Wednesday 31 July 2024

No 14241, Wednesday 31 Jul 2024, Saral

Solution to 6D has been deliberately left unsolved and is to be answered only by a non-regular / novice commenter, with proper annotation. Those who have answered earlier in the week, please give others a chance.

Open for anyone to answer, if not solved by 1 PM.

8   Perfect opinion by liberal (5) IDEAL {IDEA}{L}
9   Choose right poem for conductor (9) ELECTRODE {ELECT}{R}{ODE}
10 Outstanding number chart (7) NOTABLE {NO}{TABLE}
11 After the beginning, universe is in gradual process of assimilation (7) OSMOSIS {cOSMOS}{IS}
12 Cabinet maker, former US President accommodating writer (9) CARPENTER {CAR{PEN}TER}
14 Backing everyone working in plain (5) LLANO {ALL<=}{ON} How does ON get reversed?Seems to be an error in the clue
15 Details of tours on vacation led by deputy in charge (7) DEPICTS {TourS}<=>{DEP}{IC}
18 Grants from nurse by Sunday (7) EXTENDS {EX}{TEND}{S}
19 Satellite's antenna on the radio (5) ARIEL (~aerial)
20 Hotel receptionist at first led host moving to entrance (9) THRESHOLD {H+Re...t+LED+HOST}*
24 Surprisingly precise instructions (7) RECIPES*
25 Bird, large one about to be put in cage (7) PELICAN {PE{L]{1}{CA}N}
27 Bombing MiGs? EU did wrong? (9) MISGUIDED*
28 Blade provided to cut short joint (5) KNIFE {KN{IF}Ee}

1   Most prefer city in France for outing (6) PICNIC {PICk}{NICe}
2   Crushing cane, beet, sugar finally for sweet stuff (6) NECTAR {CANE+beeT+s..aR}*
3   Piece from bomb blast? Not quite! (4) SLAB BLASt*
4   Supply from core user possibly (8) RESOURCE*
5   Urges student in the end to fill copies (10) STIMULATES {S{s...nT}IMULATES}
6   Director on board, unknown, was corrupt, dividing money (8) ?O?S?A?N (Addendum COXSWAIN {CO{X}{WAS*}IN} - See comments)
7   Meetings on board suppressing angry noises (8) SESSIONS {S{NOISES*}S} Will 'on board' lead to ship (SS)?
9   Not odd time for game (5) EVENT {EVEN}{T}
13 Oil producer, manufacturing usual type, adding chemical initially (10) EUCALYPTUS {USUAL+TYPE}* over {Ch...l}
15 Dark shades primarily bordering UP city pictures (8) DIAGRAMS {DI{AGRA}M}{Sh..s}
16 As per Spooner, crime by paparazzi to Diana,say (8) PRINCESS (sin press to princess)
17 Reject ideas? (3-5) SET-ASIDE [IDEAS}* [RA]
21 Quick! Wrap idlis in part (5) RAPID [T]
22 Goblin concealed flower (6) ORCHID {ORC}{HID}
23 Obstinate person of party with new chief (6) DONKEY {DO}{N}{KEY}
26 Water body covered in snowflakes (4) LAKE [T]

Reference List
Liberal = L, Right = R, Deputy = DEP, In charge = IC, Sunday = S, Hotel = H, Large = L, About = CA, Unknown = X, On Board = SS, Time = T, Party = DO, New = N

Tuesday 30 July 2024

No 14240, 30 Jul 2024, Vidwan

Solution to 17D has been deliberately left unsolved and is to be answered only by a non-regular / novice commenter, with proper annotation. Those who have answered earlier in the week, please give others a chance.

Open for anyone to answer, if not solved by 1 PM.

7   Some aloo-gobi, haribhari-sabji for resident of Gaya (6) BIHARI [T]
8   I exert actively for avoiding loud appearance (8) EXTERIOR {I+EXERT}*{fOR}
9   Affected by melting of large glacier (8) ALLERGIC {L+GLACIER}*
10 Indian leader hosted by Goering and Hitler (6) GANDHI [T]
11 Let oracle do something about polls (9) ELECTORAL*
12 Contracts 007s (5) BONDS {BOND'S}
14 Friend returned to party without a plot, rejecting support for dishonest journalists (6,5) LAPDOG MEDIA {PAL<=}{DO}{GaME}{AID<=}
18 Which industry employs man of faith? (5) HINDU [T]
20 Asking to support love before lust, for instance? Good! (9) PROPOSING {PROP}{O}{SIN}{G}
22 Faithful avoids English breakfast at mass (6) MUSLIM {MUeSLI}{M}
23 Time breakers for online abusers (8) TROLLERS {T}{ROLLERS}
24 Attacks caves and fights (8) ADVANCES*
25 Time and energy plus mass in an arrangement of mutual dependence (6) TANDEM {T}{AND}{E}{M}

1   Sister-in-law given flower in senseless manner (7) SILLILY {SIL}{LILY}
2   Victory drink and new agents for Spanish Football Club (8) VALENCIA {V}{ALE}{N}{CIA}
3   One of the Beatles had right commercials for alternate urban approaches (4,5) RING ROADS {RING{R}O}{ADS}
4   Theatre intended for men and bachelors essentially (5) STAGE {STAG}{b..hEl..s}
Flier runs into fellow immortal, tailless (6) DRONGO {D{R}ON}{GOd}
6   Reprimand about ordinary work leather (7) COWHIDE {C{O}{W}HIDE}
8   Green has exact working costs for buying currencies (8,5) EXCHANGE RATES*
13 The US dope synthesised in Mississippi or Louisiana, say (4,5) DEEP SOUTH*
15 Popular, very fast and bold (8) INSOLENT {IN}{SO}{LENT}
16 51 pounds for solutions (7) LIQUIDS {LI}{QUIDS}
17 Arranged, had nothing initially, inhaled drugs (7) ?N?R?E? (Addendum - SNORTED {S{No...g}ORTED} - See comments)
19 Lines laid in the middle of high road for money (6) DOLLAR {DO{LL}AR*}
21 Flavour of heroin (5) SMACK [DD]

Reference List
Loud = F, Large = L, Good = G, English = E, Mass = M, Time = T, Energy = E, Victory = V, New = N, Right = R, Commercials = ADS, Runs = R, Ordinary = O, Work = W, Popular = IN, Line = L

Monday 29 July 2024

No 14239, Monday 29 Jul 2024, Karaoke

Solution to 1D has been deliberately left unsolved and is to be answered only by a non-regular / novice commenter, with proper annotation. Those who have answered earlier in the week, please give others a chance.

Open for anyone to answer, if not solved by 1 PM.

1   Mrs. Mop hugs doctor and engineer in the meeting place (7) CHAMBER {CHA{MB}{E}R}
5   Light bang in rift (3,4) GAS LAMP {GA{SLAM}P}
9   Doctor enthralled by Chinese leader's dance (5) MAMBO {MA{MB}O}
10 American traffic policewoman fulfilled fantastic dream to conceive child inside (5,4) METER MAID {MET}{ERMA{chIld}D*}
11 4444 - This is how some animals walk! (10)(2,3,5) ON ALL FOURS Rebus Enu should be (2,3,5) See comments
12 Conclusions of far too long creature (4) FROG [Tail acrostic]
14 Friendly personal assistant leaves for public transport that's likely to catch fire (11) COMBUSTIBLE {COM(-pa+bus)BUSTIBLE}
18 Perhaps lives with long dream for this? (6,5) SILVER MEDAL {LIVES+L+DREAM}* Semi&lit?
21 Economical with the truth and fiction ultimately, right? (4) LIEN {LIE}{f...oN}
22 Foreign enemy wins second tournament after taking hint to become rich (10)(2,3,5) IN THE MONEY {EM{tOu...t}NEY*}<=>{HINT}* Enu should be (2,3,5) See comments
25 Feel depressed? Come to earth (9) TOUCHDOWN {TOUCH}{DOWN}
26 Vagrant mixing essence of lemon in gin (5) TRAMP {TRA{leMon}P}
27 Studio settled dues for strips (7) DENUDES {DEN}{DUES*}
28 As may be seen regularly, Indian cars go up in smoke (7) ARSENIC {SeEn+I+CARS}*

1   Usual encouragement gets man to forget exhaustion primarily (6) C?M?O? (Addendum - COMMON {COM(-e+m)M ON} - See comments)
2   Provide room and protective garment for player (3,3) ARM PAD {ARM}{PAD}
3   Toady spoils fight, Spooner says (10) BOOTLICKER (loot bicker to bootlicker)
4   Ladies' man comes after Quebec, NATO revealed (5) ROMEO {...Quebec, Romeo...)
5   Worried about going into land in skirt (3,6) GET AROUND {G{ATE<=}ROUND} 
6   A female forgot expedition gear (4) SARI SafARI
7   One bear fights with a creature that lives without oxygen (8) ANAEROBE {ONE+BEAR+A}*
8   Position announced after exercise causes strain (8) PEDIGREE {(~degree)DIGREE}<=>{PE}
13 Ties of old opposite numbers (10) STALEMATES {STALE}{MATES}
15 World-shattering doctors acquiring English books by American! (9) MOMENTOUS {MO}{M{E}{NT}O}{US}
16 Out-of-the-way ladies to go berserk (7) ISOLATED*
17 I run for gin of poor quality (4,4) BLUE RUIN {I+RUN}* [RA]
19 Item held by moneylender's wife in fashionable container (2,4) IN PAWN {IN}{PA{W}N}
20 Setter's work with insolvable clue, primarily thoughtless (6) MYOPIC {MY}{OP}{In...e}{Clue}
23 Shrub from old Madras central (5) HENNA cHENNAi 
24 Peel off outhouse (4) SHED [DD]

Reference List
Doctor = MB, Engineer = E, Long = L, Indian = I, Man = M, Female = F, Exercise = PE, Doctor = MO, English = E, Books = NT(New Testament), Wife = W

Sunday 28 July 2024

Special, Sunday 28 Jul 2024, Veeyares

Three answers per commenter till 6 PM (Annotations compulsory) 
Please submit all your answers in one comment.  



The Sunday Crossword No 3317, Sunday 28 Jul 2024

1   Bit of beer and a nut (4) HEAD [DD]
3   They mean the same thing (5,5) DITTO MARKS [CD]
9   In the lecture hall, study example of pond flora (4) REED (~read)
10 Cambodias king overtly to embrace act of invitation (6,4) ASKING OVER {T]
11 Old pile in a state: bingo! (7,5) COUNTRY HOUSE {COUNTRY}{HOUSE}
15 Excerpt of text remembered in the end (7) EXTREME [T]
16 Basis of a speech? (7) SOAPBOX [CD]
17 Briefly make the case for mullet? That’s mean (7) SELFISH {SELl}{FISH}
19 Heath promises to be monotonous (7) TEDIOUS {TED}{IOUS}
20 Mothers involved with suave bewhiskered type (7,5) HARVEST MOUSE {MOTHERS+SUAVE}*
23 Two airlines with grand facility for customers (7,3) CARRIER BAG {CARRIER}{BA}{G}
24 Everyman, I appreciate that, is given to self-reflection (4) META {ME}{TA}
25 Being sociable with group of journalists where music is made (6,4) MIXING DESK {MIXING}{DESK}
26 Primarily, hoopla yielding phoney enthusiasm? (4) HYPE Acrostic &lit

1   Bad luck that’s likely to grate? (4,6) HARD CHEESE [C&DD]
2   Commercial to liken Luxembourg to last thing in luxurywell enough! (10)  ADEQUATELY {AD}{EQUATE}{L}{l...rY}
4   Splashy, tinselly, less large: so trendy (2,5) IN STYLE TINSElLY*
5   Adapts Swift etc for the audience (7) TAILORS (~taylors)
6   The writer, funny character, to cover dirty old men in intros: great note! (11) MEGASTARDOM {ME}{GAS}{TAR{Di..y}{Old}{Man}
7   Positive review of DJ’s gig (4) RAVE [DD]
8   Lover-boy rises, inflamed? (4) SORE<=
12 Partitioned carelessly, leading to apprehension (11) TREPIDATION*
13 Yes, you: all bets are off (10) ABSOLUTELY*
14 Old flame, slippery sort, heading off to scold and enrage (10) EXASPERATE {EX}{ASP}{bERATE}
18 Performed a chore, removing duck that’s lingered awkwardly (7) HOVERED HOoVERED
19 In France, you run over small Italians (7) TUSCANS {TU}{SCAN}{S}
21 Flipping computers making a racket (4) SCAM<=
22 Wine before kiss, that’s the heart of it (4) CRUX {CRU}{X}

Reference List
Commercial = AD, Large = L, Old flame = EX, You in French = TU, Small = S, Kiss = X

Saturday 27 July 2024

No 14238, Saturday 27 Jul 2024, Gussalufz

1   Luv it! Am incessantly stashing health supplement (7,1) VITAMIN C [T]
6   Fixed typo besetting each table (6) TEAPOY {T{EA}POY*}
9   One can root (4) ALOO {A}{LOO}
10 One thousand die after hunger, with closures in Chicago stadium cooking area (10) KITCHENDOM {K}{ITCH}{DO}{c...gO}{s...uM} (Correction - {K}{ITCH}{END}{c...gO}{s...uM} - See comments)
11 Mercury possibly contains nitrogen? That's bonkers! (6) MENTAL {ME{N}TAL}
12 Bishop left wearing cross, sister is angry (8) BRISTLES {B}{RIST{L}ES*}
13 Boy! Start fires in empty godowns and plant diseases? (10) BLIGHTINGS {B}{LIGHT}{IN}{Go...nS}
15 Tough, but not over rough and tough (4) THUG {ToUGH}*
17 Architect's note (4) CHIT [T]
18 Running short race? Sprint, chasing time record (10) TRANSCRIPT {RACe+SPRINT}*<=>{T}
20 Regularly recurring acid dreams, weed, no electronic communications (3,5) NEW MEDIA {AcId+DrEaMs+WeEd+No}<=
22 Surprising raid, no? (6) INROAD* &lit
24 Spots in secret FL resort (10) FERNTICLES*
26 With last of cash gone, credit used for vehicle (4) TANK ThANK
27 The sly, depraved radicals (6) ETHYLS*
28 Caught wild bus ride along the edge of a street in LA (8) CURBSIDE {C}{BUS+RIDE}*

2   Will he? (Although not all there, and suffering) (3,6) ILL HEALTH [T]
3   Back around noon: naked cooking! (5) AFOOT {AF{nOOn}T}
4   Point-blank shot strikes frying pan part of a psychological test? (7) INK BLOT  {pOINT+BLanK}*

5   Result when one's put on tan foundation at night? (3) COT Anno pending
6   The ghost is less frequently seen in these regions (7) TEHSILS {ThE+gHoSt+Is+LeSs}
7   One commenting on art a ton, affectedly (9) ANNOTATOR*
8   Gas with tiny mass, abbreviated: I (5) OZONE {OZ}{ONE}
12 Headgear from Punjab, and an amulet (7) BANDANA [T]
14 Crooked agent pockets second case of every show's earnings (4-5) GATE-MONEY {GATE{MO}N*}{EverY}
16 Haphazard international body criticised over Israel, finally (9) UNPLANNED {UN}{P{i...eL}ANNED}
18 Distributed freely after deleting appallingly rude pieces (7) TIDBITS  DISTrIBuTed*
19 Clip of space habitat welcomed by music after docking (7) SCISSOR {SC{ISS}ORe}
21 Release electron stream (around speed of light) (5) EJECT {E}{JE{C}T}
23 Amidst brawls, one retreats to get food items (5) ROTIS R(-1)+OT(+1)IS
25 Some revolting chemicals in insect secretion (3) LAC [T<=]

Reference List
Each = EA, Can = LOO, One thousand = K, Bishop = B, Left = L, Boy = B, Over = O, Time = T, Caught = C, Second = MO, Electron = E, Speed of light = C

Friday 26 July 2024

No 14237, Friday 26 Jul 2024, Avtaar

All those who are not regular commenters but who are rookie commenters or silent followers of the blog are requested to post answers with annotations in the comments section. In your own interest please avoid looking up the answers from the interactive version. Don't hesitate to post your annotations, in case you make a mistake in the annotation someone will correct it with the right annotation.


Each commenter is requested to post only 5 answers thereby giving others also a chance to participate. Please provide all your answers in one comment.

Regular solvers/Veterans can post 1 answer each, but after 11 AM only.

Thanks for the response, here's the regular blog.

1   Fancy vehicle studded with diamonds to welcome prince (7) CAPRICE {CA{P}R}{ICE}
5   Conference of banks in Seattle Tower (7) SEMINAR {Se...lE}{MINAR}
10 Worry about featuring in British daily (4) FRET {F{RE}T}
11 Pirate spoils pauper, according to Spooner (10) BOOTLEGGER (loot beggar to bootlegger)
12 Vegetables in skimmed curd fed to deities (6) GOURDS {GO{cURd}DS}
13 Perhaps, Avtaar can mean 'Reincarnated'? (8) NICKNAME {NICK}{MEAN*} 
14 Doctor is late - heard you are heading out, having nothing to do (2,7) AT LEISURE {IS+LATE}*{(~you)U}{aRE}
16 Bar acquired by chief in expanding East Tamil Nadu town (5) ERODE {Ex...g}{ROD}{E}
17 Completely pointless, insincere greeting (5) HALLO sHALLOw
19 Couple rents jewellery (9) BRACELETS {BRACE}{LETS}
23 Case of lieutenant avoiding casual relaxation leading to lack of appetite (8) ANOREXIA RElAXAtION*
24 A sign describing Presidential couple, pointing to Middle Eastern City (6) ALEPPO {A}{LE{PP}O}
26 4th of April - soldiers taking part in professional test (10) EXPERIMENT {EXPER{aprIl}{MEN}T}
27 They are charged by current applied to terminal in series (4) IONS {I}{ON}{s...eS}
28 Poem about climax of journey by ship, ending in victory (7) ODYSSEY {OD{j...eY}E}{SS}{v...rY} &lit
29 Intricate paperwork? (7) ORIGAMI [CD]

2   Where one lands in state carriage (7) AIRPORT {AIR}{PORT}
3   It goes round and round, to and fro, from Cairo to Rabat (5) ROTOR [T]
4   Group of artists start to sculpt, slicing copper fragments (7) CUBISTS {CU}{BI{Sc...t}TS}
6   Base of fineclean, scrubbed cover with a mesh (6) ENLACE* {finE+CLEAN}*
7   Cool blue-green aluminium, basically (2,7) IN GENERAL {IN}{GREEN*}{AL}
8   Won over by a journalist, judge cancelled a bequest (7) ADEEMED {A}{DEEM}{ED}
9   The Reverend released pressure on crooked realtoreventually (6,2,5) SOONER OR LATER {SpOONER}{REALTOR*}
15 Suppliers of big shots? (9) ENLARGERS [CD]
18 A note with demand covering location of treasure is seized (7) ANNEXED {A}{N}{NE{X}ED}
20 Piano removed from stage, replaced by nationalist who recites in a singing manner (7) CHANTER CHA(-p+n)NTER
21 Maybe Egyptian mummyno potentate holds up ? (7) TOPONYM [T<=] Definition by example
22 Old cloak inset with unknown animal's skin (6) OXHIDE {O}{HIDE} over {X}
25 Drug lord is managing with difficulty (5) EKING {E}{KING}

Reference List
Diamonds = ICE, Prince = P, About = RE, British daily = FT(Financial Times), President = P, Ship = SS, Journalist = ED, Pressure = P, Note = N, Location of treasure = X, Piano = P, Nationalist = N, Old = O, Unknown = X, Drug = E

Thursday 25 July 2024

No 14236, Thursday 25 Jul 2024, Bruno

Solution to 3D has been deliberately left unsolved and is to be answered only by a non-regular / novice commenter, with proper annotation. Those who have answered earlier in the week, please give others a chance.

Open for anyone to answer, if not solved by 1 PM.

1   Snoring in the middle of stripped down popular English crossword, perhaps? (6) PUZZLE {poPU{ZZ}Lar}{E}
4   Computer from American city functions essentially when dropped in soda (6) LAPTOP {LA}{P{f..cTi..s}OP}
9   Harvest of farmer ultimately stolen by policeman (4) CROP {C{f...eR}OP}
10 Queen in USA too surprised with last president's references (10) QUOTATIONS {Q}{IN+USA+TOO+p...nT}*
11 Make another effort to communicate with Harry, finally getting involved in Peter's problem (6) RETYPE {RET{h...rY}PE*}
12 Lost time in part of book on escort (8) CHAPERON {CHAPtER}{ON} 
13 Dead Queen on last parade with King, perhaps? (6,3) NUMBER ONE {NUMB}{ER}{ON}{p...dE}
15 Change - remove last letter and last word (4) AMEN AMENd
16 No flattery repulsed King (4) LION {N}{OIL}<=
17 Classless society and music with no beats? Married man's into it! (9) COMMUNISM {MUSIC+NO}* over {M}{M}
21 Electronic system's temporary - company needs to replace one (8) INTERCOM INTER(-1+co)COM
22 It might keep one warm - a frog perhaps? (6) JUMPER [DD]
24 Avoided collisions close to girls (4,6) NEAR MISSES {NEAR}{MISSES}
25 Black finger's tip chopped off (4) INKY pINKY
26 Toe's wounded at one end - work extremely likely to be held back (6) DACTYL {w...eD}{ACT}{Li..lY<=}
27 Some boys terrorise animal (6) OYSTER [T]

1   One recently became rich - built unapproved pod outside (7) PARVENU UNAPpRoVEd*
2   Lively and fast - gets last batsman out for zero (5) ZIPPY (-n+z)ZIPPY
3   One in Barcelona that visits Louvre often for a drink (7) L?Q?E?R (Addendum - LIQUEUR - {1}{QUE} in {LoUvRe} - See comments)
5   One form of a tax - a revenue, mainly (6) AVATAR {A}{VAT}{A}{Re...e}
6   Family of bears in Montana migrating (9) TRIBESMAN {BEARS+IN+MT}*
7   Water transport leaving river quickly - reaching edges of ocean (7) PONTOON {PrONTO}{OceaN}
8   Iconoclast fits norm? Mainly conservative? No, no! Eccentric! (13) NONCONFORMIST {FITS+NORM+Co...e+NO+NO}*
14 Refer to mob uprising around Iran's and Russia's capitals at different points to get facial recognition measurement? (9) BIOMETRIC {CI{Ru...n}TE}{MO{Iran}B}<=
16 Oil producer's products leach ecstasy on river when going upstream (7) LINSEED {LINeS}{DEE<=}
18 King may suppress joke (7) MAJESTY {MA{JEST}Y}
19 Orator's point gets limitless press coverage, when brought up (7) SPEAKER {PEAK} in {pRESs<=}
20 Keenness of upper classes to live in London, for example (6) ACUITY {U} in {A CITY}
23 Wet duck seen in fog (5) MOIST {M{O}IST}

Reference List
English = E, Soda = POP, Queen = Q, Time = T, Queen = ER, No = N, Married = M, Man = M, Company = CO, Zero = Z, That in Spanish = QUE, River = R, Ecstasy = E, Upper classes = U

Wednesday 24 July 2024

No 14235, Wednesday 24 Jul 2024, Hypatia

Solution to 8A has been deliberately left unsolved and is to be answered only by a non-regular / novice commenter, with proper annotation. Those who have answered earlier in the week, please give others a chance.

Open for anyone to answer, if not solved by 1 PM.

8   Discovering love, jail criminal's happy (6) ?O?I?L (Addendum - JOVIAL {lOVe+JAIL}* - See comments)
9   Money, government pockets for every training (8) TEACHING {T{EACH}IN}{G}
10 Ripest expert on a topic (4,6) HIGH PRIEST {RIPEST}* [RA]
11 Regularly sent letters back from Kirkuk to West Asian (4) TURK {KiRkUk+To}<=
12 Reverend's mature subject for therapy sessions (3,5) MUD BATHS (bud maths to mud baths) Mature or Immature?
14 Rarely do bonds held return zero (6) NOBODY [T<=]
15 Snake's nasty and angry, on reflection (7) MEANDER {MEAN}{RED<=}
17 Natural firm's about to import fresh grain (7) ORGANIC {CO<=} over {GRAIN}*
20 Everyone secured work around old space mission (6) APOLLO {A{OP<=}LL}{O}
22 Former president mostly modified press (8) EXPEDITE {EX}{P}{EDITEd}
24 Poet starts to blog about rhymes daily (4) BARD Acrostic
25 Stress from a late teen, for one? (10) UNDERSCORE {UNDER SCORE}
27 Pest recognized smells in the air (8) NUISANCE (~knew sense)
28 Republican left bruised and frightened (6) SCARED SCArRED

1   Very drunk, impolite leader driven out in loneliness (8) SOLITUDE {SO}{LIT}{rUDE}
2   Affluent royal is crowned here, basically (4) RICH Acrostic
3   Real nervous in court, becoming red (6) CLARET {C{REALE}T}
4   He doesn't believe in hate it's spreading (7) ATHEIST*
5   One joins players quicker outside (8) FASTENER {FAST{E}{N}ER}
6   Engineer bored with a discussion panel? (10) WHITEBOARD*
7   After sabbath, neither partner exercised on vacation and slept soundly (6) SNORED {S}{NOR}{Ex...eD}
13 Country boy and girl cycling crash ahead (10) BANGLADESH {LAD}{(+e)ESH(-e)}<=>{BANG}
16 Articulate look into Queen changing with time (8) ELOQUENT {E{LO}QUEN*}{T}
18 Trainee essentially gets web connection (8) INTERNET {INTERN}{gETs}
19 Most redundant parts of a compass (7) NEEDLES NEEDLESs
21 Say dog eating a posh snack (6) PEANUT {PE{AN}{U}T}
23 Study each consumption (6) PERUSE {PER}{USE}
26 Mogul seen periodically in Jacob Zuma's army (4) CZAR {jaCob+ZumAs+aRmy}

Reference List
Money = TIN, Government = G, Work = OP, Old = O, President = P, Republican = R, Drunk = LIT, Court = CT, Players = E,N, Sabbath = S, Time = T, Posh = U

Tuesday 23 July 2024

No 14234, Tuesday 23 Jul 2024, Hypatia

Solution to 14A has been deliberately left unsolved and is to be answered only by a non-regular / novice commenter, with proper annotation. Those who have answered earlier in the week, please give others a chance.

Open for anyone to answer, if not solved by 1 PM.

1   Entertainers in company with Karaoke accessories (6) COMICS {CO}{MICS}
4   Like hot brown girl on a yoga course (8) ASHTANGA {AS}{H}{TAN}{G}{A}
9   One taking interest in setting benchmark? Not essentially (6) BANKER BENchmARK*
10 Characters in print and embossing are together (2,6) IN TANDEM [T]
11 Knew bear can make fresh trail (5,3,6) BREAK NEW GROUND {KNEW+BEAR}* [RA]
13 Prank involving pet is funny and clean (10) ANTISEPTIC {ANT{PET+IS}*IC}
14 Go around strikes (4) ?T?B (Addendum - STAB<= - See comments)
16 Steps leading down in Ganges had a temple originally (4) GHAT Acrostic Semi&lit
18 Implied by mistake - sure, not odd! (10) UNDERSTOOD*
21 Like award inspiring mostly ailing scientist (14) ASTROPHYSICIST {AS TROPHY IS} over{SICk}  T from? Clue corrected see comments
21 Like award first inspiring mostly ailing scientist (14) ASTROPHYSICIST {AS}{TROPHY}{1ST} over{SICk
23 Accepted timeless custom to welcome friend in an Emirate (3,5) ABU DHABI {A}{HABIt} over {BUD}
24 Shrug in dance (6) BOLERO [DD]
25 Abandoned old dear with nothing in place of great wealth (2,6) EL DORADO {OLD+DEAR}*{0}
26 Current issue (6) STREAM [DD}

1   Copper's to remain solid (4) CUBE {CU}{BE}
2   Shelter animals raised inside tower (7) MINARET [T<=]
3   Gap behind say, Spooner leading in church (8) CREVASSE {ASS}<=>{REV} in {CE}
5   Lyricists are bad viewers, per Spooner (11) SONGWRITERS (~wrong sighters to songwriters)
6   Spin around each beverage holder (3,3) TEA URN {T{EA}URN}
7   Working out with Bond? Certainly! (2,5) NO DOUBT {OUT+BOND}*
8   Criminal had me confined in a dreadful place (9) AHMEDABAD {HAD+ME}*{A}{BAD}
12 Check Biden getting confused with Putin and Harris, initially (3,2,3,3) NIP IN THE BUD {BIDEN+PUTIN+Ha...s}*
13 Government dividing city's tax revenue ultimately to annoy (9) AGGRAVATE {AG{G}RA}{VAT}{r...nE}
15 Push toy roughly around little child to intimidate (5,3) PSYCH OUT {PUSH+TOY}* over {Ch..d}
17 Bowl over areas to understand limits (7) ASTOUND [T]
19 Crude mobs essentially perceived as noisy (7) OBSCENE {mOBs}{(~seen)SCENE}
20 Royal abandons sibling in trouble (6) BOTHER BrOTHER
22 Despicable creature of either gender (4) WORM [DD] (Correction {W OR M} - See comments)

Reference List
Company = CO, Hot = H, Girl = G, Time = T, Church = CE, Each = EA, Government = G, Royal = R

Monday 22 July 2024

No 14233, Monday 22 Jul 2024, Dr. X

Solution to 26A has been deliberately left unsolved and is to be answered only by a non-regular / novice commenter, with proper annotation. Those who have answered earlier in the week, please give others a chance.

Open for anyone to answer, if not solved by 1 PM.

1   Royal Air Force in undercover operation doing this? (8) STRAFING {ST{RAF}ING} Semi&lit
5   Ethnic people from Vanuatu are graceful (6) TUAREG [T]
10 Live long and securely in capital city (7) BELFAST {BE}{L}{FAST}
11 Wary of a dog - run frantically (2,5) ON GUARD*
12 Fish is orca, moving closer to beach (5) ROACH {ORCA*}{b..cH}
13 Old president in charge rejected act intentionally (2,7) ON PURPOSE {O}{RU{P}N<=}{POSE}
14 Crazy incident involving associate turning blue on a drug (3,2,1,6) MAD AS A HATTER {M{A}{SAD<=}{A}{H}ATTER}
18 Oh my God! Hound twisting to bound over cougar is astonishing (4,8) GOOD GRACIOUS {DO{O}G<=}{COUGAR+IS}*
21 German diet's heavy, having ultimately terrible gas with bit of tummy upset (9) REICHSTAG {R{t...lE}ICH}{GAS+Tu..y}*
23 Forget about divorce essentially and relax (5) LOOSE {LO{divOrce}SE}
24 Sheltered part with cover over spot around back of cottage (3,4) LEE SIDE {L{SEE<=}ID}{c...gE}
25 Shocking deceit with bit of arsenic in cold drink (4,3) ICED TEA {DECEIT+Ar...c}*
26 Investigates charges involving top star's son (6) S?S?E? (Addendum - SUSSES {SU{St..s}{S}ES} - See comments)
27 Husband overwhelmed by cocaine and drink becomes tearful (6,2) CHOKES UP {C{H}OKE}{SUP}

1   Star conceals rifle, about to give bribe (6) SUBORN {SU{ROB<=}N}
2   Wild leopard killing prince! Put more bullets in gun (6) RELOAD LEOpARD*
3   Force hit outlaw with good stun grenade (9) FLASHBANG {F}{LASH}{BAN}{G}
4   Start to trek in Montana, inhale fresh country air (8,6) NATIONAL ANTHEM {Trek} in {MONTANA+INHALE}*
6   One who encourages boy avoiding fast food item (5) URGER bURGER
7   Chooses again to study and tops easily (8) READOPTS {READ}{TOPS*}
8   Wander, say, all round to inspect collection of devices (8) GADGETRY {GAD}{EG}{TRY} 
9 &15 Insane reason for halting card game (3,7,4,1,4,4) NOT PLAYING WITH A FULL DECK [C&DD]
15 See 9
16 Sell grog, nuts and deep-fried snacks (3,5) EGG ROLLS*
17 Manages to drink peg, initially stumbles in state of stupefaction (8) DOPINESS {DO{PIN}ES}{St...s}
19 Sex, essentially uninhibited, breaking bed - extremely uproarious (6) COITUS {CO{u...hIb...d}{Up...uS}
20 Escape from eastern Cuba, breaking barrier quietly (6) DECAMP {D{E}{C}AM}{P}
22 Old lift in Idaho is enormous (5) HOISE [T]

Reference List
Long = L, Old = O, President = P, Associate = A, Drug = H, Over = O, Son = S, Husband = H, Cocaine = COKE, Prince = P, Force = F, Good = G, Boy = B, Wander = GAD, Eastern = E, Cuba = C, Quietly = P

Sunday 21 July 2024

Special, Sunday 21 Jul 2024, Ghaza


Artwork by Prasanna


Rangoli by Gowri

Three answers per commenter till 6 PM (Annotations compulsory) 
Please submit all your answers in one comment.  


Starred clues are part of a theme, they do not have a definition.

After filling the grid, solvers may fill-in-the-blanks. Each blank can be filled with a clue number, e.g. 2A or 10D.


The Sunday Crossword No 3316, Sunday 21 Jul 204

1   Pauses in Hamlet upsetting (3-3) LET-UPS [T] 
4   As these words are like most poetry (8) STRESSED Definition by example
9   Perhaps Sturgeon’s gone east for pescatarian option (4,5) FISH PASTE {FISH}{PAST}{E}
11 Stray found in mountains (5) RANGE [DD]
12 Follow edges of footprint? (5) TRACE [DD]
14 Lowers trousers, having consumed liquor: high-risk actions (4,5) MOON SHOTS {MOON{SHOT}S}
15 Critical memos rewritten; they only cover small areas (13) MICROCLIMATES*
18 Greatly enjoy percussion overwhelming Sweden’s rowdy music (8,5) DRINKING SONGS {DRINK IN}{G{S}ONGS}
20 At home with insignificant type, idiot, nothing, no-name (9) INCOGNITO {IN}{COG}{NIT}{O}
22 Send out one’s children (5) ISSUE [DD]
23 Cut – or pure, you say? (5) SHEAR (~sheer)
24 Stalls accommodating greedy-guts, prickly types (9) HEDGEHOGS {HEDGE{HOG}S}
26 Aversion: staidest upset (8) DISTASTE*
27 Guides some of gnus herself (6) USHERS [T]

1   One magazine, then another: you’re here for it all! (8) LIFETIME {LIFE}{TIME}
2   Its decrepit? (3) TIS*
3   Red / green / yellow ingredient topping Italy’s pizza’s … topping! (9) PEPPERONI {PEPPER}{ON}{I}
5   Article on public land leading to Parky’s indisposition (3,6,4) THE COMMON COLD {THE}{COMMON}{COLD}
6   Casts Cockney as gentry (5) EARLS (~'urls}
7   Young man with gloom lifting snogs wildly in erotic verse (4,2,5) SONG OF SONGS {SON}{FOG<=}{SNOGS*}
8   Primarily, decidedly ritzy / elegantly styled – suit yourself! (6) DRESSY Acrostic &lit
10 Film rebooted: I Took The Limes (4,4,2,3) SOME LIKE IT HOT*
13 Fancy lady revamping sad churches (11) ARCHDUCHESS*
16 Delicious quality: after time, wine going to head (9) TASTINESS {T}{ASTI}{NESS}
17 Rates fools, storing jam with no lid (8) ASSESSES {ASS{mESS}ES}
19 Passed over – lamented (6) MISSED [DD]
21 Creep up on a policeman in Limerick (5) GARDA {DRAG<=}{A}
25 Everyman? Joke (3) ONE [DD]

Reference List
Sweden = S, Italy = I, Time = T, Head = NESS

Saturday 20 July 2024

No 14232, Saturday 20 Jul 2024, Dr. X

1   One attending courses is changing career to secure work (8) RACEGOER {RACE{GO}ER*}
5   Long for right look to entice (6) APPEAL APPEA(-r+l)L
10 Leads to development of Mensa (5) MEANS*
11 Tesla creates a revolutionary station wagon (6,3) ESTATE CAR {T+CREATES+A}*
12 Tense singer cut by star's criticism (7-2) TALKING-TO {T}{AL{KING}TO}
13 Column on celebrity hosting present occasion (5) NONCE [T]
14 Grass is strong! Relief to release worries essentially (6) FESCUE {F}{rESCUE}
15 Starts to eat uncooked rice, gets loose motion (7) GESTURE {Eat+Un...d+Rice+GETS}*
18 Rodent turned alert, avoiding a snake (7) RATTLER {RAT}{aLERT*}
20 Excellent and elegant, guiding ball close to hole (6) CHOICE {CH{O}IC}{holE}
22 It's used for cleaning bachelor pad (5) BROOM {B}{ROOM}
24 Italian cake in container - crust of excellent quality (9) PANETTONE {PAN}{Ex...nT}{TONE}
25 Accepted endless distress in terrible old form of torture (9) BASTINADO {B{pASTINg}AD}{O} (Correction - {A}{STINg} in {BAD}{O} - See comments)
26 Separate from boy lacking concern (5) OTHER bOTHER
27 Showy displays in club inside old retreat (6) ECLATS {STAL{C}E<=}
28 Decided to take a little rest? Professor talked monotonously (6,2) DRONED ON {D{Rest}ONE}{DON}

1   Distant voyage to Mercury conducted, revolutionary (6) REMOTE [T<=]
2   Most creepy and brutal perjuries in court (9) CRAWLIEST {C{RAW}{LIES}T}
3   One writing about famous people's quirky compulsions in essence (6,9) GOSSIP COLUMNIST {G{COMPULSIONS*}IST}
4   Starts to eloquently praise fancy green centrepiece for table (7) EPERGNE {El...y}{Pr...e}{GREEN*}
6   Take a firm decision and stop being chaser in one-legged tag (3,4,4,4) PUT ONES FOOT DOWN [DD]
7   Former prisoner is caught, nailed by segment of DNA (2-3) EX-CON {EX{C}ON}
8   Thief in new reel, slyly stealing fancy car (8) LARCENER {N+REEL}* over {CAR}*
9   Powerful number captivating teenybopper on vacation (6) STRONG {S{Te...eR}ONG}
16 He couldn't swim naked (9) UNCLOTHED*
17 Inquiry about lab blowing up is expected (8) PROBABLE {PROB{LAB*}E}
19 Rematch with athlete essentially chasing record-breaking streak (6) REPLAY {athLete}<=>{EP} in {RAY}
20 Woo endlessly, entertaining with sincerity (7) CANDOUR {C{AND}OURt}
21 Bird over top of building in city of Palestine (6) HEBRON {HE{Bu...g}RON}
23 Bird in Seoul, exotic (5) OUSEL*

Reference List
Long = L, Right = R, Tesla  T< Tense = T, Singer = ALTO, Strong = F, Bachelor = B, Old = O, Boy = B, Club = C, Court = CT, Caught = C, New = N, Record = EP(Extended Ply)