US}PEND}
18 Animals look and get up at first sunlight (7) LORISES {LO}{RISE}{Su...t}
20 Legendary flier's super gas compound has no Rhodium, as it was once known (7) PEGASUS {SUPEr+GAS}*
22 Eject the first supersonic pilot (5) CHUCK [DD]
24 Structures of flying machines can be made by melting a firearm with sulphur (9) AIRFRAMES {A+FIREARM*}{S}
26 Most hats can be designed for an apostle (2,6) ST THOMAS*
27 Mother, initially the uniquely red elderberry is ready to be eaten (6) MATURE {MA}{The}{Un...y}{Red}{El...y}
28 Land broker's spies chase a type of car (6,6) ESTATE AGENTS {AGENTS}<=>{ESTATE}

2   Manipulated bail with one's proof that one wasn't there (5) ALIBI {BAIL}*{1}
3   Scholar is in the midst of robberies by people seeking pleasure (9) HEDONISTS {HE{DON}ISTS}
4   Idiot consumes gel with ecstasy to become everlasting (7) AGELESS {A{GEL}{E}SS}
5   Please help to make dress material (5) PLAID {PL}{AID}
6   Two containers one after another on eastern ship? That will lead to obesity (9) TUBBINESS {TUB}{BIN}{E}{SS}
7   Example: Remo built a railway station (6) EGMORE {EG}{REMO*}
8   Stretched one's neck! Red can's being crushed (6) CRANED*
11 In favour of the stronghold (4) FORT {FOR}{T}
15 Turn from good game after losing money (9) PIROUETTE {PI}{ROUlETTE}
17 Can US gear crush this? (5,4) SUGAR CANE* Semi&lit
18 Bordello customer's a pest (6) LOCUST [T]
19 A specialised soldier leads another soldier to get some joining material (7) SEALANT {SEAL}{ANT}
20 Leave one's vehicle temporarily in garden (4) PARK [DD]
21 This relative is sometimes a religious person; sometimes a medical assistant and sometimes both (6) SISTER [DD]
23 Whip knight away from home (5) KNOUT {KN}{OUT}
25 Climb hill (5) MOUNT [DD]


Wednesday 24 April 2019

No 12608, Wednesday 24 Apr 2019, Incognito

8   Bread and gravy (4) CASH [DD]
9   Small dog ate nothing for tea (5) PEKOE {PEK{O}E}
10 William Blake's hidden metric foot (4) IAMB [T]
11 Old boys use chemical to prevent bleeding along with nickel (6) ALUMNI {ALUM}{NI}
12 Britisher advancing money and mixing (8) BLENDING {B}{LENDING}
13 Given up for Japanese beverage before beginning of night (8) FORSAKEN {FOR}{SAKE}{Ni..t}
15 New York exports Tungsten compound to Scottish archipelago (6) ORKNEY {NEw+YORK}*
17 Explode protectively, a recoiling and concealed underwater missile (7) TORPEDO [T<=]
19 Yes, ring can be made into medical equipment (7) SYRINGE*
22 Violent gnome captured king at river (6) MEKONG {ME{K}ONG*}
24 Inclination of Indian state, small in size (8) APPETITE {AP}{PETITE}
26 Three wickets in a row got by, say, a bowler with a deceptive action (3,5) HAT TRICK {HAT}{TRICK}
28 An animal to drag back around Mombasa airport (6) WOMBAT {WO{moMBAsa}T<=}
30 Army team's cab (4) TAXI {TA}{XI}
31 Depend upon a pivotal mechanism (5) HINGE [DD]
32 Defrost by temporary heating and warming at first (4) THAW Acrostic

1   TV comedienne Lucille's dance (4) BALL [DD]
2   Digital way of conveying a green signal? (6-2) THUMBS-UP [CD]
3   State connection and transmit data from earth to a satellite (6) UPLINK {UP}{LINK}
4   Eisenhower not completely banal to create flower arrangement (7) IKEBANA {IKE}{BANAl}
5   Enemy orc arranged a ritual (8) CEREMONY*
6   Animal for which kid went back twice (3-3) DIK-DIK <=
7   Sign seen in phenomenon (4) OMEN [T]
14 Renovation of zoo quarters gives fresh air? (5) OZONE {ZOO*}{N}{E}
16 Halved or two cubed (5) EIGHT [DD] {16/2 and 23}
18 Tail-light finally fell off around beginning of February in aerial combat (8) DOGFIGHT {DOG}{Fe...y}{lIGHT}
20 Inform and be close (8) INTIMATE [DD]
21 Prohibit monarch dealing in money (7) BANKING {BAN}{KING}
23 Get renovated boat in (6) OBTAIN*
25 Indian uncle (6) PAWNEE [DD]
27 Indian king goes back to leave the door slightly open (4) AJAR<=
29 The first male was a mother? (4) ADAM {A}{DAM}

Reference List
Army = TA (Territorial Army}, Quarters = N,S,E,W, Mother = DAM


Tuesday 23 April 2019

No 12607, Tuesday 23 Apr 2019, Neyartha

7   Commotion over spilled gin by a drunkard left out in the dinghy (6,4) ROWING BOAT {ROW}{GIN*}{BlOAT} Drunkard/Bloat? See comments
9   Fertilizer making the bureau lose margins (4) UREA bUREAu
10 Rai escapes from Bahrain behind a motor vehicle on the road (8) AUTOBAHN {AUTO}{BAHraiN}
11 Part of a pearl appearing in a winter cap attachment (6) EARLAP [T]
12 Kitchen employing bakers awaiting Benny's first recipe for a Middle-Eastern dish (5) KEBAB Acrostic
13 Notice rather strange surroundings for one of a group of metallic elements (4,5) RARE EARTH {RATHER}* over {EAR}
14 Go back on a promise to run away after a green transformation in the middle of a French street (7) RENEGUE  {R{GrEEN*}UE}
17 Expert conductors' host from the east entertained by a trim Frenchman at the wrong place (7) MAESTRI {SEA<=} in {(+m)MTRI(-m)}
20 Doctor advised to include a note with the supplements (9) ADDITIVES {ADDI{TI}VES*}
22 He may deliver lines and ham? (5) ACTOR [CD]
25 Cushion the wet cleric's feet (6)  SOFTEN Anno pending (Addendum - SO(-dd+ft)FTEN - See comments)
26 Lobby to tame the rude apes (8) PERSUADE*
27 Italian behind the British pub reportedly enjoying success (2,2) IN IT (~inn){IN}{IT}
28 Took Beck's wild horse inside to get an item in the artist's supply (10) SKETCHBOOK {TOOK+BECKS}* over {H}

1   Time for the maiden with the book to get a spiral scroll (6) VOLUTE VOLU(-m+t)TE
2   Van Gogh amazingly conceals an ancient Celtic alphabet (5) OGHAM [T]
3   Roman robes protecting bridge opponents from an inflammable mixture (4,3) TOWN GAS {TO{W}{N}GAS}
4   Create new environment for the alien to produce a substitute for the dropped items (2,6) ET CETERA {ETC{ET}ERA*}
5   Aquatic rodent's voice lifts up after finding an oil source (6) NUTRIA {NUT}{AIR<=}
6   German with a brisk pace fetches an ornamental bottle (8) DECANTER {DE}{CANTER}
8   Ireland confiscates silver under the retreat gate from an early metalworking period (4,3) IRON AGE {I{NOR<=}{AG}E}
15 Find the English on top of the odd net throughout (3-2-3) END-TO-END {E}{ODD+NET}*
16 Policies furthering rights of workers providing support for the North in the American Civil War (8) UNIONISM [DD]
18 Collapse after a double hundred upsets Greek character boarding the northbound bus (7) SUCCUMB {SU{CC}{UM<=}B<=}
19 Reorganized the department and fired the enticing person (7) TEMPTER dEPaRTMEnT*
21 All things considered, it's fashionable to pull on the radio twice (2,4) IN TOTO {IN}{TO}(~tow){TO}(~tow)
23 JB's payment for this might be irregular (3-3) ODD-JOB {JoB}
24 Plant for a girl (5) ERICA [DD]


Monday 22 April 2019

No 12606, Monday 22 Apr 2019, Buzzer

8   Fruit from Morocco as a whole (6) TOMATO {MA in TOTO}
9   Perhaps transport options between midnight and 2 o'clock — feet? (8) IAMBUSES {1 AM}{BUSES}
10 See red pasturagetang, ryegrass infested (3,5) GET ANGRY [T]
11 Game of tag doubly hard during kick-off (3-3) KHO-KHO {K{H}O}{K{H}O}

12 Internet system in half of Taiwan? (4,4,7) WIDE AREA NETWORK {taiWAN}
14 Boils through couple of months at the start of summer (7) DECOCTS {DEC}{OCT}{Su...r}
16 It barely covers movement out of EU (1-6) G-STRING GeSTuRING
19 Neck brace little bit warmer (8,7)  ELECTRIC BLANKET*
22 Pay back money got from bloody boxing game (6) REFUND {RE{FUN}D}
24 Batting like that he spent hours worked up (2,1,5) IN A STATE {IN}{AS}{ThAT}{hE}
25 Not oddly alcohol's seen fun, having power to shed inhibitions (6,2) LOOSEN UP {aLcOhOlS+sEeN+fUn}{P}
26 Puzzle I've now open for general inspection (2,4) ON VIEW*

1   Level of flings describing one (4,4) LOVE LIFE {LEVEL+OF}* osver {1} &lit
2   Standard fruit drink in March (6) PARADE {PAR}{ADE}
3   Composer like this, no good with practice run (10) SONGWRITER {SO}{N}{G}{W}{RITE}{R}
4   Floating leaf from little yard dad caught (4,3) LILY PAD {LIL}{Y{PA}D}
5   Crazy morning? Yes (4) AMOK {AM}{OK}
6   Unprepared for mostly stomach-turning contest (3-2-3) TUG-OF-WAR {RAW}{FOr}{GUT}<=
7   Tense atmosphere becoming a restraint (6) TETHER {T}{ETHER}
13 Sad overall, developing country (2,8) EL SALVADOR*
15 Love following a series of lectures no doubt (2,6) OF COURSE {O}{F}{COURSE}
17 Originally named metre high tropical growth (4,4) NEEM TREE {NEE}{METRE*}
18 Spare agent hiding wrongdoing briefly (7) SCRIMPY {S{CRIMe}PY}
20 Hide of alien glows when peeled (3,3) LIE LOW {aLIEn}{gLOWs}
21 Being inexperienced, taking time is natural (6) NATIVE {NA{T}IVE}
23 Ringing sound from a loud noise gee! (4) DING {DIN}{G}(~gee)


Sunday 21 April 2019

Special, Sunday 21 Apr 2019, The Zodiac

As this is a 13x13, only TWO answers per commenter are permitted till 6 PM  (Annotations compulsory)
Please provide both your answers in one comment.

7   Dress of eskimo? Not! (6)
8   Notices a woman go back and forth (6)
9   Not without additional luck (4)
10 Screen teachers from one end to the other (8)
11 Fix current pattern (7)
13 Found in chest, or some trunk (5)
15 Online post: "Dwarf put inside bars" (5)
17 Perhaps Vladimir Lisin managed to take over most of revolutionary business (7)
20 Therefore, American boss fires one assistant cook (4-4)
21 Food sent back to the city (4)
22 Property of English government (6)
23 The French rave about butterflies, in the future (6)

1   Soldier's tendency to surrender (4,2)
2   Timeless New Stone Ages (4)
3   Plant bed badly spoilt without oxygen (7)
4   Old kings were stars perhaps (5)
5   They get what's left? (8)
6   Harry, please spend some pounds and get square frames (6)
12 Rebellious hero immediately gets a way to control Resistance (8)
14 Animal enthusiast chased by a lion, oddly (7)
16 Sound of gushing water in rundown hotel? How so? (6)
18 Design Armani for a pilot (6)
19 One kidnapped by the female dacoit (5)
21 Gloomy, upset poet (4)

Across Lite version can be accessed at THE ZODIAC 2


The Sunday Crossword No 3044, Sunday 21 Apr 2019

1   If you insist, play in a forest (2,3,4,2) AS YOU LIKE IT [DD]
7   Indubitably, at heart, it's something boring (3) BIT [T]
9   Lousy home with messy pet (5) INEPT {IN}{PET*}
10 Intend to exact originally unusual punishment (9) DETENTION {INTEND+TO+Exact}*
11 I wondered about what ducks have to offer us (9) EIDERDOWN*
12 The Sound of Silence: a musical composition (5) PIECE (~peace)
13 Most of haggis cooked as dinner, English put out (7) INNARDS {AS+DINNeR}*
15 Serving of steak without a drop of béarnaise elicits a mood (4) TONE T-bONE
18 Latest developments from all directions? (4) NEWS {N}{E}{W}{S}
20 Although it's proper, it's never given (7) SURNAME [CD]
23 Around four to twelve rounds, usually (5) ABOUT {A}{BOUT}
24 Onboard, staring madly, finding guidance from the heavens (4,5) STAR SIGNS {STARING}* in {SS}
26 In email, make a big deal of fervent felicitations without wacky font (9) ITALICISE fELICItATIonS*
27 Detailed plan, provider of focus (5) SPECS [DD]
28 Receive guests every now and then (3) GET GuEsTs
29 Before winning, cheerful team makes an order to a chef (5,4,2) SUNNY SIDE UP {SUNNY}{SIDE}{UP}

1   Roughly around one, easiest for me (2,1,3,2) AS I SEE IT {EASIEST}* around {1}
2   Giving up losing weight, flourishing after a short year (8) YIELDING {Year}{wIELDING}
3   Absolute state (5) UTTER [DD]
4   Nothing Rodin's sculpted is safe from the weather (7) INDOORS {O+RODINS}*
5   About time: former partner in court, never to be seen again (7) EXTINCT {EX}{T}{IN}{CT}
6   Can Her Majesty, overlooking a word of refusal, find a chef's helper? (3,6) TIN OPENER {TI{NOPE}N}{ER}
7   Blasphemous in its origin, Brit's exclamation of surprise (6) BLIMEY {Bl...s}{LIMEY}
8   A spot of money cheesy thing's raised (6) TENNER <=
14 With leader absent, environmentalist tests procedures at Cape Canaveral (9) REENTRIES {gREEN}{TRIES}
16 Group of friends being superior to Frenchman? It's mortifying (8) GANGRENE {GANG}{RENE}
17 Having put up with contacts heading off to be introduced, becomes nervous (6,2) TENSES UP {lENSES} in {PUT<=}
19 Fifty minutes lying on a couch - or sitting (7) SESSION [DD]
20 Majestically smart surroundings for famous collection of art (7) STATELY {S{TATE}LY}
21 Describing New York, talk up sandwiches I saw (6) SAYING {G{N{I}Y}AS<=}
22 Movement of Paolozzi, primarily overcoming movement of Riley, primarily (3,3) POP ART {Pa...i}{OP ART}
25 South American welcome offering rice dishes (5) SUSHI {S}{US}{HI}

Saturday 20 April 2019

No 12605, Saturday 20 Apr 2019, Arden


6. Bum bottom end locked up (5) CADGE {CA{enD}GE} Locked up = Put in Cage,
7. He has his doubts about various coatings (8) AGNOSTIC { COATINGS*}
10. First we lie in wait, perhaps (7) INITIAL {LIE+IN+WAIT-WE*} Is the anno correct?
11. Light allowing regular passage through city (7) GLASGOW {GL{pAsSaGe}OW}
12. Barter trade and business style of architecture (3,4) ART DECO {TRADE*}{CO}
13. Too much! Reviewed tie breaker first (7) SURFEIT {SURF}{TIE<=}
14. Hairnet provided, bring down vegetable (11) CAULIFLOWER {CAUL}{IF}{LOWER}
19. Went through and through together, only missing one dimension (7) BREADTH {Bo{READ}TH}
21. May be bad sign in the middle (7) ABDOMEN {BAD*}{OMEN}
23. Rain too, in a way created the lake (7) ONTARIO {RAIN+TOO*}
25. Peacekeepers certain to go free (7) UNBOUND {UN}{BOUND}
26. Brown man in short is stranded (8) MAROONED {MAROON}{ED}
27. Foolish to take first step, must be mad (5) INANE {INANE}+{Step}={INSANE}


1. Spies pick up, arrest criminal triad here at sea (8) ADRIATIC {CIA<=} around {TRIAD}
2. Cat on the iron rail (6) FELINE {FE}{LINE}
3. Catch European using cosmetic (4,6) NAIL POLISH {NAIL}{POLISH}
4. Obstacle to metals fusing (4) SNAG {SN}{AG}
5. One wrongdoing and joy is cut short (6) SINGLE {SIN}{GLEe}
6. Reptile able to swallow the end (6) CAIMAN {C{AIM}AN}
By Lea Maimone - Own work, CC BY-SA 2.0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=99990

8. Bird making boom noise (7) SPARROW {SPAR}{ROW}
9. What's creating a wide strip (5) SWATH {WHATS*}
13. Amusing lad, turns out to be a mixed bag (10) SALMAGUNDI {AMUSING+LAD*}
15. On the contrary, overstay and suffer (7) UNDERGO (Opposite of {OVER},{STAY})
16. Nobel laureate had a doubt about this fruit (8) RAMBUTAN {RAM{BUT}AN}

17. A book carrying bishop over time becomes a friar (5) ABBOT {A}{B}{B}{O}{T}
18. Regular counsel, dogged but a bit nervous (2,4) ON EDGE {cOuNsEl DoGgEd}
20. Snare lifted in part, never fully (6) ENTRAP (T<=)
22. Call on line, cut short in capital (6) DUBLIN {DUB}{LINe}
24. Animal noise is allowed outside home (4) OINK {O{IN}K}

Reference List

Business=Co, Provided=If, Only=O, Peacekeepers=UN, Man in short=Ed
Spies=CIA, Iron=Fe, Metal=Sn, Metal=Ag, Doubt=But, Book=B, Bishop=B, Over=O, Time=T, Allowed=Ok, Home=In

Colour/Font Scheme

DefinitionSolutionComponent lettersEmbedded linksTheme word Anagram IndicatorC/C indicatorReversal IndicatorHidden word IndicatorLetter Pick indicatorDeletion IndicatorHomophone IndicatorMovement IndicatorPositional IndicatorSubstitution, IndicatorLink/Connector, Extraneous


Friday 19 April 2019

No 12604, Friday 19 Apr 2019, Arden

All those who are not regular commenters but who are rookie commenters or silent followers of the blog are requested to post answers with annotations in the comments section. In your own interest please avoid looking up the answers from the interactive version. Don't hesitate to post your annotations, in case you make a mistake in the annotation someone will correct it with the right annotation.

Each commenter is requested to post only 5 answers thereby giving others also a chance to participate. Please provide all your answers in one comment.

Regular solvers/Veterans can post 1 answer each, but after 11 AM only

The regular blog will replace the clues at 2 PM.

Thanks for the response, here's the regular blog.

1   Ferreting away wild shrub (9,4) WAYFARING TREE*
10 Steps are not long in summer, perhaps (5) ADDER lADDER
11 Playing testIndia is the most exquisite (9) DAINTIEST*
12 Consume from bottom to top, reject hot food in the city (9) EDINBURGH {(+e)EDIN(-e)}{H+GRUB<=}
13 Recollect a song? Name is "horny beast" (5) NYALA {A}{LAY}{N}<=
14 Plane on rail, get the drift? (7) MIGRATE {MiG}{RATE}
16 Prickly pear becomes utopian (7) OPUNTIA*
18 Stew about how the German trailed behind (7) CHOWDER {C}{HOW}{DER}
20 Proof to resolve where the shouting comes from (7) ROOFTOP*
22 Said to be an old stunt (5) ANTIC (~ antique)
24 Rain on grass, odd rain creates a medley (9) POTPOURRI {POT}{POUR}{RaIn}
26 Stop print — true/false (9) INTERRUPT*
27 Lost direction? Don't get colder (5) ICIER dIRECtIon*
28 Click a selfie, Ken (3,3,7) GET THE PICTURE [DD]

2   Liberal in supplementing, spoiling it (7) ADDLING {ADD{L{ING}
3   Revolutionary spirit, endless spirit (9) FIREBRAND {FIRE}{BRANDy}
4   Jockey's claws, as they say (5) RIDER (~ clause = RIDER)
5   Another hourbegin with one next to you (9) NEIGHBOUR*
6   Big man in a small function, drinking vermouth (5) TITAN {T{IT}AN}
7   May be neat, on being included (7) ELEGANT {E{LEG}ANT*} Semi&lit
8   "Wet shoe? Get a wiper", you're told (5,8) WATER MOCCASIN {WATER}{MOCCASIN} (~ viper)
9   I sup over a takeaway dish (5,2,6) STEAK AU POIVRE {I+SUP+OVER+A+TAKE}*
15 Working parent will quarrel regularly about transport (9) ENRAPTURE {PARENT*}{qUaRrEl}
17 Treated our people here, it's difficult to get a specialist (9) UROLOGIST {OUR*}{LOG}{ITS*}
19 Musical group exposed, better after a month (7) OCTETTE {OCT}{bETTEr}
21 Hunter's mistake, breaking rank (7) TERRIER {T{ERR}IER}
23 Dolly takes a small weight (5) CARAT {CAR{A}T}
25 African king, accepted in Spain (5) TUTSI {TUT}{SI}

Reference List

Song = LAY, Plane = MiG, Rail = RATE, About = C, The (In german) = DER, Grass = POT, Function = TAN, Vermouth = IT, On = LEG(Side in cricket), People (In Hindi) = LOG, Dolly = CART, Accepted (In Spanish) = SI