Sunday 31 March 2024

Special, Sunday 31 Mar 2024, Ghaza

Three answers per commenter till 6 PM (Annotations compulsory) 
Please submit all your answers in one comment.  


Starred clues have a common theme and may not have a definition.


The Sunday Crossword No 3300, Sunday 31 Mar 2024

1   Stuttering, so we mangled these? (6,8) TONGUE TWISTERS* Semi&lit
8   Footwear from scaly reptile (4) CROC [DD]
9   The Spanish tucked into chocolate snack before tango with songwriter (6,4) LIONEL BART {LION{EL}BAR}T}
10 Sixth to recognise fool's gold, somewhere in the Bahamas (6) NASSAU {r...gNi.e}{ASS}{AU}
11 Malicious, up itself play (8) SPITEFUL*
12 Theatrical farce no one gets rid of (though second character cut) (6,3) NOISES OFF {NO}{1}{SeES OFF}
14 In announcement, name location on the web (4) SITE (~cite)
15 Fry – and damage (4) CHIP [DD]
16 Humiliated Head of Communications was anxious (9) CHASTENED {Co...s}{HASTENED}
20 Advise against ructions (in part) (8) INSTRUCT [T]
21 Some out-drank a rake in Turkish city (6) ANKARA [T]
23 Playwright's retrospective to depict old, cold Spanish kingdom (4,6) NOEL COWARD {DRAW}{O}{C}{LEON}<=
24 A wading bird in a bar (4) RAIL [DD]
25 Cut-off trousers and vest are, surprisingly, items of great value (8,6) TREASURE TROVES {TROUSERs+VEST+ARE}*

1   What's travelled quickly, leading to stir? (7) TORNADO {TORN}{ADO} Semi&lit
2   Thieves in prisons (5) NICKS [DD]
3   Marks given to Mötley Crüe? (7) UMLAUTS Definition by example
4   Equipment swap? Quite the reverse! (5,2,3,5) TOOLS OF THE TRADE (Reverse of TRADE OF THE TOOLS)
5   Everyman increasingly intoxicated, overheard in warmer part of Europe (6) IBERIA {I}{~beerier)BERIA}
6   Bill reduced slightly, Morse's colleague (Geordie) wanting cheapest plonk (5,4) TABLE WINE {TAB}{LEWIs}{NE}
7   Find new direction for overture, not very flowing (2-5) RE-ROUTE OvERTURE*
13 Still, I can dance a little (9) SCINTILLA*
15 Honesty also seen in court? Not quite (7) CANDOUR {C{AND}OURt}
17 Smear last bit of oil into power tool (7) SLANDER {S{oiL}ANDER}
18 Secretly listens in on (bugs) (7) EARWIGS [DD]
19 Both sides of Atlantic flipping over party puzzle (6) SUDOKU {UK}{US}<= over {DO}
22 Kinaesthetically immaculate Russians' orchestrated variations, primarily? (5) KIROV Acrostic &lit

Reference List
The in Spanish = EL, Tango = T, Old = O, Cold = C, Very = V, Party = DO

Saturday 30 March 2024

No 14136, Saturday 30 Mar 2024, Gussalufz

1   Video conference or phone displaying a cat or dog's rendering? (8) ZOOMORPH {ZOOM}{OR}{PH}
6   Angel, he's back penning hip-hop! (6) SERAPH {HES<=} over {RAP}
9   To an extent, get along with others (2,2) ET AL [T]
10 Beverage in bar with name and class (10) BUTTERMILK {BUT}{TERM}{ILK}
11 Baby, it's irrational with ultimately increasing rent (6) PIGLET {PI}{i...nG}{LET}
12 Opportunities for extra tips at bar, after evicting a rowdy (3,5) BIT PARTS {TIPS+AT+BaR}*
13 Husband in spicy frolicking with partner, involving body (10) PHYSICALLY {P{H}YSIC*}{ALLY}
15 Supported by voucher company's left (4) UPON coUPON
17 Bag "Best Music," ignoring the odds (4) ETUI {bEsT+mUsIc}
18 Perhaps bike to where we played around back in school? (3-7) TWO-WHEELER {TO+WHERE+WE}* over {s...oL}
20 Flutter while flying north, for a change in direction (4,4)  LEFT TURN {FLUTTER}*{N}
22 Groups of molluscs preferring America to India (6) SQUADS SQU(-i+a)ADS
24 Setter and date in close scare (10) INTIMIDATE {INTIM{I}{D}ATE}
26 Fly's bite repelled (4) GNAT<=
27 Extremely sweet insect chutney (6) NICEST*
28 Head of state quietly eliminated citizen (8) RESIDENT pRESIDENT

2   Show me everything post-intro, you idiot box (3,4,2) OUT WITH IT {yOU}{TWIT}{HIT}
3   Zero Lactobacillus acidophilus initially found in milk oddly containing 58.44 grams salt per kilogram, say (5) MOLAL {0}{La,,,s}{Ac...s} in {MiLk}
4   Stiff resistance to biosynthesised cocaine (7) ROBOTIC {R}{TO+BIO}*{C}
5   Alluring party-thrower kills guests at the end (3) HOT HOsT
6   Small-time criminal finally caught by exhausted security using charm (7) SWEETLY {WEE}{T}{c...aL} in {Se...tY}
7   Gauge again malfunctioning? A mere surge?? No good! (9) REMEASURE {A+MERE+SURgE}*
8   TV show episode storyline captivates one (5) PILOT {P{1}LOT}
12 Bear eating a bit of lunch with honey, essentially to become bigger (7) BALLOON {BA{Lu..h}LOO}{hoNey}
14 Isn't Kali bubbling with energy and angelic! (9) SAINTLIKE {ISNT+KALI}*{E}
16 Indian spies probing vendor unfortunately in trouble with the bank (9) OVERDRAWN {OVERD{RAW}N*}
18 "Also, hand joint," said tripping person (7) TOURIST (~too wrist)
19 Winslet so humbly rejected guards, accommodations (7) HOSTELS [T<=]
21 Low interest EMI's terms ensnare poor nun (5) ENNUI {Em{NUN*}I}
23 After taking top off, cleaned and pressed (5) URGED pURGED
25 State-owned radio broadcast (3) AIR [DD]

Reference List
Phone = PH, Irrational = PI, Husband = H, Company = CO, North = N, America = A, India = I, Date = D, Quietly = P, Resistance = R, Cocaine = C, Time = T, Good = G, Bear = BALOO, Energy = E

Friday 29 March 2024

No 14135, Friday 29 Mar 2024, Avtaar

All those who are not regular commenters but who are rookie commenters or silent followers of the blog are requested to post answers with annotations in the comments section. In your own interest please avoid looking up the answers from the interactive version. Don't hesitate to post your annotations, in case you make a mistake in the annotation someone will correct it with the right annotation.


Each commenter is requested to post only 5 answers thereby giving others also a chance to participate. Please provide all your answers in one comment.

Regular solvers/Veterans can post 1 answer each, but after 11 AM only.

Thanks for the response, here's the regular blog.

1   Launch of trek - two years across Indian desert that is extremely oppressive (7) TYRANNY {Trek}{Y}{RANN}{Y}
5   Stoned master's locked up in tent (7) SMASHED {S{MAS}HED}
10 Retrograde act of Board (4) FOOD {DO}{OF}<=
11 Old British dailies covering case of extortion frequently (10) OFTENTIMES {O}{FT}{Ex...oN}{TIMES}
12 Stopped by firm, Unionist gets nothing free (6) UNCOIL {U}{N{CO}IL}
13 Keeps out previous suggestions about introduction of democracy (8) EXCLUDES {EX}{CLU{De...y}ES}
14 Prolixity in obitsVery inappropriate! (9) VERBOSITY*
16 Surveys to cut upper-class taxes (5) SCOTS SCOuTS 
17 Guerrilla tactics to hold back any which way (2,3) AT ALL [T<=]
19 Pitch in exact point about things to be accomplished (2-2,5) TO-DO LISTS {LIST} in {SO DOT}<= 
23 Special, large power supply circuits organised to reverse traffic jams (5-3) SNARL-UPS {S}{L}{UPS} over {RAN<=}
24 Banks in control and constantly perceptive (6) CLEVER {Co,,,oL}{EVER}
26 Clear description of Company chairperson's position, perhaps? (5-5) ABOVE-BOARD [DD]
27 Opening in starboard on Hector's barge (4) SCOW {St...d}{COW}
28 Infamous despot, provided refuge by Omani maidis making a comeback (3,4) IDI AMIN [T<=]
29 Slander, according to some, lacking substance (7) ASPERSE {AS PER}{SomE}

2   Capital's magical ... and you end in paradise (7) YAOUNDE {AND+YOU+p...sE}*
3   Luxury car with ultimate in stereo sound (5) AUDIO {AUDI}{s...eO}
4   New bags for mugs (7) NOODLES {N}{OODLES}
6   Bully Avtaar is carrying raised stick (6) MENACE {M{CANE<=}E}
7   Trimmed Hibiscus chain evenly set out in Japanese decoration material (9) SHIBUICHI  {HIBISCUs+cHaIn}*
8   Peak is most demanding with summit obscured (7) EVEREST sEVEREST
9   Worries picked up by model amidst a long, unending spell of concentration (9,4) ATTENTION SPAN {(~tensions)(TENTIONS}{T} in {A}{PANt}
15 London suburb reached through European capital first, after bypassing Germany (9) BELGRAVIA {VIA}<=>{BELGRAde}
18 Spooner folded Edward's camp cot (4,3) TENT BED (~bent ted to tent bed)
20 Instructions to computers hidden in poems by wacky cop (7) OPCODES {ODES}<=>{COP}*
21 Short photset customised for crème de la crème (3,4) THE TOPS {PHOTo+SET}
22 "Mother India" captivates retired sailor in Bollywood location (6) MUMBAI {MUM}{AB<=}{I}
25 Follow tennis Queen regularly (5) ENSUE {tEnNiS+qUeEn}

Reference List
Year = Y, Old = O, British dailies = FT, TIMES, Unionistv = U, Upper-class = U, Special = S, Large = L, New = N, Model = T, Germany = DE, India = I, Sailor =AB

Thursday 28 March 2024

No 14134, Thursday 28 Mar 2024, Hypatia

Solution to 20A has been deliberately left unsolved and is to be answered only by a non-regular / novice commenter, with proper annotation. Those who have answered earlier in the week, please give others a chance.

Open for anyone to answer, if not solved by 1 PM.

Skilful American surgeon starts to operate in theatre (6) ADROIT {A}{DR}{Op...e}{In}{Th...e}
9   Shift and say nothing to intimate friend (5,3) ALTER EGO {ALTER}{EG}{O}
10 Harry - old, loyal and crazy (8) DOOLALLY*
11 Burning daughter's saved by hero struggling with time (3-3) RED-HOT {D} in {HERO}*{T}
12 Sanctions loud speeches after conflict (8) WARRANTS {RANTS}<=>{WAR}
13 Can exercise beginning from dumbbells be repeated (6) LOOPED {LOO}{PE}{Du...s}
14 Small animal's a sweet runner, per Spooner (7) MEERKAT (~ kheer mat to meerkat)
17 Building used if Iceland's quarantined (7) EDIFICE [T]
20 Drink helping king out (6) ?O?I?N (Addendum - POTION POrTION - See comments)
22 Say, front runners in party helped the US from time to time (8) ATHLETES {pArTy+HeLpEd+ThE+uS}
25 Walks after small breaks (6) SPACES {PACES}<=>{S}
26 Dispose of fish food (8) DUMPLING {DUMP}{LING}
27 King Khan essentially in Jamnagar, after dancing leaves grand function finally (8) MAHARAJA {kHAn} in {JAMnAgAR}*
28 Request going through to obtain seal (6) GASKET {G{ASK}ET}

1   After developing Covid, Australia had deported one champion (8) ADVOCATE {COViD+A}*{ATE}
2   Parliamentarian's hugged by that woman - a big mistake! (6) HOWLER {H{OWL}ER}
3   Last to work with current leader (6) STALIN {LAST*}{IN}
4   Initially cinema adapted plays with no music (7) CALYPSO {Ci...a}{PLAYS*}{O}
5   Surprised that pioneer went ahead (8) STARTLED {START}{LED}
6   Rated in exchange (5-3) TRADE-OFF {RATED}* [RA]
7   Discount offer on gigantic reflecting screens (6) IGNORE [T<=]
15 Actor in a blue mackintosh (8) RAINCOAT*
16 One can't remember when a man is carelessly swallowing ecstasy and cocaine (8) AMNESIAC {A+MAN+IS}* over {E} and {C}
18 Detergent or a bit of soap in clothes basically getting thinner (8) CLEANSER{Cl...s}{LEAN{Soap}ER}
19 Accessory seen in Zurich and Baghdad (7) HANDBAG [T]
21 Frequently poor, possibly has almost nothing, basically! (6) ORPHAN {pOoR}{P}{HAs}{No...g} &lit P/Possibly? (Addendum - {pOoR}{Po...y}{Has}{Al...t}{No...g} - See comments)
23 Recognition in controlling Dadagiri, essentially (6) HOMAGE {HOM{dadAGiri}E}
24 Lines disconnected by Telco's first volunteer (6) ENLIST {LINES*}{Te..o}

Reference List
American = A, Daughter = D, Time = T, Can = LOO, King = R, Exercise = PE, Small = S, Grand = G, Australia = A, Parliamentarian = OWL, Current = IN, Ecstasy = E, Cocaine = C

Wednesday 27 March 2024

No 14133, Wednesday 27 Mar 2024, Hypatia

Solution to 5D has been deliberately left unsolved and is to be answered only by a non-regular / novice commenter, with proper annotation. Those who have answered earlier in the week, please give others a chance.

Open for anyone to answer, if not solved by 1 PM.

1   Medium hard soap beats ordinary cleanser (7) SHAMPOO {M+H+SOAP}*{O}
5   Relish a drop of honey in prune bringing back appetite (7) CHUTNEY {C{Ho..y}UT}{YEN<=}
9   Extended support? (7) ALIMONY [CD]
10 Runs after guy grows older (7) MANAGES {MAN}{AGES}
11 Tenant's smaller room initially taken by sweetheart (6) LESSEE LESSE(-r+e}E
12 Strangle target or choke (8) GARROTTE*
14 Secret language in unfinished Tagore novel (5) ARGOT TAGORe*
16 Made fun of free style clue in 1-Down (9) RIDICULED {RID}{1{CLUE*}D}
18 Testing an elector's patience (9) TOLERANCE*
19 Passage budding from love for boy in '70s Bollywood movie (5) LOBBY {(+l-b)LOBBY}
20 Regularly filtering info, basic data compiled has repetitive errors (8) FACTOIDS {inFo+bAsiC+daTa+cOmpIleD+haS}
22 Shopping deal ends during month in Amazon, say (6) JUNGLE {JUN{s...nG}{deaL}E}
26 Ready tea cakes and bread (7) CHAPATI {CHA{PAT}I}
27 Multiple images from East of USSR at a variance (7) AVATARS [T<=]
28 Second book released by gambling site (7) SETTING {S}{bETTING}
29 Woman grabbing warm blanket (7) SHEATHE {S{HEAT}HE}

1   Trick disheartened model, taking everything (5) STALL {SiT}{ALL}
2   Lost American girl (5) AMISS {A}{MISS}
3   Assignment work? Essentially, it goes overhead often (9) PROJECTOR {PROJECT}{wORk}
4   Line in-between bull and African antelope (4) ORYX {O{RY}X}
5   Seize authoritatively, before Knight does? (10) C?M?A?D?E?  (Addendum - COMMANDEER {COMMA}{N}{DEER} - See comments)
6   Extremely useful article about radius (relating to a bone) (5) ULNAR {Us...uL}{AN<=}{R}
7   Place entertaining late comers? (9) NIGHTCLUB [CD]
8   The old criminal strayed in the past (9) YESTERDAY {YE}{STRAYED*}
13 Dingo's evil action (10) WRONGDOING {DINGO}* [RA]
14 Camera feature for a narcissist? (9) AUTOFOCUS [DD]
15 Australian city’s unfriendly spirit, per Spooner (4,5) GOLD COAST (~cold ghost to gold coast)
17 Reckon copper kidnapped by cold mobster's dead (9) CALCULATE {C}{AL}{CU}{LATE}
21 Animal chiselled in Ashoka pillar (5) OKAPI [T]
23 Reportedly plotted to shoot (5) GRAFT (~graphed)
24 Follow tennis? Sure - from time to time (5) ENSUE {tEnNiS+sUrE}
25 Major sporting event put up without access to podium (4) DAIS aSIAD<=

Reference List
Medium = M, Hard = H, Ordinary = O, Boy = B, Second = S, Book = B, American = A, Line = RY, Knight = N, Doe = DEER,  Radius = R, The old = YE, Cold = C, Mobster = AL

Tuesday 26 March 2024

No 14132, Tuesday 26 Mar 2024, Dr. X

Solution to 21A has been deliberately left unsolved and is to be answered only by a non-regular / novice commenter, with proper annotation. Those who have answered earlier in the week, please give others a chance.

Open for anyone to answer, if not solved by 1 PM.

1   Alarm about atmosphere around earth in experiment (5,3,5) TRIAL AND ERROR {T{AIR<=}{LAND}ERROR}
8   Beer after drinking old wine (5) PINOT {PIN{O}T}
9   Quashing case for abortion, zealot suppresses liberal fellows (9) ANNULMENT {Ab...oN}{NU{L}{MEN}T}
11 Film star acting sincere to cheat with lady (6,4) SCREEN IDOL {SINCERE*}{DO}{L}
12 Enthralled by revolutionary docudrama on African animal (4) ANOA [T<=]
14 Score century, returning with trophy to win hearts (5,2) NOTCH UP {TON<=}{C{H}UP}
16 Affected by endless pain on island in Japanese city (7) HITACHI {HIT}{ACHe}{I}
17 Model's lively after consuming extremely fine cocaine (7) PERFECT {PER{FinE}{C}T}
19 Escort slyly steals posh type of diamond (4-3) ROSE-CUT {ESCORT}* over {U}
21 Superstars wanting cash at inauguration - they're never free of charge (4) I?N? (Addendum - IONS IcONS - See comments)
22 Recruits dedicated actors who do this? (10) CONSCRIPTS {CON SCRIPTS}
25 Pierce tin can wrongly, overwhelmed by ale perhaps (9) LANCINATE {TIN+CAN} in {ALE}*
26 Weepy and tired? Time for whiskey (5) TEARY (+t-w)TEARY
27 Self-examination in club - hourglass figure finally developed (4-9) SOUL-SEARCHING {IN+C+HOURGLASS+f...rE}*

2   Part of tuber in grotesque disease of potatoes (4,3) RING ROT [T]
3   Athlete recklessly cuddles model while driving (2,3,5) AT THE WHEEL {ATHLETE}* over {HEW} 
4   Program at Italy featuring violin made by Italian family (5) AMATI [T]
5   She essentially mentored, trained Cub Scouts (3,6) DEN MOTHER {sHe+MENTORED}* Semi&lit
6   Not many shrimplike creatures in stream (4) RILL kRILL
7   Abandoned cocaine found in the sea (7) OCEANIC*
8   Friend admits, isn't up to changes occurring after marriage (11) POSTNUPTIAL {PAL} over {ISNT+UP+TO}* 
10 Dish is hot, tasty - essentially mouthwatering, in other words (4,2,2,3) THAT IS TO SAY {IS+HOT+TASTY+m...wAt...g}*
13 Continuously throw up after a bite - no energy (2,1,7) AT A STRETCH {RETCH}<=>{A}{TASTe}
15 Ready to rant about case of open favouritism (9) PATRONAGE {PAT}{R{OpeN}AGE}
18 Encountered criminal on train (3,4) RAN INTO*
20 Officer's ready to probe murderer (7) CAPTAIN {C{APT}AIN}
23 Promise wife to cut salt, get fitter finally (5) SWEAR {S{W}EA}{f...eR}
24 Fell from height, bedridden (4) HILL {H}{ILL}

Reference List
Old = O, Liberal = L, Cheat = DO, LAdy = L, Hearts = H, Island = I, Cocaine = C, Posh = U, Time = T, Whiskey = W, Club = C, Many = K, Energy = E, Wife = W, Height = H

Monday 25 March 2024

No 14131, Monday 25 Mar 2024, Dr. X

Rangoli by Gowri
Solution to 5A has been deliberately left unsolved and is to be answered only by a non-regular / novice commenter, with proper annotation. Those who have answered earlier in the week, please give others a chance.

Open for anyone to answer, if not solved by 1 PM.

1   Accommodation for flyers in club maintained by special brigade (8) BIRDCAGE {C} in {BRIGADE}*
5   Couple in a Rolls-Royce, more pretentious (6) ?R?I?R (Addendum - ARTIER {A}{R{TIE}R} - See comments)
10 Press covering perfect radio programme (5-2) PHONE-IN {P{HONE}IN}
11 Swimmer saves lives on island in African country (7) TUNISIA {TUN{IS}{I}A}
12 Silly person in European city, losing article (5) TWERP anTWERP
13 Former US President aroused looters accepting suggestion of electoral victory (9) ROOSEVELT {ROOS{El...l}{V}ELT*}
14 Change the policy to gather data relating to evolutionary development (12) PHYLOGENETIC {THE+POLICY}* over {GEN}
18 Traitor caught! Maul rogue in trial (5,7) COURT MARTIAL {TRAITOR+C+MAUL}*
21 Nonconformists in a mob shine out (9) BOHEMIANS*
23 A little charming shack alongside English channel (5) CHUTE {Ch...g}{HUT}{E}
24 Men controlling union seen rioting in Spanish city (7) OURENSE {O{U}R}{SEEN*}
25 They take a lot of interest as drug addicts outside university start to rave (7) USURERS {US{U}{Rave}ERS}
26 Unusual panic about onset of Covid-19 (6) SCARCE {SCAR{Co...9}E}
27 Row after club bowler becomes more mouthy (8) CHATTIER {TIER}<=>{C}{HAT}

1   Yes, parking found in clean secluded track (6) BYPATH {B{Y}{P}ATH}
2   Journeyed to catch husband and mistress finally in Greek city (6) RHODES {R{H}ODE}{m...sS}
3   What one might get during happy hour for unfair remark (5,4) CHEAP SHOT [DD]
4   Chap overwhelmed by beer after dope - time to get boss (7,7) GENERAL MANAGER {L{MAN}AGER}<=>{GEN}{ERA}
6   No ordinary colour spectrum (5) RANGE oRANGE
7   Examines face of patient bitten by bugs (8) INSPECTS {INS{Pa...t}ECTS}
8   Sad at heart, secures drug to get fix again (8) REATTACH {AT+HEART}* over {C}
9   Chum is at rave, drinking still? That was expected, according to me! (1,7,2,4) I THOUGHT AS MUCH {CHUM+IS+AT}* over {THOUGH}
15 Worthless American involved in deception, upset by poll (2-7) NO-ACCOUNT {NO{A}C<=}{COUNT}
16 Indecent drunkard endlessly consuming cocaine near seedy bar (8) SCABROUS {S{C}{BAR*}OUSe}
17 Hear opium's fantastic, leaving many in bliss (8) EUPHORIA {HEAR+OPIUm}*
19 Bones throb recurrently? That's about right (6) HUMERI {HUM}{I{R}E<=}
20 Readjust switches to tackle a tricky problem (6) TEASER {RESET<=} over {A}
22 Wild alcoholic in a motel knocking back drinks (5) MANIC [T]

Reference List
Club = C, Island = I, Victory = V, Data = GEN, Caught = C, English = E, Union = U, University = U, Club = C, Yes = Y, Parking = P, Husband = H, Dope = GEN, Ordinary = O, Drug = C, American = A, Cocaine = C, Many = M, Right = R

Sunday 24 March 2024

Special, Sunday 24 Mar 2024, Economizer

Three answers per commenter till 6 PM (Annotations compulsory) 
Please submit all your answers in one comment.  



The Sunday Crossword No 3299, Sunday 24 Mar 2024

4030 20A, 
1   Clots ordered catalogues (10) COAGULATES*
6   Dairy product moulded, recalled (4) EDAM<=
9   Fat old queen finally consoles those clearly upset (10) BLUBBERERS {BLUBBER}{ER}{c...eS}
10 Acronym soliciting alacrity, primarily (using initial letters)? (4) ASAP Acrostic Semi&lit
11 Giving Hitchcock film a miss; it prompts you to jump (8,4) SKIPPING ROPE {SKIPPING}{ROPE}
15 Once again asks for some moments of peace? (7) REPOSES {RE-POSES}
16 Coffee leftovers in the gardens and so on (7) GROUNDS [DD] 
17 Gatherings seen in Instagram, Facebook, &c. (7) SOCIALS* [C&DD]
19 Artist showing Royal Marines (instead of Navy) in façade (7) VERMEER VE(-n+rm)RMEER
20 Those in prang manage OK, we're told, in series of unpredictable events (12) KALEIDOSCOPE (~colliders cope)
23 Small child's great power reported (4) MITE (~might)
24 Love writes on Greek island – fifth of sonnets moving – don't we know it! (4,6) OPEN SECRET {O}{PENS}{(+e)ECRET(-e)}
25 Topple American in overtime (4) OUST {O{US}T}
26 ... poser prancing with style in artificial fabrics (10) POLYESTERS {POSER+STYLE}*

1   Regularly clubbish, helpful youngsters (4) CUBS ClUbBiSh
2   Lie next to some comma butterflies (4) ABUT [T]
3   C. Asian beatniks bizarrely getting into action-film staple (11) UZBEKISTANI {BEATNIKS*} in {UZI}
4   Becoming upset: concession and alternative put before old man (7) APROPOS {SOP}{OR}{PA}<=
5   Heartlessly acquiring grasping Romeo's jewelry (7) EARRING {EARnING}* over {R}
7   Ignored (like some consumer goods after Christmas) (10) DISCOUNTED [DD]
8   Everyman's enjoyment? Don't worry about it (2,8) MY PLEASURE {MY}{PLEASURE}
12 Gorge shape formed with river – studied by these? (11) GEOGRAPHERS {GORGE+SHAPE}* over {R} Semi&lit
13 Bikram, so Amy mostly contorted with hands on hips (4,6) ARMS AKIMBO {BIKRAM+SO+AMy}*
14 Bets glasses will be filled with last of Cointreau after hours (10) SPECULATES {SPEC{c...aU}{LATE}S}
18 Stinger's tail's removed: it's a sign (7) SCORPIO SCORPIOn
19 Empty-headedness in post (7) VACANCY [DD]
21 In short, endless cheese (4) BRIE BRIEf
22 Name of lad that's trapped in rotisserie (4) OTIS [T]

Reference List
Queen = ER, Royal Marines = RM, Navy = N, Overtime = OT, Concession = SOP, Romeo = R, River = R

Saturday 23 March 2024

No 14130, Saturday 23 Mar 2024, Dr. X

1   Naughty cover featuring face of raunchy American writer (8) BRADBURY {B{Ra...y}AD}{BURY}
5   Brave rogue stealing diamonds slyly perhaps (6) ADVERB {A{D}VERB*}
10 Compound in cacti producing a photochemical effect (7) ACTINIC*
11 The whole orchestra is ready to tour India, playing retro (7) RIPIENO {RIP{I}E}{ON<=}
12 Slide in small pool (5) SLUMP {S}{LUMP}
13 Unmixed alcohol at dinner intoxicated many (4,5) NEAT DRINK {AT+DINNER}*{K}
14 Cutting the cheese in fancy wine bar, cuddling star on date (8,4) BREAKING WIND {WINE+BAR}* over{KING} on {D}
18 Discussion of criminal report involving a model (12) CONVERSATION {CON}{VERS{A}{T}ION}
21 It sweetens temper after a fight (9) ASPARTAME {TAME}<=>{A}{SPAR}
23 Retreats in a jiffy, coming back to protect king (5) NOOKS {S{K}OON<=}
24 Good taste of chillies in beef stew (7) BENEFIC {Ch...s+IN+BEEF}*
25 Sexless marriage finally after long immature scrap (7) EPICENE {m...gE}<=>{EPIC}{?EN} Anno not clear (Addendum - {m...gE}<=>{EPIC}{ENd} - See comments)
26 Steed leaping over line is first (6) ELDEST {E{L}DEST*}
27 Sees one bringing back joint after consuming liquor (8) IMAGINES {1}{MA{GIN}ES<=}

1   Noisy dance bars, extremely sleazy (6) BRASSY {BARS*}{Sl..zY}
2   Distinctive film director's arrogance - fires top hero (6) AUTEUR hAUTEUR
3   Emperor's skull perhaps broken by a prince with craftiness (9) BONAPARTE {BON{A}{P}{ART}E}
4   Investigation of mysterious case with arsenic on bottom of spoon (14) RECONNAISSANCE {CASE+ARSENIC+ON+s..oN}*
6   Stupefied in rave, ran topless (5) DOPED {DO}{sPED}
7   Reclusive patient at centre, overwhelmed by simple back spasm (8) EREMITIC {MERE<=}{patIent}{TIC}
8   Obstruct criminal starting to escape outside bar (8) BLOCKADE {B{LOCK}AD}{Es...e}
9   Wide-hipped woman under the spotlight (5,2,3,4) BROAD IN THE BEAM [DD]
15 Settling with bit of grass after alcohol-drinking session (9) GROUNDING {Gr..s}<=>{G{ROUND}IN}
16 Start to snort cocaine and babble in confusion (8) SCRAMBLE {Sn..t}{C}{RAMBLE}
17 Sealed one end up easily (8) UNOPENED*
19 Going over new housing rule (6) GOVERN [T]
20 Check out sunglasses, stylish shades (6) ASSESS [T]
22 Fractures foot in rising commotion (5) RIFTS {RI{F}TS<=} 

Reference List
Diamonds = D, India = I, Small = S, Many = K, Date = D, Model = T, King = K, Line = L, Prince = P, Rave = DO, Cocaine = C, Foot = F

Friday 22 March 2024

No 14129, Friday 22 Mar 2024, Dr. X

All those who are not regular commenters but who are rookie commenters or silent followers of the blog are requested to post answers with annotations in the comments section. In your own interest please avoid looking up the answers from the interactive version. Don't hesitate to post your annotations, in case you make a mistake in the annotation someone will correct it with the right annotation.


Each commenter is requested to post only 5 answers thereby giving others also a chance to participate. Please provide all your answers in one comment.

Regular solvers/Veterans can post 1 answer each, but after 11 AM only.

Thanks for the response, here's the regular blog.

1   What necklace thief might do to tease (4,4,5) YANK ONES CHAIN [DD]
8   Unspoken perception about leader of industry (5) TACIT {TAC{In...y}T}
9   Cold distresses feverish marksman (5,4) CRACK SHOT {C}{RACKS}{HOT}
11   Killed in vehicle by wife after affair in Spain on vacation (6,4) STRUCK DOWN {Spa{TRUCK}{DO}{W}iN}
12 Babe desires to cuddle in the sack (4) ABED [T]
14 Marked improvement with treatment of pus on arm (7) UPSWING {PUS*}{WING}
16 Report relating to last section of bowel, describing source of incontinence (7) RECITAL {REC{In...e}TAL}
17 Device in department, reviewed and scrutinized (7) PERUSED {DE{RUSE}P}<=
19 Champion enters, performing a slow jump in figure skating (7) SALCHOW {CH} in {A+SLOW}*
21 Heart crushed by break-upit hurts (4) PITH [T]
22 Engrossed in losing pounds? Guilt with paunch developing (6,2,2) CAUGHT UP IN {GUIlT+PAUNCH}*
25 Report of mob violence over beef (5,4) RIFLE SHOT {RI{FLESH}OT}
26 Ferries with new rotors leaving Thailand (2-3) RO-ROS ROtORS*
27 Worried state blaring about Russia's leader threatening military action (5-8) SABRE-RATTLING {STATE+BLARING}* over {Ru...a}

2   Gives playing cards to entertain company (7) ACCORDS {AC{CO}RDS*}
3   Outfits I found in trunk, most garish (10) KITSCHIEST {KITS}{CH{I}EST}
4   Rechargeable battery in most delightful commercial (5) NICAD {NICe}{AD}
5   Loyal supporters of jerks introducing atrocious law (9) STALWARTS {ST{LAW*}ARTS}
6   Trek in sharp-pointed hill, hard for prince (4) HIKE (-p+h)HIKE
7   How nun might appear to people (7) INHABIT {IN HABIT}
8   Deliver a little package in thin wrapping material (6,5) TISSUE PAPER {ISSUE}{Pa...e} in {TAPER}
10 Model casually entertains director, secures films - ultimately sick game (11) TIDDLYWINKS {T}{ID{D}LY}{WIN{sicK}S}
13 Son enlightening about principle of process relating to art of carving (10) SCULPTURAL {S}{CUL{Pr...s}TURAL }
15 Leader of gangsters, arranging for death? (9) GODFATHER {Ga...s}{FOR+DEATH}* &lit
18 Liqueur with fantastic taste of almonds at fair (7) RATAFIA {Al...s+AT+FAIR}* 
20 It delays clotting of blood near hip fractures (7) HEPARIN*
23 Attack gun-wielding alien (3,2) GET AT {G{ET}AT}
24 Make out with girl around afternoon (4) HEAR {HE{A}R}

Reference List
Cold = C, Wife = W, Affair = DO, Department = DEP, Champion = CH, Pounds = L, Thailand = T, Company = CO, Commercial = AD, Hard = H, Prince = H, Model = T, Director = D, Son = S, Alien = ET, Afternoon = A

Thursday 21 March 2024

No 14128, Thursday 21 Mar 2024, Afterdark

Solution to 7D has been deliberately left unsolved and is to be answered only by a non-regular / novice commenter, with proper annotation. Those who have answered earlier in the week, please give others a chance.

Open for anyone to answer, if not solved by 1 PM.

1   No diet, pie baked, consumed ten in a trip (10) EXPEDITION {NO+DIET+PIE}* over {X}
6   Headless chicken? No, some other birds (4) OWLS fOWLS
10 Keep spirit in front of hearth (9) FIREPLACE {PLACE}<=>{FIRE}
11 Opposition leader managed to squander good agency (5) ORGAN {Op...n}{R{G}AN}
12 Crowd caught ex-con ultimately with grip, but some cash missing (13) CONCENTRATION {C}{ONCE}{eoN}{TRAcTION}
14 Be back at base (4) EVIL<=
15 Closeness seen with female at new diner, small joint perhaps (10) FRIENDSHIP {F}{DINER*}{S}{HIP}
17 Say, killers' target? Ice innovatively with sulphur (10) CIGARETTES {TARGET+ICE}*{S}
21 Toppers in Oxford really ace law exam (4) ORAL Acrostic
23 Supportive of lower experience (13) UNDERSTANDING {UNDER}{STANDING}
25 Stick with previous wife ultimately (5) PASTE {PAST}{wifE}
26 Marines touring California are perhaps Californians (9) AMERICANS {AMERI{CA}NS*}
27 Cannot erase hidden message (4) NOTE [T]
28 Following order and rule, collect papers in the latter half from 26, say (10) FOREIGNERS {F}{O}{REIGN}{papERS}

 Icy niece working to overtake two females with skill (10) EFFICIENCY {ICY+NIECE}* over {FF}
2   Father let in girl for training (9) PARENTING {PA}{RENT}{IN}{G}
3   Went down with investigator and public prosecutor on preliminary enquiry with director (6) DIPPED {DI}{PP}{En...y}{D}
4   Vehicle found at lot near gate (7) TRACTOR {TRACT}{OR}
5   One does this in theatre at work time, time before excision primarily (7) OPERATE {OP}{ERA}{T}{Ex...n}
7   Try hacking network, buggy perhaps (5) W?G?N (Addendum - WAGON {WA{GO}N} - See comments)
8   Gentleman from Kolkata gets director post (4) SEND {SEN}{D}
9   Policeman gets a bomb reproduced (6) COPIED {COP}{IED}
13 A butcher loses pig over nothing and asks for forgiveness (10) APOLOGISES {A}{LOSES+PIG}* over {O}
16 Speed up, nearly taking staff across island in cyclone (9) HURRICANE {HURRy}{CANE} over {I}
18 Hills are cooler, perhaps, heading off close to plains (6) RIDGES {fRIDGE}{p...nS}
19 Ran amok in commotion of storm (7) TORNADO {TO{RAN*}DO}
20 To meet ex-Romeo travels faraway (7) EXTREME {MEET+EX+R}*
22 Friend in Gurgaon crushed by termination (6) ENDING [T]
23 Agitation at state settled (5) UPSET {UP}{SET}
24 Wide ball held near fence (4) OPEN {O}{PEN}

Reference List
Good = G, Caught = C, Female = F, Small = S, California = CA, Following = F, Order = O, Girl = G, Investigator = DI, Public prosecutor = PP, Director = D, Gate = OR, Work = OP, Time = T, Bomb = IED, Island = I, Commotion = TODO, Romeo = R