Monday 30 September 2024

No 14293, Monday 30 Sep 2024,Karaoke

Solution to 6D has been deliberately left unsolved and is to be answered only by a non-regular / novice commenter, with proper annotation. Those who have answered earlier in the week, please give others a chance.

Open for anyone to answer, if not solved by 1 PM.

1   Highest robbery of police car in Royal England? Perhaps yes (5,7) GRAND LARCENY  {CAR+R+ENGLAND}*{Y} What's the role of Police? - See comments 
9   Unwell mostly assumes to remain unemotional (5) STOIC {S{TO}ICk}
10 You old saint! Get ready for once (9) YESTERDAY {YE}{ST}{READY*} Anind? 
11 Maybe cricket ball in climatic condition claims wicket for league (7) LEATHER (+l-w)LEATHER
12 See them in courts in groups chopping head (7) RACKETS bRACKETS
13 Viewers finally will become mad with pay channel (8) SPILLWAY {v...rS}{WILL+PAY}*
14 Slip of tongue initially in assurance (5) STEAL {S{To...e}EAL}
18 One is out of the one or the other number (5) ETHER EiTHER
20 Cannabis and cocaine hidden in belt. Money down (4,4) SPOT CASH  {S{POT}{C}ASH}
24 Sweet liqueur at a fair deal (7) RATAFIA
26 Drunken enemies beheaded by socialist in revenge (7) NEMESIS {eNEMIES*}{S}
27 Delivery may mostly lose energy forever (9) MATERNITY {MAy}{eTERNITY}
28 Foreign Secretary heartily leaves for good ally (5) ALIGN ALI(-e+g)GN
29 What a cabdriver might do to cheat? (4,3,1,4) TAKE FOR A RIDE [DD]

1   Doing nothing? Eat bananas to reduce weight (2,2,1,4) GO ON A DIET {DOING+O+EAT}*
2   Maybe stout student enters in a high school without shoes initially (7) ALCOHOL {L} in {A}{sCHOOL*}
3   Daughter may dare to build castles in the air (8) DAYDREAM {D+MAY+DARE}*
4   Sailor's language almost meaningless (6) ABSURD {ABS}{URDu}
5   Work force lay-off - That is the style of Head! (4-3) CREW-CUT {CREW}{CUT}
6   New adult content, long for such magazine (5) N?D?E (Addendum NUDIE {N}{adUlt}{DIE} - See comments)
7   Unable to save (7) USELESS {USE LESS}
8   Traveller's coordinate found in the navigational aid by Yankee (5) GYPSY {G{Y}PS}{Y}
15 Desperate maiden saw water (5,4) ADAMS WINE*
16 Layer of cells in brain may need to work controlling pressure (8) EPENDYMA {MAY+NEED}* over {P}
17 Running after drink and pipe (7) CHASING {CHA}{SING}
19 Put the screws on workmen for celebrations inside (7)  ENFORCE [T]
21 Kettledrums, originally Indian mridangams in inappropriate revolution (7) TIMPANI {In...n}{Mr...s} in {INAPT<=}
22 Bump into iron body (5) FRAME {F{RAM}E}
23 Card game - Cash is not without limits! (6) CASINO {CASh}{Is}{NOt}
25 Ill-treat tropical fish (5) TETRA*

Reference List
Royal = R, Yes = Y, You old = YE, Saint = ST, Wicket = W, League = L, Cocaine = C, Socialist = S, Good = G, Student = L, Coordinate = Y, Yankee = Y, Pressure = P

Sunday 29 September 2024

The Sunday Crossword No 3325, Sunday 29 Sep 2024

1   Micropalaeontologist’s hiding a gemstone (4) OPAL [T]
3   Stemwinder repaired in Central America? (10) MIDWESTERN*
9   Few assets periodically offering direction (4) EAST {fEw+AsSeTs}
10 British genius’s drunk natural gin (4,6) ALAN TURING*
11 Friend of Oliver King has nickel-iron tool (7,5) STANLEY KNIFE {STANLEY}{K}{NI}{FE}
15 What William came to do with horse chestnut, you say? (7) CONQUER (~conker)
16 Hamper with feathers from Siam, we’re told (3,4) TIE DOWN (~ thai down)
17 Pieces of doom-laden rag edited in a fury (7) ENRAGED [T]
19 Monster in a fairy tale? (7) WHOPPER [C&DD]
20 Office allies’ differing in everyday scene (1,5,2,4) A SLICE OF LIFE*
23 Bouncer or 10 at Northern Ireland’s dance (6,4) TENNIS BALL {TEN}{NI'S}{BALL}
24 That man’s going to somewhere very hot (4) HELL (HE'LL)
25 Checked in to hotel and did sink in (10) REGISTERED [DD]
26 Bolt, horse (4) STUD [DD]

1   Duck, swans and egret – cold, not good – and everyone knows it! (4,6) OPEN SECRET {O}{PENS}{E(-g+c)CRET}
2   Teetotallers ordering teas in bars (10) ABSTAINERS
4   Everyman competes – with, in final stages, prize winner – in BBC shows (7) IPLAYER {I}{PLAY}{p..zE}{w...eR}
5   What implement niftily gyrates, nearing ultimate tightness primarily? (4,3) WING NUT Acrostic &lit
6   Dealt a bad hand, left this mortal coil? (8,3) SHUFFLED OFF {SHUFFLED OFF}
7   In uprising, be malevolent (4) EVIL<=
8   Badgers and horses (4) NAGS [DD]
12 Relaxes, taking in clubs perhaps in informal attire (6,5) LOUNGE SUITS {LOUNGE{SUIT}S}
13 Praise remark describing snarled lip (10) COMPLIMENT {COM{LIP*}MENT}
14 Son enrolled uncertainly having invested £1,000, and explored underwater (10) SNORKELLED {S}{NOR{K}ELLED*}
18 What a very young footballer might do, repeatedly? (7) DRIBBLE [C&DD]
19 BMX trick from Jonathan Ross: honestly! (7) WHEELIE (~really)
21 Upset, curses celebrity (4) STAR<=
22 Poles’ uniform, grand and tight-fitting (4) SNUG {S}{N}{U}{G}

Reference List
King = K, Swan = PEN, 1000 = K, Poles = S,N, Uniform = U, Grand = G

Saturday 28 September 2024

No 14292, Saturday 28 Sep 2024, Gussalufz

1   Police raids? They're no good (5) BUSTS {DD]
4   My boss is upset I concealed relationship (9) SYMBIOSIS {MY+BOSS+I}* over {I}
9   Rock formations signal river rose regularly (7) INLIERS {sIgNaL+rIvEr+RoSe}
10 Find concentration of energy after retiring, cutting sex (7) TITRATE {E}<=>{TART}{IT}<=
11 Weary about commercial? Rant (6) TIRADE {TIR{AD}E}
12 Extremely soupy egg, soft-boiled without solidifying at the core (8) FOGGIEST {EGG+SOFT}* over {s...dIf...g}
14 Mislead about smuggling? Very bad (4) EVIL {LI{V}E<=}
15 Suspended connection after processing partner's last weird gibe (4,6) WIRE BRIDGE {p...eR+WEIRD+GIBE}*
18 Clay lost, ultimately; mistakes: boxing casually at first, getting overtime (10) TERRACOTTA {losT}{ERRA{Ca...y}{OT}TA}
19 King overwhelmed by fool's questions (4) ASKS {AS{K}S}
22 Prince played court-court (8) PRECINCT {PRINCE}*{CT}
24 Never is Spooner's enemy within range (2,4) NO FEAR (~foe near to no fear)
26 Typically rowdy "USA! USA!" yellers, completely naked (2,5) AS USUAL {USA+USA}*{yelLers}
27 Base of steel bong, intricately recessed (7) IGNOBLE [T<=]
28 Reviewed "choose to fire hundred to survive" contract (9) TELESCOPE  {SELEcT<=}{COPE}
29 Origin of recession exposed by Pittsburgh Tribune (5) BIRTH [T<=]

1   Overwhelming attack featuring a piece of naan, a bit of egg, and pancake (7) BLINTZE {BLIT{Naan}Z}{Egg}
2   Girl wrestling with purse is more extravagant (9) SPLURGIER* {GIRL+PURSE}*
3   Unscrupulous tea dynasty retains firm (6) STEADY [T[
4   OK, help me, love (2-2) SO-SO {SOS}{O}
5   Gussalufz's idea of short story: ten cows dancing (2,3,5) MY TWO CENTS {MYTh}{TEN+COWS}*
6   Logging essentially boring entries, absurdly pointless figures (8) INTEGERS {logGing} in [ENTRIES}*
7   Discrimination's rising in country (5) STATE (+s)STA(-s)TE
8   Staff canteen's opening in a month (about) (7) SCEPTRE {S{Ca...n}EPT}{RE}
13 Luxury car with new instrument for liqueur (10) LIMONCELLO {LIMO}{N}{CELLO}
16 Cut arms deals finally, surrounded by gloomy remnant of flames (9) DISMEMBER {DI{d..lS}M}{EMBER}
17 Tubby, I suppose, abruptly gets tired (8) FATIGUES {FAT}{I}{GUESs}
18 Moving means property gets hauled up, computer is packed (3-4) TIP-CART {TRAIT<=} over {PC}
20 Cry in sermon, quietly succumbing to consecration at heart (7) SCREECH S(-p+cr)CREECH
21 Socialise, no, amid leisure activity, scratching backside? (6) HOBNOB {HOB{NO}By}
23 Even fancy tequila lacks it, somehow (5) EQUAL tEQUiLA*
25 Backed release date (4) TIME<=

Reference List
Energy = E, Sex = IT, Commercial = AD, Very = V, King = K, Court = CT, Hundred = C, About = RE, New = N, Quietly = P

Friday 27 September 2024

No 14291, Friday 27 Sep 2024, Avtaar

All those who are not regular commenters but who are rookie commenters or silent followers of the blog are requested to post answers with annotations in the comments section. In your own interest please avoid looking up the answers from the interactive version. Don't hesitate to post your annotations, in case you make a mistake in the annotation someone will correct it with the right annotation.


Each commenter is requested to post only 5 answers thereby giving others also a chance to participate. Please provide all your answers in one comment.

Regular solvers/Veterans can post 1 answer each, but after 11 AM only.

Thanks for the response, here's the regular blog.

1   Name of shoe company in Missouri next to river (7) MONIKER {MO}{NIKE}{R}
5   Vessel caught in kangaroo's leg (7) JOURNEY {JO{URN}EY}
9   Asian island accepts English language (7) BENGALI {B{ENG}ALI}
10 Aphrodisiac "Triple-H" rum (7) PHILTRE*
11 Close to Detroitseller is getting reconfigured networks (9)  TRELLISES {d...iT}{SELLER+IS}*
12 Section from "Inside Zoology"'s review leaked (5) OOZED [T<=]
13 Sailor occupies bunk bed (5) ROOST {RO{OS}T}
15 Iran belligerently conquers ancient Asian country around old Anatolia (4,5) ASIA MINOR {IRAN}* over {SIAM} and {O}
17 Distance travelled by farmer to the retail market in trains carrying spirit front-to-back (4,5) FOOD MILES {F{(-m)OOD(+m)M}ILES} 
19 People starting to dig shaft for water (5) DWELL {Dig}{WELL}
22 Best team from Australia - drunk after getting second (1-4) A-LIST {A}{LI{S}T}
23 Publishers tracking banks in Coonoor who are owed money (9) CREDITORS {EDITORS}<=>{Co...oR}
25 He delivers daily (7) NEWSBOY [CD]
26 One's job is to chase criminal lapse in bank (7) TERRIER {T{ERR}IER}
27 Accused discharged satrap enters petition before court (7) SUSPECT {SU{Sa..aP}E}{CT}
28 Pitch to adopt latest fashion once more (7) REMODEL {RE{MOD}EL}

1   Tough revolutionary regrets bombing houses (7) MOBSTER [T<=]
2   Freely I admit, avoiding haphazard modernization is of some value (3-4) NON-ZERO mOdERNiZatiON*
3   Pen a boring, lifted joke (5) KRAAL {LA{A}RK<=}
4   Double-check and fix again (9) REINSTALL {REIN}{STALL}
5   Jokes by judge on mimics (5) JAPES {J}{APES}
6   Clueless nationalist went out in official attire (9) UNIFORMED UNInFORMED
7   1:10 Recalled Eastern Philosophy by "Surfer" (7) NETIZEN {1 TEN}<={ZEN}
8   Yankee cycling account on Socialist uprising - one that easily gives in (7) YIELDER {Y}{(-l)IE(+l)L}{RED<=}
14 Block embedded with latest version of Facebook and Bing's original calendar (9) TIMETABLE {TI{META}{Bing}LE}
16 Smart witness snubs a tense cop (9) INSPECTOR {IN}{SPECTatOR}
17 Sports festival drained relatives (7) FLAUNTS {Fe...aL}{AUNTS}
18 Translating job involves current and dated Algonquian languages (7) OJIBWAS {OJ{I}B*}{WAS}
20 Touches of emulsion paint over cross that is finally scrubbed and treated with resin (7) EPOXIED {Em...n}{Pa..t}{Over}{X}{IE}{s...eD}
21 Saint takes a dip in lake near mountains for purifying (7) LUSTRAL {ST} in {L}{URAL}
23 Wail near empty pit in grave (5) CRYPT {CRY}{PiT}
24 Setter Avtaar turned up, accepting neighbour's case against property (5) INREM {I}{ME<=} over {Ne...uR}

Reference List
River = R, Kangaroo = JOEY, English = ENG, Sailor = OS, Old = O, Australia = A, Second = S, Latest = MOD, Judge = J, Nationalist = N, Yankee = Y, Smart = IN, tense = T, Current = I, Saint = ST, Lake = L

Thursday 26 September 2024

No 14290, Thursday 26 Sep 2024, Bruno

Solution to 24A has been deliberately left unsolved and is to be answered only by a non-regular / novice commenter, with proper annotation. Those who have answered earlier in the week, please give others a chance.

Open for anyone to answer, if not solved by 1 PM.

1   Rough path leading to university overlaid with tar, essentially (6) COARSE CO(-u+a)ARSE
4   Backpain torture? (6) ASSAIL {ASS}{AIL}
8   A cobalt alloy that's required for research (3,4) LAB COAT*
9   Making obscure note, following loss of tip (7) FOGGING {F}{dOGGING}
11 Device in poetry - man bent 'em artistically around beginning of joke (10) ENJAMBMENT {MAN+BENT+EM}* over {Joke}
12 Square shiny fabric (4) LAME [DD]
13 Peter has copyright for manuscript? (5) PAPER {P}{APE}{R}
14 Accused criminal controlling union staff (8) CADUCEUS {ACCUSED}* over {U}
16 Intense work recruiting employment for roof (8) HOUSETOP {HO{USE}T}{OP}
18 Spring cellar (5) VAULT [DD]
20 Some romcom action that can leave you senseless (4) COMA [T]
21 Toilet details primarily observed in stairway that's seen around stadia (10) FLOODLIGHT {F{LOO}{De...s}LIGHT}
23 Temperature at Russian capital's a problem (7) TROUBLE {T}{ROUBLE}
24 Counterattack from behind while cycling with soldiers hiding (7) ?I?O?T? (Addendum - RIPOSTE (+ri)RIPOSTE(-ri)or - See comments)
25 Small-time spy promoted attack (6) MOLEST {S}{T}<=>{MOLE}
26 Sticky man beginning to move mud around (6) CLAMMY {M}{Move} in {CLAY}

1   Drink in train (5) CHAIN {CHA}{IN}
2   Source of light's a radical device (7) ARCLAMP {A}{R}{CLAMP}
3   Arts pattern? (9) STARBURST {ARTS}* [RA]
5   Mum also returning fire (5) SHOOT {SH}{TOO<=}
6   Sweet piece of orange licorice (7) ANGELIC [T]
7   Lemon and nuts cocktail - snapper's accessory? (4,5) LENS MOUNT*
10 Copper let loose black and white film developer (9) PERCEPTOL* This is a brand name item
13 Image of plan, right away attracted spirited (9) PHOTOGRAM {Pr{HOT}OGRAM}
15 American nuclear physicist's dead - greedy husband's sick (5,4) DAVID HILL {D}{AVID}{H}{ILL}
17 Socialist guerilla avoiding Rhode Island while on the run, one may be found along the coast (7) SEAGULL {S}{GUEriLLA}*
19 Same University class (7) UNIFORM {UNI}{FORM}
21 Hint of forced smile, briefly shot for movies (5) FILMS {Fo...d}{SMILe}*
22 Sacred monument finally annexed in an intense manner (5) HOTLY {HO{m...nT}LY}

Reference List
Peter = P, Copy = APE, Right = R, Union = U, Work = OP, Temperature = T, Soldiers = OR, Small = S, Time = T, Man = M, Radical = R, Mum = SH, Dead = D, Husband = H, University = UNI

Wednesday 25 September 2024

No 14289, Wednesday 25 Sep 2024, Hypatia

Solution to 22D has been deliberately left unsolved and is to be answered only by a non-regular / novice commenter, with proper annotation. Those who have answered earlier in the week, please give others a chance.

Open for anyone to answer, if not solved by 1 PM.

7   Party at sea means exotic destinations for surfers (6,5) DOMAIN NAMES {DO}{MAIN}{MEANS*}
8   Cross old boy returning to fight (3) BOX {X}{OB}<=
10 In Tbilisi, she regularly spotted this bird (4) IBIS {In+tiBilIsi+She}
11 Musical instrument in bar beside sweetheart (5) BANJO {BAN}{JO}
12 Express outlet (4) VENT [DD]
13 Poor daughter born earlier's close to family (5) NEEDY {D}<=>{NEE} and {f...lY}
15 His crew managed to save president and king in Titanic, perhaps (9) SHIPWRECK {HIS+CREW}* over {P} and {K}
16 Also ate most of friend's fruit (6) TOMATO {TO{MATe}O}
18 American rapper in boring viral image going round (6) EMINEM {IN} in {MEME}<=
21 Has a lucky shot in "Dynasty", say (9) CHALUKYAS*
23 List of blind experiments (5) INDEX [T]
25 Metal in bare razor gets hot before cutting, initially (4) ZINC {raZor}{IN}{Cu...g}
26 Brown aloo in pan (5) ROAST [DD]
27 Feel sorry after deserting short husband (4) PITY PIThY
28 Reserved question for women's school (3) SHY (-w+s)SHY
29 Systematic debugging? (4,7) PEST CONTROL [CD]

1   Republican wearing silly boomers' hat (8) SOMBRERO {R} in {BOOMERS}*
2   Clarifications in websites for all queries, suggested primarily (4) FAQS Acrostic &lit
3   Handles set up in Lisbon kiosks (5) KNOBS <=
4   Lewd youth stripped in farm by end of day (7) RAUNCHY {RA{yoUth}NCH}{daY}
5   Dessert pastry with baked meringue and melon (5,3) LEMON PIE {PIE{<=>{MELON}* (Correction - {MELON}* [RA] - See comments)
6   Standing up, may leave with cold drink (6) COGNAC {CAN GO}{C}<=
9   Dislike states working to stifle India (8) AVERSION {AVERS}{I}{ON}
14 Heard Reverend guided clinician in stand-off (8) DEADLOCK (~led doc to deadlock)
17 Every now and then, Zoya Akhtar refers to some evergreen producers? (3,5) OAK TREES {zOyA+aKhTaR+rEfErS}
19 Once mostly elite, corrupt process of choosing leaders (8) ELECTION {ONCE+ELITe}*
20 Greeting gent from down South in high tea (7) NAMASTE {MAN<=}{A{S}TE*}
22 Stature of Hitler's leadership cut with authority (6) H?I?H? (Addendum - HEIGHT {Hi...r}{wEIGHT - See comments)
24 Attitude of that group cycling (5) ETHOS (+e)THOS(-e)
27 Stroke patients undergoing terrible trauma basically (4) PUTT Acrostic

Reference List
Party = DO, Old boy = OB, Sweetheart = JO, Daughter = D, born = NEE, President = P, King = K, Hot - IN, Husband = H, Women = W, School = S, Republican = R, Cold = C, India = I, South = S

Tuesday 24 September 2024

No 14288, Tuesday 24 Sep 2024, Hypatia

Solution to 2D has been deliberately left unsolved and is to be answered only by a non-regular / novice commenter, with proper annotation. Those who have answered earlier in the week, please give others a chance.

Open for anyone to answer, if not solved by 1 PM.

7   Note vehicle outside backing out, flashy and cool (8) FABULOUS {FA}{BU{LOUd}S}
9   Alternate date was set (6) SEESAW {SEE}{WAS*}
10 Blue sedan turned close to driveway (4) RACY {CAR<=}{d...aY}
11 Rep booked in advance (10) PREORDERED {REP}* [RA]
12 Adept wife avoided large reptile (6) WIZARD {W}{lIZARD}
14 Excuse to act since oddly feeling very pleased (8) ECSTATIC {ExCuSe+To+AcTs+sInCe}
15 Ground soil to get more in rain shower? (13) METEOROLOGIST*
18 Permits cartographers (8) CHARTERS [DD]
20 Meal finally consumed at pub with hesitation (6) DINNER {c...eD}{INN}{ER}
21 Spoil article in game of strategy with small boats (10) CATAMARANS {CATA{MAR}{A}N{S}
22 Primarily, just occupations bringing salaries! (4) JOBS Acrostic &lit
23 Write chiefly about computer specialist (6) TECHIE [T]
24 A little lost in father’s struggle (8) FLOUNDER {F{Lost}OUNDER}

1   Twenty cents picked up in the US, for example (8) PARADIGM {PARA}{(~ dime) DIGM} Anno not clear (Addendum (~ pair of dime)  See comments)
2   Loudly enter, say place for loading ships (4) ?U?Y ()
3   Lazy men in water, essentially swim around (6) TORPID {OR} in {waTer}{DIP<=}
4   Sees pros developing in Java (8) ESPRESSO*
5   King lost, never failing to share respect (10) VENERATION {NEVEr}*{RATION}
6   Old Indian mansion almost possessed by evil bats (6) HAVELI {HAd}{EVIL*}
8   Minimalist crew of workers with a forensic anthropologist? (8,5) SKELETON STAFF {SKELETON}{STAFF}
13 Results in pursuit of additional subject? (10) AFTERMATHS {AFTER}{MATHS}
16 Ran and chose to save time (8) OPERATED {OP{ERA}TED}
17 Shook by maiden wearing fancy red belt (8) TREMBLED {M} in {RED+BELT}*
19 Enjoy consuming ecstasy at new paradise (6) HEAVEN {H{E}AVE}{N}
20 Stop sedition holding up tyrant (6) DESPOT [<=]
22 Bad luck following Mahavira, for instance, dropping a cross (4) JINX {JaIN}{X}

Reference List
Note = FA, Date = SEE, Wife = W, Large = L, Small = S, Men = OR, King = R, Maiden = MEcstasy = E, New = N

Monday 23 September 2024

No 14287, Monday 23 Sep 2024, Dr. X

Solution to 14A has been deliberately left unsolved and is to be answered only by a non-regular / novice commenter, with proper annotation. Those who have answered earlier in the week, please give others a chance.

Open for anyone to answer, if not solved by 1 PM.

1   Exuberance resulting from martinis - pal is tipsy (6,7) ANIMAL SPIRITS*
8   Love edible root with starter of asparagus in Japanese city (5) OYAMA {O}{YAM}{As...s}
9   Cracked algebra with extremes of ease? That's nice (9) AGREEABLE {ALGEBRA+EasE}*
11 Fail to make progress in a date with woman in fancy retreat (5,5) TREAD WATER {TRE{A}{D}{W}ATER*}
12 Doormat in bungalow, impressive (4) WIMP [T]
14 Note about the digestive tract (7) E?T?R?N (Addendum - ENTERON {ENTER}{ON} - See comments)
16 Passionately precocious, cuddling girl on base (7) EAGERLY {EA{G}{E}RLY}
17 Threatens rogues snatching object (7) IMPENDS {IMP{END}S}
19 See way to change husband? Nonsense! (7) EYEWASH {SEE+WAY}*{H}
21 Abandon date with guy wanting sex essentially (4) DROP {D}{ROPe}
22 Trouble in nightclub - couple of males overdose on ecstasy (10) DISCOMMODE {DISCO}{MM}{OD}{E}
25 Coming from Spain with pure dope and cocaine concealed (9) EMERGENCE {E}{MER{GEN}{C}E} 
26 Like a perfectly pitched baseball game in hot ground (2-3) NO-HIT
27 Husband of reigning queen is cheating, caught by inspector right away (6,7) PRINCE CONSORT {CON} in {INSPECTOR+R}*

2   Most wonderful article about tackling English exam (7) NEATEST {A{E}N<=}{TEST}
3   Turning point! Extremely dissolute Republican's arrested (10) MEANDERING {MEAN{Di...tE}{R}ING}
4   Upset about America installing nuclear plant (5) LIANA {AIL<=}{A} over {N}
5   Go on wild spree, drinking endlessly (9) PERSEVERE {SPREE*} over {EVER}
6   Craving, wanting good grass (4) REED gREED
7   A little upset by boys in band becoming fatter (7) TUBBIER {T{Up..t}{BB}IER}
8   How a violinist is involved in swindling (2,3,6) ON THE FIDDLE [DD]
10 Warning that's pretty tame, essentially toothless perhaps (5,6) EMPTY THREAT {PRETTY+TAME+t..tHl..s}* &lit
13 Deals with foolish teenagers stealing money (10) AGREEMENTS {TEENAGERS}* over {M}
15 Nice scene about ignorance (9) NESCIENCE*
18 Spy ensnares one working for inventor (7) PIONEER {P{1}{ON}EER}
20 More trouble on earth (7) ANOTHER
23 Conservative party clinging to extremely retrogressive set of beliefs (5) CREDO {C}{DO} over {Re...vE}
24 American actor started going topless (4) EGAN bEGAN

Reference List
Date = D, Woman = W, Girl = G, Base = E, Husband = H, Spain = E, Male = M, Ecstasy = E, Right = R, English = E, Republican = R, Nuclear = N, Good = G, Boy = B, Money = M, Conservative = C, Party = DO

Sunday 22 September 2024

The Sunday Crossword No 3324, Sunday 22 Sep 2024

1   Sumerian translated in S American country (8) SURINAME*
5   Do mountain activity: muscles ache, you say? (6) ABSEIL {ABS}{(~ail)EIL}
9   Some neuropsychiatric medical procedures (3) OPS [T]
10 One with horn, aroused, has options including kiss (11) SAXOPHONIST {HAS+OPTIONS}* over {X}
12 Stated acidity level pulled down (7) PHRASED {PH}{RASED}
13 Losing three at outset: longwinded, rambling, where speeches made … (7) WEDDING lonGWINDED*
14 … open bar, components swapped, causing no intoxication (7-4) ALCOHOL-FREE {FREE}<=>{ALCOHOL}
18 Mr Farah, running fast? Only if this has happened! (11) MISPRINTING {M(-o+i}I SPRINTING}
21 Preserved over millennia – pumice erupted – immortally Italian, primarily? (7) POMPEII Acrostic &lit
22 With one student, university (MIT)’s flipping offering incentives (7) STIMULI {1}{L}{U}{MITS}<=
24 Not initially tying up driver Damon somewhere in London (7,4) NOTTING HILL {kNOTTING}{HILL}
25 Consume with passion in East End (3) EAT {(h)'EAT}
26 Once more endorse – or call it a day? (6) RESIGN {RE-SIGN}
27 Coasting, out of control? I’m not sure (8) AGNOSTIC*

1   Now quiet, in the main, getting mangetout (4,4) SNOW PEAS {S{NOW}{P}EAS}
2   Concerning, uncompomising stint (8) RESTRICT {RE}{STRICT}
3   Beaks pointing up, two sons touring Spain (5) NOSES {ON<=}{S}{E}{S}
4   Glibness, to the crossword compiler? Not entirely good news! (5,8) MIXED BLESSING {GLIBNESS}* [RA]
6   Fathead suggests this vegetable (5,4) BROAD BEAN {BROAD}{BEAN}
7   Derive conclusion in knowledge (lawful) (6) ELICIT {k...gE}{LICIT}
8   Gets free fires (4,2) LETS GO [DD]
11 Wearing Armani, perhaps depressing row resolved (5,8) POWER DRESSING*
15 Obstructing picnic provisions on island: no good! (9) HAMPERING {HAMPER}{I}{NG}
16 After very boastful statement, National Theatre highly malignant (8) VIRULENT {V}{I RULE}{NT}
17 Bits of Lego I stick together, self-absorbed (8) EGOISTIC [T]
19 First goal that allows Reds breathing space? (6) OPENER [DD]
20 TV controller’s heading off: makes song and dance (6) EMOTES rEMOTES
23 Everyman’s ‘grand bathroom’? Freezing, rudimentary place (5) IGLOO {I}{G}{LOO}

Reference List
Muscles = ABS, Acidity level = Ph, Student = L, University = U, Quiet = P, Concerning = RE, Son = S, Spain = E, Island = I, Not good = NG, Very = V, Grand = G

Saturday 21 September 2024

No 14286, Saturday 21 Sep 2024, Dr. X

1   Mess around after kiss - goad bachelor to lose inhibitions essentially (4,9) DOGS BREAKFAST {AFTER+KiSS+GOAD+B}*
8   Bones of fish on island (5) CARPI {CARP}{I}
9   Found her slyly cuddling associate? That's unprecedented (7-2) UNHEARD-OF {FOUND+HER}* over {A}
11 Covering treatment of malignant carcinoma at centre (10) LAMINATING {MALIGNANT+c..cIn..a}
12 Marine crustacean, partly light brown in colour (4) ECRU [T]
14 Saving family involved in crash (7) BANKING {BAN{KIN}G}
16 English copper with a baton going around country (7) ECUADOR {E}{CU}{A}{ROD<=}
17 Give credit to kid cracking mysterious case (7) ASCRIBE {ASC{RIB}E*}
19 Perverts in university caught by girls (7) MISUSES {MIS{U}SES}
21 Tree in institute, large and old (4) ILEX {I}{L}{EX}
22 Discredit silly native stealing a cap (10) INVALIDATE {INVA{LID}ATE*}
25 Couple in Hungary, largely drunk, becoming more indecent (9) NAUGHTIER {TIE} in {HUNGARy}*
26 Win, crushing Russia's top seed (5) GRAIN {G{Ru...a}AIN}
27 Where one starts playing Monopoly immediately (4,3,4,2) FROM THE WORD GO [C&DD]

2   One rowing in Samoan river perhaps (7) OARSMAN {SAMOAN+R}*
3   Methodical and elaborate chapter - it's nice without doubt (10) SCIENTIFIC {C+ITS+NICE}* over {IF}
4   Stir up son crushed by defeat (5) ROUST ROU{S}T}
5   Two articles by retired fellow about European Union in literary institution (9) ATHENAEUM {A}{THE}{NA{EU}M<=}
6   Sway with strong drink (4) FLAP {F}{LAP}
7   Depraved guys in retreat consuming cocaine on vacation (7) SEDUCED {SEDU{Co...nE}D<=}
8   Party supporter involved in rigging election (11) CELEBRATION {CELE{BRA}TION*}
10 Compound anagram in clues for finale of league (11) FLUORESCEIN {IN+CLUES+FOR+l...uE}
13 Western outlaw turned intimate with girl aboard ship (10) GUNSLINGER {SNUG<=}{LIN{G}ER}
15 Cheering wildly after drinking whiskey in London borough (9) GREENWICH {GREEN{W}ICH*}
18 Happiness after capturing queen, Hikaru's last piece on board (7) CHEQUER {CHE{Q}{h...rU}ER}
20 Gibbon in saga, gallivanting around Malta (7) SIAMANG {IN+SAGA}* over {M}
23 Reactionary wanting nuclear weapon (5) ARROW nARROW
24 Detective knocking out American impostor (4) SHAM SHAMus

Reference List
Bachelor = B, Island = I, Associate = A, English = E, Kid = RIB, University = U, Institute = I, Large = L, River = R, Chapter = C, Son = S, Strong = F, Supporter = BRA, Girl = G, Whiskey = W, Queen = Q, Malta = M, Nuclear = N

Friday 20 September 2024

No 14285, Friday 20 Sep 2024, Dr. X

All those who are not regular commenters but who are rookie commenters or silent followers of the blog are requested to post answers with annotations in the comments section. In your own interest please avoid looking up the answers from the interactive version. Don't hesitate to post your annotations, in case you make a mistake in the annotation someone will correct it with the right annotation.


Each commenter is requested to post only 5 answers thereby giving others also a chance to participate. Please provide all your answers in one comment.

Regular solvers/Veterans can post 1 answer each, but after 11 AM only.

Thanks for the response, here's the regular blog.

1   Breakfast dish and fancy wine with gal in bar (7,6) BELGIAN WAFFLE {B{WINE+GAL}*AFFLE}
8   Spiteful person with gun killing European (5) HATER HeATER
9   Understood criminal regretted stealing stone (9) CONSTRUED {CON}{ST}{RUED}
11 Offend revolutionary master after extremely brief preview of art exhibition (10) VERNISSAGE {SIN<=}{SAGE}<=>{VERy}
12 Raspberry in ranch is succulent (4) HISS [T]
14 Light source in a bracket outside entrance to room (3,4) ARC LAMP {A}{C{Room}LAMP}
16 Make right move without stopping (2,3,2) AT ONE GO {ATONE}{GO}
17 Woman tackles wild dog starting to eviscerate small Indian animal (3,4) HOG DEER {H{DOG*}{Ev...e}ER}
19 Star beginning to smoke cannabis in warm summery place (7) SUNSPOT {SUN}{Sm..e}{POT}
21 Birds return, perch over top of tree (4) TITS {S{Tree}IT<=}
22 Exotic women in thongs entertaining a former American president (10) WASHINGTON {W}{IN+THONGS}* over {A}
25 Blandstale stew eaten by girl (9) TASTELESS {T{STALE*}ESS}
26 Scrap after unionist enters (5) OUNCE {O{U}NCE}
27 Surprised by a math testI secure first class nevertheless (2,4,2,2,3) BE THAT AS IT MAY   {BY+A+MATH+TEST+I}* over {A}

2   One overwhelmed by recent disorder of the intestines (7) ENTERIC {ENTER{1}C*}
3   Scatter as regiment shoots (10) GERMINATES*
4   Small sac with U-shaped spore-bearing cell (5) ASCUS {S+SAC+U}*
5   One seen at bar with stylish English girls (9) WINEGLASS {W}{IN}{E}{G}{LASS}
6   Fellow continues to have primarily tonic convulsions (4) FITS {F}{I{To..c}S}
7   Text includes indication about amino acid (7) LEUCINE {L{CUE<=}INE}
8   Try diced dish containing meat, almost cooked to a T (4,1,4,2) HAVE A SHOT AT {HA{VEAl}SH}{TO+A+T}*
10 Stop rogue outside inn to seize cocaine (11) DISCONTINUE {OUTSIDE+INN}* over {C}
13 Destitute, like a defeated boxer? (4-3-3) DOWN-AND-OUT [DD]
15 Indestructible SupermanEntertaining films (9) PERMANENT [T]
18 Visit degenerate abandoning daughter (2,2,3) GO TO SEE {GO TO SEEd}
20 Auntie playing under pressure makes a bloomer (7) PETUNIA {AUNTIE}*<=>{P}
23 Catches snakes behind hotel (5) HASPS {ASPS}<=>{H}
24 Lewd person caught in Indian city (4) LECH {L{E{C}H}

Reference List
European = E, Stone = ST, Women = W, Unionist = U, Small = S, With = W, Fellow = F, Cocaine = C, English = E, Pressure = P, Hotel = H, Caught = C

Thursday 19 September 2024

No 14284, Thursday 19 Sep 2024, Dr. X

Solution to 8A has been deliberately left unsolved and is to be answered only by a non-regular / novice commenter, with proper annotation. Those who have answered earlier in the week, please give others a chance.

Open for anyone to answer, if not solved by 1 PM.

1   Do a headstand perhaps and relax (3,4,4,2) PUT ONES FEET UP [DD]
8   Take wife on vacation (5) W?E?T (Addendum - WREST {W}{REST} - See comments)
9   Treat rash, possibly a fungus (9) EARTHSTAR*
11 Gaining power again with no erectile dysfunction (2-8) RE-ELECTION*
12 Gamble on boat (4) PUNT [DD]
14 Extremely shocked about American writer's arrest (7) SUSPEND {Su...eD} over {US}{PEN}
16 Fractured her toe, tip of coccyx and foot (7) TROCHEE {HER+TOE+Co...x}*
17 Made out with tipsy co-ed in Thailand (7) NOTICED {COED+IN+T}*
19 Love to take member around atomic plant (7) NIGELLA {NI{LEG<=}L}{A}
21 Relative's cow drops dead (4) AUINT dAUNT
22 Overwhelmed by drink, group swilling gin is making a mistake (8,2) SCREWING UP {S{CREW}{GIN*}UP}
25 Unfortunately, medal ain't covered by protective layer (9) LAMINATED*
26 Animal in front of dark cave (5) DHOLE {Dark}{HOLE}
27 Pivoted in instant to catch criminal around den (6,2,1,4) TURNED ON A DIME {TIME}* over {AROUND+DEN}*

2   Former tennis champion in America is vain (7) USELESS {U{SELES}S}
3   Undecided, hence often anxious (2,3,5) ON THE FENCE
4   Former tennis champion is always on time (5) EVERT {EVER}{T}
5   Found to have exaggerated credentials essentially in past (9) FORGOTTEN {FORG{OTT}E}{c..eNt..s}
6   Genuine cocaine and heroin smuggled by alien (4) ECHT {E{C}{H}T}
7   Crazy nut on channel starting to holler and lie (7) UNTRUTH {NUT}*{RUT}{Ho...r}
8   Turned up naked and high, going around beach with shortcomings frankly revealed (5,3,3) WARTS AND ALL  {RAW<=}{T{SAND}ALL}
10 Angry people rant about ultimately corrupt person (6,5) ROTTEN APPLE {PEOPLE+RANT+a..uT}*
13 Lady downed gin recklessly, becoming garrulous (4-6) LONG-WINDED {L}{DOWNED+GIN}*
15 Badly addicted after consuming ecstasy, gets committed (9) DEDICATED {ADDICTED}* over {E}
18 Bird in mountain, mostly cuckoo (7) TINAMOU MOUNTAIn*
20 Extremely large and clean space in front of seat (7) LEGROOM {LargE}{GROOM}
23 Finish with high note? Done! (3,2) END ON {N+DONE}*
24 Captain on aircraft checks switches immediately (4) ANON [T<=]

Reference List
Wife = W, Thailand = T, Atomic = A, Dead = D, Time = T, Cocaine = C, Heroin = H, Alien = ET, Lady = L, Note = N