Friday 30 June 2023

No 13905, Friday 30 Jun 2023, Vidwan

All those who are not regular commenters but who are rookie commenters or silent followers of the blog are requested to post answers with annotations in the comments section. In your own interest please avoid looking up the answers from the interactive version. Don't hesitate to post your annotations, in case you make a mistake in the annotation someone will correct it with the right annotation.


Each commenter is requested to post only 5 answers thereby giving others also a chance to participate. Please provide all your answers in one comment.

Regular solvers/Veterans can post 1 answer each, but after 11 AM only.

Thanks for the response, here's the regular blog.

8   Build fancy new capital (6) DUBLIN {BUILD}*{N}
9   Concerns watches (8) LOOKOUTS [DD]
10 Get old Tory schooled! He's outdated! (10) TROGLODYTE*
11 Pardoned, a royal left and belted! (4) SPED SParED
12 Half of bee-houses at Capital of Samoa (4) APIA APIAries
13 It is about hearing waves (5) AUDIO [CD]
14 Role model, some heroic one! (4) ICON [T]
15 Jingpin and Zemin coming together for a Chinese river (7) XIJIANG {XI+JIANG}
16 Charm a model with finesse, overcoming initial resistance (7) ATTRACT {A}{T}{T{Re...e}ACT}
17 One in almost identical state, earlier (4) SIAM {S{1}AMe}
18 Extremely homely, accomodating and helpful (5) HANDY {Hom{AND}elY}
20 Bird sound, almost sentimental (4) TWEE TWEEt
21 Theoretical objective, Proust often ignored (4) PURE {PURposE}
23 Disadvantage of large replica (10) LIMITATION {L}{IMITATION}
25 Often their child acts weird (8) ELDRITCH {ThEiR+CHILD}*
26 In favour of 'backwards' being kept in abyss for personal gain (6) PROFIT {P{FOR<=}IT}

1   Dancing! Its rules trip you behind closed doors! (15) SURREPTITIOUSLY*
2   Quietly trail similar works, dropping line, lifting secretly (10) PLAGIARISM {P}{LAG}{SIMIlAR}*
3   Become aware of loony toon (4) ONTO*
4   Deployed large decoy, caused weariness by excessive pleasure! (6) CLOYED {L+DECOY}*
5   InterestingThey (not English) wrote on blunders! (10) NOTEWORTHY {THeY+WROTE+ON}*
6   Sounds of bull or tailless deer (4) MOOS MOOSe
7   Southern hero is real Scot! Free of sickness of heart! (15) ATHEROSCLEROSIS {S+HERO+IS+RAEL+SCOT}*
13 Liquidate girl, one greeting dead! (10) ANNIHILATE {ANN}{1}{HI}{LATE}
14 One's right! Sex in quota is pain! (10) IRRITATION {1}{R}{R{IT}ATION}
19 These beautiful girls love its starting for hypnotism (6) NYMPHS [CA] {NYMPHS+O+ITS}* Seems to be an error in the clue. How is T deleted?
22 Where in essence is our new currency? (4) EURO {whEre}{OUR*}
24 Spit out clues (4) TIPS*

Reference List
New = N, Royal = R, Model = T, Large = L, Quietly = P, Line = L, English = E, Southern = S,Rigyt = R, Sex = IT

Thursday 29 June 2023

No 13904, Thursday 29 Jun 2023, WrdPlougher

Solution to 9A has been deliberately left unsolved and is to be answered only by a non-regular / novice commenter, with proper annotation. Those who have answered earlier in the week, please give others a chance.

Open for anyone to answer, if not solved by 1 PM.

1   Communist fighting back to alter map (6) REDRAW {RED}{WAR<=}
4   Working out a maths problem, breathing (6) ASTHMA*
9   Article 5 imposed centrally by western State (4)  ?V?W (Addendum - AVOW {A}{V}{impOsed}{W} - See comments)
10 Detailed entry payment for landowner (6,4) GROUND RENT {ENTRy}* [RA supposedly]
11 Series of petitions not applicable after half a month (6) NOVENA {NA}<=>{NOVEmber}
12 Saints leaving volatile southeast, mainly foreseeing refreshing place? (8) TEAHOUSE {sOUtHEAsT}* +{f..eSEe..g}
13 Drinks, sings off-key, devouring fish (3,6) GIN SLINGS {SINGS}* over {LING}
15 Outskirts of Chennai, trendy Metropolis (4) CITY {Ch...aI}{Tr..dY}
16 Curb social media, primarily restricting return of Meta essentially (4) STEM {So...l}{mETa<}{Me..a}
17 Like a gymnast, (robotic) — giving up love for a circus act initially — travelling west and coming first (9) ACROBATIC {ROB(-o+a)ATIC}<=>{Ci...s}{Act}<=
21 "Apt cut, Ed! Garbled sticky material." (4,4) DUCT TAPE*
22 Seconds (once more) of food served at The Hindu canteen perhaps? (6) THRICE {RICE}<=>{TH} Definition not understood? What's the role of 'canteen perhaps'?
24 Froth at the mouth every fortnight since COVID emergence, having hot fever (10) EFFERVESCE {Ev..y}{Fo...t}{Si..e}{Co..d}{Em...e} over {FEVER*}
25 Defeat a knocked-out beast (4) BEST BEaST
26 Without difficulty, without boundaries, team CSK and in-focus players winning IPL; on vacation (6) EASILY {tEAm}{cSk}{plaYers} over {IpL}
27 A plane without fuel finally ejecting disorderly idler (6) GLIDER {e...nG}{IDLER*}

1   Stuffed pasta ricotta into hungry mouths of little imps with a bit of vermicelli (7) RAVIOLI {Ri...tA}{IntO}{Li...e}{Imps} over {Ve...i}
2   Dip end of straw in shot (5) DOWSE {DO{s..aW}SE}
3   Two articles essentially published about three letters in order to make money (7) AFGHANI {A}{AN}{p..lIs..d} over {FGH}
5   Town in Afghanistan that may span a foot? (6) SANDAL [DD]
6   Organ of the mouth working oddly in chap following damage (9) HARMONICA {ON}{In+ChAp}<=>{HARM} 
7   Pardon criminal men in a den (7) AMNESTY {A}{MEN*}{STY}
8   Running to catch geese to get energy, source of protein? (7,6) COTTAGE CHEESE {TO+CATCH+GEESE}* over {E}
14 Flowering plants beginning to secrete stinky liquid, runny paste (5,4) SWEET PEAS {Se...e}{WEE}{PASTE*}
16 Beginning to ululate very loudly, overwhelmed by one soft sound (7) SOUFFLE {SO{Ul...e}{FF}LE} 
18 Abandon morals for money? On the contrary, prove a better salesperson (7) OUTSELL {SELL<=>OUT} How does on the contrary indicate splitting and interchanging parts of a word?
19 One of 32 Ronin briefly going north, sheltering 101st leader of Samurais (7) INCISOR {RONIn<=} over {CI}{Sa...i}
20 Omar Velasquez's wonder (6) MARVEL [T]
23 Extremely violent sailor cutting free (5) RABID {R{AB}ID}

Reference List
Not applicable = NA, Saints = STS, Energy = E, Loud = F, 101 = CI, Sailor = AB

Wednesday 28 June 2023

No 13903, Wednesday 28 Jun 2023, Karaoke

Solution to 21D has been deliberately left unsolved and is to be answered only by a non-regular / novice commenter, with proper annotation. Those who have answered earlier in the week, please give others a chance.

Open for anyone to answer, if not solved by 1 PM.

Some Aninds on Double duty.

1   They are employed to tidy up mam's chair and bed (12) CHAMBERMAIDS* Semi&lit
9   Abalone departed without original family (5) ORMER fORMER
10 It's extremely wicked to get fours in a final game (9) NEFARIOUS {FOURS+IN+A+gamE}*
11 Any rib goes to pot with Indian dish (7) BIRYANI {ANY+RIB}*{I}
12 Maybe the twins of Surinamese broke urn (7) SIAMESE SurInAMESE
13 British painter portrays hero's set tiepins (8) ROSSETTI [T]
14 Any square cravat or tie primarily (5) ASCOT Acrostic &lit
18 Sea monster in the constellation (5) HYDRA [DD]
20 Employment contract contains initial remuneration. Almost frozen (8) PRACTICE {P{Re...n}ACT}{ICEd}
24 Plot in old clue to be solved (7) COLLUDE*
26 Mysteries in new cinemas, good for Charlie (7) ENIGMAS {(-c+g)GINEMAS}*
27 Dragon and a devil protecting mountain peak (5,4) NANDA DEVI [T]
28 Looks after towers (5) KEEPS [DD]
29 Obtuse-angled characters - They secretly work for both sides (6,6) DOUBLE AGENTS*

1   Cashier may have no interest to work and hates to get shot (6-3) CAMERA-SHY {CASHiER+MAY}*
2   Spent millions on marriage break up for violent behaviour on board (3,4) AIR RAGE mARRIAGE*
3   Small piece clothes and small tie for armed thieves (8) BANDITTI {B{AND}IT}{TIe}
4   It's waste to recycle fine clothing (6) REFUSE {RE{F}USE}
5   Receivers prefer adult to classic content in soaps (7) AERIALS (-s+a)AERIALS
6   An aircraft without pilot performed with built-in remote primarily (5) DRONE {D{Re...e}ONE}
7   Press coming up with local democratic leader for attack (7) BOMBARD {MOB<=}{BAR}{De...c}
8   Bloom behind endlessly (5) ASTER ASTERn
15 Impounds complex storing drugs in places for users (5,4) OPIUM DENS {IMPOUNDS}* over {E}
16 Regulating unhealthy horse-trading? hats off! (8) ORDERING {hORsE+tRaDING}*
17 Most elliptic setters abandoned (7) TERSEST*
19 Support rejected after hotel went into difficulty? Nonsense! (7) RHUBARB {BRA<=}<=>{R{H}UB}
21 A faint person with IT knowledge (7) C?I?K?N (Addendum - CHICKEN {CHIC}{KEN} - See comments)
22 Climbing? Leave a trail (5) SCENT aSCENT
23 Still no publicity for the musical composition (6) SERENE SERENadE
25 Professional jargon no good for doctor in a state of uncertainty (5) LINGO LI(-mb+ng)NGO

Reference List
Indian = I, Good = G, Charlie = C, Interest = I, Millions = M, Fine = F, Adult = A, Drug = E, Support = BRA, Hotel = H, Publicity = AD, No Good = NG

Tuesday 27 June 2023

No 13902, Tuesday 27 Jun 2023, Gussalufz

Solution to 3D has been deliberately left unsolved and is to be answered only by a non-regular / novice commenter, with proper annotation. Those who have answered earlier in the week, please give others a chance.

Open for anyone to answer, if not solved by 1 PM.

Leaving the Theme and Nina to be identified by any solver.

1   Bruce's rejuvenated after the last of elixir wears off, gets third power (5) CUBES BrUCES*
4   Running after husband to split jackpot? Fine (5-4) WAFER-THIN {AFTER*}{H} in {WIN}
9   Not even Pune qualified after losses (7) UNEQUAL [T]
10 No one in music conducted like Arnold Schwarzenegger (7) MUSCLED {MUSiC}{LED}
11 Motorcyclists bash those walking (6) HIKERS (B as H)HIKERS
12 Orca able to move around large fish (8) ALBACORE*
14 While talking, rest feet (4) PAWS (~pause)
15 Fried rice in soup? Unhealthy (10) PERNICIOUS*
18 OK, use my AI after adding a little filtering and finetuning, I say (2,3,3,2) IF YOU ASK ME {OK+USE+MY+AI}* over {Fi...g}
19 Animals occasionally consumed cigarettes (4) CATS {CigAreTteS}
22 Twisted tool tunnelled and dug into (8) EXAMINED {AXE<=}{MINED}
24 So, zone out for short rest? (6) SNOOZE*
26 Taking only seconds, naturopath endorsed rose oil and other essential oils (7) ANOINTS {nAt...h+eNd...d+rOse+oIl+aNd+oTher+eSs...l}
27 Swinger's confession finally exonerates beat poet (7) IAMBIST {I AM BI}{e...eS}{beaT}
28 Doctor Seuss pens dramas (9) SUSPENSES*
29 "What you do is very evil," I shot back (5) SOLVE {SO}{EViL<=}

1   Pay a fraction of a dollar and mistreat? Not right (5,2) COUGH UP {C}{rOUGHUP}
2   Characters from Baker Street, including a rebel (9) BREAKAWAY {BAKER}*{WAY} over {A}
3   Suspension of your various plans after a setback and regular losses (6) S?U?R? (Addendum - SLURRY {YouR+vaRioUs+pLanS<= - See comments)
4   Girl becomes weak in game with ladies' man (4) WOLF (-g+w)WOLF Weak/W? See comments
5   Many half-lies going around reinforcing celebrity's identity (6,4) FAMILY NAME {MANY+LIes}* in {NAME}
6   Explore hard-to-pursue alternative careers (8) RESEARCH {H}<=>{CAREERS*}
7   Awful place — has nothing, I say! (5) HELLO {HELL}{O}
8   Partners have drunk more rum and they're asleep (7) NODDERS {N}{ODDER}{S}
13 Takes another look at idiots taken in by shifty seers (10) REASSESSES {RE{ASSES}SES*}
16 About speech ban protective mum dropped on gangster (9) ORATORIAL {mORATORIum}{AL}
17 Shred legal claim within a month (8) JULIENNE {JU{LIEN}NE}
18 Polar areas primarily in Callisto's expanse to the north (3-4) ICE-CAPS {In}{Ca...o}{SPACE<=}
20 Small (tiny) connection with pet (7) SWEETIE {S}{WEE}{TIE}
21 Man, I must suppress this bad feeling (6) ANIMUS [T]
23 "Hey, yo!"s at sea? (5) AHOYS {AH}{YOS} &lit
25 The man's covering up southern sound of gas escaping (4) HISS {HI{S}S}

Reference List
Husband = H, Very = SO, Cent = C, Right = R, Girl = G, Weak = W, Hard = H, Partners = N,S(North and South in Bridge), Gangster = AL(Capone), Small = S, Southern = S

Monday 26 June 2023

No 13901, Monday 26 Jun 2023, Avtaar

Solution to 13A has been deliberately left unsolved and is to be answered only by a non-regular / novice commenter, with proper annotation. Those who have answered earlier in the week, please give others a chance.

Open for anyone to answer, if not solved by 1 PM.

1   Check box (6) HAMPER [DD]
5   Batting posture, for example (8) INSTANCE {IN}{STANCE}
9   A frantic appeal to hoard top-quality roofing material (8) ASBESTOS {A}{S{BEST}OS}
10 Savage review of film (6) ANIMAL<=
11 Here, refrains could be a means to clear the atmosphere (3,9) AIR FRESHENER*
13 Maiden eschews University loans (4) ?E?T (Addendum - DEBT DEBuT - See comments)
14 Preparation of begum - nan and dal (4,4) MUNG BEAN*
17 *Cancer, say ? (4,4) STAR SIGN [DD]
18 False statement to implicate nation's first family (4) LINE {LI{Na...n}E}
20 Grill in bar? (5-7) CROSS-EXAMINE [CD]
23 Case of dill stocked by fruit seller (6) PEDLAR {PE{DilL}AR}
24 Institute's popular computer-related subject, I picked (8) INITIATE {IN}{IT}{I}{ATE}
25 Probable champion starting to practise in camp (8) PROSPECT {PRO}{S{Pr...e}ECT}
26 Avtaar probes singular brown part of a flower (6) STAMEN {S}{TA{ME}N}

2   Oriental bath put up in part of church (4) APSE {E}{SPA}<=
3   Letter from Greece inspires Bill, a B-grade lyricist (9) POETASTER {PO{ETA}STER}
4   Stop working on tax (6) RETIRE {RE}{TIRE}
5   One playing the piano diverted militants' unrest (15) INSTRUMENTALIST*
6   "Last Hurrah" - nude dance was performed before Boy George's opening (4,4) SWAN SONG {daNce}<=>{WAS*}{SON}{Ge...e}
7   Chirpy Carroll's girl about to be taken out by Victor (5) ALIVE ALI(-c+v)VE
8   Keep employee's online conversation on European channel, about India (10) CHATELAINE {CHAT}{E}{LA{I}NE}
12 The old tyres are rekindling good old days (10) YESTERYEAR {YE}{TYRES+ARE}*
15 Danseuse abducted by footballer in Argentina (9) BALLERINA [T]
16 Green growth in long, bare avenue (4,4) PINE TREE {PINE}{sTREEt}
19 Famous poet runs away - son watches (6) VIGILS {VIrGIL}{S}
21 Deals to dispose of drink on board (5)  SALES {S{ALE}S}
22 As yet, not a malignant lump (4) STYE {aS+YET}*

Reference List
Batting = IN, University = U, Singular = S, Oriental = E, On = RE, About = C, Victor = V, European = E, India = I, The old = YE, Runs = R, Son = S

Sunday 25 June 2023

Special, Sunday 25 Jun 2023, Driver

Three answers per commenter till 6 PM (Annotations compulsory) 
Please submit all your answers in one comment.  



The Sunday Crossword No 3260, Sunday 25 Jun 2023

1   Perhaps Marilyn's sweetheart to take care of a little rusty instrument (6,4) FRENCH HORN {FRENCH}{HO{Ru..y}N}
6   Betrayer turned, protecting second despot (4) TSAR {RA{S}T<=}
10 Enthrone in rumpled satinet (7) INSTATE*
11 Native Americans handing us 'avocado', 'tomato', linguistically (primarily)? (7) NAHUATL Acrostic 
12 Some prequalify in uniform (5) EQUAL [T]
13 Rain's stopped play? It's a foregone conclusion (2,7) NO CONTEST [DD]
14 A witch may have this assistant, bit of a fright (6,5) SECOND SIGHT {SECOND}{SIGHT}
18 Destructive policy: a pact must be arranged (11) APOCALYPTIC*
21 Small woodsman, one that's out for a bit (9) SLUMBERER {S}{LUMBERER}
23 Dim British king (5) BLEAR {B}{LEAR}
24 Medically assessed the 'riddle' at the outset: Everyman's got old (7) TRIAGED {The}{Ri...e}{I}{AGED}
25 Adds quality to multiple TV episodes (7) SEASONS [DD]
26 Woman essential to United Nations (4) EDNA [T]
27 Spooner's assessed judgment, briefly seeing bird (7,3) CRESTED TIT (~ tested crit to crested tit)

1   Foundered when afield, reeling (6) FAILED*
2   Relax: that man's not still in bed, Cockney informs us (4,2) EASE UP (~ 'es up)
3   Inventor: Bach and Elgar's confused with Barber – runs off (7,7) CHARLES BABBAGE {BACH+ELGARS+BArBEr}*
4   Hullabaloo near duchy that's neglected (3,3,3) HUE AND CRY*
5   Lead operations, in charge of mysterious characters (5) RUNIC {RUN}{IC}
7   Sensible to get to grips with bit of progress that's cutting-edge (5-3) SPACE-AGE {S{PACE}AGE}
8   Sympathise with concern (6,2) RELATE TO [DD]
9   Gorges on English seafood, right away, with most of roll and vegetable (7,7) CHINESE CABBAGE {CHINES}{E}{CrAB}{BAGEl}
15 Attests to the bona fides of suspicious señoritas (9) NOTARISES*
16 Tape in difficult test case (8) CASSETTE*
17 This answer may be saline (8) SOLUTION [DD}
19 Make new arrangement for holidaymaker's destination (6) RESORT {RE-SORT}
20 For model: cheers! (6) PROSIT {PRO}{SIT}
22 Set of pulses directed one way ... or another (5) RADAR <=>

Reference List
Second = S, Small = S, British = B, Run = R, In charge = IC, English = E, Right = R, For = PRO

Saturday 24 June 2023

No 13900, Saturday 24 Jun 2023, Bruno

1   Definitely grouchy when suppressing displeasure at heart (6) SURELY {SUR{d...lEa...e}LY}
4   Geometric representation of essentially tearful goodbyes when English leave? (6) RADIUS {teaRful}{ADIeUS}
8   Loud band's second rock trick (4,3) FAST ONE {F}{bAnd}{STONE}
9   California city's wet and clean? (7) LAUNDRY {LA}{UNDRY} Wet/Undry?
11 Are private exchanges compensatory? (10) REPARATIVE*
12 Wife shunned by girlfriends? That's a sign of disaster! (4) OMEN wOMEN
13 Fabric reportedly moved gently (5) SUEDE (~swayed)
14 A less unfortunate family gets luxury garment (8) SEALSKIN {A+LESS}*{KIN} 
16 Strokes extremely fine, countering pace (8) FOOTSTEP {PETS}{TOO}{F}<=
18 Use this to speak casually to Western girls - one essentially needs to be incisive (5) SLANG {G{oNe}ALS<=}
20 Animal's stomach (4) BEAR [DD]
21 Perhaps the Devil trains it slyly to control church (10) ANTICHRIST {TRAINS+IT}* over {CH}
23 Electric vehicle acquired by competitor gets improvement (7) REVIVAL {R{EV}IVAL}
24 Top team invited to Mothers' luncheon first (7) MAXIMAL {XI} in {MAMA}{Lu...n}
25 Credit displayed in scene in audition for show (6) SCREEN {CR} in {(~scene)SEEN}
26 Setter's name - one lacking character (6) METTLE {ME}{TiTLE}

1   Guard going around edge of forest with staff (5) STAVE {S{f...sT}AVE}
2   Artist's drawing of corporate life? (3,4) RAT RACE {RA}{TRACE}
3   Shape of verse's last word - poignant, ultimately (9) LINEAMENT {LINE}{AMEN}{p...nT}
5   Sailor had to die away (5) ABATE {AB}{ATE}
6   A type of rock - one composed during soldier's return to America (7) IGNEOUS {ONE}* in {GI<=}{US}
7   Measurement of certain type of energy requires infusion of small amount of Vanadium - one gram (9) SURVEYING {SUR{Va...m}E}{YIN}{G}
10 Spooner's cranky girlfriend to breakup (9) DISSIPATE (~ pissy date to dissipate)
13 Clean and small cafeteria served decent meals regularly (9) SMOKELESS {S}{MESS} over {OK}{mEaLs}
15 Friend from a different caste? So? One should be embraced. (9) ASSOCIATE {A}{CASTE+SO}* over {1}
17 Dog from Zaire irretrievably dragged upstream (7) TERRIER [T<=]
19 Raided lair one foot below for rescue (7) AIRLIFT {LAIR*}{1}{FT}
21 Girl replaces boy in 5D for stone (5) AGATE A(-b+g)GATE
22 Tool to extract energy from waste (5) SWAGE SeWAGE

Reference List
English = E, Loud = F, Wife = W, Fine= F, Church = CH, Electric Vehicle = EV, Artist = RA, Sailor = AB, Soldier = GI, Gram = G, Small = S, Girl = G, Boy = B, Energy = E

Friday 23 June 2023

No 13899, Friday 23 Jun 2023, Bruno

All those who are not regular commenters but who are rookie commenters or silent followers of the blog are requested to post answers with annotations in the comments section. In your own interest please avoid looking up the answers from the interactive version. Don't hesitate to post your annotations, in case you make a mistake in the annotation someone will correct it with the right annotation.


Each commenter is requested to post only 5 answers thereby giving others also a chance to participate. Please provide all your answers in one comment.

Regular solvers/Veterans can post 1 answer each, but after 11 AM only.

Thanks for the response, here's the regular blog.

1   Tyrannical actor - terrible jerk chases gold (10) AUTOCRATIC {ACTOR}*{TIC}<=>{AU}
6   Disgusting sounding fruit (4) UGLI (~ugly)
9   Image of one in party entertained by rag on harp being played (10) RADIOGRAPH {RA{D{1}O}G}{HARP*}
10 Radical energy's no answer (4) STEM STEaM
12 Terrible place on board - husband got hit, lost head and is confused (5-7) SHELL-SHOCKED {S{HELL}S}{H}{sOCKED}
15 Old Indian drink - two hundred should cover it (7) CLASSIC {C}{LASSI}{C}
16 Pout and swear, having lost first and last (7) OUTWEAR {pOUT+sWEAR}
17 First Indian model promoting advertisement for tissue (7) ADIPOSE {In...n}{POSE}<=>{AD}
19 Man in detention gets support (7) ARMREST {AR{M}REST}
20 Certain leader of India can block pundits, surprisingly (12) INDISPUTABLE {In..a}{PUNDITS*}{ABLE}
23 No person lacks energy at this time of the day (4) NOON {NO ONe}
24 Strong boy overcome by Ebola, sadly expired (4-6) ABLE-BODIED {ABLE{B}O*}{DIED}
25 Legal claim of foreigner dismissed at the outset (4) LIEN aLIEN
26 Administrator restricts newspaper over time - that's a downer! (10) DEPRESSANT {DE{PRESS}AN}{T}

1   Light coming from areas surrounding old city (4) AURA {A}{UR}{A}
2   Tendency to cut back (4) TIDE<=
3   Dandy at schoolThere's trouble! (12) CLOTHESHORSE*
4   Synthetic iccrystal melts, not set perhaps? (7) ACRYLIC {ICe+CRYstAL)*
5   Painting, in my opinion's dwelling around bygones (7) IMPASTO {IMO} over {PAST}
7   Had to look around at start of evening in the middle of empty gutter for watchman (10) GATEKEEPER {ATE}{PEEK<=}{Ev...g} in {GutteR} 
8   Unreasonable to display married man's poem in cross (10) IMMODERATE {I{M}{M}{ODE}RATE}
11 Arrogant cousin starting to leave me out, sadly (12) CONTUMELIOUS {COUSIN+Le..e+ME+OUT}* 
13 Measure of fluid in short spring on a lake that's not permanent (10) OCCASIOINAL {O{CC}ASIs}{ON}{A}{L}
14 Random pile when sorted is the same in either direction? (10) PALINDROME*
18 Calm boy wearing matching dress in the middle (7) EQUABLE {EQUA{B}L}{drEss}
19 Nonprofessional athlete's trauma affected ultimately everyone involved (7) AMATEUR {AMAT{e...nE}UR*}
21 Folded edge on a bread (4) PITA {TIP<=}{A}
22 Entrance to a princess' heart, ultimately (4) ADIT {A}{DI}{h..rT}

Reference List
Party = DO, Answer = A, on board = SS, Husband = H, Hundred = C, Man = M, Energy = E, Boy = B, Time = T, Area = A, In my opinion = IMO, Married = M, Lake = L, Princess = DI

Thursday 22 June 2023

No 13898, Thursday 22 Jun 2023, Dr. X

Solution to 15A has been deliberately left unsolved and is to be answered only by a non-regular / novice commenter, with proper annotation. Those who have answered earlier in the week, please give others a chance.

Open for anyone to answer, if not solved by 1 PM.

1 & 24 What yoga practitioner might do to make every effort (4,4,9) BEND OVER BACKWARDS [DD}
5   Fantastic feast, eating bit of rasgulla for dessert (6) AFTERS {AFTE{Ra...a}S*}
10 Crook stealing old boat (5) CANOE {CAN{O}E}
11 Leading criminal starting to unwind with cocaine in bar (9) CONDUCIVE {CON}{D{Un...d}{C}IVE}
12 Animal trainer brought back antiseptic to tackle rash (9) PREMATURE {P{TAMER<=}URE}
13 Turn to operate, taking second cut by surgical beam (5) LASED {DE{S}AL<=}
14 Long snake on island, extremely rare (6) ASPIRE {ASP}{I}{RarE}
15 Rebellious groom after union in flat - endlessly devoted (7) D?T?F?L () 
18 Enthralled by grass, extremely naive girl failed to keep a promise (7) RENEGED {RE{NaivE}{G}ED}
20 Queen loses special valuable, gets sad (6) RUEFUL {R}{UsEFUL}
22 A little cheeky and amorous? No, husband's old-fashioned (5) CORNY {Ch...y}{hORNY}
24 See 1
25 Restless prince in intimate romps (9) IMPATIENT {IM{P}ATIENT*}
26 Paris Hilton welcomes saint (5) RISHI [T]
27 Dropping anchor initially at sea, boatmen lay to rest (6) ENTOMB BOaTMEN*
28 Most glamorous fellow and female continue to entertain (8) FLASHEST {F}{LA{SHE}ST}

1   Boy getting chills, having bit of pus in muscle (6) BICEPS {B}{ICE{Pus}S}
2   Nobody discovered snooper in topless bar (9) NONPERSON {iN{SNOOPER*}N}
3   See my post perhaps about assessing essential software (9,6) OPERATING SYSTEM  {SEE+MY+POST}* over {RATING}
4   Avoid consuming unknown drug in bar (7) EXCLUDE {E{X}{C}LUDE}
6   Tackling dispute, upset old ref utters horrible expletives (4-6,5) FOUR-LETTER WORDS {ROW<=} in {OLD+REF+UTTERS}*
7   Leaves foolish sexist wanting son (5) EXITS sEXIST*
8   Desperate aide meeting lady in filthy place regularly (8) STEADILY {AIDE}*{L} in {STY}
9   India's top director captivated by miss undoubtedly (6) INDEED {In..a}{N{D}EED} can also be {I}{N{Di...r}EED}
16 Shine brightly, cracking clues for bit of entertainment (9) FLUORESCE {CLUES+FOR}*{En...t}
17 Observe model making a comeback in contest under pressure (8) PRACTISE {RAC{SIT<=}E}<=>{P}
19 Touched by father carrying flag around (6) DABBED {DA{EBB<=}D}
20 Reading fantastic article (7) RECITAL*
21 Top hitters unfortunately losing energy (1-5) T-SHIRT HITTeRS*
23 Wanting right item to put plant in another container (5) REPOT REPOrT

Reference List
Old = O, Cocaine = C, Bar = DIVE, Second = S, Island = I, Girl = G, Queen = R, Special = S, Husband = H, Prince = P, Fellow = F, Boy = B, Unknown = X, Drug = C, Son = S, Lady = L, India = A, Director = D, Pressure = P, Energy = E, Right = R

Wednesday 21 June 2023

No 13897, Wednesday 21 Jun 2023, Dr. X

Solution to 20D has been deliberately left unsolved and is to be answered only by a non-regular / novice commenter, with proper annotation. Those who have answered earlier in the week, please give others a chance.

Open for anyone to answer, if not solved by 1 PM.

1   Husband involved in frivolous affair atones to a certain extent (5,1,7) AFTER A FASHION {H} in {AFFAIR+ATONES}*
 Sailing vessel in diagram, not small (5) KETCH sKETCH
9   Drug consumed for suicide possibly causing sweat (9) SUDORIFIC {FOR+SUICIDe}*
11 Aroused by lust, dame's excited to have sex in retreat (10) STIMULATED {LUST+DAME}* over {TI<=}
12 Diesel oil in older vehicle (4) DERV [T] Semi&lit
14 Introduces air into a cycle, ready to return (7) AERATES {A}{ERA}{SET<=}
16 One who observes rest going wild after consuming marijuana (7) SPOTTER {S{POT}TER*}
17 Reduced sex drive keeps old man in depression (7) DESPAIR {DES{PA}IRe}
19 Complain about extremely kitschy hotel, exorbitant (3-4) SKY-HIGH {S{Ki...hY}{H}IGH}
21 Covet hunks essentially in group going topless (4) ENVY {bE{huNks}VY}
22 Where tossed coin might be is uncertain (2,2,3,3) UP IN THE AIR [DD]
25 Longer night out, involved in rebellious fling (9) LENGTHIER {NIGHT*} in {REEL<=}
26 Nobody in base after lunchtime (2,3) NO ONE {E}<=>{NOON}
27 Young person starting to praise group at China involved in revolt (6,7) SPRING CHICKEN {Pr...e}{RING}{CH} in {SICKEN}

2   Starter of fried tater cooked around lunchtime is more oily (7) FATTIER {Fr..d}{TATER}* over {1}
3   President disregarded the faux pas made by nationalist - that should clear the air (7,3) EXHAUST FAN {THE+FAUX+pAS}*{N}
4   Disoriented by a bit of Scotch in beverage (2,3) AT SEA {A}{T{Sc...h}EA}
5   Communicates with assistants leaving India to catch don (9) ADDRESSES {AiD{DRESS}ES}
6   Pain in heart and upper limb (4) HARM {H}{ARM}
7   Unorthodox ball gets fellow bowled in masterstroke (7) OFFBEAT {O}{F}{F{B}EAT}
 Betray a lover's confidence by circulating naked stills (4,3,4) KISS AND TELL*
10 Fee to enter club, beyond reach sadly - about thousand (5,6) COVER CHARGE {C}{OVER}{CHAR{G}E*}
13 Cool hippy performing around noon is many-voiced (10) POLYPHONIC {COOL+HIPPY}* over {N}
15 Big turn! Takes catch by diving finally (9) STRAPPING {S{TRAP}PIN}{d...nG}
18 Drink after receiving flush in card game (5-2) SEVEN-UP {S{EVEN}UP}
20 One working alone to save husband having money problems (2,1,4) I? A ?O?E (Addendum - IN A HOLE {1}{NA{H}OLE*) - See comments)
23 New woman lacking quality as bridge player (5) NORTH {N}{wORTH}
24 Sewing case is quite fancy, no question (4) ETUI qUITE*

Reference List
Husband = H, Small = S, Drug = E, Sex = IT, Marijuana = POT, Hotel = H, Base = E, China = CH, President = P, Nationalist = N, India = I, Heart = H, Fellow = F, Bowled = B, Club = C, Thousand = G, New = N, Woman = W, Question = Q

Tuesday 20 June 2023

No 13896, Tuesday 20 Jun 2023, Dr. X

Solution to 23A has been deliberately left unsolved and is to be answered only by a non-regular / novice commenter, with proper annotation. Those who have answered earlier in the week, please give others a chance.

Open for anyone to answer, if not solved by 1 PM.

1   Cobras wandering around old area in Brazilian city (8) SOROCABA {SOR{O}CAB*}{A}
5   Fortifies with complex carbs to conserve energy (6) BRACES {BRAC{E}S*}
10 Stay faithful (7) STAUNCH [DD]
11 Time over in race - extremely close defeat (7) TROUNCE {T}{R{O}UN}{ClosE}
12 Well-mannered lecturer embracing retired senior (5) ELDER [T<=]
13 Tensed up about problem? On reflection, it is unavoidable (5,4) NEEDS MUST {NEEDS{SUM<=}T*}
14 Which players will volleyball coach select for caning as punishment (3,2,3,4) SIX OF THE BEST [DD]
18 Needs to defend world record and dominate (4,3,5) WEAR THE PANTS {W{EARTH}{EP}ANTS}
21 Friendly ape swinging on rope outside base (9) PEACEABLE {APE*}{C{E}ABLE}
23 Pass by crook going round bar (5) E?A?T (Addendum - ENACT {CANE<=}{T} - See comments)
24 Exterminate mice rampantly becoming prevalent in a region (7) ENDEMIC {END}{MICE*}
25 Pursuing couple of girls having drink after work (7) DOGGING {G{GIN}G}<=>{DO}
26 Note's missing, narrate fresh list of corrections (6) ERRATA nARRATE*
27 Old German coins in marsh close to Berlin picked up by brutes (8) PFENNIGS {P{FEN}{b...iN}IGS}

1   Extremely simple test about last six lines of a sonnet (6) SESTET {Si..lE}{TEST*}
2   Sickly director overwhelmed by rheumatoid arthritis in African country (6) RWANDA {WAN}{D} in {RA}
3   Cheat rolled around with rebellious model in bed (3,6) CON ARTIST {RAN<=}{SIT<=} in {COT}
4   Revolting man in difficulty beckons a criminal covertly (6,4,4) BEHIND ONES BACK {B{HE<=}IND}{BECKONS+A}*
6   Cheats and swindlers caught escaping (5) ROOKS cROOKS
7   Criminal managed to abduct fellow at sea (8) CONFUSED {CON}{F}{USED}
8   Watch religious group grabbing power, getting worried (8) SPECTATE {S{P}ECT}{ATE}
9   Far superior to others, defeats foremost of athletes easily (7,5,2) STREETS AHEAD OF {OTHERS+DEFEATS+At...s}*
15 Article penned by individual about dope as psychoactive substance (9) ENTHEOGEN {EN{THE}O<=}{GEN}
16 Wife wearing crown with diamonds over European suit (3-5) TWO-PIECE {T{W}OP}{I{E}CE}
17 Outlaw in America, a murder suspect (8) MARAUDER {A+A+MURDER}*
19 Associate enthralled by fine dip, essentially a paste made from sesame seeds (6) TAHINI {T{A}HIN}{dIp}
20 Performs striptease finally in parties for men (6) STAGES {STAG{s...sE}S}
22 English maiden satisfied a tourist in Cornwall (5) EMMET {E}{M}{MET}

Reference List
Old = O, Area = A, Energy = E, Time = T, Over = O, Record = EP(Extended Play), Base = E, Bar = T, Girl = G, Note = N, Director = D, Rheumatoid Arthritis = RA, Caught = C, Fellow = F, Power = P, Dope = GEN, Wife = W, Diamonds = ICE, European = E, America = A, Associate = A, English = E, Maiden = M