Saturday 28 February 2015

No 11330, Saturday 28 Feb 2015, Sunnet

Sunnet the Pangrammist is back with another humdinger.

1   Scotsman goes after great socialist (6) FABIAN {FAB}{IAN}
4   Traitor's nearly a pound to throw (8) QUISLING {QUId}{SLING}
10 Lay new money (a quarter) on Dale's sweetheart (9) VALENTINE VALE{N}{TIN}{E}
11 Attractive man's animal circles me (5) ROMEO {RO{ME}O}
12 Rate of methamphetamine (5) SPEED [DD]
13 After delivery of mail near South African province (9) POSTNATAL {POST}{NATAL}
14 Article denies 'Scary Spice' (7) ANISEED {A}{DENIES}*
16 Ogle a king reportedly (4) LEER (¬lear)
19 Lead the girl on at first (4) HERO {HER}{On}
21 Man who takes a lot of interest in an attempt to secure (7) SHYLOCK {SHY}{LOCK}
24 One young man came first and removed the fastener (9) UNBUCKLED {UN}{BUCK}{LED}
25 Life sustaining container is filled with tea initially (5) VITAL {VI{Tea}L}
26 Aide's around Rhode Island city (5) PARIS {PA'{RI}S}
27 Gold smuggled back by group is getting smaller (9) NARROWING {NAR}{RO}<={WING}
28 Sister used alternative device (8) RESISTOR {SISTER}*{OR}
29 Radio operator's allowed in small village (6) HAMLET {HAM}{LET}

1   First class sailor follows game (4-4) FIVE-STAR {FIVE-S}{TAR}
2   Shot in journal (8) BULLETIN {BULLET}{IN}
3   Pimpled hooligan is after Bill (5) ACNED {AC}{NED}
5   Turn to get nearly ductile tool (7) UTENSIL {U}{TENSILe}
6   Funnily gal's entry is mishandled (9) STRANGELY*
7   One confined in Congress (6) INMATE {IN}{MATE}
8   Incomplete search engine? Heard why it is a wrong 'un? (6) GOOGLY {GOOGLe}{Y}(~why)
9   Compressed and moved at a high speed (6) ZIPPED [DD]
15 Uses cress, I plucked by a river (9) EXERCISES {EXE}{CRESS+I}*
17 Block housing very revolutionary hospital, one that is at the base of a mountain (8) FOOTHILL {FO{OT<=}{H}IL} (Correction - {F{OOT<=}{H}ILL} - See comments)
18 The blue Kindle provides a window to heaven (8) SKYLIGHT {SKY}{LIGHT}
20 Soldiers' property around Florida city (7) ORLANDO {OR}{LAND}{O}
21 Dispatchers drop-in at last for Jewish ritual services (6) SEDERS SEnDERS
22 Leap over King's garment (6) JUMPER {JUMP}{ER}
23 A short flash intermittently returns and ends (6) ABORTS {A}{eBORTS<=}
25 Look back inside by means of instrument (5) VIOLA {VI{OL<=}A}


PS: I can't but help remarking here that the Kiwis have demolished the Aussies!

Friday 27 February 2015

No 11329, Friday 27 Feb 2015, Anon

1   Charge rascal after commencement of prescription (6) IMPOST {IMP}{pOST} (Addendum - IMPOSE {IMP}{dOSE} - See comments)
4   Lead actor, abducted by spouses, surrenders (6) WAIVES {W{Actor}IVES}
9   Berry found in Maracaibo (4) ACAI [T]
10 Sailor returns again to limit instability (10) ABERRATION {AB}{ER<=}{RATION}
11 Home appliance is source of tension for toddler (6) INFANT {IN}{FAN}{Te...n}
12 Asians ran out, replaced by short, tall Europeans (8) ITALIANS {I(-ran+tall)TALIANS}
13 Replaces odd stump with seeds (9) SUPPLANTS {StUmP}{PLANTS}
15 Clearing at the outskirts of Gainsville traps boy (5) GLADE {Gains{LAD}villE}
16 First small incision finally made on protective covering (5) SCUTE {S}{CUT}{madE}
18 English risking losing opener by promoting ... (9) ENHANCING {EN}{cHANCING}
22 ... headman who leaves his abode, legacy (8) HERITAGE HERmITAGE
23 Amateur pointlessly wanders in shock (6) TRAUMA AMATeUR*
25 Carbonates broken down by oilseed (6,4) CASTOR BEAN*
26 Particles make noise endlessly (4) IONS NOISe*
27 Former anathema gutted to tolerate ... (6) EXCUSE {EX}{CUrSE}
28 ... poem on Indian exchange written in Danish city? (6) ODENSE {ODE}{NSE}

1   Fish, not fed, unconfined at sea (7) INCONNU UNCONfINed*
2   Leaders of Pakistan and India share international currency (5) PAISA {P}{A}{I}{S}A A for international, seems to be an error here?
3   Ganesha's traditional knowledge helping to make sacred text (7) SHASTRA [T]
5   In another country, Beatles album is unknown, missing (6) ABROAD ABbey ROAD Is/Be
6   Vicious trinity caught in civil unrest (9) VITRIOLIC {VI{TRIO}LIC*}
7   Sneered at maize kept in outhouse lacking source of humidity (7) SCORNED {S{CORN}hED}
8   Expatriates dispatch valets? (10,3) REMITTANCE MEN {REMMITANCE} {MEN}
14 Loyal father to scamper about one in charge (9) PATRIOTIC {PA}{TR{1}OT}{IC}
17 Burn first two madmen trapped in Greek island (7) CREMATE {CRE{MAdmen}TE}
19 Taunted peculiar looking set (7) ATTUNED*
20 Candidate can delve into anyone regularly (7) NOMINEE {aNyO{MINE}nE}
21 Southern city of dramas, dance (6) MADRAS*
24 Foreigner to ally with Englishman instead of German (5) ALIEN ALI(-g+e)EN


Thursday 26 February 2015

No 11328, Thursday 26 Feb 2015, Vulcan

Vulcan's saying a lot today.

6   Subject in a story, say (5) LIEGE {LI{EG}E}
7   He is a man showered with hate (8) ANATHEMA {A+MAN+HATE}* &lit
10 Emotional meet up before end of reunion for many (7) UMPTEEN {MEET+UP}*{r...oN}
11 Say, extremely gooey ingredient often used in rolls and cakes  essentially (3,4) EGG YOLK {EG}{Goo eY}{O}{roLls}{caKes} &lit
12 After starting to gel, Anne rejects the guy - goes through hell (7) GEHENNA {Gel}{E{HE}NNA<=}
13 Beginning of love, chat passionately for a long time with door locked (5,2) LATCH ON {L}{CHAT*} {ON} for a long time/on ?
14 Novel we can read, a power-packed literary work (3,3,5) WAR AND PEACE {WE+CAN+READ+A}* over Power
19 Tasted/drank a shot of liquor and fell down (7) SLIPPED {S{Li...r}IPPED}
21 Blade is used to deactivate (7) DISABLE*
23 Attack a sailor, say (7) ASSAULT (~a salt)
25 Separate from partner mainly with fear of being outed (4,3) TEAR OFF {parTner}{EAR OFF}*
26 Face with long hair (8) SIDEBURN {SIDE}{BURN}
27 Boy owning a large store (5) SALON {S{A}{L}ON}

1   PS: We hope to get some entertainment (8) PEEPSHOW*
2   Humble act (6) DEMEAN [DD]
3   Nourished with special diet, an awesome mix (10) MAINTAINED {MAIN}{DIET+AN}*
4   Price is sounding reasonable (4) RATE (~ right) ? (Addendum - FARE (~ fair) - See comments)
5   Easy level (6) SMOOTH [DD]
6   Lobby to relax (6) LOUNGE [DD]
8   Eat perhaps, a late afternoon meal (4,3) HIGH TEA {EAT}*
9   King went down, admitting defeat (5) SKUNK {S{K}UNK} Not sure if the wordplay leads to this
13 Drink I have with Gin, tad intoxicating - it's killing (10) LAPIDATING {LAP}{I}{GIN+TAD}*
15 Catch to dismiss the opener, right start to the spell (7) RAPTURE (-c+r)RAPTURE
16 Involves brother in running miles (8) EMBROILS {EM{BRO}ILS*}
17 Typical university in America close to Cornell (5) USUAL {US{U}A}{c...eL}
18 Made a fence/wall to soundproof (6) DEAFEN [T]
20 Drive in silence for the most part (6) INSTIL {IN}{STILl}
22 Scattered boxes with envelopes on top (6) SPARSE {SPARS}{En...e}
24 Crisp letters from the best author (4) TAUT [T]


Wednesday 25 February 2015

No 11327, Wednesday 25 Feb 2015, Lightning

As entertaining as ever by Lightning.

1   German army's first incursion into island nation resulting in censure (8) DIATRIBE {D}{I}{A}{TRIBE}
5   Finishes checking old porches (6) STOOPS {STO{O}PS}
9   Fish egg in rock clipped (8) STURGEON {ST{URGE}ONe}
10 University dividing a compact courtyard (6) ATRIUM {A}{TRI{U}M}
12 Peacekeepers' look is rough (5) UNCUT {UN}{CUT} cut=fashion=look ?
13 Planned to speak after engineer at research facility (9) ELABORATE {E}{LAB}{ORATE}
14 Attachable container for bullets, open at both ends (4-2) CLIP-ON {CLIP}-{OpeN}
16 Perhaps one that buries boxes, say (7) INTEGER {INT{EG}ER} My COD
19 Long-lasting commitment at first by Archie, Veronica, with their hearts, moving ahead (7) CHRONIC {arCHie}{veRONIca}<=>{Co...t}
21 Siesta that's not just for felines (6) CATNAP [CD]
23 Type of a coral we destroyed with scuba equipment for beginners (9) LOWERCASE {CORAL+WE}*{Sc..a}{Eq...t}
25 Try our life vest (5) FLOAT [DD]
26 Working release sent back neither late, nor early (2,4) ON TIME {ON} {TIME<=}
27 Tedious rote is irritating me (8) TIRESOME {ROTE+IS*}{ME}
28 Smart saint with foresight leaving den (6) SPRUCE {S}{PRUdenCE}
29 Box to hold two shillings and electronic board with 32 pieces (5,3) CHESS SET {CHES{S S}{E}T}

1   Brush over quarrel (6) DUSTUP {DUST}{UP}
2   Like Sam or Pai (9) AVUNCULAR [CD]
3   Correct side (5) RIGHT [DD]
4   Detailed book on network smuggling ecstasy - it could convey the truth (7) BOOLEAN {BOOk}{L{E}AN}
6   Retaliation by Thailand to strike leaderless stronghold on a tor for starters (3,3,3) TIT FOR TAT {T}(hIT} {FOR T}{A}{Tor}
7   Approvals from Paris and Moscow for a board (5) OUIJA {OUI}{JA}
8   Extremely savvy engineer covers millimeters in attempt to show proportion (8) SYMMETRY {SavvY}{MM}{E}{TRY}
11 I am going back to get grand men who brought gifts (4) MAGI {MA{G}I<=}
15 Extensive fear gripping troubled Roman for the most part (9) PANORAMIC {PAN{ROMAn}*IC}
17 Attractive American gal arranged exquisite rooms to accommodate head of union (9) GLAMOROUS {GAL*}{MORO{Union}S*}
18 Measuring device nearly severs marine creatures (8) SCALLOPS {SCALe}{LOPS}
20 Burn tea recipe (4) CHAR {CHA}{R}
21 Rancher is happy to display treasure (7) CHERISH [T]
22 Verify  a temperature examination (6) ATTEST {A}{T}{TEST}
24 Server missing one essential liquid (5) WATER WAiTER
25 Sustains oil pipelines at last (5) FEEDS {FEED}{p...eS} (Addendum - FUELS {FUEL}{p...eS} - See comments)


Tuesday 24 February 2015

No 11326, Tuesday 24 Feb 2015, Skulldugger

Move over Holmes, Bond's here.

1   16's speciality: primarily Stolichnaya, Perrier, finally Tanquerary gin. Stir. (6) SPYING {St...a}{Pe...r}}{Ta...y}{GIN*}
4   An abundance of what the Iron Lady was made of? (6) GALORE {GAL}{ORE} Not sure of anno
9   Man's nose, magpie's mouth (4) BEAK [DD]
10 Cash and coin for 16's boss's 13 (10) MONEYPENNY {MONEY}{PENNY}
11 Forest enchanting but has a terrible smell (6) STENCH [T]
12 STD setup rubbish (8) CLAPTRAP {CLAP}{TRAP}
13 Private lair even unknown to PA (9) SECRETARY {SECRET}{lAiR}{Y}
15 16 baddie reportedly a Chinese cult figure (4) JAWS (~joss)
16 Contract Fleming's secret agent (4) BOND [DD]
17 Cow-worshipper's psyche lean (9) ANIMALISM {ANIMAL}{ISM} Semi&lit (Addendum - ANIMALIST {ANIMA}{LIST} - See comments)
21 Unusually cool vans? They might explode! (8) VOLCANOS*
22 Cheap whisky for night flight (6) REDEYE [DD]
24 Strange denominations set out in our time (4,6) ANNO DOMINI DeNOMINAtIONs*
25 Self-promotion for honey liquor? (4) MEAD {ME}{AD}
26 Japanese theatre society president abandoned drama finally and had a snack (6) NOSHER Anno pending (Addendum - NOSHED {NO}{S}{HEaD} - See comments)
27 Committed nurse wore large dress (6) DIRNDL {DI{RN}D}{L}

1   16 nemesis that might come back to haunt him? (7) SPECTRE [DD]
2   Canadian flower that's found around the United Kingdom (5) YUKON {Y{UK}ON}
3   Extremely naughty congresswoman got the man spent finally - could be 16 girl (7) NYMPHET {Na...tY}MPHET Anno pending (Addendum - {Na...tY}{MP}{HE}{spenT} - See comments)
5   In spite of everything, finds a new method to describe happy ending (6) ANYWAY {A}{N}{h...Y}{WAY}
6   Anybody can join shambolic English platoon: Labour leader (4,2,3) OPEN TO ALL {OPEN TO AL*}{La...r}
7   Groups of nine men on mead beheaded on Sabbath (7) ENNEADS {mEN}{mEAD}{S}
8   Non-archaic, it's possibly ahead of its time! (13) ANACHRONISTIC*
14 Chance upon Arun out of sorts and cantankerous (3,6) RUN ACROSS {RUN A*}{CROSS}
16 16 player's brother's father's mother? (7) BROSNAN {BROS}{NAN}
18 Aston Martin interior stocked with 16's tipple (7) MARTINI [T]
19 16 outing featuring flaky manoeuvre in the outskirts of Senegal (7) SKYFALL {Sene{FLAKY*}gaL}
20 Novelist downing final quarter, becomes besotted (2,4) IN LOVE NOVELIst*
23 Villain Dr. No apprehended operative, ultimately upended (5) DEMON {D{Ev...o}M}{ON}<=


Monday 23 February 2015

No 11325, Monday 23 Feb 2015, Incognito

8   Destructively throw a small quantity - and bolt (4) DASH [MD]
9   Moulding book is between two eggs (5) OVOLO {O{VOL}O}
10 Greek hero has a German confirmation by ten (4) AJAX {A}{JA}{X}
11 Where Latin liquor is the minimum for attendance (6) QUORUM {QUO}{RUM}
12 Unmarried lady turns titillating, at first, before the queen (8) SPINSTER {SPINS}{Ti...g}{ER}
13 Supports companions after initial excitement (8) ESPOUSES {Ex...t}{SPOUSES}
15 Urn: Batter may be disposed with this (3,3) RUN OUT {URN}*
17 Alien boards sailing vessels for free trips (7) JUNKETS {JUNK{ET}S}
19 Setter's farm hired out by detective's brother (7) MYCROFT {MY}{CROFT}
22 Shuts up after MI6 boss comes second best (6) CLOSES {C}{LOSES}
24 Irishman rebels against nationalists (8) PATRIOTS {PAT}{RIOTS}
26 Food: Mexican donkeys have it (8) BURRITOS {BURR{IT}OS}
28 First heard horrible sound on New York river (6) HUDSON {He...d}{SOUND*}
30 Rim with purified Germanium content (4) EDGE [T]
31 13 is a dozen for him (5) BAKER [CD]
32 Consumes egg and tomato sandwich for starters (4) EATS Acrostic

1   Indian clerk is a bachelor from a British university (4) BABU {BA}{B}{U}
2,3 Sleuth to secure residences, reportedly, after the Jungle Book Khan goes (8,6) SHERLOCK HOLMES {SHER}{LOCK} {HOLMES}(~homes)
4   Have sheriff's gang on a vessel (7) POSSESS {POSSE}{SS}
5   Fictional criminal's heartless try after medical officer and headless friar are found together (8) MORIARTY {MO}{fRIAR}{TrY}
6   Well known doctor was not confused (6) WATSON*
7   Look, first and last letters are in possession of good oriental (4) GAZE {G}{A}{Z}{E}
14 Shape of Phantom's accommodation may be found in one's head (5) SKULL [DD]
16 Peacekeepers are able, but sick (5) UNFIT {UN}{FIT}
18 Check pipe for lab equipment (4,4) TEST TUBE {TEST} {TUBE}
20 Put reed back under control for caribou (8) REINDEER {REIN}{DEER<=}
21 Chess champ has health resorts under the firmament. Quite the reverse ... (7) SPASSKY {SPAS}<=>{SKY}
23 Perry Mason's secretary's road (6) STREET [DD]
25 It might be worn to treat thirst (1-5) T-SHIRT*
27 Control Zulu to reverse action (4) UNDO (Ctrl+Z)
29 Boatswain's breakfast cereal (4) OATS [T]


Sunday 22 February 2015

Special, Sunday 22 Feb 2015, Le Roi

Three answers per commenter (annotations compulsory) till 6 PM.
Please provide your answers in one comment as far as possible.

* Starred clues belong to a central theme and have no direct definition 

1   To enrapture, source of Indus flows with silence (6)
4   *Orb lacks earthly characters (5,3)
10 *Extraordinary babe in car (9)
11 Invisible light when mirrored in lead-free pole gave rudimentary seed (5)
12 Snow cart that is out of diesel went astray (4)
13 Apparent when East German joins English bridge partners to rewrite introduction of Holy book (10)
15 *A lower house within region (4,3)
16 Force resulting from husband breaching belief (6)
19 Beverage holder violated E.U. pact (3-3)
21 Ambience caused by hundred and fifty one friends almost (7)
23 *Illness caught in haze going around empty isle (4,2,4)
25 Auditor General Edward turned old (4)
27 Aqualung made by southern country famous for its cigars? (5)
28 *The French wasted hours endlessly parting knowledge (4,5)
29 Woman softly heard on radio, “Jesus is the good one” (8)
30 Bets for errors without note (6)

1   Celebrity singer swings art nouveau (8)
2   Six surround loony artist on top of elevated storey in Paris to make it multi-coloured (9)
3   Mini submarines? (4)
5   Merciful to allow ugly nine inside (7)
6   *Dancing stock at Rio (4,6)
7   Firework, a damp one will fizzle out (5)
8   Exercise in the morning finally bore new primates (3-3)
9   *Communist view, reportedly (3,3)
14 Lunatic way to completely conceal small unknown quantity meat slice (10)
17 *Misplaced arrack kegs lost credit for good (9)
18 Late finishes or cul-de-sacs? (4,4)
20 Wise bird under an image building exercise with hesitation becomes a crook (7)
21 Weird position within city limits (6)
22 Absorbs energy in exchange for a couple of dirhams and outputs waste (6)
24 Upper garment without British parasite (5)
26 Church appeal to deliver a short note (4)

Across Lite version can be accessed at LE ROI 4


No 2829, Sunday 22 Feb 2015

1   Insight shown by hospital department, originally (5) DEPTH {DEPT}{H}
4   Established practice in art? I do it differently with end of crayon (9) TRADITION {ART+I+DO+IT}*{c...oN}
9   American's vest in desert, reportedly shown on film (9) WAISTCOAT (~waste)(WAIST}{COAT}
10 Cancel yearbook missing second article (5) ANNUL ANNUaL
11 Hamleys, say, developed photos - first of yours displayed inside (7) TOYSHOP {TO{Yours}SHOP*}
12 A rounded character, but not initially amusing man (7) OMICRON {cOMIC}{RON}
13 Women's crew, showering after end of work-out improving muscle performance (6-8) WEIGHT-TRAINING {W}{EIGHT}-{w...-..T}{RAINING}
17 Fat American woman shown up by car headlight? (5,2,3,4) BROAD IN THE BEAM {BROAD} {IN THE BEAM}
19 Resolved to live permanently with daughter (7) SETTLED {SETTLE}{D}
20 Girl in cold area round a factory (7) CAMILLA {C}{A}{MILL}{A}
22 Living in a city, some favour banking (5) URBAN [T]
23 Can one run broadcast? (9) ANNOUNCER* &lit as well
24 To exceed one's budget unfortunately proves point (9) OVERSPEND {PROVES*}{END}
25 Unpleasant odour I start to detect in damp (5) HUMID {HUM}{I}{De...t}

1   Business centre in Bangor, perhaps (8) DOWNTOWN [DD]
2   Old writer, popular within fold (5) PLINY {PL{IN}Y}
3   Struck senior teacher - row's made the papers (3,3,9) HIT THE HEADLINES {HIT} {THE  HEAD}{LINES}
4   Bad time over in platoon? (5) TROOP {T}{ROOP}<=
5   One who might have excited NASA tutor? (9) ASTRONAUT* &lit
6   Drink - two words for it! (7,8) ITALIAN VERMOUTH {It for Italian and It for Vermouth}
7   Lack of awareness in church sheltering good girl (9) IGNORANCE {I{G}{NORA}N}{CE}
8   Stockings, new, only ruined by son (6) NYLONS {N}{ONLY*}{S}
14 One bishop, one on board, is cranky (9) IRRITABLE {1}{RR}{1}{TABLE}
15 That rider is shaky, not much good (5-4) THIRD-RATE*
16 I'm mated, being handicapped (8) IMPAIRED {I'M}{PAIRED}
18 Criminal does, pocketing copper coin in use before the euro (6) ESCUDO {ES{CU}DO*}
20 Thoroughly defeated a northern European, breaking record (5) CANED {C{A}{N}{E}{D}
21 Stand-in doctor reduced swelling across one's chest, initially (5) LOCUM {L{Ones}{Chest}UMp}

Saturday 21 February 2015

No. 11324, Saturday, 21 Feb 2015, Incognito

An accessible crossword with samosas flying off the plate.

The solved grid

    9  Place to grow fruit or fish (7) ORCHARD - OR CHARD (fish)
  10  Kingdom's monthly payment tariff (7) EMIRATE - EMI (monthly payment) RATE (tariff)
  11  Compound for ammunition of National Investigation Agency (7)  AMMONIA -AMMO (ammunition) NIA 
*The first of three-letter acronym/abbr as a component in wordplay. Look for other such components elsewhere.
  12  Interactive demon in copper vehicle (7) INCUBUS - IN (in) CU (copper) BUS (vehicle)
  13  I checked a flying bird (9) CHICKADEE - Anag. of ICHECKEDA
  15  Extinct birds -B8B8? (5) DODOS - Anno to be provided by any reader
*Birds are flocking together, it seems.
  16  Take one and three fourth of a south Indian pancake on a back to back sofa (3,1,3) DOS-À-DOS[a]
 *Sometimes I ask my wife to give me half a dosa for a subsequent serving. Have you ever tried three-fourths of a dosa? In self-service hotels, the dosa is always folded unevenly and is served in such a way that the bigger side is on top: never double it in imagination of the size!
**BTW, should the term be three-fourths?
***This is a seat on which the users sit back to back. This French phrase literally 'means back to back'. 
**** Ignoring SA, those dead birds are here!
For a nice pic visit
  19  Bloodsuckers mutilated testes around beginning of summer (7) TSETSES -  S (beginning of summer) inserted in TSETES Anag. of TESTES 
*Whose we don't know. 
***The positioning of two lights with two three-letter strings in them in the same row must have been deliberate on the part of the setter.
  20  Interpret: Long distance is a little short (5) PARSE - Anno to be provided by any reader
  21  Bird has temperature? That's surprising (9) STARTLING - T (temperature) in STARLING (bird)
*Three birds on hand are worth six in the bush.
  25  X can be sound (7) TENABLE - TEN (X) ABLE (can)
  26  Charges a lot for pelts (7) FLEECES - Two meanings :: Charges a lot / pelts
  28  Hurt girl with a sword (7) CUTLASS - CUT (hurt) LASS (girl)
  29  Note: Craft is in front of performer (7) ARTISTE - ART (craft) IS (is) TE (musical note)
*Art and craft, they say. What is art? What is craft? Is an arty person crafty too?

    1  Design of shredded chamois without heat (6) MOSAIC - Anag of CAMOIS after deleting H (heat) from CHAMOIS
    2  Set up tent in South India and get seafood (6) SCAMPI - CAMP (tent) in SI (South India)
    3  Thank Royal Navy for the lake (4) TARN - TA (thank) RN (Royal Navy)
*'Ta' is an exclamation that means 'Thank you' or 'Thanks'. Not sure if mere 'thank' (v.) can give Ta.
    4  Setter and priest have transport document (2,4) ID CARD - CAR (transport) in I (setter) and DD (priest)
*Is the definition quite apt? ID cards are not always for transport.
    5  Sorry, write "one encampment" (8) PENITENT - PEN (write) I (one) TENT (encampment)
*Setter seems to be out picnicking a lot, pitching camp here and there.
    6  Mate ground beef, for example (6,4) MINCED MEAT -This will give 'MATE". 
*I think this is a reverse anagram.
    7  Slithering boas encircle bachelor in the grip of retired doctor in island (8) BARBADOS - Insertion of BA (bachelor) in DR (reversal of DR(doctor) which is inserted in BAOS (anag, of BOAS)
*Double container-content with a good anag signal. :: It can't be Ireland.
    8  Indian Star-trekker takes saint back and continues (8) PERSISTS - PERSIS (Indian star-trekker) TS (reversal of ST (saint))
*The reference is to Persis Khambatta, model, actor and author. She had a role in the film Star Trek.
  14  Rajma, for instance, baked in Eastern New York, maybe (6,4) KIDNEY BEAN - Anag of BAKEDINENY
*Does it taste differently there?
  16  Instrument immerses insect (8) DIPSTICK - DIPS (immerses) TICK (insect)
  17  Power to rebuild primary Government High School in Trent (8) - STRENGTH - Anag. of GHSTRENT
  18  Doubt South American enclosure's source of energy (8) SUSPENSE - S (South) US (American) PENS (enclosure's) E (source of energy)
  22  A couple of females, with light, fight (6) AFFRAY - A FF(a couple of females) RAY (light)
*Thank God, they didn't use beams.
  23  Nicest sort of crime committed by close relatives (6) INCEST - Anag. of NICEST

*Actually, it is most horrific crime.
  24  Rubber ring in Muruga's kettle (6) GASKET - Hidden in MuruGAS KETtle
*Gaskets are not always of rubber; they could be of metal or plastic.
  27  Newts initially excited fish tank shark (4) EFTS - Stringing together first letters of "excited fish tank shark"

An analysis of clue types

Key: Cha - charade, Anag - anagam, CC - container-content, DD - double definition - Rev - reverse

9          Cha 1          Anag
10          Cha 2          Cha
11          Cha 3          Cha
12          Cha 4          C/C
13          Anag 5          Cha
15          Not classified 6          Rev Anag
16          Cha 7          Double CC
19          CC 8          CC
20          Not classified 14          Anag
21          CC 16          Cha
25          Cha 17          Anag
26          DD 18          Cha
28          Cha 22          Cha
29          Cha 23          Anag

24          Telescopic

27         Acrostic
No. of Instances

14 Cha
 5 Anag
 4 CC
 2 Not classified
 1 Telescopic
 1 Rev anag
 1 Double CC
 1 DD
 1 Acrostic

The puzzle appears to be balanced in the use of clue types. In any puzzle, charades are apt to be preponderant. Acrostic, DD, Telescopic are not overdone. Anagrams too are well within the limit.