Monday 31 December 2018

No 12511, Monday 31 Dec 2018, xChequer

Some unknown words made xChequer even more devious today. 

7   Badge of honour worn by student scoring twelve points (6) EMBLEM {E{MB{L}E}M} EM/Twelve points? See comments
8   Learnt about bony projection (6) ANTLER*
10 Combat op planned in training centre (4,4) BOOT CAMP*
11 Stand up to work, then sit (6) OPPOSE {OP}{POSE}
12 A complete report on women getting nauseous (5) AWFUL {A}{W}{FUL}(~full)
14 Controlled dog without love showing hostility (7) RANCOUR {RAN}{C{O}UR}
15 Wash face briefly, soften and mix lather (7,8) MEXICAN STANDOFF {FACe+SOFTEN+AND+MIX) Wash?
18 Beastly smell, a public gathering (7) INHUMAN {IN{HUM}{A}N}
19 Downright delicate (5) SHEER [DD]
20 Notice about record came in handy (6) HELPED {HE{LP}ED}
21 Pips from fruit, essentially seed, got after pulping (5,3) EDGES OUT {frUit+SEED+GOT}*
23 Dense one vacuously entertaining old man with question (6) OPAQUE {O}{PA}{QUE} (Addendum - {On{PA}{QU}E} - See comments)
24 Fortune for husband with condition (6) WEALTH (-h+w)WEALTH

1   Roll or repeat waffle? (8) PERORATE*
2   Following heart-to-heart, still in touch (4) ABUT {heArt}{BUT}
3   Withdrawal from grounds to follow on (6) RECALL {RE}{CALL} Call/Grounds? See comments
4   Without a passion to pursue, home very much a problem in retirement (8) INSOMNIA {IN}{SO}{MaNIA}
5   Ladle food, pressure-cooked in applesauce (10) FLAPDOODLE {LADLE+FOOD+P}*
6   Rubber cover as ergonomic grip (6) ERASER [T]
9   Performing tenor being one great person, a diva (5,6) OPERA SINGER {GREA(-t+1)1+PERSON}*
13 Set fire to place filling fuel in the course of journey (6,4) FLIGHT PLAN {F{LIGHT}{PL}AN}
16 American suspicion giving way to rage, showing evil spirit (8) A?M?D?U? (Addendum - ASMODEUS {A}{S{MODE}US} - See comments)
17 Out of reach at first usually means uncommunicative (8) FAROUCHE {OF+REACH+Us...y}*
18 Refrigerator that's used to store cold punch (6) ICEBOX {I{C}E}{BOX}
19 Team reportedly expressed disappointment (6) SIGHED (~side)
22 Look after son getting old without company (4) SOLO {S}{O}{LO}


Sunday 30 December 2018

Special, Sunday 30 Dec 18, IXL-18 Audience Crossword

Three answers per commenter as usual till 6 PM (Annotations compulsory)
Please provide all your answers in one comment.

5   Correct to joke with one's husband (6)
7   Meet head of contingent on border (8)
9   Plant dissent in fictional computer? (8)
10 Hospital department managed dead for commission (6)
11 Romantic chap dances with all colours of the rainbow (12)
13 Look for corner bridge (6)
15 English take a long time to connect (6)
18 Computer user hacked lawmaker (7,5)
21 Chengiz Khan's one single incomplete aim: sack America (6)
22 At German city, Eastern boy with cap on (8)
23 Inspector backs condition restraining society (8)
24 Dog killed & chewed head off bird (6)

1   Reverend's permit officer can help kill quietly? (8)
2   My love, try to accept date... (2,4)
3   Trouble at a French city in the Northwest - Amazon's headquarters to move out (8)
4   Mistake to reinforce Central offices with iron (6)
6   Unprepared for a Spanish female's stuff (8)
7   We are not associated with mostly unwelcome scandalous article (6)
8   General Tito's main man (4)
12 Pain-giver's tottering - overcome by time (8)
14 Desperate football player shoots regularly over - scores ultimately (8)
16 Arrangement of crack infused with ecstasy? Setter to have a go... (8)
17 Section of memorial’s front has burning wood (6)
18 Inverted "X"s framed general issue stamp (6)
19 European organisation controls International body - church is one lacking power (6)
20 God of banjo's sensationally restrained (4)

Across Lite version can be accessed at IXL 18 Audience


The Sunday Crossword No 3028, Sunday 30 Dec 2018

1   Gloom in party captured by playwright (6) SHADOW {SHA{DO}W}
4   Artificial image? Continue to be enthralled by it (7) PLASTIC {P{LAST}IC}
9   Delight in harbour (9) ENTERTAIN [DD]
10 Substantial specimen, not small (5) AMPLE sAMPLE
11 Drama in period setting’s first to get awards (7) HONOURS {HO{NO}URS}
12 Fish held and cut (7) HADDOCK {HAD}{DOCK}
13 Exuberant force, group mostly seen with love in revolutionary outfit (12) RAMBUNCTIOUS {RAM}{BUNCh}{TI{O}US<=}
17 Terrible trophy, comical, not a symbol of major sporting event (7,5) OLYMPIC TORCH {TROPHY+COMICaL}*
20 Bird emerging from box with noise (7) SPARROW {SPAR}{ROW}
22 Eager one with speed of light entering event (7) ITCHING {1}{T{C}HING}
23 Robust, guarding against split (5) HALVE {HAL{V}E}
24 Exile in wretched case riots (9) OSTRACISE*
25 Fast strike without real purpose (7) RAPIDLY {RAP}{IDLY}
26 Thin air outside pub (6) SKINNY {SK{INN}Y}

1   Perfect day disrupted by measure of acidity in conduct (8) SHEPHERD {SHE{PH}ER}{D}
2   Many too prepared to restrict universal independence (8) AUTONOMY {MANY+TOO}* over {U}
3   Different future in a rum old Victorian tale (3,6,6) OUR MUTUAL FRIEND*
4   Forcefulness required to get a drink (5) PUNCH [DD]
5   Expert under oath, worried about Arctic region, raised difficult problem (1,4,3,2,5) A HARD NUT TO CRACK {AH{TUNDRA<=}TO*}{CRACK}
6   Excellent work after lean time (3-3) TIP-TOP {TIP}{T}{OP}
7   Happy with king instead of rook getting forward? (6) CHEEKY CHEE(-r+k)KY
8   Pepper? Limit amount covering one starter for child (8) CAPSICUM {CAP}{S{1}{Ch..d}UM}
14 One foolish person, angry, lacking right start (8) INITIATE {1}{NIT}{IrATE}
15 Fulfilment I found in working for unit (8) FRUITION {I} in {FOR+UNIT}*
16 Violent behaviour almost embraced during endeavour (8) THUGGERY {T{HUGGEd}RY}
18 Some interest heretic displayed in Old Testament book (6) ESTHER [T]
19 Run good article on vote coming up (6) GALLOP {G}{A}{POLL<=}
21 Befuddled in court over unknown quantities (5) WOOZY {WOO}{Z}{Y}


Saturday 29 December 2018

No 12510, Saturday 29 Dec 2018, xChequer


7. How a bog could be shrinking after damage (6) MARSHY {MAR}{SHY}
8. Settlement: money at last (6) COLONY {COLON}{moneY}
10. Pursue source of light, source not being visible in beam (3,5) RUN AFTER {R{sUN} AFTER}
11. Learning to accept a hot city (6) LAHORE {L{A}{H}ORE}
12. The greatest good with new order (5) ALIGN {ALI}{G}{N}
14. Dropped in contest, welcoming rest days (7) VISITED {VI{SIT}E}{D}
15. Pressure dropping inside in flight, hence properly strapped (7,3,5) FEELING THE PINCH {P} in {IN+FLIGHT+HENCE*}
18. Welcomed stranger in hunger (7) GREETED {GRE{ET}ED}
19. English kings sporting the same look (5) DEKKO {D{E}{KK}O}
20. Controversial breaking silence in plane (6) SMOOTH {S{MOOT}H}
21. Either way, about time to control pitch or fall (8) CATARACT {CA}{TAR}{CA<=}{T}
23. Circular entities left out in a null set (6) ANNULI {IN+A+NULl*}
24. Fury needing cold beer to quench (6) ALECTO {ALE}{C}{TO}


1. Cut off a partner’s hiding place (8) AMPUTATE {A}{M{PUT}ATE}
2. A note on hiding place (4) AREA {A}{RE}{A}
3. Pale layer covering it after winter (6) WHITEN {W}{H{IT}EN}
4. Aristocracy born to take over and glorify (8) NOBLESSE {N{O}{BLESS}E}
5. Work cut to keep their time free (2,3,5) DO THE TRICK {DOCK} around {THEIR+T*}
6. Shy bride clutching cross (6) HYBRID (T)
9. Investigator tracked VIP, one on the run (7,4) PRIVATE DICK {TRACKED+VIP+I*}
13. Bold and nubile, acting no doubt (3,2,5) I'LL BE BOUND {BOLD+NUBILE*}
16. Say case of Brazil's crazy nightmare (8) NUTSHELL {NUTS}{HELL}
17. Check work twice right now (4,4) CHOP CHOP {CH}{OP} twice
18. Jaw prised apart with a doctor's instruments (6) GAMBAS {G{A}{MB}AS}

19. Dry fouling allowance for plug in pipe (6) DOTTLE {DO{TT}LE}
22. First person in Germany after Kaiser's end to become wealthy (4) RICH {kaiseR}{ICH}

Reference List

Hot=H, The greatest=Ali, Good=G, New=N, Days=D, Pressure=P, Stranger=ET, English=E, Kings=KK, Silence=Sh, About=Ca, Left=L, Cold=C
Note=A, On=Re, Layer=Hen, Winter=W, Born=Ne, Over=O, One=I, Check=Ch, Work=Op, Doctor=MB, Dry=TT, First person in Germany=Ich

Colour/Font Scheme

DefinitionSolutionComponent lettersEmbedded linksTheme word Anagram IndicatorC/C indicatorReversal IndicatorHidden word IndicatorLetter Pick indicatorDeletion IndicatorHomophone IndicatorMovement IndicatorPositional IndicatorSubstitution, IndicatorLink/Connector, Extraneous


Friday 28 December 2018

No 12509, Friday 28 Dec 2018, Vulcan

1   Deal with a constraint differently (11) TRANSACTION*
8   Cry of a marine creature, say (4) WAIL (~whale)
9   English novel, one fast read regularly adapted into film (4,2,4) EAST OF EDEN {E}{ONE+FAST+rEaD}*
10 Intoxicated individual with medical complaint taken outside (6) STONED {ST{ONE}D}
11 Attack and capture (7) SEIZURE [DD]
13 Standard club with bad interiors for the most part (9) CRITERION {C}{INTERIORs}*
15 Rise to the occasion after second chance (5) SCOPE {S}{COPE}
16 A hot time in this town (5) PERTH {PER}{H} over {T}
18 Device running extra time (9) TAXIMETER*
22 New Orleans city (7) SALERNO*
23 Performer's safe, went the right way at the start (6) R?C?E? (Addendum - ROCKER (-l+r)ROCKER - See comments)
26 State that's behind time — where a woman is veiled (10) ASSEVERATE ASS{EVE}RATE Anno pending (Addendum - {ASS}{EVE}{RATE} - See comments)
27 American's not in favour of a drink (4) AGIN {A}{GIN}
28 Deciding to stop the process of extracting coal! (11) DETERMINING {DETER}{MINING}

1   Old Republican's feature, above all, one that betrayed (7) TRAITOR {TRAIT}{O}{R}
2   Nobody's outside a large queue that’s shortened (3,2) ALL IN {A}{L}{LINe}
3   Tail of this shark is thin (7) SLENDER {thiS}{LENDER}
4   Cabinet proceedings (4) CASE [DD]
5   Pressed and combined in the current way (6) IRONED {I}{R{ONE}D}
6   Philosopher breaks down Zen ethics (9) NIETZSCHE*
7   Rent gotten from bicycle trips (3,3) LET RIP [T]
12 This marine thing is a shade of black, primarily reddish on the inside (5) CORAL {CO{Re...h}AL}
14 Legal document, deleted it by mistake (5,4) TITLE DEED*
17 Pass drinks during the middle of meet (6) ELAPSE {mE{LAPS}Et}
19 Asian is real crazy and independent (7) ISRAELI {IS}{REAL*}{I}
20 Mostly never gets up in good time (7) EVENING {NEVEr<=}{IN}{G}
21 Cricket's perhaps nicest bats (6) INSECT*
24 Fur on one animal (5) COATI {COAT}{1}
25 Light show (4) FAIR [DD]


Thursday 27 December 2018

No 12508, Thursday 27 Dec 2018, Skuldugger

1   Centre of moustache left incomplete, ridiculous looking fuzz (9) POLICEMEN INCOMPLEtE*
6   Nick, old Bob replacing rector's cloak (4) MASK MA(-r+s)SK
8   Smells gas in piecrust every so often (8) PERFUMES {FUMES} in {PiEcRuSt}
9   Secure sorry hound from the pound? (6) RESCUE*
10 "She's a doctor", injured marine exclaimed (7,8) MEDICAL EXAMINER*
11 Advantage puts liberal ahead in projection (5) LEDGE {L}{EDGE}
13 Great leader of 1 to give part of self (8) S?L?N?I? (Addendum - SPLENDID {SP}{LEND}{ID} - See comments)
15 Can't shift for oneself without domestics (8)  HELPLESS {HELP LESS}
18 Detailed animal insignia (5) BADGE BADGEr
20 Give up hope to net worthwhile building (5,2,3,5) THROW IN THE TOWEL*
23 Take over eastern wing (6) ANNEXE {ANNEX}{E}
24 Fiction exam said to be dark and heavy? Nothing could be further from the truth (8) LIGHTEST (~ lie test)
25 Ain’t it concealed, according to nature? (4) ISNT {I{SN}T} Anno for SN pending See comments
26 Brew of red teas bottled in years past (9) YESTERDAY {Y{RED+TEAS}*Y}

1   A bit of calm, one might say (5) PIECE (~peace)
2   Throwing up in entrance to guardroom under attic (7) LOFTING {LOFT}{IN}{Gu...m}
3   Butterfly that interrupts mid-sentence! (5) COMMA [DD]
4   Commander's albatrosses possibly observed here (7) MASTERS [DD]
5   Molly ran off routinely (8) NORMALLY*
6   Calling woman from the South numero uno (7) MISSION {MISS}{NO1<=}
7   Cramming for special quiz Gene rewrote (9) SQUEEZING {S}{QUIZ+GENE}*
12 Creatures with wrinkled ashen pelt (9) ELEPHANTS*
14 Labour uniform of French heads (8) DELIVERY {DE}{LIVERY}
16 Launch undertaking (7) PROJECT [DD]
17 Stalkers regularly found under park benches (7) SETTLES {SET}{sTaLkErS}
19 Taken in by publicity around transport depot (7) ADOPTED {A{DEPOT*}D}
21 Bird decapitated pooch (5) EAGLE bEAGLE
22 Dissertation on South Africa in abridged, oral format (5) ESSAY (~sa)


Wednesday 26 December 2018

No. 12507, Wednesday 26 Dec 2018, Anon

On the whole an 18ac kind of puzzle. A few new words like ARBLAST, BROLGAS, LOGGIA but easily gettable from the wordplay. Nice stories in ENTRAPMENT, MARC, ENTERPRISE, STOCKPILE. Thanks to Anon.

1 Fully grown Oriental shouts about contaminators (11) ADULTERANTS [ADULT + Eastern + RANTS]
9 Criminal in Indian river signals (7) BEACONS [CON inside BEAS]
10 Tribes, unruly, remotest, missing regular urge (6) TOTEMS [REMOTEST - uRgE]*
11 Start to go from causeway to hill (5) RIDGE [bRIDGE]
12 Oddly awry explosion of trebuchet (7) ARBLAST [AwRy + BLAST]

15 Starts a fashion revolution online with hairstyle (4) AFRO [Acrostic]
16 Luring into committing crime, strange pattern overwhelms men (10) ENTRAPMENT [PATTERN* outside MEN]
18 Undemanding elf fosters discord (10) EFFORTLESS [ELF FOSTERS]*
20 Brandy brand, say (4) MARC [~MARK]
23 Crane sibling, at first, lit with petrol (7) BROLGAS [BRO + Lit + GAS]

24 Initially, the impoverished return as a contingent (5) TROOP [The + POOR <=]
26 Soldier in gaol confused by open gallery (6) LOGGIA [GI inside GAOL*]
27 Broad-minded doctor reliable, lacks empathy initially (7) LIBERAL [RELIABLE - Empathy]*
28 Official to even bench right wingers in dining halls (11) REFECTORIES [REF + bEnCh + TORIES]

2 Rode south to gatherings (6) DROVES [DROVE + South]
3 Regularly look for ship’s disappearance (4) LOSS [LoOk + SteamShip]
4 Firm // initiative (10) ENTERPRISE [DD]
5 Insect to run away with animal (8) ANTELOPE [ANT + ELOPE]

6 Wild emu sect to expand abnormally (7) TUMESCE [EMU SECT]*
7 Sailor chastises trapped Republican who varies (9) ABERRATES [Able Bodied + BERATES outside Republican] Extra B in wordplay?
8 Look at // goose (6) GANDER [DD]
13 Nasty peacekeepers almost captivate worker (10) UNPLEASANT [UN + PLEASe + ANT]
14 Reserve goods in large quantity (9) STOCKPILE [STOCK + PILE]
17 Introduction for bizarre endless eulogy (8) PROLOGUE [PRO + EULOGy*]

19 Dispensed with one almost in furnace (7) FORGONE [ONe inside FORGE]
21 On ship, sailor takes crooked road (6) ABOARD [Able Bodied + ROAD*]
22 Injure the French at barn (6) STABLE [STAB + LE]
25 Obscure, cut short endorsement (4) BLUR [BLURb]

Tuesday 25 December 2018

No.12506, Tuesday 25 Dec 2018, Lightning

Season's greetings to you all. Standing in for Colonel while he is enjoying holidays with his family.

This Christmas day lighting up the daily fix is Lightning with his usual smooth surfaces and uncomplicated wordplays. Liked THEME, RISHI, STRAINER, SHEATH, NAIVE and RAITA.

1 Saint, one protecting a park with foreigner (8) STRANGER [SainT + RANGER]
5 Rushed to check stick missing edges (6) HECTIC [cHECk sTICk]
9 Big lie fabricated left European in fit (8) ELIGIBLE [BIG LIE* + Left + European]
10 Pass nearly lost in water under the bridge (6) BYGONE [BYe? + GONE]
12 Segment of anthem expresses its essence (5) THEME [T]
13 Spell and say it along with civil engineer (9) PRONOUNCE [PRONOUN + Civil Engineer]
14 Intern at the French place of worship (6) TEMPLE [TEMP + LE]
16 Preparing a crop is boring (7) PROSAIC [A CROP IS]*
19 Accountant with knowledge about independent unit (7) CALORIE [CA + LORE outside Independent]
21 Insect’s caught on hard sedimentary rock (6) FLYSCH [FLY'S + Caught + Hard]

23 Solar unit damaged — it does not conduct electricity (9) INSULATOR [SOLAR UNIT]*
25 Gentleman returns greeting of saint (5) RISHI [SIR <= + HI]
26 Suddenly move around old waiting room (6) LOUNGE [LUNGE outside Old]
27 Set of beliefs of liberal institution in area (8) RELIGION [Liberal Institution inside REGION]
28 Flexible for the most part, store energy (6) SUPPLE [SUPPLy + Energy]
29 It could separate second coach (8) STRAINER [Second + TRAINER]

1 Warm weather cracks sword’s primary hard case (6) SHEATH [HEAT inside Sword + Hard ]
2 Worried her allies will engage in disruptive behaviour (5,4) RAISE HELL [HER ALLIES]*
3 Lacking experience one enters central part of church (5) NAIVE [1 inside NAVE]
4 Overshadow European Commission with impudence, so exasperating at first (7) ECLIPSE [European Commission + LIP + So Exasperating]
6 Gloomy, yet rephrased history of a word (9) ETYMOLOGY [GLOOMY YET]*
7 Split houses, hospital — it could prick (5) THORN [TORN outside Hospital]
8 Held in mediocre den, ceded to belief (8) CREDENCE [T]
11 Masterstroke by policeman arresting union leader (4) COUP [COP outside Union]
15 Pearl, a gal tampered with lawyer’s assistant (9) PARALEGAL [PEARL A GAL]*
17 Approach revolutionary leader for attainment of rank (9) ACCESSION [ACCESS + NO.1 <=]
18 Unreturnable serves without gradient to one vulnerable at the heel (8) ACHILLES [ACES outside HILL]
20 Second to last chair for food (4) EATS [SEAT with Second at the end]
21 Stir up iron reactor, primarily intended to remove its core (7) FERMENT [FE + Reactor + MEaNT]
22 Top diet of champion without meal (6) DINNER [Diet + wINNER]
24 Puzzle and dismiss batsman this way (5) STUMP [DD]
25 Part of marinara (Italian) dressing (5) RAITA [T]

Monday 24 December 2018

No 12505, Monday 24 Dec 2018, Incognito

8   Strip and beat (4) BELT [DD]
9   Spore develops into fibrous cords (5)  ROPES*
10 Insect used to be paralysed at first (4) WASP {WAS}{Pa...d}
11 Fight about headless animal (6) COMBAT {C}{wOMBAT}
12 Low chance of sailors capturing a sapper on English ship (8) RARENESS {R{A}{RE}N}{E}{SS}
13 Punch's cuter pup is running around (8) UPPERCUT*
15 Silly Barney's on hand (6) NEARBY*
17 A mite mutates once (3-4) ONE-TIME {ONE}{MITE}*
19 Normally, a South American university’s Head of Architecture is present at the beginning of lecture (2,5) AS USUAL {A}{S}{US}{U}{Ar...e}{Le...e}
22 Second PM of UK gets protection (6) SHEATH {S}{HEATH}
24 Flip fish on highway (8) TURNPIKE {TURN}{PIKE}
26 Make the opponent hit the floor and return. OK? (8) KNOCKOUT {OK<=}
28 Pulses ground with some chilli can be used to make Borscht (6)  THROBS BORScHT*
30 Enters details of blocks of wood (4) LOGS [DD]
31 Entrances founder of famous software company (5) GATES [DD]
32 Glue, taken after a student exits, results in fever (4) AGUE {A}{GlUE}

1   At heart, Theron is a male lead in a movie (4) HERO {tHEROn}
2   Pieces of furniture displayed in the street are most steady (8) STABLEST {S{TABLES}T}
3   Commentator: "Kelvin and Earl left playing cricket around one" (6) CRITIC {1} in {CRICkeT}*
4   Special flower containing a bit of tannin produces volatile substances (7) SPIRITS {SP}{IRI{Ta...n}S}
5   Guitarists usually carry these as spare items of underwear (1-7) G-STRINGS [DD]
6   Country's god possesses magical stick (6) RWANDA {R{WAND}A}
7   Takes advantage of United States Employment Service (4) USES [DD]
14 Joke with child: “Make a hole” (5)  PUNCH {PUN}{CH}
16 Colour of sheep standing out from the flock? Half blue, with a cloudy pink at the end (5) BLACK {BLue}{A}{C}{pinK}
18 Master John is confused by girls in game (3-5) MAH-JONGG {MA}{JOHN*}{GG}
20 Extraordinarily strong person's extraordinary surname includes "Prince" (8) SUPERMAN {P} in {SURNAME}*
21 Communicate about Utah law (7) STATUTE  {STAT{UT}E}
23 A county's tax to get entry (6) ACCESS {A}{C}{CESS}
25 Winding street? Try again (6) RETEST*
27 Newton took a couple of eggs with leader of nabobs at midday (4) NOON {N}{OO}{Na...s}
29 But a ring is involved in fight (4) BOUT {B{O}UT}


Sunday 23 December 2018

The Sunday Crossword No 3027, Sunday 23 Dec 2018

1   Puritan ignoring pressure to be naughty (4) RUDE pRUDE
3   Puzzle’s finished order (6,4) CLOSED BOOK {CLOSED} {BOOK}
10 One giving reassurance about working to reform (9) COMFORTER {C}{TO+REFORM}*
11 Fool playing about with glossy fabric (5) SATIN {NIT}{AS}<=
12 Test saint, poor soul without wife (7) STRETCH {ST}{wRETCH}
13 Write about air for planet (7) NEPTUNE {PEN<=}{TUNE}
14 Associate firm revolutionary party with speaker (12) COLLABORATOR {CO}{BALL<=}{ORATOR}
18 Controller behind the scenes turning a handle during reel (5,7) STAGE MANAGER {STAG{A NAME<=}GER}
21 Artist in salon, sadly not a winner (4-3) ALSO-RAN {ALSO{RA}N*}
22 Make up with approach, securing concession after reflection (7) COMPOSE {COM{SOP<=}E}
23 Step in tango studied (5) TREAD {T}{READ}
24 Adjust tie, neat or otherwise (9) ORIENTATE*
25 Dispute claim (10) CONTENTION [DD]
26 Last enclosure, holding area (4) STAY {ST{A}Y}

1   Bag and barrel dog overturned before end of walk (8) RUCKSACK {CUR<=}{walK}{SACK} (Correction  - {CASK}{CUR}<={walK} - See comments) 
2   City supporting protest in modest way (8) DEMURELY {DEMUR}{ELY}
4   Fastening some tinsel at Christmas (5) LATCH [T]
5   Terrible transmogrification, not half violent (6-3) STRONG ARM TRANSMOGRification*
6   Regret getting sink filled with juice and oily substance (14) DISAPPOINTMENT {DI{SAP}P}{OINTMENT}
7   Decision not to take part in work with illegal seller (3-3) OPT-OUT {OP}{TOUT}
 Place for boxer perhaps in ring endlessly occupied by extremes of exertion (6) KENNEL {K{Ex...oN}NELl}
9   Cross after catch in card game (8,6) CONTRACT BRIDGE {BRIDGE} after {CONTRACT}
15 Part of church crumbling for a long time (5,4) ORGAN LOFT {FOR+A+LONG+T}*
16 Not knowing about soldier coming up with tirade (8) IGNORANT {ON}{GI}<={RANT}
17 Odd parts of garden go without good foliage (8) GREENERY {GaRdEn}{ENERgY}
19 Presenter accepting wine gum (6) MASTIC {M{ASTI}C}
20 Flower with name behind (6) ASTERN {ASTER}{N}
22 Feature old material (5) CHINO {CHIN}{O}


Saturday 22 December 2018

No 12504, Saturday 22 Dec 2018, Incognito

All the best for the IXL finals


8. Look back at the castle dungeon (4) KEEP {PEEK<=}
9. Doctored every tape containing a detective (7,3) PRIVATE EYE {EVERY+TAPE*} around {I}
10. Brother went around first French restaurant (6) BISTRO {B{IST}RO}
11. Kamau wa Ngengi was a nondrinker in an African country (8) KENYATTA {KENY{A}{TT}A}

12. Perhaps, star Russian soldier captures American soldier (3,5) RED GIANT {RED}{GI}{ANT}
14. Implements used to clean bachelor's tenements (6) BROOMS {B}{ROOMS}
16. Cart rolled back 3 feet (4) YARD {DRAY<=}
17. Cremates poet (5) BURNS (DD)
18. Job for the amateur sweater knitter, for starters (4) TASK (Acrostic)
19. After losing an eye, I hear, Bambi wears spectacles to see grass (6) BAMBOO {BAMBi}{OO}
21. Sinister drawings that may be made with Indian ink? (5,3) BLACK ART (CD)
23. Small locks result in tensions (8) STRESSES {S}{TRESSES}
26. Forbid a quiet exile (6) BANISH {BAN}{I}[SH}
27. Posterior curve is important in analysing a financial statement (6,4) BOTTOM LINE {BOTTOM}{LINE}
28. Tory's confused in Helen's place (4) TROY {TORY*}


1. German team has heads of roads and trails arranging requisite materials (10) DESIDERATA {DE}{SIDE}{Roads}{And}{Trails}{Arranging}
2. Overshadowed, at State level debate, at first (8) UPSTAGED {UP}{STAGE}{Debate}
3. Drunken peon surrounded by inveterate drinkers gets breathing problem (6) APNOEA {A{PEON*}A}
4. Go back amongst dark cinnamon trees to a prison (4) NICK (T<=)
5. Can catch one small plant (8) CANNABIS {CAN}{NAB}{I}{S}
6. Smooth passage played by student, for example, at commencement of opera (6) LEGATO {L}{EG}{AT}{Opera}
7. Half yard captured by Knight yielded Burmese currency (4) KYAT {K{YArd}T}
13. Tremble and mix broth (5) THROB {BROTH*}
15. Crime of omission takes place when son leaves prison during the course of a mission (10) MISPRISION {MIS{PRIson}SION}
17. Bunch of inflorescences and flowers placed around a vessel (8) BLOSSOMS {BLO{SS}OMS}
18. Remember that pickpockets do this (4,4) TAKE NOTE (D&CD)
20. Exhalation you can smell when British consume honey at first (6) BREATH {BR}{EAT}{Honey}
22. Walks amongst sham blesboks (6) AMBLES (T)
24. You get thousand after giving away construction material (4) THOU {THOUsand}
25. Fire away from a plane and expectorate (4) SPIT {SPITfire}

Reference List

A=I(A=One=I), Brother=Bro, First=Ist, Nondrinker=TT, Russian=Red, Soldier=Ant, American soldier=GI, Spectacles=OO, Small=S, Quiet=Sh
German=De, State=UP, Inveterate drinkers=AA, One=I, Student=L, Knight=Kt, Vessel=SS, British=Br

Colour/Font Scheme

DefinitionSolutionComponent lettersEmbedded linksTheme word Anagram IndicatorC/C indicatorReversal IndicatorHidden word IndicatorLetter Pick indicatorDeletion IndicatorHomophone IndicatorMovement IndicatorPositional IndicatorSubstitution, IndicatorLink/Connector, Extraneous


Friday 21 December 2018

No 12503, Friday 21 Dec 2018, Buzzer

All those who are not regular commenters but who are rookie commenters or silent followers of the blog are requested to post answers with annotations in the comments section. In your own interest please avoid looking up the answers from the interactive version. Don't hesitate to post your annotations, in case you make a mistake in the annotation someone will correct it with the right annotation.

Each commenter is requested to post only 5 answers thereby giving others also a chance to participate. Please provide all your answers in one comment.

Regular solvers/Veterans can post 1 answer each, but after 11 AM only 

The regular blog will replace the clues at 2 PM.

Thanks for the response, here's the regular blog.

1   Husband let out shrieks contorting face (6) KISSER ShRIEKS*
5   Fashionable male inwardly flat as a dumbbell (7) PINHEAD {P{IN}{HE}AD}
9   Corrupt, heavily scorned method of payment (4,2,8) CASH ON DELIVERY*
11 Words describing heat primarily (6) THERMS {T{Heat}ERMS} &lit
12 Advantage in this place to toe the line (6,2) ADHERE TO {AD}{HERE} {TO}
13 Sacred composition encountered taking in Old Testament (5) MOTET {M{OT}ET}
14 Cheat kind Asians heartily in partnerships (9) CONSORTIA {CON}{SORT}{asIAns}
16 Cosmetic and conservative changes to car model (4,5) COLD CREAM {C}{CAR+MODEL}*
18 Rectangular slab carrying diamond symbol (5) TILDE {TIL{D}E}
20 Universal in America lay out west normally (5,3) USUAL WAY {US{U}A}{L{W}AY}
22 Craftier but not at forging of iron (6) FERRIC CRaFtIER*
24 Robe-de-chambre — a thing spa centre stocks for relaxation time (9,5) BREATHING SPACE [T]
25 When texting are you smart or becoming dull? (7) RUSTING (~are you){R U}{STING}
26 Acclaims from many about son (6) EXTOLS {EX}{LOT<=}{S}

2   Hard, on average getting into premier institute, but found the solution (1,4,2) I HAVE IT {I{H}{AVE}IT}
3   Symbolic representation of catechism (9) SCHEMATIC*
4   Fellow rejected for open position (4) RANK fRANK
5   Buzzer perhaps, belonging to me, not really outstanding/special on reflection (9) PSEUDONYM {MY}{NO DUE}{SP}<=
6   Sound of hooter ringing around island (5) NOISE {NO{I}SE}
7   Factor in exclusive operation running away with lover (7) ELEMENT ELopEMENT
8   24 hours to arrest individual in Florida's town for speed trial (7,5)  DAYTONA BEACH {DAY}{TO}{NAB}{EACH}
10 Brat mum and I once disciplined. He's 2 (6,6) ATOMIC NUMBER {BRAT+MUM+I+ONCE}*
14 Pieces of mediocre mat in garage turning to ashes (9) CREMATING [T]
15 Right now in a difficult situation (2,3,4) ON THE SPOT [DD]
17 Honours a rule put in place through Lok Sabha (7) LAURELS {L{A+RULE}*S}
19 Poetic feet for mythological say, versifier Valmiki epic Ramayana, metrical (7) LYRICAL Tail Acrostic
21 Hit out with a long twirling club (5) LATHI {HIT}*{A}{L}<=
23 Unpleasant character into forgeries often (4) OGRE fOrGeRiEs


Thursday 20 December 2018

No 12502, Thursday 20 Dec 2018, Neyartha

Get into Tempo with Neyartha.

1   Tempt the king and the student to trade places after the individual gets autonomy (4-4) SELF-RULE {SELF} {(-l+r)RU(-r+l)LE}
5   Article attached to a notice about the American soldier Oscar's tempo (6) ADAGIO {A{AD<=}{GI}{O}
9   Conspicuous feature at the turning point (8) LANDMARK [DD]
10 Trade secrets (6) GOSSIP [CD]
11 Ring following number to convey a feature of some cars (4-5,5) FOUR-WHEEL DRIVE {FOUR}{WHEEL}{DRIVE}
14 Subdued the five coming in to get rid of the phosphorus from a fruit (5) GRAVE GRA(-p+v)VE
16 Cuts back after getting the alien to provide some daggers (9) STILETTOS {STIL{ET}{TO}S<=}
17 Italian conductor's wainscoting damaged after the trimming of the edges (9) TOSCANINI wAINSCOTINg
19 Tempo featuring in the stellar gospel music (5) LARGO [T]
20 Secret exits in front of the German behind a Greek letter on a burrow-dwelling arachnid (4-4,6) TRAP-DOOR-SPIDER {TRAPDOORS}{PI}{DER}
23 Adjust to the first openly religious Indian employer near Toledo (6) ORIENT Acrostic
24 Key found in a homogeneous mixture (8) SOLUTION [DD]
25 Vocal young bird in an official stamp (6) SIGNET (~cygnet)
26 Fierce CIA ignored achievement at sea (8) VEHEMENT  acHiEVEMENT*

1   Voyage reported to be a reduced-rate event (4) SALE (~sail)
2   Alternation oddly lacking in tempo (5) LENTO aLtErNaTiOn
3   Second half of the programme about raising capital results in grief (7) REMORSE {couR{ROME<=}SE}
4   Tempo of conversion of Ohm's sail rig (11) LARGHISSIMO*
6   A choice, but, is it really one? (2-2-3) DO-OR-DIE [CD]
7   British workman preparing fig treats (3,6) GAS FITTER*
8   Work attached to advertising the meeting after commencement shows injustice (10) OPPRESSION {OP}{PR}{sESSION}
12 Mentioned turning up to split the new piece about the work to get a projector (11) EPIDIASCOPE {EPI{SAID<=}C{OP}E*}
13 Protests in Santiago? It is chaotic! (10) AGITATIONS*
15 Softening of the sausage cut before cooking to absorb a strong liquor (9) ASSUAGING {SAUSAGe}* over {GIN}
18 Tempo of lifting of the active volcano behind the gate (7) ANDANTE {AND}{ETNA<=}
19 The French embrace a revolutionary plan to go around an island for a break (7) LEISURE {L{RUS{I}E<=}E}
21 Time for daughter to skip the cream (5) ELITE ELI(-d+t)TE
22 Stagnating waters helping to make a buzzing insect (4) GNAT [T]


Wednesday 19 December 2018

No 12501, Wednesday 19 Dec 2018, Arden

1   Central awards returned — ‘waapsi’ had some downside (8) DRAWBACK {aWARDs}<={BACK}
5   Being divine, comes back in calcified state (6) DEIFIC [T<=]
10 Ideal pressure for gas filled area (7) PARAGON {P}{AR{A}GON}
11 Carries daily — essentially it's a wind catcher (7) LUGSAIL {LUGS}{dAILy}
12 Fast way to have limited internet access (5) SWIFT {S{WIFi}T}
13 Spooner's bluster — key to get some food (5,4) ROAST BEEF (-b+r){ROAST} (-r+b){BEEF}
14 Visible shades of physical violence (5,3,4) BLACK AND BLUE [CD]
18 Rate winner as an opportunistic politician (12) CARPETBAGGER {CARPET}{BAGGER}
21 Conductor's opera, twice in retirement (9) TOSCANINI {TOSCA}{IN<=}{IN<=}
23 A doctor caught in an embrace by another in a dance (5) MAMBO {M{A}{MB}O}
24 Propeller breaks sound barrier, making noise (7) ROARING {R{OAR}ING}
25 Keep away as one's not on time (7) ISOLATE {1}{SO LATE}
26 Not taking sides, gets here — one's ageless (6) ETERNE {gETs}{hERe}{oNEs}
27 GOI takes part spreading political leader's propaganda (8) AGITPROP {GOI+PART}*{Po...l}

1   Swear and throw out (6) DEPOSE [DD]
2   Winding road, it makes one dexterous (6) ADROIT*
3   Game of no significance (9) BAGATELLE [DD]
4   Go to link, pick right game (8,6) CONTRACT BRIDGE {CONT{R}ACT} {BRIDGE}
6   Work done to grow, but it may affect plant growth (5) ERGOT {ERG}{TO<=}
7   Whips the girl found to be below standard (8) FLAGELLA {FLAG}{ELLA}
8   You get them as you become timid (4,4) COLD FEET [CD]
9   Get bail in gang-rape trial through this, perhaps (4,10) PLEA-BARGAINING {IN+BAIL+GANG+RAPE}* Semi&lit
15 Who every woman would like to have met aboard, in other words (9) DREAMBOAT*
16 Way to go without paying any penalty (4,4) SCOT FREE [CD]
17 Doctor agreed to come onboard for the event (8) DRESSAGE {DRE{SS}AGE*}
19 Whimper when partly exposed, wind can harm (6) IMPAIR {whIMPer}{AIR}
20 Exercise, individual input on the rise (4,2) TONE UP {T{ONE}UP<=}
22 Strange that one has to cover falsehood (5) ALIEN {A{LIE}N}