Tuesday 31 January 2017

No 11919, Wednesday 01 Feb 2017, Neyartha

Neyartha seems to have had a good round of Golf before setting this one.

1   Young French men in front of the Austrian university are steeped in fury (8) IMMATURE {I{MM}{AT}{U}RE}
5   Adapt to religious books holding control after internal turmoil (6) ORIENT {R(E<=>I)N} in {OT}
9   Suspicion that Lee's FBI ID has been compromised (9) DISBELIEF*
11 Evil spirit's golf score (5) BOGEY [DD]
12 Husband following revolutionary Greek character's account boards a ship to get some shrubs (7) SUMACHS {S{MU<=}{AC}{H}S}
14 Go on a binge and cause an undesirable temperature rise by removing a gas (7) OVEREAT OVERhEAT
15 Herb causing problems for the fast cat? (8,4) LEOPARDS BANE {LEOPARDS BANE}
17 Stem missing? Niece's experiment design reveals a lack of familiarity (12) INEXPERIENCE {NIECEs+eXPERImENt}*
20 Enrage and blow up the Frenchman's replacement for the model (7) INFLAME INFLA(-t+m)ME
22 Belligerent letters from a ghost? I let those slide (7) HOSTILE [T]
23 Piece of dug-out turf found by Tesla and a Roman poet in retreat (5) DIVOT {T}{OVID}<=
24 Purposeless manipulators? (9) TWIDDLERS [DD]
26 Attempts to start off with clues about an animal from the east (6) ESSAYS {kE{ASS<=}YS}
27 After the loss of the opener, retreats to the exits (8) EGRESSES rEGRESSES

1   Process the salt with the heads of the Indian Oil divisions in sunny Erode (6) IODISE Acrostic
2   Monk's mule made dizzy by a large juicy fruit (9) MUSKMELON*
3   Drink, reportedly, to get support for a golf ball (3) TEE (~tea)
4   Recall upset band surrounding the new council workers (13) REINSTATEMENT {N}{STATE}{MEN} in {TIER<=}
6   Pieces of elastic are Barb's burden at sea (6,5) RUBBER BANDS*
7   Head out with a hound dog to get a bird (5) EAGLE bEAGLE
8   Regularly ignored places under evaluation for romantic meetings (6) TRYSTS {TRY}{SiTeS}
10 Is it needed to see the deluge? (13) FLOODLIGHTING [CD]
13 Mysterious hot cup's X-ray reveals dough for an eclair (5,6) CHOUX PASTRY*
16 Want decay with nitrogen instead of sulphur initially (9) NEEDINESS (-s+n)NEEDINESS
18 Score in golf with some badminton equipment? (6) BIRDIE [DD]
19 Toxic condition of an Oriental with second thoughts on one employed by the Secret Service (6) SEPSIS {S{E}{PS}{1}S}
21 Ball game featured in a face-off? I've seen that (5) FIVES [T]
25 Colouring agent found in the auditor's metal-shaping device (3) DYE (~die)


Monday 30 January 2017

No 11917. Monday 30 Jan 17, Arden

Some clues today rather tricky :)
Arden strikes again, had been expecting a new setter this week...perhaps tomorrow?
New word and concept Abscissa.. apparently it has nothing to do with abcesses :) so much for my knowledge of geometry.. had been initially convinced (from the crossings) the word should be Narcissa .. which held up Breaststroke for a bit..
1a. Grasshopper needs to be split as Grass and Hopper !
18a. sporting here plays the role of the anagrind??
25a. forsaken plays the role of deletion and anagrind?
1d. breakfast..break is a container indicator

1. Grasshopper keeps quiet as children play a game (8) LEAPFROG {LEA}{P}{FROG}

5. Eat hamburger, return to college ground (6) CAMPUS (SUP)(MAC)<=
10. Distance allowed for vehicle to reverseit's unbelievable (7) MIRACLE (CAR) in MILE
11. Smuggled spirit, no time for resentment (7) RANCOUR (RAN(COURage)
12. Chip able to return home without me (5) NACHO (CAN)<==(HOme)
13. Comedian's hugging bishop, does it tickle you? (5,4) FUNNY BONE B in FUNNY ONE
14. He's indispensable? Correct, deal with him (5-4,3) RIGHT-HAND MAN (RIGHT)(HAND)(MAN)
18. Roberts takes in a sporting event (12) BREASTSTROKE (ROBERTS TAKES)*
21. They fight, work in opposite directions (9) COMMANDOS (COMMA)N(DO)S
23. Cover for many a crime (5) DRAPE (D)(RAPE)
24. Correctly undo knot, Stallone will check it (7) SOUNDLY (UNDO)* in SLY
25. Originated in godforsaken catatonia (7)  INERTIA (ORIGINATED - GOD)*
26. Stick to what he read out (6) ADHERE (HE READ)*
27. Two legs spread out — keep quiet, it's delicate (8) EGGSHELL SH in (LEGLEG)*

1. Keen to have morning breakfast (6) LAMENT {L(AM)ENT}
2. Drink claret — at heart agonise (6) ARRACK (clARet)(RACK)
3. Works fine, one could start with conservatives (9) FACTORIES (F)(A)(C)(TORIES)
4. Shoots fedayeen — could be sooner or later (3,2,5,4) ONE OF THESE DAYS (SHOOTS FEDAYEEN)*
6. To irritate girl boys strip (5) ANNOY (ANN)(bOYs)
7. For class, answer is perfunctory (3,5) PRO FORMA (PRO)(FORM)(A)
8. Endless work? Finally the worker's in the army (8) SERGEANT (lesS)(ERG)(thE)(ANT)
9. Some Europeans talking about rejecting bill to cover the Greens (6,8) FRENCH DRESSING  (FRENCH){(-AD)DRESSING}

15. Barren headland, provides a stark reality (9) NAKEDNESS (NAKED)(NESS)
16. Coordinate basic construction on board first (8) ABSCISSA (BASIC)*(SS)(A)
17. On opening round, missing wine (8) VERMOUTH {(-O)VER}{MOUTH}
19. Left among a group of people, move to safety (6) CASTLE L in CASTE
20. Give an account and soldiers will follow (6) RETAIL {RE}{TAIL}
22. Summer resident in the African savannah, perhaps (5) ADDER (DD)


Legend : Solution, Definition, Definition with link, Letters in wordplay, Indicator (containment, removal, addition, anagrind etc)

Sunday 29 January 2017

Special, Sunday 29 Jan 2017, K Koteswar Rao

Three answers per commenter till 6 PM (Annotations compulsory)
Please provide all your answers in one comment.

1   One who is scornful has colour mirroring either way with the setter in (7)
5   The mode, robbery was committed shows up monotony (7)
9   State of confusion created by blowers is up for all to see (5)
10 A nincompoop, in agitation, stopped work, comrade! (9)
11 Swear word to detest until the ends are clipped (4)
12 Blocks removed from seaweeds for growth of tree (5)
14 Musical composer reportedly forming a group (4)
16 Pertinent country loses tail for direction (7)
18 One who brings up children loses head for daughter. That’s more expensive! (7)
20 Body of water built on a log (6)
22 Foldaway multiple accounts, fruitcakes! (7)
25 Indian mother back to back (4)
26 The market for product specialization (5)
27 You crack it to exercise your authority to control (4)
31 Expression of victory in reverie shows the ability to bear (9)
33 Perhaps mahogany is grown when champion leaves the hard shell (5)
34 Distance measured by return carriage on time (7)
35 Insect goes after leaf for an ostentatious display (7)

1   Find lacking very popular dance (5)
2   Factor from the existing to the rocky height (7)
3   A bud makes crude paint (4)
4   Extinct bird stated to sway (3)
5   Lots of money with hesitation carried on an aircraft (6)
6   The home of wild beasts is backed by some Gulf money (4)
7   He makes a hole off-colour around the rivulet (7)
8   Nothing left in the main course, treats cosmetically (9)
13 Armstrong is upright (4)
15 Encode analog signal by the chief cardinal (4)
17 (Clue left out by KKR. No time to amend) (4)
19 Conquest results in loss of number but dynamism remains (4)
21 He is better if he takes chance (7)
23 Cautious on both sides of a teacher (7)
24 One who is Intended funding loses midlands (6)
28 Instrument to defeat thoroughly an alien (5)
29 Cosmic major ending surrounding America (4)
30 Bhang, Marijuana Narcotic Drugs – all ends up in heroin (4)
32 Power to perceive vehicle chassis (3)

Across Lite version  not uploaded due to error


The Sunday Crossword, Sunday 29 Jan 2017

1   Fruitful development of clearest system for measuring quakes (7,5) RICHTER SCALE {RICH}{TER SCALE*}
9   Bound to turn round new board (5) PANEL {N} in {LEAP<=}
10 Justify being very mean (9) VINDICATE {V}{INDICATE}
11 Overthrow leader in disgrace and rest, right away (6) DEPOSE {Di...e}{rEPOSE}
12 Lion grew terribly menacing (8) LOWERING*
14 Make more efficient version of metal siren (10) STREAMLINE*
15 Benefit from place with our team (4) PLUS {PL}{US}
17 Curse love at end of speech (4) OATH {O}{AT}{s...cH}
18 Aspect of expert in person (4,2,4) FACE TO FACE {FACE T}{O F}{ACE}
20 Recurring image about revolutionary party with rage (8) PERIODIC {P{IRE<=}{DO<=}IC}
21 Son takes out gifts (6) SKILLS {S}{KILLS}
24 Promise to get gold back, surrounded by relative support (9) GUARANTEE {G{AU<=}RAN}{TEE}
25 Pin in shadow, elusive (5) DOWEL [T]
26 Sentimental stuff I start about bygone pie (7,5) CORNISH PASTY {CORN}{I}{SH {PAST}Y}

1   Express rebuke over identification (5) RAPID {RAP}{ID}
2   Scheming and playing ironic part also (14) CONSPIRATORIAL*
3   Chap after endless chat is showing charm (8) TALISMAN {TALk}{IS}{MAN}
4   Party needing some extra vehicles (4) RAVE [T]
5   Baffled fool set up (10) CONFOUNDED {CON}{FOUNDED}
6   Dally with one in group with hesitation (6) LOITER {LO{1}T}{ER}
7   Actor wades in, ideally trained (6,3-5) DANIEL DAY-LEWIS*
8   Song in clip with guys dancing with energy (5,3) PEGGY SUE {PEG}{GY SU*}{E}

13 Shabby field with portion over time engulfed by marsh (4-6) FLEA-BITTEN {F{LEA}-{BIT}{T}EN}
14 Work quietly during present strike (8) STOPPAGE {ST{OP}{P}AGE}
16 Invented company with approval excited dupe (6,2) COOKED UP {CO}{OK}{ED UP*}
19 Recording absorbing account in principality (6) MONACO {MON{AC}O}
22 Odds on bet spread out (5) SPLAY {SP}{LAY}
23 Not so much praise without bishop (4) LESS bLESS

Saturday 28 January 2017

No. 11916, Saturday 28 Jan 17, Arden

Seeing Arden's name on a puzzle always puts a smile on my face. Today was no different with his usual deft touches especially in LOOFA, TERMAGANT, BEDLAM, TORMENT, RITUAL, MISREPRESENTED, INDUE to name a few. Thank you Arden

1 Not to condone some rejected material (6) COTTON [Hidden <=]
4 Dry piece of wood to be taken in the slaughterhouse (8) ABATTOIR [dry=AIR outside piece of wood=BAT + TO]
10 I'm going around New Orleans, to make it regular (9) NORMALISE [I'M + ORLEANS]*
11 It's part of the dictator's proclamation (5) EDICT [Hidden]
12 Animal laid eggs over grass (3,4) ROE DEER [eggs=ROE + grass=REED <=]

13 After wine bottles, Jack perhaps finds something to eat (7) CASSAVA [wine=CAVA outside jackASS]

14 Indian aphorism about art and American revival (5) SUTRA [ART + US=American] <=
15 Stand on foot, allowed to be in Paris (8) PEDESTAL [foot=PEDAL outside EST= to be in French]
18 According to Spooner the stuff rained for so long (8) FAREWELL [~stuff=WARE FELL=rained]
20 Can force one to get a scrub (5) LOOFA [can=LOO + Force + A=one]
23 Sin is a sin without a Rabbi's involvement (7) AVARICE [A + sin=VICE outside A Rabbi?]
25 Air pipe allows oil to flow with brute force (7) VIOLENT [air pipe=VENT outside OIL*]
26 That's gone into supplement regularly — it helped (5) AIDED [that's=I.E inside ADD=supplement]
27 A German model featured in Times — she is terrible (9) TERMAGANT [A GERMAN* inside T T=Times]
28 Suggestion from home — damage undone (8) INNUENDO [home=IN + UNDONE*]
29 Confusion as one of the lights gets no power (6) BEDLAM [BED LAMp]

1 Never take risks initially, coastguards clash (8) CONTRAST [COAST outside Never Take Risks]
2 Punish people in the wrong (7) TORMENT [people=MEN inside TORT=wrong]
3 Usually on a very short time (2,7) ON AVERAGE [ON + A + VERy + AGE=time]
5 Resistance to cut a tree by Chinaman to get the child out (6,8) BREECH DELIVERY [Resistance inside BEECH=tree + DELIVERY=chinaman]

6 Lock will strengthen, no doubt (5) TRESS [doubt=butTRESS=strengthen]
7 Allowed in and out — restricted to a naval base (7) OKINAWA [allowed=OK + IN + AWAy=out]
8 Formality's gone while making regulation (6) RITUAL [RegULATIon]*
9 Distorted 'ism'? (14) MISREPRESENTED [reverse anagram ISM]
16 Lease plot and make it stick (9) SELLOTAPE [LEASE PLOT]*
17 Force to do nothing, 50% fall for handyman (8) FACTOTUM [Force + ACT=to do + O=nothing + TUMble=fall]
19 A restriction on dress must go (7) ABANDON [A + restriction=BAN + dress=DON]
21 Totally finished, everything follows (7) OVERALL [finished=OVER + ALL=everything]
22 Expect to lose time in greeting — it's "Aloha!" here (6) HAWAII [expect=AWAIt inside HI=greeting]
24 Invest in something outstanding (5) INDUE [IN + DUE=outstanding]

Solved Grid:

Friday 27 January 2017

No 11915, Friday 27 Jan 2017, Arden

6   Observed volume in 7 (5) SEVEN {SE{V}EN}
7   Money order for a mini computer (8) NOTEBOOK {NOTE}{BOOK}
10 Lump it, love something to eat (7) BURRITO {BURR}{IT}{O}
11 Beat with a ruler for conniving (7) WINKING {WIN}{KING}
12 Finally a 180 degree change in the capital (7) ATLANTA {AT)(LA(-s+n)NT}{A}
13 Can do attitude, finally for any man (4,3) JOHN DOE {JOHN} {DO}{a...dE}
14 Marksman will say "I'm covered" (7,4) WILLIAM TELL {WILL}{I}{AM} {TELL}
19 Country allows doublet only for a Turk (7) OTTOMAN {TT}{O} in {OMAN}
21 Death is due, so left (7) ENDOWED {END}{OWED}
23 Refuse bin, initially placed in the workshop (7) GARBAGE {GAR{Bin}AGE}
25 Many a minister rejected wearing a cap (7) SEVERAL {SE{REV<=}AL}
26 Basis of racism in America under one party state (8) COLORADO {COLOR}{A}{DO}
27 Granted with or without study (5) CEDED conCEDED

1   It spills on the beast, as it climbs (8) OVERFLOW {WOLF}<=
2   Flag officer (6) ENSIGN [DD]
3   Indian car turns into a new idea (10) INNOVATION {INNOVA}{INTO*}
4   Way we grow food (4) STEW {ST}{WE<=}
5   Managed to sneak in, I made a replica (6) COPIED {COP{I}ED}
6   Starts using bus within, say the tunnel (6) SUBWAY {S{Us..g}{Bus}{Wi...n}AY}
8   Stop her taking drug, she'll start wailing (7) BANSHEE {BAN}{SH{E}E}
9   Flyer will feel sorry to take off (5) EGRET rEGRET
13 Playing music will hold-up meeting (3,7) JAM SESSION {JAM} {SESSION}
15 Pain, low on the bum makes one leave (7) LUMBAGO {L}{BUM*}{A}{GO}
16 Feeling sad to classify something as inferior (3-5) LOW-GRADE {LOW}-{GRADE}
17 Not allowed in country? (5) CONGO {CON}{GO}

18 Wooly headed middle class — doubled and went ahead (6) ADDLED {clAss}{DD}{LED} DD from Double D
20 No back up for fish (6) TARPON {NO}{PRAT}<=
22 Plan to cut work by half — it's a crime (6) DEVICE {DEed}{VICE}
24 Drive through Iceland (4) ELAN [T]


Thursday 26 January 2017

No 11914, Thursday 26 Jan 2017, Sunnet


1   Refuse to rub engineer at first (6) REBUFF {RE}{BUFF}
4   Ill-treated scab nods & flees (8) ABSCONDS*
10 Perhaps Iberian writer in university is exempted from usual arrangement (9) PENINSULA {PEN}{IN}{USuAL}*
11 Return article to former chess champion of province in South Africa (5) NATAL {AN<=}{TAL}
12 Advertise a flame (5) BLAZE [DD]
13 Before team takes books to chairman (9) PRESIDENT {PRE}{SIDE}{NT}
14 Policeman's dark side is lighter (7) IGNITER {IG}{NITE}{R}
16 Stream turning near daughter's garden (4) YARD {RAY<=}{D}
19 Standard tire (4) FLAG [DD]
21 This one arrives well before time (7) PREEMIE [CD]
24 Nearly try to hold a horse coach (9) CHARABANC {CH{ARAB}ANCe}
25 Use river's right (5) EXERT {EXE}{RT}
26 American's period of employment (5) USAGE {US}{AGE}
27 Foolish Henry and another boy roasted (4-5) HALF-BAKED {H}{ALF}-{BAKED}
28 Iterates about an exposition (8) TREATISE*
29 Assigns a guard to Bob (6) AWARDS {A}{WARD}{S}

1   13 leads this old person around a bar (8) REPUBLIC {RE{PUB}LIC}
2   Pack old coin in a large kerchief (8) BANDANNA {BAND}{ANNA}
3   Pound dishonest trader (5) FENCE [DD]
5   Female supporter's real courage (7) BRAVERY {BRA}{VERY}
6   Improperly coercing English caretaker (9) CONCIERGE {COERCING}*{E}
7   Teachers taking back prize spice (6) NUTMEG {NUT}{GEM<=}
8   Greeting it with an instrument (6) SALUTE {SA}{LUTE}
9   Wire sweater (6) JUMPER [DD]
15 Call a man to charge collector (4,5) TOLL AGENT {TOLL} {A}{GENT}
17 Bade Mark to become a leader (8) AMBEDKAR*
18 Energy surges in chains of amino acids (8) PEPTIDES {PEP}{TIDES}
20 Bites and cuts captured knight (7) GNASHES {G{N}ASHES}
21 Relish trouble (6) PICKLE [DD]
22 Discharge bill and leave (6) ACQUIT {AC}{QUIT}
23 Exhibit dock bridges in the modern age (6) PARADE {PAR{AD}E}
25 Bowler mostly bends this (5) ELBOW BOWLEr* &lit


Wednesday 25 January 2017

No 11913, Wednesday 25 Jan 2017, Spinner

1   Liberation given by excitement following Spinner's return, having missed it badly! (12) EMANCIPATION {ME<=}{ANtiCIPATION}
10 Bolt's timekeepers starting late! (5) LOCKS cLOCKS
11 First woman drinking, next is drunk? That's great! (9) EXTENSIVE {NEXT+IS}* in {EVE}
12 Manages extremely chaotic tresses (6) CHAIRS {c...iC}{HAIRS}
13 Dove flies around bird above (8) OVERHEAD {DOVE}* around {RHEA}
15 Ambassadors descend on some lavishly ornamented carpets (9) DIPLOMATS {DIP}{La...y}{Or...d}{MATS}
16 Alcohol or liver? (4) BEER {BE-ER}
20 Yes, a cryptic that's simple! (4) EASY*
21 Grave trouble to one's mum! (9) MOMENTOUS*
24 Points to vehicle knocked over by planes travelling around speed of light (8) SUBJECTS {BUS<=}{JE{C}TS}
26 Head of venture is working with Spinner for insight (6) VISION {Ve...e}{IS}{I}{ON}
28 Play screened with a bit of improvisation at home (9) RESIDENCE {Im...n} in {SCREENED}*
29 Tear into extremely transgressive rubbish (5) TRIPE {RIP} in {Tr...vE}
30 Spray, entrance & trap insect (9,3) CARPENTER ANT*

2   Nearly miss chance to travel  with men who perform service (9) MECHANICS {MISs+CHANCE}*
3   Openings of nose or slits designed to inhale air, ultimately (8) NOSTRILS {Nose}{Or}{ST{aiR}ILS*} &lit
4   Frosts with flavouring that has no special smell originally (4) ICES {spICE}{Smell}
5   Play 1v1 games, they provide leisure! (10) ACTIVITIES {ACT}{1V1}{TIES}
6   Disregard respectable man who's lost his head (6) IGNORE sIGNORE
7   Sound as one pierces snout (5) NOISE {NO{1}SE}
8   Chunk of boy's hair (5) BLOCK {B}{LOCK}
9   Commercial features in upcoming short film on front runners (7) LEADERS {AD} in {S}{REEL}<=
14 Note Spinner's opening with an empty clue (10) IMPORTANCE {I'M}{PORT}{AN}{CluE}
17 Education definitely ruined it — Gained nothing in the process! (9) ERUDITION {O} in {RUINED+IT}*
18 Sandy area covers beginning of St. Andrews' final course (7) DESSERT {DES{S}ERT}
19 Tougher critters prowling about (8) STRICTER*
22 Rejected revolutionary's final offer (6) TENDER {RED}{NET}<=
23 Subordinate to run frantically all over Germany (5) UNDER {UN{DE}R*}
25 Principal in charge runs after graduates (5) BASIC {BAS}{IC}
27 Caressed fabric (4) FELT [DD]


Tuesday 24 January 2017

No 11912, Tuesday 24 Jan 2017, Aspartame

1   Harp on toyshop's ridiculous spiritual ideology (13) ANTHROPOSOPHY*
8   Frank to start a business (4) OPEN [DD]
9   Pub song by the French is sung by gondoliers (10) BARCAROLLE {BAR}{CAROL}{LE}
10 Art from Zagreb on saints (6) BONSAI [T]
11 Thou designed half of Toulouse barn (8) OUTHOUSE {THOU}*{toulOUSE}
12 Guy wearing an accessory and tank top at financial centre... (9) MANHATTAN {MAN}{HAT}{TANk}
14 ... is dropping off last baby that's looking dapper (4) CHIC Anno pending (Addendum - CHICk - See comments)
15 Extremely exact (4) VERY [DD]
16 Mouth cleanser (9) TOOTHPICK [E] How can I do that?
20 Grandchild lacking blood group system developed protection (8) CLADDING GrANDChILD*
21 Love breaking new connection (6) LIKING LInKING
23 Caught moving ahead at sale on sting ray, got warning (10) CAUTIONARY {(+c)CAU(-c)TION}{RAY}*
24 One student is celebrating Christmas (4) NOEL {ONE+L}*
25 Big brave fighting against Conservatives at research centres (13) OBSERVATORIES {OS+BRAVE}*{TORIES}

1   Incense started burning on a container (7) AMPHORA {cAMPHOR}{A}
2   Vehicles America exported for tools (5) TONGS TONGaS
3   Restored short rebus — it included 3rd of July (7) REBUILT {REBUs}{I(juLy}T}
4   Arrest a goon taking n-nap in disguise as he is on a blacklist (7,3,5) PERSONA NON GRATA {ARREST+A+GOON+N-NAP}*
5   House hasn't been affected by lack of capital (6) SHANTY {HASNT}*{bY}
6   Editor hops around drunk sot looking up (9) PHOTOSHOP {SOT<=} in {HOP+HOP}*
7   Auditor’s tyranny starts to suffocate all caretakers providing life support (4,3) YOLK SAC (~yoke){YOLK} {Su...e}{All}{Ca...s}
13 Victor joins party to meet model with American historian (9) HERODOTUS {HERO}{DO}{T}{US}
15 Automobile company fired head of vehicles for tin — It may blow out (7) VOLCANO VOL(-v+can)CANO
17 Greetings made to friend beside house entrance — "Get in" (5-2) TALLY-HO {ALLY-Ho..e} in {TO} This can't be classified as a greeting
18 Acknowledge criminal's iron-grip on society (7) CONFESS {CON{FE}S}{S}
19 Most appliances are reported to have precision (6) RIGOUR {RIGs}{OUR}(~are)
22 Letters king wrote disheartened ninja (5) KANJI {K}{NInJA}*

Monday 23 January 2017

No 11911, Monday 23 Jan 2017, Buzzer

Rather interesting set of clues I must say from Buzzer today - 1a, 13d my favs..not very sure of the definition in 24a - this being a word I am rather familiar with :)

1 What has one with a hairy job in a lather? (7,5) SHAVING CREAM (CD)
8 Fancy woman that man is chasing (4) WHIM W(HIM)
9 Notice thug running to contact another (3,2,5) GET IN TOUCH (NOTICE THUG)*
11 Cool song to woo, sweeping off a date (6) SERENE SEREN(-AD)E
12 Moving in is some unwanted issue (8)  EMISSION (IN IS SOME)*
14 Surrealist painter has a pulse on unity (4) DALI (DAL)(I)

16 Real awful getting into public transport in a European country (7) BELARUS (REAL)* in BUS

18 On the other hand, brave alternative (7) VARIANT VA(-L+R)IANT
19 Swelling trend, out of line (4) STYE STY(-L)E
22 Representative of a country's decline, many going outside for master's degree (8) DIPLOMAT (DIP){LO(MA)}
23 Look to talk about automobile's safety feature (3,3) AIR BAG (AIR)(GAB)<=
24 Being aware of entities inside, explores pond enthusiastically (10) RESPONDENT (T)
26 Reflect on victory that is won (4)  VIEW (V)(IE)(W)
27 Sound daft if ladies are around (3,2,1,6) FIT AS A FIDDLE (DAFT IF LADIES)*

2 It might punch a hole in a bad actor's rehearsal (6,5) HAMMER  DRILL (HAMMER)(DRILL)

3 Very unprincipled person lacking primarily in style (5) VOGUE (V){(-R)OGUE}
4 Name say for a maniac (6) NUTTER N(UTTER)
5 Australia perhaps lacking good representatives (9) CONTINENT {CONTIN(-G)ENT)
6 I love dogs for example (3) EGO (EG)(O)
7 Cut and run blocking throw (5) SHRED (R) in SHED
10 Lock in operation to stop takeover (4,2) COOP UP (OP) in COUP
13 Wandering in essentially very vast place (5,6) SPACE TRAVEL {(vERy) (VAST PLACE)}* &lit

15 Hidden explosives in elms? (9) LANDMINES L & M in E S
17 Ridicule when raising tax (6) SATIRE (AS)<==TIRE
20 Bored, stifle the thing reflexively (6) ITSELF (STIFLE)*
21 Anxious entering middle age reluctantly (5) EAGER (T)
23 Did catch trends appearing periodically (5) ACTED cAtCh TrEnDs
25 Spinner turning up for a bowl (3) POT (TOP)<==

Legend : Solution; DefinitionLetters in Wordplay; Indicators (anagram, containment, removal, replacement etc)


Sunday 22 January 2017

Special, Sunday 22 Jan 2017, Springer

Three answers per commenter as usual till 6 PM (Annotations compulsory)
Please provide all your answers in one comment

1   Distant commercial unit (5)
4   English leader in many attempts at raffles (9)
9   Ape Tom? No, Polly! (7)
10 Get oval perhaps from electromotive force (7)
11 Maybe one strange song (3,6)
12 Shade one wears against smear (5)
13 Gives in and produces (6)
15 Platform encloses everything rosier (8)
18 Love, write, rise with no top cover (4,4)
19 Agreement to keep son in marriage (6)
22 Copulates after board defeats (5)
24 Put incomes right inside data processors (9)
26 Spear in first using reel (7)
27 More caught Root; out! (7)
28 O! fly a wife around? Routine stuff! (3,2,4)
29 It spins both ways (5)

1   Bachchan,say,in,extremely funny role of producer (7)
2   Attack's quiet fast (5)
3   1/0? Evade a bouncer (4,5)
4   Leave alone the French to place bets (4,2)
5   Rent Vera collected for inn keeper (8)
6   Brilliance celebrated but not of bad breed (5)
7   Ann involved in two draws produces absurd acts (9)
8   Runs helter-skelter seeking refuge (7)
14 Chosen line provided in power up (9)
16 Copper for example for Zubin Mehta (9)
17 Compositions of mixed concrete I have for engineer (8)
18 How alms are distributed as per current rule (4,3)
20 What Ravi Shankar might have said on not finding it? (2,5)
21 Hamper effort in current measure (6)
23 6-4 may be part of final score (3,2)

Across Lite version can be accessed at SPRINGER 2


The Sunday Crossword, Sunday 22 Jan 2017

1   Cunning search securing one result (8) FIENDISH {F{1}{END}ISH}
5   Open University pledge, on reflection, about right (6) UNWRAP {U}{NW{R}AP<=}
10 Swimming suit in pool containing colour about to create deceptive image (7,8) OPTICAL ILLUSION {LILAC<=} in {SUIT+IN+POOL}*
11 Satirical film about a bar (7) PARODIC {P{A}{ROD}IC}
12 Animal I release, initially caught by mistake (7) GIRAFFE {G{I}{Re...e}AFFE}
13 Proprietor losing heart after time in tall building (5) TOWER {T}{OWnER}
15 Funny line, in short, mostly for children (8) TODDLERS {T{ODD}{L}ERSe}
17 Emperor, a guy I call unbalanced, not unknown (8) CALIGULA {A+GUy+I+CALL}*
19 Take action against editor returning material (5) SUEDE {SUE}{ED<=}
21 Copy filled in by English learner with name and grade (7) ECHELON {ECH{E}{L}O}{N}
22 Less easy to admit love for collector (7) HOARDER {H{O}ARDER}
24 Singer with sad, stern air distracted after hurtful remark (6,9) BARBRA STREISAND {BARB}{SAD+STERN+AIR}*
25 Pretentious youth with theory having no energy (2-2-2) LA-DI-DA {LA-D}{I-DeA}
26 Put another way, sun god inhabits different sphere (8) REPHRASE {REPH{RA}SE*|

1   Way of lifting and shaking top hat (8) FOOTPATH {OF<=}{TOP+HAT}*
2   Go into part of forbidden territory (5) ENTER [T]
3   Gambled, rising above hesitation in crucial game (7) DECIDER {DICED<=}{ER}
4   Concern caused by ridiculous issues isn't cool (14) SOLICITOUSNESS*
6   Not involved in arrangement of late run (7) NEUTRAL*
7   Strengthen control in favour of church (9) REINFORCE {REIN}{FOR}{CE}
8   Joke with trap in basket (6) PUNNET {PUN}{NET}
9   Waste time on lost cause in sport, upset with advertisement, suffering sore head (4,1,4,5) FLOG A DEAD HORSE {GOLF<=} {A D}{EAD HORSE*}
14 Seasoned old man lacking force to cut unwanted plant (9) WEATHERED {fATHER} in {WEED}
16 Resent for example resistance during move (8) BEGRUDGE {B{EG}{R}UDGE}
18 Crude amendment of bill supported by revolutionary (3-4) ILL-BRED {ILL-B}*{RED}
19 Language course is hard (7) SPANISH {SPAN}{IS}{H}
20 Clever ballad partly spoken (6) VERBAL [T]
23 Play lawyer with inner force (5) DRAMA {D{RAM}A}


Saturday 21 January 2017

No 11910, Saturday 21 Jan 2017, Buzzer


1. In the existing circumstances what's rest? (2,2,2) AS IT IS {A SIT IS}
5. It gives encouragement when training after training has walk beginning to falter (3,4) PEP TALK {PE}{P T}{wALK}
9. Perhaps fresh-new adieu heading out of Essen (3,11) AUF WIEDERSEHEN {FRESH+NEW+ADIEU+Essen}* &lit
11. Close call, extremely on edge (6) CLINCH {CalL}{INCH}
12. Happy about umpire out in the middle (8) CAREFREE {CA}{RE FeREE}
13. Cold water in half formed clouds (5) CIRRI {C}{IRRIgate}
14. Swell time no good to return to initial position (9) BOOMERANG {BOOM}{ERA}{N}{G}
16. He tears up, crying a river (9) EUPHRATES {HE+TEARS+UP}*
18. Exhaust a bore filling drum (5) TABOR (T)
20. Master's degree woman professor is in love with (6,2) MASHED ON {MA}{SHE}{D ON}
22. Pierce is one man portraying spy essentially (6) IMPALE {I}{M{sPy}ALE}
24. Dead are so // cool (3,2,4,5) OUT OF THIS WORLD (DD)
25. Arabic ways, right to left in a magazine (7) ARSENAL {AR}{LANES<=}
26. Sort of engine on elevated railway conks out (6) DIESEL {DIES}{EL}


2. Dish one's dipping into is more fresh (7) SAUCIER {SAUC{I}ER}
3. Former official, a judge seen round private clubs (4,5) TOWN CRIER {T{OWN} {C}RIER}
4. Say-so showing constant bias (4) SKEW {~SEW} around {K}
5. Hunters before throwing darts gathered round (9) PREDATORS {PRE}{DARTS*} around {O}
6. Cement mixture (5) PASTE (DD)
7. Spiritual leader is cautious entering support group for drunks (7) ACHARYA {A{CHARY}A}

8. More helpful drawing-in information for a children's class (12) KINDERGARTEN {KINDER}{G{ART}EN}
10. Going around Med/Corsica over a float (3-5,4) ICE-CREAM SODA {MED+CORSCIA}* around {A}

14. Engagement that is trouble for both later (9) BETROTHAL {BOTH+LATER}*
15. Unprepared for one-time casual worker having nothing on (9) EXTEMPORE {EX}{TEMP}{O}{RE}
17. Envelope set aside, containing old money (7) PESETAS (T)

19. One needs to get a feel for this language (7) BRAILLE (CD)
21. Charming selfie, one off-limits (5) ELFIN {sELFIe}{oNe}
23. Old and every so often unsteady (4) USED {UnStEaDy}

Training=PE, Training=PT, About=Ca, Cold=C, Time=Era, No=N, Good=G, Master's degree=MA, Woman=She, Professor=Don, One=I, Man=Male, Arabic=Ar, Elevated railway=EL
Clubs=C, Constant=K, Round=O, Support group for drunks=AA (Alcoholic Anonymous), Drawing=Art, Information=Gen, One-time=Ex, Casual worker=Temp, Nothing=O, On=Re

Color/Font Scheme

DefinitionSolutionComponent lettersEmbedded links, Anagram IndicatorC/C indicatorReversal IndicatorHidden word IndicatorLetter Pick indicatorDeletion IndicatorHomophone IndicatorMovement IndicatorPositional IndicatorSubstitution, IndicatorLink/Connector, Extraneous

Friday 20 January 2017

No 11909, Friday 20 Jan 2017, Gridman

1   Agitated trainer detains one physician ahead for being dogmatic (11) DOCTRINAIRE {DOC}{TR{1}NAIRE*}
9   Coax The Hindu to entertain His Excellency and journalist (student) (7) WHEEDLE {W{HE}{ED}{L}E} WE for The Hindu? See comments
10 Step by step, by degrees (7) GRADUAL [E]
11 One who would love to have a gander? (5) GOOSE [CD]
12 One of two who resemble each other (4-5) LOOK-ALIKE [CD]
13 Let in – or let on? (5) ADMIT [DD]
15 Great! That woman's beginning to overtake Spiderman, for example (9) SUPERHERO {SUPER}{HER}{Ov...e}
18 Staying power needed to finish university course admitting a little naughtiness (9) ENDURANCE {END}{U}{RA{Na...s}CE}
21 Playwright turns ashen (5) NASHE*
22 Family at English city in massacre (9) BLOODBATH {BLOOD}{BATH}
24 Got on with female, a Communist (5) FARED {F}{A}{RED}
26 Sort out ragbag on Oriental rubbish (7) GARBAGE {RAGBAG}*{E}
27 New Indian transforms as Desh ki Beti (7) NANDINI {N}{INDIAN*}
28 Extra emcees represent atypical example (7,4) EXTREME CASE*

1   Belittle depressed class? Dead wrong! Improper! (9) DOWNGRADE* (and {DOWN}{GRADE} - See comments)
2   Commanding Officer has reportedly perused set of beliefs (5) CREDO (~read){RED} in {CO}
3   Such a day is important, having reportedly studied correspondence (3-6) RED-LETTER (~ read letter)
4   Want the French sewing-kit items (7) NEEDLES {NEED}{LES}
5   Cliquey set's pouring out (7) INGROUP*
6   Foreigner's account of Jamaican reggae singer (5) ETANA {ET}{ANA} Had to cheat for this last one
7   Trade concern (8) BUSINESS [DD]
8   Run away with little jumper, say (4) FLEE (~ flea)
14 Ordinary setter's one possessed by 2 madly (8) MEDIOCRE {ME} with {1} in {CREDO}*
16 Call receiver for comprehensive barrier (4,5) RING FENCE {RING} {FENCE}
17 Excessive activity across road (9) OVERDRIVE {OVER}{DRIVE}
19 Eastern circus most available (7) NEAREST*
20 Improve opponents' fortune limitlessly (7) ENHANCE {EN}{cHANCE}
22 What lizards like — what computer programmers hate (4) BUGS [DD]
23 Physician to take off cover (5) DRAPE {DR}{APE}
25 Indian dish for one in Indian chariot (5) RAITA {RA{1}TA}