Monday 30 June 2014

No.11124, Monday 30 June 2014, From the files of Sankalak

Sankalak continues to amaze with his long anagrams and superb surfaces

1 In which one may be in a state of anxiety, shivering and perspiring! (4,5) COLD SWEAT (CD)
5 Notes taken in transport for a conifer (5) CEDAR (E,D in CAR)
8 Loss of power when feathers drop (8) DOWNFALL (2)  I put in 'shedding' at first thinking of TN power situation, not political loss of power
9 First of sons in marriage leads to harmony (6) UNISON (S in UNION)
11 Wedge driven into an article attractively (5) CLEAT (T)
12 I snub user misbehaving somewhat like a bear (9) SUBURSINE (I SNUB USER)*
13 Girl who could fib about a Nazi guard (6) LASSIE (LIE about A SS)
14 Lag’s bone, treated, shows inert element (5,3) NOBLE GAS (LAG'S BONE)*
Cartoon by Bhargav
 16 Playing a part with university prefects initially behaving badly (6,2) ACTING UP (ACTING U P)
18 A lemur? Yes, indeed (3-3) AYE AYE (2)
22 Very energetic lady, manic, however (9) DYNAMICAL (LADY MANIC)*
23 Escape the attention of Alamelu deliberately to an extent (5) ELUDE (T)
24 Device that gives a signal to a busy one, period! (6) BEEPER (BEE PER.)
25 Plan to evict Ron somehow (8) CONTRIVE (EVICT RON)*
26 Features of negative votes about introduction of statute (5) NOSES (NOES about S)
27 The way things are moving — that is, by the way, the most fashionable (9) TRENDIEST (TREND I.E. ST)

1 Addition made by one with a will (7) CODICIL (CD)

 Cartoon by Rishi
2 Perfect but, losing head, anarchic (7) LAWLESS (fLAWLESS)
3 Tiny fuses barmen set off for security when in a group (6,2,7) SAFETY IN NUMBERS (TINY FUSES BARMEN)*

4 Measure of inclination to sign up (6) ENLIST (EN LIST)
5 Provided with comfort in cold weather, should a theatre deny call for adjustment? (9,6) CENTRALLY HEATED (THEATRE DENY CALL)*
6 Spirited rush in government (7) DASHING (DASH IN G)
7 Messengers who assist some batsmen (7) RUNNERS (2)
10 A French actor returning to be a superior monk (5) ABBOT (A BB(TO)<) BB for Brigitte Bardot
15 Mixed drink with a telling force (5) PUNCH (2)
           Remembered the magazine
16 A famous naturalist to the French, of the French? Good (7) AUDUBON (AU DU BON) Had to Google to confirm
17 Sailors go around North-north-east to find people working with hides and skins (7) TANNERS (TARS around NNE)
19 A deep thought about drip-feed — interesting (7) AMUSIVE (A MUSE about IV, for intravenous drip feed)
20 First lady and the others on a mount (7) EVEREST (EVE REST)
21 Parties steeped in drink, sugar! (6) ALDOSE (DOS in ALE)

Sunday 29 June 2014

Special, Sunday 29 Jun 2014, Elmith

Welcome to our new setter Elmith.
Since this is just a 13 x 13, only TWO answers with annotations per commenter till 6 PM

7   Faith is having them around (6)
8   Write back and cut out relative (6)
9   Aid measure in Himachal Pradesh (4)
10 Supplies quiet time, after quiet time taken away roughly (8)
11 Eastern chieftain held ultimate ancient weapon (7)
13 Reportedly follows stories (5)
15 Attacks even armadillos (5)
17 Are you briefly sappy, silly around this ancient manuscript? (7)
20 Flower I strew about Outer India (8)
21 Traditional dance of Punjabi hunters (4)
22 Refuge of uneasy luminaries (6)
23 Delinquent sounds like real worker! (6)

1   Catch at straws? (6)
2   Loose hitch (4)
3   Turns up and emits energy (7)
4   Flower business loses bid (5)
5   Insightful religious festival? (8)
6   Union measure (6)
12 Revealing direct account (8)
14 Greeting meant bending, holding a heart of obeisance (7)
16 Take him in as a harmless principle? (6)
18 Let go of international worker (6)
19 Prince turned back after first committing offense (5)
21 Navy base (4)

Acrosslite version can be accessed at the following link ELMITH 1


No 2797, Sunday 29 Jun 2014

1   Pause at these, I fancy (8) HESITATE*
5   Instruments for travelling salesmen (6) AGENTS [DD]
9   Ankle was twisted in ballet (4,4) SWAN LAKE*
10 Flyer needed by funfair manager (6) AIRMAN [T]
12 Poet in university in former British colony (5) AUDEN {A{U}DEN}
13 Put food in this stuff on barge at sea (6-3) TUCKER-BAG {TUCK}{ER-BAG*}
14 Girl's old lady finds something in an oyster, perhaps (6-2-5) MOTHER-OF-PEARL [DD]
16 Comedian in lace factory heading off for Wigan (5,8) SPIKE MILLIGAN {SPIKE} {MILL}{wIGAN}
20 Entailed trips crossing lake in part of Egypt (4,5) NILE DELTA {NI{L}E DELTA*}
21 Arabs murdered in Iraqi port (5) BASRA*
22 Gold cross initially concealed in plant (6) ORCHID {OR}{Cross}{HID}
23 Neat poker hand (8) STRAIGHT [DD]
24 Annoy the Parisian after final (6) NETTLE {NETT}{LE}
25 Two kings on board a majestic flagship of yore (3,5) ARK ROYAL {A}{R}{K} {ROYAL}

1   Soldier, American, stopping reckless climbing (6) HUSSAR {H{US}SAR<=}
2   Throwing darts, gets honour and fame (7) STARDOM {DARTS*}{OM}
3   Possessed by lanneret, a long claw (5) TALON [T]
4   Believe magazine is to go on a campaign (4,3,5) TAKE THE FIELD {TAKE} {THE FIELD}
6   Rodent from African country, and farm animal (6,3) GUINEA PIG {GUINEA} {PIG}
7   African country ban I aim to change (7) NAMIBIA*
8   Eagles shot across northern African country (7) SENEGAL {SE{N}EGAL*}
11 One teaching in the classroom, possibly (12) SCHOOLMASTER* &lit
15 Little time to study philosopher's routine (9) TREADMILL {T}{READ}{MILL}
16 What may be sown in Isle of Wight resort? (7) SANDOWN  SOWN = S AND OWN
17 One about to be strangled by evil Italian criminal (7) ILLICIT {ILL}{1}{C}{IT}
18 Bouquet may make beak happy (7) NOSEGAY {NOSE}{GAY}
19 Clubs, later, reformed syndicate (6) CARTEL {C}{LATER*}
21 Former PM in black hole (5) BLAIR {B}{LAIR}

Saturday 28 June 2014

No.11123, Saturday 28 Jun 14, From the files of Sankalak

Lot of very good clues with superb surface readings, but the long ones in PERMANENT MAGNET, NEUROSURGEON, OLD AGE PENSIONER, AUTHENTICATE were terrific. What else is there to say for a Sankalak puzzle other than a big thank you and count our continued blessings?

1 Sign of island resort business beginning to ruffle North (9) CAPRICORN [CAPRI + CO + Ruffle + North]

5 Scrub a hollow craft with gold filling (5) ABORT [A + OR inside BoaT]
8 Try air treatment — something seldom met with (6) RARITY [TRY AIR]*
9 How one might fall sleep with legs drawn (6,2) CURLED UP [E]
Illustration by Rishi

11 Removal, in part, of a shape (4) OVAL [T]
12 Where to be when wanting to evade attention? (3,2,5) OUT OF SIGHT [CD]
14 Time in history when there was a setback to work in English church (5) EPOCH [OP<= inside E + CH]
15 City, old place accommodating Ida up for treatment (7) UDAIPUR [UR outside IDA UP*]
16 Disappointment for daughter in the French city (3-4) LET DOWN [Daughter inside LE + TOWN]
17 Good precipitation gives staple food (5) GRAIN [Good + RAIN]
19 With her husband away, for her the wag’s word is cruel (5,5) GRASS WIDOW [WAGS WORD IS]*
20 A measure of drinkit helps some breathe (4) GILL [DD]
22 Living to a ripe old age? A vegan? LOL, hilarious (8) LONGEVAL [VEGAN LOL]*
23 Oriental plane, transport carrying a bird (6) CHENAR [CAR outside HEN]
24 Ways to remove love from deep sadness (5) PATHS [PATHoS]
25 Given the ability, setter backs war detune; with hesitation, editor follows (9) EMPOWERED [ME<= + POW + ER + ED] Perhaps 'detune;' is a typo for 'détenu'?

1 Rope operating as a barrier (6) CORDON [CORD + ON]
2 New game, ‘’Entrapment’’ — somehow it has a lasting attraction! (9,6)  PERMANENT MAGNET [New GAME ENTRAPMENT]*
3 A very small amount put up by a paper (4) IOTA [A + TOI]<=
4 Specialist doctor with new money, on a wave, in action (12) NEUROSURGEON [New + EURO + SURGE + ON]
5 Fit sailor, above the ordinary (4,6) ABLE SEAMAN [CD]
6 Reopening doles a new way for one on the dole? (3,3,9) OLD AGE PENSIONER [REOPENING DOLES A]*
Cartoon by Rishi

7 Barman, one who tries out contained drop of Perrier (7) TAPSTER [TASTER outside Perrier]
10 Certify a university, thereafter reduce credit, adding a note (12) AUTHENTICATE [A + U + THEN + TICk + A + TE]
13 In the US, Joey’s son develops a state of bliss (10) JOYOUSNESS [US JOEYS SON]*
16 Support lapse by fielder (3,4) LEG SLIP [LEG + SLIP]
18 The pest travelled endlessly for a fishing aid (3,3) FLY ROD [FLY + RODe]
21 Food, hot, swallowed by bovine (4) CHOW [Hot inside COW]

Friday 27 June 2014

No 11122, Friday 27 Jun 2014, From the files of Sankalak

Thanks to Padmanabhan's efforts and liaison, we are back to normal. The CW is not available online due to some software issues which are being addressed and will be back soon.

Another masterly offering. Words cannot express how we will feel when The Hindu runs out of CWs from the files of Sankalak.

1   Rat catcher Roca trained as a special role player (9,5) CHARACTER ACTOR*
8   Person, inadequate, just for once (3-3) ONE-OFF {ONE}-{OFF}
9   Deliveries exploited and carried too far (8) OVERUSED {OVER}{USED}
11 Cody upset in obstruction by biological timer (4,5) BODY CLOCK {B{ODY C*}LOCK}

 Cartoon by Rishi
12 Working, one working with a bulb (5) ONION {ON}{1}{ON}
13 More wet weather in Monaco? (7) RAINIER [DD]
  Cartoon by Bhargav
15 Send back one from Odisha, dismiss the blunderer (3,4) SAD SACK {SAD<=} {SACK} How I love these comics
17 Rely on having energy in one part of the pool (4,3) DEEP END {DE{E}P END}
19 It holds the lecturer’s address (7) LECTERN [CD]
21 For overweight gangster, it is deadly (5) FATAL {FAT}{AL}
23 Crass whim translated into sailor’s handicraft (9) SCRIMSHAW*
25 Ill-fated one standing trial with a touch of regret (8) ACCURSED {ACCU{R}SED}
26 Silver in the residence by way of tribute (6)  HOMAGE {HOM{AG}E}
27 Dishonest trader but he may sell white goods too (5-9) BLACK-MARKETEER [CD]

1   Tool to make one express satisfaction with lawyers (7) CROWBAR {CROW}{BAR}
2   Way to go if you are not to be left behind (5) AHEAD [CD]
3   Face vet if troubled, stirring the emotions (9) AFFECTIVE*
4   Rebel leader inspires but annuls it (7) REVOKES {R}{EVOKES}
5   Goods found in cold, old ship (5) CARGO {C}{ARGO}
6   Stubborn old boy, say, about returning nickel (9) OBSTINATE {OB}{ST{IN<=}ATE}
7   General knowledge about sand strewn in port city (6) GDANSK {G{SAND*}K}
10 Snake beginning to ruffle wild pig (4) BOAR {BOA}{R}

14 The same impression, one found in one American state (9) IDENTICAL {1}{DENT}{1}{CAL}
16 Cause decay of French music maker lacking resistance (9) DECOMPOSE {DE}{COMPOSEr}
17 Vanquish with extremes of diligence, an achievement (6) DEFEAT {DiligencE}{FEAT}
18 Take the helmet off the pretty girl, the Spanish maiden (7) DISHELM {DISH}{EL}{M}
19 Enticement from a Belur entity (4) LURE [T]
20 Novel, unknown listener seen on January 1 (3,4) NEW YEAR {NEW} {Y}{EAR}
22 Worldly riches providing the words of a song (5) LYRIC [T]
24 Hold energy within for a lift up (5) HEAVE {H{E}AVE}

Thursday 26 June 2014

No 11121, Thursday 26 Jun 2014, Mac

I wonder if one of these days I will have to say RIP THC and THCC? The non inclusion of the link to the CW at the first instance when the online edition is up, seems to be a deliberate decision by the paper. I see no reason why they cannot do so when they are able to insert the clues and the grid later in the day.

Liked the free flowing offering from Mac.

9   PROCESS = System. In favour = PRO and Tax = Cess
10 UNCLEAR = Mysterious. Anagram of NUCLEAR
11 RESIDUE = Leftover. Anagram (AInd: stew) of I + REUSED
12 DISCUSS = Argue. Criticise = DIS and Abuse = CUSS
13 AUTOMATON = Robot. A + Fruit = TOMATO in (consumed by) a French = UN
15 STATE = Say. Anagram (AInd: failing) of A + TEST
16 MISSIVE = Message. Ma'am = MISS I have = I'VE
19 DEEPEST = Least shallow. River = DEE + is in french = EST around (outside) Paris primarily = P
20 CHESS = Game. As CV says, Anno left for a commenter ;-) (AddendumRoyal woman = DUCHESS without (drops out) 'of the' French = DU - See comments)
21 OVERSTEPS = Goes over the line. Anagram (AInd: all wrong) of TOP + SERVE'S
25 ASPIRIN = Drug. Longing = ASPIRING without (no) good = G
26 LIBRARY = Bookhouse. Sign = LIBRA + Railway = RY
28 EMULATE = Monkey. Bird = EMU + Dead = LATE
29 GLUTTON = He greedily eats. Anagram (AInd: cooked) of MUTTON +LEG without ME

1   SPARTA = Ancient Greek city. Fight = SPAR and Army =TA
2   BORSHT = Soup. Anagram (AInd: served up) of BROTH'S Don't know if this is an accepted spelling. It'snot there in Wiki or Chambers.
3   HEED = Take notice. Telescopic (letters from) tHE EDitor
4   ASPECT = &lit. A and feature = SPEC + feature essentially = feaTure
5   BURDENED = Oppressed. Boy = B + anagram (AInd: ill-treated) of ENDURED
6   ECOSYSTEM = Comples interactive networks. English = E + Company = CO + Computers = SYSTEM
7   REGULATE = Control. Anagram (AInd: amended) of GET A RULE
8   PROSPECT = Opportunity. For = PRO + Parish leader = P inside (accepted) religious group = SECT
14 MAINSTREAM = Current. Ocean = MAIN + River = STREAM
16 MACRAMES = Ornamental laces. Setter = MAC + Devices = FRAMES without begining (uninitiated)  = RAMES
17 SHEEP RUN = Pasture for livestock. Anagram (AInd: ground) of HE + PRUNES
18 ENOUNCES = States. Condemns = DENOUNCES without beginning (leaderless) = ENOUNCES
22 EULOGY = Late tribute. [CD]
23 EXACTS = Demands. Former partner = EX with Acrostic from (starts) Annoyingly Conceded To Some
24 SAYING = Telling. Telescopic (contribution) from MagasaySAY IN Guerrilliaism
27 BOUT = Round. Delete (remove) A from around = ABOUT

Clues added at 11:20 AM from online edition

9.   System in favour of tax (7) {PRO}{CESS}
10. Mysterious nuclear explosion (7) UNCLEAR*
11. Leftover stew I reused (7) RESIDUE*
12. Argue, criticise and abuse (7) {DIS}{CISS}
13. A fruit consumed by a French robot (9) {A}{U{TOMATO}N}
15. Failing a test, say (5) STATE*
16. “Ma'am, I have a message” (7) {MISS}{I'VE}
19. The least shallow river is in France, outside Paris, primarily (7) {DEE}{P}{EST}
20. Royal woman drops out of the French game (5) duCHESS
21. Top serve's all wrong, goes over the line (9) OVERSTEPS*
25. Longing for no-good drug (7) ASPIRINg
26. Sign on railway book house (7) {LIBRA}{RY}
28. Monkey bird's dead! (7) {EMU}{LATE}
29. He greedily eats cooked mutton leg without me (7) GLUTTONme*

1.   Fight with army of ancient Greek city (6) {SPAR}{TA}
2.   Broth's served up as soup (6) BORSHT*
3.   Take notice of letters from the editor (4) HEED [T]
4.   A particular feature, essentially (6) {A}{SPEC}{T} &lit
5.   Oppressed boy endured ill-treatment (8) {B}{URDENED*}
6.   English company's computers form complex interactive networks (10) {E}{CO}{SYSTEM}
7.   Get a rule amended for control (8) REGULATE*
8.   Opportunity for parish leader to be accepted by religious group (8) {PRO}{S{P}ECT}
14. Ocean/river current (10) {MAIN}{STREAM}
16. Ornamental laces setter devises uninitiated (8) {MAC}{fRAMES}
17. Ground he prunes is a pasture for livestock (5,3) SHEEP RUN*
18. Condemns leaderless states (8) dENOUNCES
22. Late tribute (6) EULOGY [CD]
23. Former partner starts to annoyingly concede to some demands (6) {EX}{A}{C}{T}{S}
24. Telling contribution from Magsaysay in guerrillaism (6) SAYING [T]
27. Remove 'a' from “around” to get “round” (4) aBOUT

Wednesday 25 June 2014

No 11120, Wednesday 25 Jun 2014, Exa

I am not posting the clues as mentioned yesterday as the link to the CW is once again missing from the online edition of The Hindu. My apologies to those who access the CW through the online edition as you may not be able to enjoy this blog henceforth.

1  Sorry = APOLOGETIC Anagram of POLICE + GOT + A with Suspect as AInd
7  Trick = SCAM Acrostic from show child another magic
9   Contrasted = COMPARED  Anagram of POEM + CARD with Twisted as AInd
10 In = ABOARD A + BAR over Old = O + Date = D
11 Circle = SPHERE Cryptic definition
12 A good many = UMPTEEN Drop with top off = dUMP + Shirt = TEE + New = N Seems to be confusion in the order of TEE and N
14 Test = PROBATION Anagram of BAT + IN + POOR with Conditions as AInd
16 Transport = TAXI Thanks = TA and Team = XI
18 Condemn = DOOM Prayer = OM after Work = DO
19 Spread = CIRCULATE Anagram (solution Aind) of CURTAIL within (parting) ends of cheese = CE. Spread is superfluous
22 Cake = BROWNIE Cheese = BRIE over(sandwiches) Have = OWN
24 Stick = ADHERE Anagram  of HEAD + Over = RE with out as AInd
27 Cut = PIERCE Anagram(bananas) of RIPE with this in French =CE
28 Make out = DECIPHER HER after anagram of EPIC + start to date = D with unfolds as AInd
29 Questions = ASKS Thousand = K in Idiot = ASS
30 Glasses = TELESCOPES Afternoon primarily = A removed (taken off) from Anagram (Built AInd) of TO + SEE + PLACES

2  Succeeded = PROSPERED Revolutionary = RED after President = P + ROSE over Power = P
3  Fall = LAPSE Anagram of SAMPLE without beginining of make = M with Rum as AInd
4   Covering = GARMENT Telescopic from ciGAR MENThol
5  Course = TIDE Reversal of Change = EDIT
6  Spells = CHARMS Maps = CHARTS with M instead of T
7  What's lacking = SHORTFALL Small = SHORT + Fall = TRIP
8  OK = AGREE Time = AGE over over = RE
13 Connection = LOGIC Soldier = GI in LOCk
15 Frequent readers = BOOKWORMS Report = BOOM over anagram (Novel AInd) of WORK with starting from summer = S
17 Monkey = INTERFERE Anagram of IF + RENT + hERE with Extravagant as AInd
20 Fortunes = CHANCES Necklaces = CHAINS without I outside church = = CE
21 Split = BISECT Moment = BIT over half a second = SEC
23 Falls = RAINS Artist's + RA'S over (drawing in) Home = IN
25 South African car = HIPPO Greeting = HI + anagram (casually as AInd) of pop = PPO. Couldn't find any SA car with this name on the net.
26 Star = IDOL Gir = DI with See = LO reversed (rising)

Tuesday 24 June 2014

No 11119, Tuesday 24 Jun 2014, Spinner

As of now things are back to normal with the CW having reappeared in the miscellaneous section of the online edition. In case the paper discontinues it again we will resort to publishing the answers only without the clues. Let's hope that does not happen.

Some definition problems today.

1   Note to help instrument player (7) BASSIST {B}{ASSIST}
5   Animals don't have time for priests (6) RABBIS RABBItS
11 Practising without original permit is dishonest (5) LYING pLYING
12 Project X included a display to contrast (9) JUXTAPOSE {JU{X}T}{A}{POSE}
13 Poster bundle hides a book (4, 2) WANT AD {W{A}{NT} AD} I've heard of a "WANTED AD' but 'WANT AD'? See comments
14 Enlised (6, 2) SIGNED UP [E] Seems to be a typo for enlisted. I put in 'JOINED UP' and wasted a long time looking for the Tax collector!!
16 Some parrot exercise? (4) ROTE [T] &lit ?
                                   Illustration by Bhargav
17 Betels I dig out are eatable (10) DIGESTIBLE*
20 Riyadh, a crisis? (3, 4, 3) BAD HAIR DAY {RIYADH}* (Correction {RIYADH A}* - See comments))

 Cartoon by Rishi
21 Boast about dress (4) GARB <=
24 Throw beers out without doubt (2, 2, 4) TO BE SURE*
26 Without hesitation, bathed and exposed to view (6) SHOWED SHOWerED
28 Manage a leader's inconveniences at the temple (9) HEADACHES {HEAD}{A}{CHE'S}
29 Wetland animal returns to Southern Hemisphere (5) MARSH {MAR<={SH}
30 Dig westwards with shovel to Oregon (6) ROOTLE [T<=]
31 Ban lad caught with book (7) BOYCOTT {BOY}{C{OT}T}

2   Made an ideal ET? (9) ALIENATED* Semi &lit (See comments)
3   Recruit gangster as a show of intent (6) SIGNAL {SIGN}{AL}
4   Toni just had a revolutionary Japanese delicacy (4) SUJI [T<=] Is the definition correct? I could find only Gyu-suji as shown in the link.
6   A returning north Indian god at top of Himalayan shrine (8) AMARNATH {A}{MAR)(N<=}{AT}{H}
7   Big Street is wide (5) BROAD {B}{ROAD}
8   Small church has 2.71828 m outside– spire (7) STEEPLE {S}{TEm{E}PLE}
9   Werewolf returned, had cream (6) FLOWER [T<=]
10 Formerly, Kimi Raikkonen, we hear, was a tax collector? (9) EXCISEMAN (~ex iceman)
15 Ranking that woman's curve takes one year (9) HIERARCHY {H{I}ER}{ARCH}{Y}
18 Sausage, uncooked, with a touch of turmeric, split open on the outside (9) BRATWURST {B{RA{T}W}URST}
19 Military officer wrecks room (8) MARSHALL {MARS}{HALL}
20 Slaughter last of leader's following, except revolutionary (7) BUTCHER {BUT}{CHE}{R}
22 Indian fool rejects University, takes up agriculture initially and becomes the enlightened one (6) BUDDHA BUDDH(-u+a)A
23 He's at the heart of Carbon and Methyl Isocyanate? (6) CHEMIC {C}{HE}{MIC} Definition? &lit See comments
25 A cry when innerwear's visible outside, initially (5) BRAVO {BRA}{V}{O}

Illustration by Rishi
27 Capital of Sri Lanka's Colombo, ultimately (4) OSLO {O}{SL}{O}

Monday 23 June 2014

No.11118, Monday 23 Jun 2014, Aspartame

Aspartame takes me on an amusing musical. I muse: 6a, though not starred and having definition, could be a part of the theme... Any others?  There also appears to a theme other than the stated one: That of football in the clues ...(highlighted in yellow, there could be more)

Setter's Note:
*Starred clues all belong to a common category. There is no definition for these clues.

6 It’s played by 3-50 per cent of Mordor church — a hum basically (7) MORCEAU (MORdor CE A hUm)
          As mentioned in the clue, here's a bit of 3's composition 

Intro to Bagatelle No.25 in A Minor (Beethoven), better known as "Fur Elise"

7 Brachylogy is to talk, say, about isotopy often (7) BREVITY (IsoTopY in VERB<, talk being an example)
9 Monster created biz mantra (5) ZOMBI (BIZ OM)* alternative spelling of Zombie
10 Most foul wet decks I scrubbed (9) WICKEDEST (WET DECKS I)*
1211 Pattern of teasing (7) RIBBING 2 Clue printed wrongly as 12 Ribbing, plays football, not soccer, I gather ...
13 Following one auditor, revolutionary used a fencing acknowledgement (6) TOUCHE (~TWO CHE)
15 Say, Brazilian football club lost top form, then hired Erica (5,8) SOUTH AMERICAN (ERICA in SOUTHAMPTON-top*)
19 Leading Hungarian attacker sprinted to evade Neymar’s chase (6) HASTEN (acrostic)
20 Spoil vehicle about to be used for tilling (7) TRACTOR (ROT CART)<
23 Government body built poor constructions (9) POLITBURO (BUILT POOR)*
24 Sweeping stroke from midfielder wearing belt (5) SLASH (L in SASH)
26 Trainee dingoes found wanting (7) NEEDING (T)
27 Reproduce songs about to be broadcasted (7) ENGROSS (SONGS RE)*

1 A strange plant (4) ARUM (A RUM)
          We just had it a week back in the Sunday Special
                                         Illustration by Bhargav
2 Ancient banking house applied science to remove brunette’s heart (6) MEDICI (MEDICIne)
3, 14* Bad glove with uneven design (6,3,9) LUDWIG VAN BEETHOVEN (BAD GLOVE WITH UNEVEN *
           Tongue in cheek: We have two anagram indicators (one at either end) for the same fodder, and I am not referring to "Bad" ...
4 Legendary footballer needs boy to get one Italian spice (8) PEPERONI (PEPE RON I)
5 This can end badly and become a letdown (10) DISENCHANT (THIS CAN END)*
6* German footballer (not Italian) found in departmental store (6) MOZART (OZil in MART) but how does not Italian, lead to deletion of il, since there is no reference to 'the' ...
7* Support finally withdrawn by Henry (4) BACH (BACk H)
8 Stay at terrace to contribute to endless talk (6) YATTER (T)
          CGB will now remember Yeeta's Yatters ;-) I am not sure it matters ...
12 Crosswords person (10) BOOKSELLER (CD) ref to the bookshop

Illustration by Rishi

16 Intent is to build a place in China (8) TIENTSIN (INTENT IS)*  had to cheat for this ...
17* Present utensil on the radio (6) CHOPIN (~SHOW PAN)
18* Indian god’s lacking a … (6) BRAHMS (BRAHMa'S)
21 Reserve German police officer was embraced by a Pole (6) ASSIGN (A N around SS IG)
22 Support part of the society (4) RUNG 2
25 Excited girl enters Goa and returns (4) AGOG (G in GOA)<

Sunday 22 June 2014

Special, Sunday 22 Jun 2014, Pluralist

As usual three answers per commenter with annotations till 6 PM

6.    P eddle beer on foot, being abandoned (6)
8. O n the rocks from 1AD! (3)
9. E mploy captured soldier, about 50, to turn over (American farm, perhaps?) (4)
10. M etal eating metal? That's hot! (4)
11. S ignified by going after headless campers as well as... (3)
12. ...elite river? (6)
13,18 R ewrite mad recipe, Horace - do it now! (5,4)
14. O ne brings many together by confining her within? (9)
18. [See 13a]
20. B athroom fittings from the Mughal Gardens collection? (5)
21. E cstatic over the green cheese ball? (4)
23. R etaining licence, arrives to provide navigation instruments (9)
25. T he setback in iron imports may be trivial... (5)
28.     ...but deputy law officer detains family for questioning (6)
30.     F orces replacing PC persons on chair and spokes (3)
31. R ook in tender response to avian specimen (4)
32. O pen heart, chant, open eyes - you're in! (4)
33. S tems from one's resolve to get odd floors (3)
34. T ake back sample of remblai rubble for landfill? (6)

1. Regularly timed exits cast link leading to North American state capital (8)
2. Stay, little prince, and lament (6)
3. Double creates a dilemma (4)
4. Ill-earned penny given to little creature (4)
5. Tramp's times – or ours (6)
7. Tritium beam on a platter (4)
9. Plan for British version taking on setter (7)
15. Recall part of Caddel's iambic passage (5)
16. Potato dish identified with tag (4)
17. Slips, drops or slips up (4)
19. Mother fish taking student with cartographic features (7)
22. Not a detour? We're off, then (2,3,3)
24. Footwear for a leather supplier (6)
26. Natural DNA ribbon modified to eliminate bad parts (6)
27. Rebuff Bath rolls? (4)
29. Hook-headed giant albacore feeds four (4)
30. Defaces fourth rock (4)

Across Lite version can be accessed at the following link PLURALIST 2


No 2796, Sunday 22 Jun 2014

1   Go after Asian river business (8) INDUSTRY {INDUS}{TRY}
5   In Tolkien, Tom Bombadil's put six feet under . . . (6) ENTOMB [T]
10 . . . Baggins (hobbit) heartily upset about Bombadil's end (5) BILBO {hOBBIt}* around bombadiL
11 Embargo on ballistic missile (9) BOOMERANG*
12 Produce item of jewellery found inside container (5,2) BRING IN {B{RING} IN}
13 Battle of New Orleans? (7) SALERNO*
14 About average on violin, having committed tune to memory originally (4,2,8) FAIR TO MIDDLING {F{AIR} {TO} {M}IDDLING}
17 One altering certain features in a theatre? (7,7) PLASTIC SURGEON [CD]
21 Hot drink required in not entirely warm French castle (7) CHATEAU {CHA{TEA}Ud}
23 Terrible tsar stuck on promontory in novel (7) IVANHOE {IVAN}{HOE}
24 PM includes this one not far away (9) AFTERNOON* My COD
25 Group's leader brought in awful song (5) DIRGE {DIR{G}E}
26 Former Scottish philosopher, the opposite of 5 (6) EXHUME {EX}{HUME}
27 Knowing nothing, such a crossword can't be solved! (8) CLUELESS [DD]

1   Drink - one tipple brought in by me (6) IMBIBE {1}{M{BIB}E}
2   From a republic in Africa, a young man's turned up to see spiritual leader (5,4) DALAI LAMA {DAL}{A}{I LAM}{A} <=
3   Small lumberjack, one who toils (7) SLOGGER {S}{LOGGER}
4   Ornate orb connoisseur misrepresented in book (8,6) ROBINSON CRUSOE* {ORB*}{INSON CRUSOE*} - See comments
6   Annoyed, wanted to catch learner driver (7) NEEDLED {NEED{L}ED}
7   Being broadcast from Barcelona, ironically (2,3) ON AIR [T]
8   Past patron saint causes an exclamation (2,6) BY GEORGE {BY} {GEORGE}
9   Legal walk (14) CONSTITUTIONAL [DD]
15 Train in club on piece of gymnastic equipment (4,5) IRON HORSE {IRON} {HORSE}
16 Watch tapes etc., haphazardly (8) SPECTATE*
18 Article on more complex proposition that has been proved (7) THEOREM {THE}{MORE*}
19 Haughty and extremely excitable man of high rank abroad (7) GRANDEE {GRAND}{ExcitablE}
20 Time off in bay (6) RECESS [DD]
22 A long letter (5) AITCH {A}{ITCH}

Saturday 21 June 2014

No. 11117, Saturday 21 Jun 14, Afterdark

This was a smooth and easy offering from Afterdark. Liked BURSAR, REASONED, AFOOT, INDIAN, INHABITANT, MOSES, NEUTRAL and FRIENDS.

Coming after two comparatively tougher puzzles, this might bring some relief to solvers. Those solvers that manage to get their hands on the puzzle that is, if The Hindu hasn't stuffed up the on-line puzzle for the nth day running.

1 Sign of spirit incomplete, Mumbai Indians admitted (6) GEMINI [GENIe outside Mumbai Indians]
4 3rd quarter outlook not ok, needs new capital (6) LONDON [LOwDOwN outside N]? Not sure
9 Lads, on return shed tears about youth leader (4) BOYS [SOB<= around Youth]
10 Institute agreement to admit non-performing model (10) UNIVERSITY [UNITY outside VERSIon] performing = 'on' as in 'on air'
11 Treasurer to stop accepting purse without limits (6) BURSAR [BAR outside pURSe]
12 Thought experienced partner should be replaced readily first (8) REASONED [SEASONED with Readily for S]
13 Powerful nuclear blast on Governor's trail... (9) HERCULEAN [Her Excellency + NUCLEAR*]
15 ... shakes roots and trunk (5) TORSO [ROOTS]*
16 Terribly out of date duet out in the air (5) AFOOT [OuT OF dAte]*

18 Way others turned out is fit for voyage (9) SEAWORTHY [WAY OTHERS]*
22 Luxury car not fully made in French province (8) LIMOUSIN [LIMOUSINe]
23 Hotel to accommodate princess and a fellow citizen (6) INDIAN [INN outside DI + A]
25 Trendy dressworker is an inmate (10) INHABITANT [IN + HABIT ANT]
26 Match without maiden this season (4) TIME [TIE outside M]
27 Senator, around Wednesday will reach the country (6) SWEDEN [SEN outside WED]
28 Member's first monthly article delivered through errand boy (6) LEGMAN [LEG + Monthly + AN]

1 Viscous gel applied around pitch before Underwood's first ball (7) GLOBULE [GEL* outside LOB + Underwood]
2 Some, by mistake take saint as prophet (5) MOSES [SOME* + S]
3 Heard current practice to sack setter is unbiased (7) NEUTRAL [~NEW + TRiAL]
5 Traffic system a new boy operated on blackout (3-3) ONE-WAY [ A NEW bOY]*
6 Reject food first offered on return at old city (9) DISHONOUR [DISH + Offered + ON<= + UR]
7 Chats about train set I took away (7) NATTERS [TRAiN SET]*
8 African mountain range, one lean edifice (6,7) SIERRA LEONEAN [SIERRA + ONE LEAN*] edifice as anagram indicator?
14 Sweet of political satirist to keep General Assembly out of Coalgate corruption (9) CHOCOLATE [CHO + COALgaTE*]
17 Beasts when injected with a bit of Ranitidine become companions (7) FRIENDS [FIENDS outside Ranitidine]
19 Cut bone off, replace with a prime steel pipe (7) WHISTLE [WHITTLE with Steel for T]
 Cartoon by Rishi

20 Chief Ambassador takes on publicist (7) HEADMAN [His Excellency + ADMAN]
Illustration by Rishi

21 A small judge in old court (6) ASSIZE [A + S + SIZE]
24 Short meeting with top two umpires for a bit of information (5) DATUM [DATe + UMpires]