Sunday, 19 January 2025

Special, Sunday 19 Jan 2025, Ghaza

Three answers per commenter till 1 PM (Annotations compulsory) 
Please submit all your answers in one comment.  



The Sunday Crossword No 3341 Sunday 19 Jan 2025

1   Verse collection: Dante’s Inferno at beginning, trying to grapple with evil and ending in Paradiso? (6,7) DIVINE TRILOGY {Da...s}{In...o}{TRYING+EVIL+p...sO}* Semi&lit
8   Slug, source of illumination? (4) LAMP [DD]
9   Dictator books senior businesspeople for help with what to say (5,5) IDIOT BOARD {IDI}{OT}{BOARD}
10 Oats and nuts, never ending: Ill see … um, on reflection … (6) MUESLI {ILl}{SEe}{UM}<=
11 A laundry refitted in approx. 709 hours (5,3) LUNAR DAY*
12 … diner order – #coffee? (4,5) HASH BROWN {HASH}{BROWN}
14 Purportedly ‘everlasting’ ringlets, manmade primarily! (4) PERM Acrostic &lit
15 On the spur of the moment, a simple card game (4) SNAP [DD]
16 Abstract, see? Yes (9) PRECISELY {PRECIS}{ELY}
20 Baddies at home, inhabiting country houses (8) VILLAINS {VILLA{IN}S}
21 Donkey attacked by bird, noisily, in side (6) ASPECT (~ ass pecked)
23 Regressively spoils lad getting AI initially providing support for musician (5,5) PIANO STOOL {LOOT}{SON}AI}{Pr...g}<=
24 Somewhat nouveau, where Iris is found (4) UVEA [T]
25 The old ready for 3d info stored digitally? (10,3) THREE PENNY BIT {THREE}{PENNY}{BIT}

1   Blood count? (7) DRACULA [CD]
2   Victor, denied entrance, opens wide and inhales a cloud of nicotine (5) VAPES {V}{gAPES}
3   More likely to inquire about one that’s less quiet (7) NOISIER {NO{1}SIER}
4   You get at least 66 points playing a quiz here (6-4,5) TRIPLE-WORD SCORE {In Scrabble Q=10, U=1, I=1, Z=10 so {(10+1+1+10)x3}=66} [GK]
5   Yorkshireman’s ultimately mean (6) INTEND {IN T'END}
6   Reconsidered when decapitated, would roses suggest this description? (9) ODOURLESS {wOULD+ROSES}* Semi&lit
7   Flipping Everyman’s installing malfunctioning radar as onboard support (7) YARDARM {MY<=} over {RADAR}*
13 Cape with cruise ship following star (9) HEADLINER {HEAD}{LINER}
15 Way up in the Alps? (3,4) SKI LIFT [CD]
17 Some sketch a plinth displaying cinematic icon (7) CHAPLIN [T]
18 Extremely frilly elastic pants (7) LACIEST*
19 Time to put into circulation paper for those suffering (6) TISSUE {T}{ISSUE} 
22 Lead 16 (5) PLUMB [DD]

Reference List
Books = OT, See = ELY, Penny = D, Victor = V, Time = T

Saturday, 18 January 2025

No 14385, Saturday 18 Jan 2025, Vidwan

9 & 10 Genuine and proper male in action seen in Happy Feet! (7,7) EMPEROR PENGUIN*
10 See 9
11 Soul binds hearts, makes place to store things that matter! (5) SHELF {S{H}ELF}
12 Anti-mainland England dashed our hope, crushing capital of Belgium (9) EUROPHOBE {E +{OUR HOPE}* around {Belgium} Semi &Lit
13 Vessel, fully airy at intervals like a pipe (7) TUBULAR {TUB}{fUlLy AiRy}
15 Unpretentious, small inflammation with head scratched (6) SIMPLE {S}{pIMPLE}
17 Environmental-friendly, sturdy scot having good, liberal nature (6,7) CARBON NEUTRAL {CAR{BON}{NEUTRA*}L}
21 Perhaps, it adds// to// hot weather! (6) SUMMER {DD}
22 She might succeed if his heart is consumed by her teases regularly! (7) HEIRESS {HE{hIs}R}{tEaSeS}
25 Subdued? Put study back into list of pending tasks and win regularly! (5,4) TONED DOWN {TO{DEN<}DO}{WiN}
26 Ancient empires stocked pulses (5) TEMPI {T}
28 Message about a second saint's disappearance (7) PASSING {P{A}{S}{S}ING}
29 Say, mostly naked gents! (7) COMMENT {COMMa}{gENTs} Thanks Colonel for the anno.

1 Book and park yourself inside tiny location visited on Safari (7) WEBSITE {WE{B}{SIT}E}
2 Left liberal decline seen in Church (4) APSE {lAPSE}
3 Ultra-feminine, liberal and smart (6) ARTFUL {ULTRA F}*
4 Three hours passed before model and boozer buried dead body (4,5) TREE TRUNK {ThREE}{T}{dRUNK} 
5 Every year invested in creativity alone (5) APART {A{PA}RT}
6 No loud merrymaking? One left in predicament is virgin! (8) UNSPOILT {fUN}{SPO{I}{L}T}
7 Wrong to put ace and fool in action (3,2,5) OUT OF PLACE*
8 One number, not number ten, mostly seed number, not fraction (7) INTEGER {I}{N}{TEn}{GERm}
14 Religious philosophy ad can be represented as Abraham's mind (10) BRAHMANISM {AD+BRAHMANISM}*=ABRAHAM'S MIND {CA}
16 Frenzied, adopted every bit of artistry, ignored small nuts and bolts (9) MECHANICS {M{EaCH}ANIC}{S}
18 Bold and most willing to regularly brim new variety of food basket (5,3) BREAD BIN {B}{READy}{BrIm}{N}
19 Deuterium, one very best example basically (7) ISOTOPE {I}{SO}{TOP}{Example} Semi & Lit
20 Thirsts madly for garments (1-6) T-SHIRTS*
23 Eventually// keeping the pace (2,4) IN TIME {DD}
24 Irregular depression, after tee off (5) ROUGH {tROUGH}
27 Millions want small ducks (4) MEEK {M}{sEEK} Anno not sure See comments.

Male=M, Hearts=H, England=E, Small=S, Good=Bon, Second, Saint=S, Book=B, Liberal=L, Model=T, Died=D, Every Year=P.A.(Per Annum), Loud=F, Number=N, Bold=B(pencil type), One=I,
Tee=T, Millions=M

Friday, 17 January 2025

No 14384, Friday 17 Jan 2025, Crescent

All those who are not regular commenters but who are rookie commenters or silent followers of the blog are requested to post answers with annotations in the comments section. In your own interest please avoid looking up the answers from the interactive version. Don't hesitate to post your annotations, in case you make a mistake in the annotation someone will correct it with the right annotation.


Each commenter is requested to post only 5 answers thereby giving others also a chance to participate. Please provide all your answers in one comment.

Regular solvers/Veterans can post 1 answer each, but after 11 AM only.

Thanks for the response, here's the regular blog.

8   Apply to institute including page with application blowing university's skilled faculty (9) EXPERTISE {EX{P}ERT}{I}{uSE}
9   Repeat performance choir hosts (4) ECHO [T]
10 Offence by the disheartened girl starts church sanction (7,2,6) BENEFIT OF CLERGY {OFFENCE+BY+ThE+GIRL}*
12 Number of left back in hockey entering pitch (6-3) TWENTY-ONE {T{WENT}{h...eY}ONE}
13 Refuse to kill the French revolutionary (5) OFFAL {OFF}{LA<=}
14 Guaranteed term protecting new user (7) ENSURED {EN{USER*}D}
17 Rider is coming in for victory round (7) PROVISO {IS} in {PRO}{V}{O}
19 Shock from a power circuit flipped (5) APPAL {A}{P}{LAP<=}
21 Time to go to California, in retirement plant crops (9) TRUNCATES {T}{RUN}{CA}{SET<=}
24 Silent investor, one of the friends with benefits? (8,7) SLEEPING PARTNER [D&CD]
25 Make sound and listen when king's left (4) HEAL HEA(-r+l)L
26 Hunt primarily, inter alia, running nation (9) LITHUANIA {HUNT+In..r+ALIA}*

1   Best three say, not in proper place, steered to row (3,2,3,4) SET BY THE EARS*
2   Dogs lie barking in stretches (8) SPANIELS {SPAN{LIE*}S}
3   Advantage of expert tailor (6) PROFIT {PRO}{FIT}
4   Second portion taken out or taken up in cafĂ© (6) BISTRO {BI{S}T}{OR<=}
5   Doing things without assistance feels hard, terrible not having a friend backing (4-4) SELF-HELP {FEELS+H}*{PaL<=}
6   Loaded spring retracted over point (4-2-2) WELL-TO-DO {WELL} and {O}{DOT}<=
7   Pay attention to cycles providing crop (6) KHARIF {(+k)KHAR(-k)}{IF}
11 Woke style frequently expressed, airily posturing funky nature (6,6) YELLOW STREAK {WOKE+STYLE+AiRiLy}*
15 Poorly baked without stuffing, lousy pudding (4-4) ROLY-POLY {POORLY}*{LousY}
16 Effect producing goose pimples with excessive love (8) DOTINGLY {DO}{TINGLY}
18 Chanting name occupies one, a lost penitent (8) INTONING {N} in {1}{aTONING}
20 Like better product's first advert (6) PREFER {Pr...t}{REFER}
22 Snobbish at university, shame! (6) UPPITY {UP}{PITY}
23 Literary collection in Arabic or Pushtu (6) CORPUS [T]

Reference List
Page = P, University = U, The in French = LA, Victory = V, Power = P, Time = T, King = R, Left = L, Second = S, Hard = H, Over = O, Name = N, University = UP

Thursday, 16 January 2025

No 14383, Thursday 16 Jan 2025, KrisKross

Solution to 3D has been deliberately left unsolved and is to be answered only by a non-regular / novice commenter, with proper annotation. Those who have answered earlier in the week, please give others a chance. 

Open for anyone to solve, if not solved by 1 PM.

1   Expecting President's ruling (8) PREGNANT {P}{REGNANT}
5   Rodent in Goa - it angrily bites you (6) AGOUTI {GOA+IT}* over {U}
9   Nobody accepts US university? On the contrary, twelve! (8) NOONTIME {NO ON{MIT<=}E}
10 United Germany, say, turning tense (2,4) ON EDGE {ONE}{D}{EG<=}
12 Sleep, overwhelmed by injection filled with drug - its effects are magical (3,6) HEY PRESTO {REST} in {H{E}YPO}
13 Corruption in weightlifting round (5) FILTH [T<=]
14 Birds belonging to the musician (4) EMUS [T]
16 "Sengol" - Cholas' excellent present to rule empire, primarily (7) SCEPTRE Acrostic &lit
19 Indian state in revolt will not welcome organization's head yet (2,2,3) UP TO NOW {UP}{WON{Or...n}T<=}
21 Vessels in bar counter (4) POTS<=
24 Slow mover after cycling gets handy tips? (5) NAILS (-s)NAIL(+s)S
25 Liberal media unfortunately prefers to include editorials lacking in content (4,5) FREE PRESS {PREFERS}* over {Ed...lS}
27 County's old tree chopped (6) EXETER {EX}{TREE*}
28 After brief greeting, wager to win new set (4-4) HELL-BENT {HELLo}{BE{N}T}
29 Indian soldiers spy enemies at first - so cunning (6) SEPOYS {SPY+En...s+SO}* 
30 Island basically not traceable by one going through book of maps (8) ATLANTIS {ATLA{Not}{Tr...e}{1}S}

1   Starting to pour…leader heading off to get raincoat (6) PONCHO {Pour}{hONCHO}
2   Fake money to procure power diesel, say (6) EPONYM {E{P}ONYM*}
3   He takes minutes perhaps to tailor one gown ultimately (5) N?T?R (Addendum - NOTER {TO+t...oR+onE+gowN}* - See comments)
4   #1 seed upset, facing second downfall (7) NEMESIS {1}{SEMEN}<={S}
6   Bend knee, leg etc. - fun moves! (9) GENUFLECT*
7   Roll in empty utensil consumed by a French girlfriend (8) UNDULATE {UN}{D{Ut...iL}LATE}
8   Techies working to save earth becoming a cold mass (3,5) ICE SHEET {TECHIES}* over {E}
11 Cheats tame animals (4) DOES [DD]
15 Where you find brothers playing, breaking rule (9) MONASTERY {M{ON}ASTERY}
17 Stout British actor (8) GUINNESS [DD]
18 Start playing uke in band (6,2) STRIKE UP {STRI{UKE*}P}
20 Carry whiskey to rear of ship (4) WAFT {W}{AFT}
21 Gift dispatched beforehand (7) PRESENT {PRE-SENT}
22 Novel about change in America (6) RECENT {RE}{CENT}
23 A model is rejected already (2,2,2) AS IT IS {A} and {SIT}{IS}<=
26 A king cut off retro dance form (5) POLKA{A}{K}{LOP}<=

Reference List
President = P, Germany = D, Drug = E, Old = O, New = N, Power = P, Second = S, A in Fench = UN, Earth = E, Whiskey = W, About = RE, King = K

Wednesday, 15 January 2025

Special, Wednesday 15 Jan 2025, IXL-2024, Gussalufz

Three answers per commenter till 1 PM (Annotations compulsory) 
Please submit all your answers in one comment.  



Tuesday, 14 January 2025

No 14382, Tuesday 14 Jan 2025, Incognito



Artwork by Prasanna


Rangoli by Gowri

Solution to 11A has been deliberately left unsolved and is to be answered only by a non-regular / novice commenter, with proper annotation. Those who have answered earlier in the week, please give others a chance. 

Open for anyone to solve, if not solved by 1 PM.

8   Vehicle one shouldn't walk into (4) TRAP [DD}
9   Excitedly sits eating eggs (10) INSTIGATES*
10 Thoroughly defeated communist outside Oxford University by end of bout (6) ROUTED {R{O}{U}{bouT}ED}
11 Spanish person's resort with drain reflux (8) S?A?I?R? (Addendum - SPANIARD {SPA}{DRAIN<=} - See comments)
12 Difficult struggle to capture one Indian town (8) HARIDWAR {HAR{1}D}{WAR}
14 Animals having style dance stupendously in the beginning (6) ELANDS {ELAN}{Da..e}{St...y}
16 Bacterial infection from European behind animal enclosure (4) STYE {E}<=>{STY}
17 Hunter, perhaps, turning in bed (5) BIDEN*
18 Feel absence of young lady (4) MISS [DD]
19 Reportedly cheat some to obtain mineral (6) GYPSUM (~gyp some)
21 Customers excitedly rose, red about initial remark (8) ORDERERS {ROSE+RED}* over {Re...k}
23 Large eagles fly around Zulu's animals (8) GAZELLES {L+EAGLES}* over {Z}
26 Author Waugh terribly hyperventilates in absence of therapist (6) EVELYN hYperVENtiLatEs*
27 Voyeur's pet pigeon flies over maiden (7,3) PEEPING TOM {PET+PIGEON}*{M}
28 Masseur orders carrying money (4) EURO [T]

1   Tory girl ran wildly and with conceit (10) ARROGANTLY {ARROGANTLY+I}* = {TORY+RAN+GiRL}* [CA] An extra R and and A less, error in fodder. GAL for GIRL would solve the issue 
2   Build pits in front of tree with European fighter (8) SPITFIRE {PITS*}{FIR}{E}
3   Bereaved lady covers new hole in the wall! (6) WINDOW {WI{N}DOW}
4   Enquires, "Donkey carrying king?" (4) ASKS {AS{K}S}
5   Maine lab synthesizes legume (4,4) LIMA BEAN*
6   Setter's embraced by stout mouther in Portuguese pilgrimage town (6) FATIMA {FAT}{I}{MA} Mouther seems to be a typo for Mother
7   "Hark, that lady has the answer" (4) HEAR {HE{A}R}
13 Communication device in Agra diocese (5) RADIO [T]
15 Red oysters spread over warships (10) DESTROYERS*
17 Making blunders and breaking Ming bulb (8) BUMBLING*
18 Killed a group of crows in front of journalist (8) MURDERED {MURDER}{ED}
20 Brushes dust from top of shelf and cries (6) SWEEPS {Sh..f}{WEEPS}
22 Doctor, same mixture results in visions during sleep (6) DREAMS {DR}{SAME*}
24 Silver with Edward is old (4) AGED {AG}{ED}
25 Take seat with Earl and plot (4) SITE {SIT}{E}

Reference List
Oxford = O, University = U, European = E, Large = L, Zulu = Z, Maiden = M, New = N, King = K, Answer = A, Journalist = ED, Edward = ED, Earl = E

Monday, 13 January 2025

No 14381, Monday 13 Jan 2025, Incognito

Solution to 21D has been deliberately left unsolved and is to be answered only by a non-regular / novice commenter, with proper annotation. Those who have answered earlier in the week, please give others a chance. 

Open for anyone to solve, if not solved by 1 PM.

8   Billionaire captivated by Meloni? (4) ELON [T]
9   Type of note produced by harps (5) SHARP*
10 Bone in possession of Moghul nawab (4) ULNA [T]
11 Free of charge? (6) ACQUIT [E]
12 Wizened woman on skating arena went ahead (8) WRINKLED {W}{RINK}{LED}
13 One may get fir cones from these (8) CONIFERS* Semi&lit
15 Require the French pointer (6) NEEDLE {NEED}{LE}
17 Pretended to feed, imbibing gin cocktail (7) FEIGNED {FE{GIN*}ED}
19 Customers' right in courts? (7) CLIENTS {C{LIEN}TS}
22 & 28 Where pilots and mountaineers may have friends? (2,4,6) IN HIGH PLACES [CD]
24 Amir lies about points a frequent flier may accumulate (3,5) AIR MILES*
26 He can be found in the church waving royal bat (5,3) ALTAR BOY*
28 See 22
30 Circulate rupee endlessly in country (4) PERU RUPEe*
31 Little support by New York (5) TEENY {TEE}{NY}
32 E-parrot? (4) ECHO [DD]

1   In absence of king, obstruct group of countries (4) BLOC BLOCk
2   Putting up with irritated nude call on phone (8) ENDURING {NUDE*}{RING}
3   Fly drunken statesmen leaving 'Nam (6) TSETSE STaTESmEn*
4   Meet was organised for actress (3,4) MAE WEST*
5   Designing an oil pot? It is not mandatory... (8) OPTIONAL*
6   Collapse fastener (6) BUCKLE [DD]
7   Keen to bend joint (4) KNEE*
14 Canoe may be Indian, for example (5) OCEAN*
16 Machine found in rural Athens (5) LATHE [T]
18 Shows old British at sea without right (8) EXHIBITS {EX}{BrITISH*}
20 Items are manufactured in countries like Dubai or Abu Dhabi, for example (8) EMIRATES*
21 Minerals stop development of stye (7) ?A?Y?E? (Addendum - BARYTES {BAR}{STYE*} - See comments)
23 Legendary flier having one vehicle at university school (6) ICARUS {1}{CAR}{U}{S}
25 Gives back money as pyre is destroyed (6) REPAYS*
27 Tells untruth, "Isle is lost" (4) LIES*
29 Real tech development (4) ECHT*

Reference List
Woman = W, The in French = LE, Court = CT, Support = TEE, King = K, Right = R, University = U, School = S

Sunday, 12 January 2025

Special, Sunday 12 Jan 2025, IXL-2024, Prelim 1, Fraz

Three answers per commenter till 6 PM (Annotations compulsory) 
Please submit all your answers in one comment.  



The Sunday Crossword No 3340, Sunday 12 Jan 2025

1   Old Testament prophet seen in tam-o’-shanter (4) AMOS [T]
4   Intensity regularly dropped in avian protection (4) NEST {iNtEnSiTy}
8   ‘How eerie!’ ‘Why, sure!’ Uneasy sentiment when abroad (4,3,4,4) WISH YOU WERE HERE*
11 Chose, after imbibing drop of Laphroaig, to become drunk (7) PICKLED {PICK{La...g}ED}
12 Moves heavily wanting sleep after cycling (7) LUMBERS (-s)LUMBER(+s)S
13 With buff back muscles, doing a flip, they’re resolute (9) STALWARTS {STRAW<=}<=>{LATS<=}
14 Tax channel (5) DRAIN [DD]
15 Wristwatch, say: not so exciting but a becoming one (5) TIMER T(-a+1)IMER
16 Like a competition involving multiple setters? (3-3-3) DOG-EAT-DOG [CD]
19 Ghastly duck penetrating – we need camouflage! (7) HIDEOUS {O} in {HIDE US}
21 Erstwhile capital offence: agent provocateur finally taken, 7 beheaded (7) TREASON {a..nT}{p...eR}{sEASON}
22 Liberally salt the roast, say? Who does that any more? (5,2,4,4) THATS SO LAST YEAR*
23 Everyman gripped by American science fiction? Hardly (2,2) AS IF {A}{S{I}F}
24 What pothead may get from – or do to – his habit (4) KICK [FITB/DD]

2   Historic ship showing might on river (9) MAYFLOWER {MAY}{FLOWER}
3   Quiet location for milk … shake (7) SHUDDER {SH}{UDDER}
4   Annoys the French (a primary requirement)? (7) NEEDLES {LES}<=>{NEED}
5   Energy shown by Second XI? (5) STEAM {S}{TEAM}
6   Pinches small tissues (6) SWIPES {S}{WIPES}
7   Shaking tail end, watch a lad fall in Vermont, for example? (6) SEASON {SEe}{A}{SON}
9   TikTok etc, therefore claim idea is deranged (6,5) SOCIAL MEDIA*
10 On the phone, Ms Raducanu will call Ireland (7,4) EMERALD ISLE (~ emma'll dial)
14 Using reason, conciliated freely? That’s not on! (9) DIALECTIC ConCILIATED*
15 Turncoats abandoning HMS inhabited this island, primarily? (6) TAHITI Acrostic &lit
16 Scribble, leave hurriedly (4,3) DASH OFF [DD]
17 Understand second Beatles hit (3,4) GET BACK 
18 They’re beyond help? King George succeeded in the protection of one (6) GONERS {Ge...e}{ONE}R}{S}
20 Where to get dates and a drink for ‘90s rockers (5) OASIS [DD]

Reference List
American = A, Science fiction = SF, Quiet = SH, The in French = LES, Second = S, Small = S, Succeeded = S

Saturday, 11 January 2025

No 14380, Saturday 11 Jan 2025, Incognito

1 Refuse container daughter wrongly bust in school (8) DUSTBINS {D}{BUST IN*}{S}
5 Discipline small political leader at this place (6) SPHERE {S}{Political}{HERE}
10 Scotsman captures an American soldier showing wizardry (5) MAGIC {MA{GI}C}
11 Killed by wire, fish decayed (9) GARROTTED {GAR}{ROTTED}
12 Perhaps, Pop or Mom defray cost of tenancy of house, I hear (6) PARENT {~PAY RENT}
13 Mistakenly pool pill and sweetener (8) LOLLIPOP*
15 Vessel in-charge's dress (5) TUNIC {TUN}{IC}
17 Company that once ruled over us arranged Asian diet (4,5) EAST INDIA*
19 Costly old writing instruments with impeccable violet exteriors, for starters (9) EXPENSIVE {EX}{PENS}{Impeccable}{Violet}{Exteriors}
20 Blood sample contains it... South-eastern drink! (5) SERUM {SE}{RUM}
21 Tall trio producing bread (8) TORTILLA*
23 Forgive average criminal boss (6) PARDON {PAR}{DON}
27 Airbus men may make U-boat (9) SUBMARINE*
28 Number noticed to have five in the middle (5) SEVEN {SE{V}EN}
29 Life's changed after old Twitter's series of mysterious occurrences (1,5) X FILES {LIFE'S*}<=>{X}
30 Give less importance to own place not having church during day (8) DOWNPLAY {D{OWN PLAce}AY} There's an extra A in the fodder

1 Block? Mad! (3,2) DAM UP {MAD<}
2 Pagan USSR produces one type of peas (5,4) SUGAR SNAP*
3 BOAC flew with new kind of meat (5) BACON {BAOC*}{N}
4 Horses in Anantnag stable (4) NAGS {T}
6 Announces in favour of allegations (9) PROCLAIMS {PRO}{CLAIMS}
7 Consume ground peanuts after removal of nut shells at first (3,2) EAT UP {PEAnUTs}*
8 Lemon pads squashed to produce cell content (9) ENDOPLASM*
9 Federal agents cover accommodations for some wedding attendants (9) GROOMSMEN {G{ROOMS}MEN}
14 Victor accompanies funny aliens in small transgression (6,3) VENIAL SIN {V}{ALIENS IN}*
15 Heard two Sikhs get a couple of dozen from Baker (6,3) TWENTY SIX {~TWO SIKHS=26}
16 Frank took in aspirant (9) CANDIDATE {CANDID}{ATE}
18 Ladder I've designed for stuntman, for example (9) DAREDEVIL*
22 Priest found in Khunjerab bistro (5) RABBI {T}
24 Wilful ignition by some parsons (5) ARSON {T}
25 In New York, British princess loses English nursemaid (5) NANNY {N{ANNe}Y}
26 That lady's love for the leading man (4) HERO {HER}{O}

Daughter=D, School=S, Small=S, American Soldier=GI(Joe), In-Charge=IC, Old=Ex, South-eastern=SE, Church=CE, New=N, Federal agents=G-Men, Love=O.

Friday, 10 January 2025

ACAD Global 2025


No 14379, Friday 10 Jan 2024, Incognito

All those who are not regular commenters but who are rookie commenters or silent followers of the blog are requested to post answers with annotations in the comments section. In your own interest please avoid looking up the answers from the interactive version. Don't hesitate to post your annotations, in case you make a mistake in the annotation someone will correct it with the right annotation.


Each commenter is requested to post only 5 answers thereby giving others also a chance to participate. Please provide all your answers in one comment.

Regular solvers/Veterans can post 1 answer each, but after 11 AM only.

Thanks for the response, here's the regular blog.

7   Heal mongrel with epilepsy at first (4) CURE {CUR}{Ep...y}
8   King carelessly relaxed around one (9) ALEXANDER {ALEX{AN}DER*}
10 Students returned. That's a mistake (4,2) SLIP UP<=
11 Pulling 20 things distributed around first of October with love (8) SHOOTING {SH{Oc...r}{0}TING*}
12 Extraordinarily keen to carry flower and fuel (8) KEROSENE {KE{ROSE}NE*}
14 Hidden shooter's cut in service without fault (6) SNIPER {S{NIP}ERvice}
16 Complain about bad tune for a hundred years (7) CENTURY {C{TUNE*}RY}
18 Exceedingly good or exceedingly bad object from part of chain in church road (7) CLINKER {C{LINK}E}{R}
21 Governor's at first half of rapids (6) SATRAP {'S}{AT}{RAPids}
23 Limit on princess leaving district (8) RESTRICT {RE}{diSTRICT}
25 Arranging and serving grog in U.P. (8) GROUPING*
27 Wisecrack about minor offence (6) RETORT {RE}{TORT}
29 Geographical sketch left, bearing flea jumping around Canadian symbol (5-4) MAPLE-LEAF {MAP}{L}{E}{FLEA*}
30 See! John is with king! (4) LOOK {LOO}{K}

1   Use belly dance to get a piece of candy (5-3) BULLS-EYE*
2   Cry, "Little power" (4) WEEP {WEE}{P}
3   Processed image covering park shows part of target area (6) MAGPIE {MAG{P}IE*}
4   Excitedly fedEuropean sat and dined sumptuously. (7) FEASTED {FED+E+SAT}*
5   Caruso goes around the Spanish merry-go-round (8) CAROUSEL {CARUSO*}{EL}
6   Journalist meditates in absence of mates (4) EDIT mEDITates 
9   Distance covered and managed to get keys (5) RANGE {RAN}{G}{E}
13 Route, possibly the type of road skirting town (5) OUTER*
15 The sort of man you feed in dinners (5) INNER [T] 
17 Salespersons carrying flat slate piece can be cold-blooded creatures (8) REPTILES {REP{TILE}S}
19 Spanish truck initially carries goods transported for French food source (8) ESCARGOT {ES}{CARGO}{Tr..k}
20 Big cat carrying girl goes around right mechanism activating camera trap (7) TRIGGER {TI{G}GER} over {R}
22 Gold from Australia? Curious! (5) AURUM {AU}{RUM}
24 Mistakenly set RAF to attack from aircraft (6) STRAFE*
26 Irritated puss gets employer of mailman in America (1,1,1,1) U S P S
28 Powder used in hospital clinic (4) TALC [T]

Reference List
Church = CE, Road = R, Princess = DI, On = RE, About = RE, Bearing = E, Left = L, King = K, Power = P, Park = P, European = E, The in Spanish = EL, Key = G,E, Spanish = ES, Girl = G, Right = R, Australia = AU

Thursday, 9 January 2025

No 14378, Thursday 09 Jan 2025, Arden

Solution to 6D has been deliberately left unsolved and is to be answered only by a non-regular / novice commenter, with proper annotation. Those who have answered earlier in the week, please give others a chance. 

Open for anyone to solve, if not solved by 1 PM.

1   Fantastic in space (3,2,4,5) OUT OF THIS WORLD [C&DD]
10 Top accommodation in a country revisited (5) AERIE {A}{EIRE<=}
11 9 stores cater cut fruit (9) NECTARINE {N{CATER*}INE}
12 Close to biting lip - A way to show displeasure (7) GRIMACE {b...nG}{RIM}{ACE}
13 Santa cross caught me making sour cream (7) SMETANA {S{ME}TANA*}
14 Controls - they're there inside (5) REINS [T]
16 Must maintain silence - finally becomes lifeless (9) INANIMATE {MAINTAIN*}{s...cE}
19 New tone, in case one is from Guangdong (9) CANTONESE {CA{N}{TONE}SE}
20 Close to painting in red paint (5) GLOSS {p...nG}{LOSS}
22 Ventilates after a time delay (7) AERATES {A}{ERA}TES Anno not clear
25 State a subject in the beginning (7) INDIANA {A}<=>{INDIAN}
27 Work behind time with a singularly crazy boss... (3,6) TOP BANANA {OP}<=>{T} {BANANAs}
28 ...due to having no name (5) OWING OWnING
29 Studies involving standard allocation for wars and conflicts (14) CONFLAGRATIONS {CON{FLAG}{RATION}S}

2   Subject of Britain and weather, one on one (9) UKRAINIAN {UK}{RAIN}{1}{AN}
3   Play ball - it's essentially entertainment (5) OPERA {O}{PER}{e...tAi...t}
4   Fruit - Argentine bananas? (9) TANGERINE*
5   Remove top of the metal, push in the centre of the bone (5) INCUS {zINC}{pUSh}
6   Being evasive about leaving part outside frame (9) W?A?E?I?G (Addendum - WEASELING {W{EASEL}ING} - See comments)
7   Something to eat in Madurai, Tamilnadu (5) RAITA [T]
8   Time to settle what the man reportedly consumed (3,4) DUE DATE {(~dude)DUED}{ATE)
9   Break bread with the first guest who comes in Harry (6) BADGER {BAD{Gu..t}ER*}
15 Brief season is what is needed still (9) SHORTFALL {SHORT}{FALL}
17 'In camera' arrangement - a Yankee objects (9) AMERICAN {IN+CAMERA}*{A}
18 "An homage to a Democrat" - speech follows (9) ADORATION {A}{D}{ORATION}
19 Disorderly in accommodating all our tall leaders (7) CHAOTIC {CH{All}{Our}{Tall}IC}
21 Spray box over empty garage (6) SPARGE {SPAR}{Ga..gE}
23 After a brief sentence, jail to make one mellow (5) RIPEN {RI}{PEN}
24 Informed about left cant (5) SLANG {S{L}ANG}
26 Firstly, does he often tie it around his waist? (5) DHOTI Acrostic Semi&lit

Reference List
New = N, Time = T, Name = N, Democrat = D, In = CHIC, Left = L