Sunday 30 April 2023

Special, Sunday 30 Apr 2023, Driver

Three answers per commenter till 6 PM (Annotations compulsory) 
Please submit all your answers in one comment.  



The Sunday Crossword No 3252, Sunday 30 Apr 2023

1   Dancing in club with some curaƧao, very laid-back (4,2,1,8) COOL AS A CUCUMBER {CLUB+SOME+CURACAO}*
9   Place to socialise in Scottish port gripped by terrible fate (3,4) DAY ROOM {D{AYR}OOM}
10 What may keep you from prison in Bali, bizarrely (5) ALIBI [T]
11 After end of gust, wind to go somewhere else (6) TRAVEL {gusT}{RAVEL}
13 Lunettes designed to upset (8) UNSETTLE*
14 Everyman had announced what The Observer did (4) EYED (~ I'd)
15 King George with sense of humour after wife leaves showing bravery (10) GRITTINESS {GR}{wITTINESS}
17 Flavouring of fruit that’s old for you and me (5,5) LEMON THYME {LEMON}{THY}{ME}
19 Flipping cross, wanting some shut-eye (4) NAPS<=
21 Detective, first class, originally called for one kept in custody (8) DETAINEE {DET}{A1}{NEE}
23 Title character in American theatre – and cinema, unusually (6) ICEMAN*
24 Power saw’s sharp parts (5) TEETH [DD]
25 Warm lisper’s escorted to the door (4,3) THAW OUT (~saw out)
27 True fact: rec room, when tidied up, gives you source of domestic well-being (8,7) CREATURE COMFORT*

2   Tidy hospital attendant (7) ORDERLY [DD]
3   Set down strange kind of line in report (3) LAY (~ley)
4   Emphasise insulting comment about Kitty (9) SPOTLIGHT {S{POT}LIGHT}
5   Performing my minuet, concert in civic venue (9,6)  COMMUNITY CENTRE*
6   About to argue, upset in dice game (5) CRAPS {C}{SPAR<=}
7   Continuation of financial support (11) MAINTENANCE [DD]
8   Ultimately implausible claims about the French food (7) EDIBLES {i...lE}{SBID<=} over {LE} 
12 Rebooted ‘ace, radmovie – using this? (5,6) VIDEO CAMERA* Semi&lit
16 Those people fuss about central pair of oiks in operetta (3,6) THE MIKADO {THEM}{ADO} over {oIKs}
18 Seven terms describing a racehorse (7) EVENTER [T]
20 Prattle about what might be seafood (7) PLATTER*
22 Primarily: nationalist extraordinaire historically, Raj’s usurper? (5) NEHRU Acrostic &lit
26 Lout, left out, to mooch about (3) OAF lOAF

Reference List
King George = GR, Detective = DET, First class = A1, Originally called = NEE, Kitty = POT, About = C, The in French = LE, Left = L

Saturday 29 April 2023

No 13852, Saturday 29 Apr 2023, Avtaar

1   Regular member of the old Labour party? (7) MIDWIFE [CD]
5   Blue sapphire firing heart of bride, maybe? (7) PERHAPS SAPPHiRE*
9   Unproductive investment of tennis legend in America (7) USELESS {U{SELES}S}
10 Master furtively leaves Spain with son every 4 weeks or so (7) MONTHLY {M}{ON THe sLY}
11 West of hot old Asian country is shrouding mountain range (9) HIMALAYAS {H}{I{MALAYA}S}
12 Robes round screen personality Lovisa Gustafsson (5) GARBO {GARB}{O}
13 What has the highest frequency on mass communication equipment? (5) MODEM {MODE}{M} 
15 Keep off Spooner's tie collection (5,4) STAND BACK (~band stack to stand back)
17 Assign section to probe hostility asap (9) POSTHASTE {POST}{HA{S}TE}
19 Queen returns backing introduction of democracy in Tunisia's capital (5) DINAR {RANI<=}<=>{De...y}
22 Wherefrom Italy has taken back Asian island (5) TIMOR [T<=]
23 Hospital attendants in gold and maroon going around lounges (9) ORDERLIES {OR}{RED<=}{LIES}
25 Chiefs of tribes engage local enchanters with text message for charms (7) TELESMS {Tr...s}{En...e}{Lo..l}{En...s}{SMS}
26 Remain witty - it helps you sleep well (7) BEDROLL {BE}{DROLL}
27 Birds picked up communications in mixed languages (7) PIDGINS (~pigeons)
28 Arch-rival is going across India pursuing European adversaries (7) ENEMIES {NEMESis} over {I} following {E}

1   Writer's mother on the radio (7) MAUGHAM (~mom)
2   Doctor made cocktail with ecstasy and hallucinated (7) DREAMED {DR}{MADE*} over {E}
3   A lake bearing fish, for example (5) IDEAL {A}{L}<=>{IDE}
4   Writers, for instance, participating in struggles after king is deposed (9) ESSAYISTS {rES{SAY}ISTS}
5   Drains water from shoes (5) PUMPS [DD]
6   Ill-treated, angered journalist turned traitor (9) RENEGADED {ANGERED*}{ED}
7   Guru's cautious going into entrance of Advaita Academy (7) ACHARYA {Ad...a}{CHARY}{Ac...y}
8   Loan shark's hair, shrinking on top (7) SHYLOCK {LOCK}<=>{SHY}
14 One sheltered by ashram built on fringes of Himalayan inclines (9) MAHARISHI {MAHAR{1}S*}{Hi...n}{In...s} &lit
16 Flexible about date - can be changed (9) AMENDABLE {AMEN{D}ABLE}
17 Break pulpits to protect houses (3,4) PIT STOP [T]
18 Tested singular, large diamonds (7) SAMPLED {S}{AMPLE}{D}
20 Love for English in upcoming South European capital (7) NAIROBI IB(-e+o)ORIAN<=
21 Verdicts of leaders in recent elections stymied ultras, leaving them shell-shocked (7) RESULTS Acrostic
23 Run out of pans for ovens (5) OASTS rOASTS
24 Black ducks go over hill (5) RIDGE bRIDGE

Reference List
Master = M, Spain = E, Son = S, Hot = H, Mass = M, Section = S, India = I, European = E, Ecstasy = E, Lake = L, Fish = IDE, King = R, Date = D, Singular = S, Diamonds = D, English = E, Run = R, Black = B

Friday 28 April 2023

No 13851, Friday 28 Apr 2023, Hypatia

All those who are not regular commenters but who are rookie commenters or silent followers of the blog are requested to post answers with annotations in the comments section. In your own interest please avoid looking up the answers from the interactive version. Don't hesitate to post your annotations, in case you make a mistake in the annotation someone will correct it with the right annotation.


Each commenter is requested to post only 5 answers thereby giving others also a chance to participate. Please provide all your answers in one comment.

Regular solvers/Veterans can post 1 answer each, but after 11 AM only.

Thanks for the response, here's the regular blog.

1   Born in France, extremely dandy but poor (5) NEEDY {NEE}{DandY}
4   Manipulate auditor's requirement (5) KNEAD (~need)
11 A lawyer covering up abuse - it's evil (7) ADHARMA {A}{D{HARM}A}
12 Drawback in analog reporting framework (7) PERGOLA [T<=]
13 Knocks down ornaments (5) DECKS [DD]
14 Schoenberg or Bach even captivating old leader (9) GORBACHEV [T]
15 Hostility amongst rivals of Lenovo (2,4,4) NO LOVE LOST {LENOVO}* [RA]
17 Fumes leaving black vessels (4) URNS bURNS
19 Switch with another product, basically! (4) SWAP Acrostic Semi&lit
21 Reverend calling building worker for blue print (6,4) MASTER PLAN (~plaster man to master plan)
25 Approaches and doodles alongside (5,4) DRAWS NEAR {DRAWS}{NEAR}
27 Bet dog left lead in grass? (5) WAGER WAgGER
28 May in that place, is April, initially (7) THERESA {THERE}{'S}{A}
29 Woman folding warm cover (7) SHEATHE {S{HEAT}HE}
30 Extremely foolish to consume nonsense in trivia (5) FROTH {Fo...sH} over {ROT}
31 Sign of vocal talent (5) FLARE (~flair)

2   Just husband icar initially escorted by others (7) ETHICAL {H}{In}{Car} in {ET AL}
3   Jeering lord picked up in bar (8) DERISIVE {D{SIRE<=}IVE}
5   Country never saved rupees (6) NORWAY {NO WAY} over {R}
6   Additional info frequently stops heart attacks (7) ANOTHER {A{iNfO}THER*}
7   Spot of relaxation in terrible danger (6) GARDEN*
8   Sugar high when everything's picked up for dessert (8) RASGULLA {SUGAR}*{ALL<=}
9   Strikes brought up in dispute (4) SPAR<=
10 Scandinavian arranged to export exquisite Indian fabric (6) CANVAS SCAndinaViAN*
16 Player from Chennai finally starts performing outside India (8) SITARIST {c...aI+STARTS}* over {I}
18 Unfair bargain that's not desirable for one buying fruits? (1,3,4) A RAW DEAL [C&DD]
19 Collected information mostly through watch (6) SEDATE {SE{DATa}E}
20 Layman, essentially sure to follow American friend (7) AMATEUR {sURe}<=>{A}{MATE}
22 Arsonist harassing the girl? (7) LIGHTER*
23 Shifting from South to North initially assists stress (6) NERVES (-s+n)NERVES
24 Worker maintains small church in hill (6) ASCENT {A{S}{CE}NT}
26 Fell over marks in test (4) EXAM {AXE<=}{M}

Reference List
Born in French = NEE, Black = B, Husband = H, Rupees = R, India = A, American = A, South = S, North = N, Small = S, Church = CE, Marks = M

Thursday 27 April 2023

No 13850, Thursday 27 Apr 2023, Hypatia

Solution to 24A has been deliberately left unsolved and is to be answered only by a non-regular / novice commenter, with proper annotation. Those who have answered earlier in the week, please give others a chance.

1   On the radio, rock’s louder (6) BOLDER (~ boulder)
4   Weaken self-control (6) TEMPER [DD]
9   Secure rapidly (4) FAST [DD]
10 Gut wrenching cries a vet expects initially (10) EVISCERATE* {CRIES+A+VET+Ex...s}
11 Urge German to consume no alcoholic drink (6) EGGNOG {EGG}{NO}{G}
12 Accessory in Spooner’s exposed palm (8) HAIRBAND (~ bare hand to hairband)
13 Aggressively bargained for a coat (9) GABARDINE*
15 Hint Hint (left hidden) (4) CLUE {C{L}UE}
16 Basically round or triangular Indian bread (4) ROTI Acrostic Semi&lit
17 Substitutes relating to parcels lost (9) REPLACERS {RE}{PARCELS*}
21 Covers maiden taking rest behind a little screen (8) SMOTHERS {M}{OTHERS}<=>{Sc...n}
22 Film about hot English bromance, essentially (6) CINEMA {C}{IN}{E}{broMAnce}
24 May had prepared ahead of school applicants (10) ?A?D?D?T?S (Addendum - CANDIDATES{CAN}{ATE}<=>{DID} and {S} - See comments)
25 Layers of hair essentially need strengthening at the roots (4) HENS Acrostic
26 Essentially, gimlet is an exotic drink (6) TISANE [T]
27 Distributes paper hankies saving time (6) ISSUES tISSUES

1   Support frames put up for dance (7) BHANGRA {B{HANG}RA}
2   Nasality distorted this language, say (5) LATIN NAsaLITy* [CA]
3   Pick up some bud e.g., remembrance rose (7) EMERGED [T<=]
5   15 exercises by one Dutch mathematician (6) EUCLID {CLUE*}{1}{Du..h}
6   Like fable of horse, perhaps arrested by guards abruptly (9) PARABOLIC {P{ARAB}OLICe}
7   Engineer and doctor unite in train (7) RETINUE {RE}{UNITE*}
8   Yes, Tintin's got specialised training, perhaps (4,9) HIGH INTENSITY {YES+TINTIN}* [RA]
14 Poses from high places when time's left (9) ATTITUDES A(-l+t)TTIDUES
16 Associate parliamentarian's rhetoric about pandemic (7) RAMPANT {R{A}{MP}ANT}
18 Position traps on the sides for insects (7) LOCUSTS {LOCUS}{TrapS}
19 Detains guy mostly between breaks (7) REMANDS {RE{MAn}NDS}
20 Tissue not dirty around edge (6) TENDON {T{END}ON*}
23 Former leader regularly in tech group (5) NEHRU {iN+tEcH+gRoUp}

Reference List
German = G, Left = L, Relating to = RE, Maiden = M, About = C, Hot = IN, English = E, Time = T, Support = BRA, Dutch = D, Horse = ARAB, Engineer = RE(Royal Engineers)

Wednesday 26 April 2023

No 13849, Wednesday 26 Apr 2023, Dr. X

Solution to 15A has been deliberately left unsolved and is to be answered only by a non-regular / novice commenter, with proper annotation. Those who have answered earlier in the week, please give others a chance.

1   Meet girl for small talk (8) CONVERGE CONVER(-s+g)GE
5   A fine new deli at a distance (6) AFIELD {A}{F}{DELI*}
10 Express pleasure, consuming drug that's less adulterated (5) PURER {PUR{E}R}
11 Similarities with a gasoline compound (9) ANALOGIES*
12 Wrong anagram in that clue! Time wasted (9) UNETHICAL {IN+tHAT+CLUE}*
13 Type of lymphocyte, say, tackling coronavirus primarily (1-4) T-CELL {T{Co...s}ELL}
14 Sadness in group at hospital (6) PATHOS [T]
15 Most silly, putting pepper over pastries (7) D?P?E?T ()
18 Leader of industry in revolting deceit - that's extraordinarily clear (7) EIDETIC {E{In...y}DETIC*}
20 Wow! Making a comeback, Delhi's opener gets two ducks - it's bad luck (6) HOODOO {OOH<=}{De..i}{00}
22 Character hugging black oak tree (5) ROBLE {RO{B}LE}
24 Became exhausted in rave party, spinning over spot (3,2,4) RAN TO SEED {RANT}{O{SEE}D<=}
25 Settled back, cuddling primarily sexy damsel in sack (9) DISMISSAL {Sexy}{MISS} in {LAID<=}
26 Set of three diamonds lost - lady in distress (5) TRIAL {TRIAd}{L}
27 Fine and clear say, turning cooler (6) FRIDGE {F}{RID}{EG<=}
28 Stay warm, travelling in rail transport systems (8) TRAMWAYS*

1   Avoid company and sulk (3,3) COP OUT {CO}{POUT}
2   Governess in series about rebellious ladies securing independence (9) NURSEMAID {RUN<=}{SEMA{I}D<=}
3   Shocking threats made to crush bowler perhaps on English field (5-10) EARTH-SHATTERING {EARTHS{HAT}T*}{E}{RING}
4   Good cuts and flicks (7) GLANCES {G}{LANCES}
6   How one might enter the solution to this clue completely (4,3,2,6) FROM TOP TO BOTTOM [C&DD]
7   Pick travel items, bags (5) ELITE [T]
8   Heartbroken as boyfriend embraces miss in retreat (8) DESOLATE {D{LOSE<=}ATE}
9   Upset after wife cried (6) WAILED {AILED}<=>{W}
16 Arcane stuff from fancy store, one maintained by retired expert (9) ESOTERICA {STORE*}{1} in {ACE<=}
17 Tried jogging in mist, fell over in ditch (3,3,2) GET RID OF {TRIED*} in {FOG<=}
19 Colour of church tower (6) CERISE {CE}{RISE}
20 Fitter after getting hold of extremely noted trainer (7) HANDLER {HA{NoteD}LER}
21 Overwhelmed by drinks, director on date becomes confused (6) ADDLES {A{D}{D}LES}
23 Fool interrupting most famous deep-voiced singers (5) BASSI {B{ASS}Ig}

Reference List
Girl = G, Small = S, Fine = F, Drug = E, Time = T, Black = B, Party = DO, Diamonds = D, Lady = L, Fine = F, Company = CO, Independence = I, English = E, Good = G, Wife = W, Church = CE, Director = D, Date = D

Tuesday 25 April 2023

No 13848, Tuesday 25 Apr 2023, Dr. X

Solution to 22A has been deliberately left unsolved and is to be answered only by a non-regular / novice commenter, with proper annotation. Those who have answered earlier in the week, please give others a chance.

1   Completely in love, he and she dare to rebel (4,4,5) HEAD OVER HEELS {LOVE+HE+SHE+DARE}*
8   College girl in tutorial (5) CLASS {C}{LASS}
9   Batsman finally given run out - it's disheartening (9) UNNERVING {b...aN+GIVEN+RUN}*
11 Alert as yorker might land here? (2,4,4) ON ONES TOES [DD]
12 Check trunk (4) STEM [DD}
14 Urea is manufactured on a large landmass (7) EURASIA {UREA+IS}*{A}
16 Outrage over extremely risquƩ outfit (7) APPAREL {APPA{Ri..uE}L}
17 Shabby articles having plain upholstery fabric (7) TABARET {TA{BARE}T}
19 See director and siren cavorting outside club (7) DISCERN {D}{IS{C}ERN*}
21 Making a comeback, star gaily entertains Indian city (4) AGRA [T<=]
22 Criminal found outside bar, caught (10) ?O?T?A?T?D (Addendum - CONTRACTED - {CON}{TRAC{T}ED} - See comments)
25 Managing director returns to tour spacious and secluded place producing milk (5,4) DAIRY FARM {MD}<= over {AIRY}{FAR}
26 Start to inspect number on container of ancient Peruvian people (5) INCAN {In...t}{N}{CAN}
27 Enthralled by drink? Yeah! Let's go berserk, to put it mildly (2,3,3,5) TO SAY THE LEAST {YEAH+LETS}* in {TOAST}

2   Be sorry about stealing retired old chap's charm (7) ENAMOUR {RUE<=} over {O}{MAN}<=
3   Place providing drugs from small stalls found in journal (10) DISPENSARY {DI{S}{PENS}ARY}
4   Brag in front of vain relative (5) VAUNT {Vain}{AUNT}
5   Rushed closer to big antelope in grazing territory (9) RANGELAND {RAN}{biG}{ELAND}
6   Most ancient nobleman (4) EARL EARLy 
7   At sea, sit with reel and spear for catching fish (7) LEISTER {SIT+REEL}*
8   Chat mischievously to enthral miss, then get near (5,2,4) CLOSE AT HAND {C{LOSE}ATH*}{AND}
10 Information about a maiden with flashy jewellery and diamonds in casino (8,3) GAMBLING DEN {GEN} over {A}{M}{BLING}{D}
13 Abandon principles in a job and start to swindle, breaking a commitment (10) APOSTATISE {A}{POST}{A}{TI{Sw...e}E}
15 One travelling to Saturn? (9) ASTRONAUT {A}{TO+SATURN}* &lit 
18 Mexican dish in spread, served up with starter of taco in Brazilian city (7) BURRITO {RUB<=}{RI{Taco}O}
20 Seduces in secret, slyly runs away (7) ENTICES {IN+SECrET}*
23 Republican lost composure in American city (5) TEMPE TEMPEr
24 Dreamy naturalist provides shelter to bird (4) MYNA [T]

Reference List
College = C, Shabby articles = TAT, Director = D, Club = C, Criminal = CON, Bar = T, Number = N, Drink = TOAST, Old = O, Small = S, Information = GEN, Maiden = M, Diamonds = D, One = A, Runs = R, Republican = R

Monday 24 April 2023

No 13847, Monday 24 Apr 2023, Dr. X

Solution to 11A has been deliberately left unsolved and is to be answered only by a non-regular / novice commenter, with proper annotation. Those who have answered earlier in the week, please give others a chance.

1   Court battle covered by extremely dedicated investigative journalist (8) WOODWARD {WOO}{De..[WAR}..eD}
5   One crawling in small jetty over delta (6) SPIDER {S}{PI{D}ER}
10 Country liquor knocked back by English character in retreat (7) NIGERIA {GIN<=}{E}{AIR<=}
11 Paper about act backing end of early norm of marrying outside a community (7) E?O?A?Y (Addendum - EXOGAMY {EX{GO<=}AM}{e..lY} - See comments))
12 Midday meal in bundle left for boy (5) LUNCH (-b+l)LUNCH
13 Fine novel with story that's indescribable (9) INEFFABLE {FINE*}{FABLE}
14 Catch rebellious lag going berserk, rioting and looting (12) BURGLARISING {RUB<=}{LAG*}{RISING}
18 Penniless and old with nobody getting evening meals (2,4,6) ON ONES UPPERS {O}{NONE}{SUPPERS}
21 Employed a terrific craftsman (9) ARTIFICER*
23 Chief wants money plant (5) ASTER mASTER
24 Adjusts fan in store (7) ORIENTS*
25 Opening erotic novel? Wasting time without doubt (7) ORIFICE {EROtIC}* over {IF}
26 Time to invite retired old director in room for discussion (6) EXEDRA {E{{EX<=}{D}RA}
27 Recovers in secrecy perhaps to conceal bit of liposuction (8) RECYCLES {RECYC{Li...n}ES*}

1   Manipulate and sway woman for date (6) WANGLE (-d+w)WANGLE
2   Men reviewed problem in devices (6) ORGANS {OR}{SNAG<=}
3   Fight with man about ordinary service in store (9) WAREHOUSE {WAR}{HE<=}{O}USE}
4   Remarkable hit, like show with lions might be? (7,7) ROARING SUCCESS [C&DD]
6   Univ. teacher drinking alcohol heartily is tight (5) PROOF {PRO{alcOhol}F}
7   Liqueur from island in Bermuda perhaps (8) DRAMBUIE {DRAMBU{I}E*}
8   Streak on stretch outside one hotel in Essex town (8) RAYLEIGH {RAY}{LE{1}G}{H}
9   Blue pen, regular present that's broadly useful (7-7) GENERAL-PURPOSE {PEN+REGULAR}*{POSE}
15 New airline, extremely trendy actually (2,7) IN REALITY {AIRLINE}*{Tr..dY}
16 Advance to pick up associate turning drunk and insensible (8) COMATOSE {COM{A}{SOT<=}E}
17 Plot change in vector (8) CONTRIVE*
19 Beginning to argue with wife interrupting work freely (2,4) AT WILL {Ar..e}{T{W}ILL}
20 Dresses up prince with rising disdain (6) PREENS {P}{SNEER<=}
22 Showoff in erotic clothes, more sheer (5) FINER [T]

Reference List
Court = WOO, Small = S, Delta = D, English = E, Left = L, Boy = B, Old = O, Money = M, Time = T, Old = EX, Director = D, Woman = W, Date = D, Men = OR, Ordinary = O, Island = I, Stretch = LEG, Hotel = H, Associate = A, Drunk = SOT, Wife = W, Prince = P

Sunday 23 April 2023

Special, Sunday 23 Apr 2023, Ajji

Three answers per commenter till 6 PM (Annotations compulsory) 
Please submit all your answers in one comment.  



The Sunday Crossword No 3251, Sunday 23 Apr 2023

1   Devoured one sheep, noisily (3,2) ATE UP (~ a tup)
4   You shouldn’t have small infatuation in Australian state (8) TASMANIA {TA}{S}{MANIA}
8   Tipsy tippler, tattler giving you stuff and nonsense (7-7) PRITTLE-PRATTLE*
10 Sporting Coe let in: it's how parliamentarians are chosen (8) ELECTION*
11 Exactly zero t-shirts etc. returned (4-2) SPOT-ON {NO}{TOPS}<=
12 Translation of banal epic not up to the job (9) INCAPABLE*
15 With coins of little value, Everyman’s heading to find boozer (5) SOUSE {SOUS}{Ev...n}
17 Heavyweight’s disheartened, Sonny Liston’s fourth struggle (5) TYSON {SOnNY+lisTon}*
18 Cuckoo, pigeon and tit moving stealthily (9) TIPTOEING {PIGEON+TIT}*
19 Aim to express disapproval (6) OBJECT [DD]
21 Money changing hands for pudding (8) TURNOVER [DD]
24 At length, a child trained hairy bovines (8,6) HIGHLAND CATTLE*
25 Son caused online trouble, proceeded without urgency (8) STROLLED {S}{TROLLED}
26 Gold, Dutch and Italian, in financial examination (5) AUDIT {AU}{D}{IT}

1   Growth in understanding (12) APPRECIATION [DD]
2   Worthy folks incense me terribly (9) EMINENCES*
 In France, slight appetite, taking only part (5) PETIT [T]
4   Where to cook morsel for Tolkien’s hero (3,6) THE HOBBIT {THE HOB}{BIT}
5   Either side in scrimmage might be hurt (4) SORE {S or E}
6   A little bean tip as topping in canapĆ© (9) ANTIPASTO [T]
7   Opening part of chain letter (5) INLET [T]
9   Short fellow inserting limb in long johns? (12) UNDERGARMENT {UNDER}{G{ARM}ENT}
13 Not starting rhinoscopic process, finally wanting changes for one with ‘incredible’ nasal abnormality (9) PINOCCHIO  rHINOsCOPIC*
14 Former husband rapped and sermonized (9) EXPOUNDED {EX}{POUNDED}
16 Far from welcome seeing football team gathering in vain: not half (9) UNINVITED {UN{IN Vain}ITED}
20 Mutual club? (5) JOINT [DD]
22 Natal’s yammering animal – large antelope, primarily? (5) NYALA Acrostic Semi&lit
23 Issue a reproach when fibber's shown up (4) RAIL<=

Reference List
Small = S, Son = S, Dutch = D, Italian = IT, Former husband = EX

Saturday 22 April 2023

No 13846, Saturday 22 Apr 2023, Dr. X

1   Survive and fight back to live with dignity at last (6,2) SCRAPE BY {SCRAP}{BE<=}{d...tY}
5   Picked up by electromyograph, a sickness occurring in stages (6) PHASIC [T]
10 Clash in bar, associate lost temper (7) DIVERGE {DIVE}{RaGE}
11 Plenty of money won by excited youth (7) UMPTEEN {U{M}P}{TEEN}
12 Keen listener secures good grade finally (5) EAGER {EA{G}{{g..dE}R}
13 One seen on stage playing corpse in seedy den (4,5) DROP SCENE {CORPSE}* in {DEN}*
14 Getting married? That's what sailor might be doing (5,3,4) TYING THE KNOT [DD]
18 Sleazy, wild liaison including exotic rub at America (12) INSALUBRIOUS {LIAISON}* over {RUB}* US}
21 Tries his wife's new mutton dish (5,4) IRISH STEW {TRIES+HIS+W}*
23 A car crashed outside club in African capital (5) ACCRA {A}{CAR*} over {C}
24 Head of state released bird at ceremony in Brazilian municipality (7) IBIRITE {IBIs}{RITE}
25 According to Spooner, chief directed Oscar award-winning movie (4,3) RAIN MAN (~main ran to Rain Man)
26 Crone wanting a little tender meat to make Scottish dish (6) HAGGIS {HAG}{GISt}
27 Ego of one heartless narcissist in power (8) IDENTITY {1}{DE{Na...sT}ITY}

1   Cast endlessly drinking rum, getting soaked (6) SODDEN {S{ODD}ENt}
2   Consuming a bit of Viagra, go mad in sack (6) RAVAGE {R{A}{Vi...a}AGE}
3   Picture of light beam in doorway (9) PORTRAYAL {PORT{RAY}AL}
4   Team taking look at foremost of batsmen getting downright ordinary (5-3-6) BREAD-AND-BUTTER {B{READ}AND}{Ba...n}{UTTER}
6   Desires ecstasy in parties (5) HOPES {HOP{E}S}
7   Woman and bachelor seen cavorting in illicit taverns (8) SHEBEENS {SHE}{B}{SEEN*}
8   Allies of criminal with cocaine in bags (8) CONNECTS {CON}{NE{C}TS}
9   Nervous suitor told how to enthral female? Wonderful (3,2,4,5) OUT OF THIS WORLD {SUITOR+TOLD+HOW}* over {F}
15 Knowledge of dress code at uni (9) EDUCATION*
16 Disparage attractive girl in short skirt? Quite the opposite! (8) DIMINISH {DI{MINI}SH}
17 Seeking drug, primarily grass (8) ASPIRING {ASPIRIN}{Gr..s}
19 Seafood dish with drink, endlessly entertaining party (6) SCAMPI {S{CAMP}Ip}
20 Lively excursion close to quay (6) JAUNTY {JAUNT}{quaY}
22 Batter taking a single in Caribbean country (5) HAITI {H{A}IT}{1}

Reference List
Associate = A, Money = M, Excited = UP, Good = G, Wife = W, Club = C, Ecstasy = E, Bachelor = B, Cocaine = C, Female = F

Friday 21 April 2023

No 13845, Friday 21 Apr 2023, Afterdark

All those who are not regular commenters but who are rookie commenters or silent followers of the blog are requested to post answers with annotations in the comments section. In your own interest please avoid looking up the answers from the interactive version. Don't hesitate to post your annotations, in case you make a mistake in the annotation someone will correct it with the right annotation.


Each commenter is requested to post only 5 answers thereby giving others also a chance to participate. Please provide all your answers in one comment.

Regular solvers/Veterans can post 1 answer each, but after 11 AM only.

Thanks for the response, here's the regular blog.

9   Bad? Consume not so much (7) USELESS {USE LESS}
10 Most ancient dominion, underrated, revisited, appreciated, interesting origins of a city (7) MADURAI Acrostic Semi&lit
11 Investigate former lover's scheme, mostly on taking rupee (7) EXPLORE {EX}{PLOt}{RE}
12 Regrets releasing pressure to allow latitude, then changes mind (7) RELENTS RE(-p+l)LENTS
13 God! Two setters surround slithering snake hissing at the top (9) MEENAKSHI {ME}{SNAKE*}{Hi...g}{I}
15 Misalnachos not entirely this dish (5) SALNA [T]
16 Rude awakeningwe got burned down by this legendary character (7) KANNAGI AwAKeNING*
19 Leakage? Consult attendant (7) SEEPAGE {SEE}{PAGE}
20 Me? (5) NIGHT [CD]
21 Offer daughter lollypop heartily, fondly (9) DEVOTEDLY {DEVOTE}{D}{lolLYpop}
25 Crater is California? Read wrongly (7) CALDERA {CAL}{READ*}
26 Pour gin cocktail for coterie (7) INGROUP*
28 Pairing with 15 is the norm, almost total relish (7) PAROTTA {PAR}{TOTAl*}
29 Subject of currency (7) AFGHANI [DD}

1   Deliberate jump in the centre of Louvre, say (6) MUSEUM {MUSE}{jUMp}
2   Relief staff at the French place of worship (6) TEMPLE {TEMP}{LE}
3   Protest against monster endlessly (4) DEMO DEMOn
4   Estimate idiot's score first (6) ASSESS {ASSES}{Sc..e}
5   Involves cooks to add some elaichi, mace upfront (8) EMBROILS {BROILS}<=>{El...i}{Mace}
6   Teenager gets a perfume investing income (10) ADOLESCENT {A}{SCENT} over {DOLE}
7   Cut learners' allowance first given for fabric (8) PRUNELLA {PRUNE}{L}{L}{Al...e}
8   Discourage dad's issue somehow exclude son (8) DISSUADE {DADs+ISSUE}*
14 A role taken by males primarily tsweep in homes, say (10) APARTMENTS {A}{PART}{MEN}{To}{Sw..p}
16 Say, uncle holds grand rewards for marsh plants (8) KINGCUPS {KIN}{G}{CUPS}
17 Moaners linger around, taking government dollars (8) NIGGLERS {NIG{G}LER*}{S}
18 Old ship in island say, behind a country (8) INDIAMAN {MAN}<=>{INDIA}
22 To begin with violet's best, plus some gardenia's best flower (6) VAIGAI {Vi...t}{A1}{Ga...a}{A1}
23 Evergreenadored all over the place (6) DEODAR*
24 You pop ice regularly? Could be a successful young person (6) YUPPIE {YoU+PoP+IcE}
27 Computing rule for job's nothing (4) GIGO {GIG}{O}

Reference List
Former lover = EX, Rupee = RE, Pressure = P, Latitude = L, Daughter = D, Norm = PAR, The in French = LE, Learner = L, Son = S, Grand = G, Government = G, Dollars = S, Best = A1

Thursday 20 April 2023

No 13844, Thursday 20 Apr 2023, Afterdark

Solution to 13A has been deliberately left unsolved and is to be answered only by a non-regular / novice commenter, with proper annotation. Those who have answered earlier in the week, please give others a chance.

1   True, one is missing peace and freedom... (7) RELEASE {REaL}{EASE}
5 partner (7) HUSBAND [DD]
9   Assured criminal flinched as per report (9) CONVINCED {CON}{(~winced)VINCED}
10 Steal primarily expensive, superb costumes (5) ROBES {ROB}{Ex...e}{Su...b}
11 Unfair and imperfect... (7) PARTIAL [DD]
12 ...southern man with everyone wasted half beer becoming meaner (7) SMALLER {S}{M}{ALL}{beER}
13 Dishonest ruler almost eviscerated dynasty (5) S?A?Y (Addendum - {SHAh}{Dy...tY} - See comments)
15 Being old lover is distraught, so to speak (9) EXISTENCE {EX}{IS}{(~tense)TENCE}
17 Cool drink brand with thrust as per report, sensational (9) FANTASTIC {FANTA}{(~stick}STIC}
19 Musical work over ages... (5) OPERA {OP}{ERA}
21 ...been around girl in hourly productions (7) ROUGHLY {ROU{G}HLY*}
23 English politician with hesitation takes gold of king (7) EMPEROR {E}{MP}{ER}{OR}
25 Lender in Dayun clearly hoarding (5) UNCLE [T]
26 Paying attention to record, ending with taking out date (9) LISTENING {LIST}{ENdING}
27 Call and speak to... (7) ADDRESS [DD]
28 ...person under doubt on damaging space-suit, the best is missing (7) SUSPECT {SPaCE+SUiT}*

1   Instructions are precise? It's all over the place (7) RECIPES*
2   Mad man kills jerk, primarily relating to moon (5) LUNAR {LUNAtic}{Re...g}
3   Sharpness, if boy and girl are swapped can become competence (7) ABILITY A(-g+b)BILITY
4   Once jail department was first-class (9) EXCELLENT {EX}{CELL}{ENT}
5   Conceals husband's papers with evilness heartlessly... (5) HIDES {H}{ID}{Ev...eS}
6   ...with crooked veteran's (lacking empathy primarily) help (7) SERVANT VETeRANS*
7   Vehicle at ambush can't keep quiet carrying a weapon (9) AMBULANCE {AMBUsh}{LANCE}
8   Be worthy of daughter, last wife, get present (7) DESERVE {D}{wifE}{SERVE}
14 Reported that jittery nun in canoe capsized and died (9) ANNOUNCED {NUN+CANOE}*{D}
16 Popular line, leading song proliferates (9) INCREASES {IN}{CREASE}{Song}
17 Restless, four am and lady enters. That's the way (7) FORMULA {FOUR+AM}* over {L}
18 Maybe have ice, finish (7) ACHIEVE*
19 Work on media, harass (7) OPPRESS {OP}{PRESS}
20 Mostly everyone has privilege. OK? (7) ALRIGHT {ALl}{RIGHT}
22 Last deputy speaks when leader is absent, shouts (5) YELLS {d...tY}{tELLS}
24 Go up carrying adult in lift (5) RAISE {R{A}ISE}

Reference List
Southern = S, Man = M, Old lover = EX, Work = OP, Girl = G, English = E, Politician = MP, Date = D, Best = A1, Girl =G, Boy = B, Department = ENT, Husband = H, Papers = ID, Quiet = SH, Daughter = D, Died = D, Popular = IN, Lady = L, Adult = A