Original, self-created crosswords from readers are invited
for possible publication on this blog.
These are expected to be 15x15 standard blocked cryptic
crosswords. 13x13 grids too are accepted but not those of lesser dimensions.
Symmetrical disposition of the blocks is required. No
'free-form' grids.
The puzzles may be submitted in Word doc or as a Text file with the puzzle
grid, clues and numbered solution grid (that is, with clue numbers in
respective cells).
Optional are answers in run-on paras thus: Across: 1 ..., 2
... etc. Down: 5 ..., 7 ... etc. and
annotations / explanations.
Any novel experimentation in clue-writing is encouraged
(recently, in a crossword, we had across clues in a sort of story-form without the clue
The puzzle is solved by members, each pitching in with
specified number of answers. Usually the crossword is completed by participants
who also offer valuable comments. Members are generally very polite and
generous but please be prepared for their pointing out any errors/bloomers in
the crossword. The crossword is published without any editing save a check for
any indelicate/offensive gridfill or wording in clues.
In scheduling/not scheduling a puzzle and in the order of scheduling, the decision of the blog owner is final.
The copyright will rest with the setter.
To summarize, the following will be required to be sent to
the e-mail ID indicated in the contacts page
- Grid as a .jpeg or .png image.
- Clues in a word document or a text file.
- Contact details of setter with address and tele/mobile numbers (this will remain confidential with the owner of the blog)
- Pseudonym if desired.
- Solutions with annotations as indicated above, they can be in the same word document or text file as the clues.
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ReplyDeleteCan somebody tell me how to solve this crossword puzzle. What should be one's approach?
ReplyDeleteCheck out 'Links for Beginners' at