Monday 31 December 2012

No 10658, Monday 31 Dec 12, Vulcan

.... and so the year ends with an excellent CW, in my opinion, with some good anagrams.

1   Standard names used for cheese (8) PARMESAN {PAR}{NAMES*}
5   Live in a state of unconsciousness with not a bit of cognisance. Looking back, it’s a bug’s life (6) AMOEBA {AMOc}{EB}{A}<=
9   Reason City’s (odd) steeped in holiness (8) SANCTITY {SAN{CiTy}ITY}
10 It is found scattered around the banks of Ghaggar river (6) TIGRIS {TI{GhaggaR}IS*}
12 Essential to one even in India, a great developing country (9) ARGENTINA {oNe+iNdIa+A+GREAT}*
13 Live happily (2,3) ON AIR [DD]
14 Cross emu with large bats! (4) MULE {EMU+L}*
16 Kudos! You finally cracked the puzzle (6) SUDOKU {KUDOS+yoU}*
18 Nickel available in large quantity in Germany (6) MUNICH {MU{NI}CH}
20 Short European female servant (4) SERF {SERb}{F}
23 Chief eastern state (5) MAINE {MAIN}{E}
24 A cyclist’s starting off with a crazy acceleration (9) CATALYSIS {A+cYCLISTS+A}*
27 Desire a new t-shirt (6) THIRST*
28 Fresh Lay’s chip? For real? (8) PHYSICAL*
29 Farm animals let out after onset of anthrax (in Connecticut) (6) CATTLE {C{A}T}{LET*}
30 Sad and idle for a long time (4,4) BLUE MOON {BLUE} {MOON}

1   Ingredient of a soupa staple dish (5) PASTA [T]
2   Welsh green energy perhaps (6) RENEGE {GREEN+E}*
3   Boy left to stay in a boarding school (5) ELTON {E{L}TON}
4   How to sit on a horse in one step? (7) ASTRIDE {A}{STRIDE}
6   It arrives through post from Lima? Strange system (4,5) MAIL ORDER {LIMA*} {ORDER}
7   Flags are flying — standards followed (8) EARMARKS {ARE*}{MARKS}
8   Maintain a raised hairstyle (6) ASSERT {A}{SSERT<=}
11 Missus gobbling a candy bar (4) MARS {M{A}RS}
15 Widespread in Terrible Ivan’s rule (9) UNIVERSAL*
17 Dog I categorise as a fighter (8) PUGILIST {PUG}{I}{LIST}
19 Poor writer (4) HACK [DD]
20 Case of Ron’s disappearance in Charleston — intriguing (7) SATCHEL CHArLESTon*
21 In the middle of indigestion? Stomach upset? Call for this medicine (6) EMETIC {E}{M}{ETIC<=}
22 Maniac chops yank’s head off (6) PSYCHO {CHOPS+Y}*
25 Fabric from wool is legendary (5) LISLE [T]
26 Girl comes up short running a boutique (5) SALON {sSAL<=}{ON}

Sunday 30 December 2012

Special, Sunday 30 Dec 12, Buzzer


1.  3 answers per commenter in the comments section.
2.  Annotations to be provided. 

' Cryptic by Buzzer, Originally published in CrOzworld January 2013 Edition'

5   Heart broken by ultimate devastation in city (6)
7   An impromptu musical session received well at English festival (8)
9   Prominently display special coffee recipe (8)
10 Pilots in cruises keep uniform on for long (6)
11 Year after cursed spell I serve the king (5,7)
13 Not clear if missing field officer is petitioned (6)
15 Educational aids to some extent are a liability (6)
18 Working plan for Ossie expert (12)
21 Yell from one being eaten by an ogre (6)
22 Excitement of riding has man in cavalry cry out (8)
23 About 600 took on vociferous Indian chief (3,5)
24 Respectful gesture unfortunately rejected by a maiden (6)

1   Twist around each ankle essentially causing harm (8)
2   Wearing scarf on top and favourite pullover together (2,4)
3   Evader of duties relatively pleased with self saving a pound (8)
4   Note content of religious sermon (6)
6   Train a plant to grow, rise and leap out (8)
7   Yank briefly agreed to go up to Channel Island (6)
8   Top-less pitcher (4)
12 Hand one tabloid a collection of Japanese writing (8)
14 It gives one access to a portal (8)
16 Road trips up to Darling? (8)
17 Teeming with iron, copper and free of lead (6)
18 Edward for one makes an impression during speech (6)
19 Estrangement from church is accepted by Saint Mark (6)
20 Not much advance notice floors you (4)

The Crossword can also be accessed on a separate page at CRYPTIC By BUZZER

No 2719, Sunday 30 Dec 12

1   In Niger, a popular type of music (3)  RAP [T]
3   By boringly traditional meeting place in New York? (5,6) TIMES SQUARE {TIMES} {SQUARE}
9   Glib talk by northern model (7) PATTERN {PATTER}{N}
10 English farm animals in short satirical poem (7) EPIGRAM {E}{PIG}{RAM}
11 Superb flatfish - a small number put in it (9) BRILLIANT {BRILL}{I{A}{N}T}
12 Ram a truck's rear wheels and this could be broken (5) KAPUT {K}{A}{PUT}<=
13 Place full of computers in centre, neat if refreshment required (8,4) INTERNET CAFE*
17 Pirate, ninety, rotting in prison (12) PENITENTIARY*
20 States opposed? Mostly (5) AVERS AVERSe
21 Together, make amends, and discharge revolutionary (2,3,4) AT ONE TIME {ATONE} {TIME<=}
23 Destroy bar in centre (7) CORRODE {COR{ROD}E}
24 Receiving no money, a pal visiting ancient city (7) AMATEUR {A}{MATE}{UR}
25 Steps taken by Cockneys in old London street market? (7,4) LAMBETH WALK [DD]
26 Last in post that is secure (3) TIE {T}{IE}

1   Country inn has historical object outside (8) REPUBLIC {RE{PUB}LIC}
2   More than one loyalist Irishman disturbs the peace (8) PATRIOTS {PAT}{RIOTS}
3   Irish tourist attraction, with ten hotels nearby in resort (3,7,5) THE BLARNEY STONE*
4   Unexpected names in this international society (5) MENSA*
5   Sight provided by glasses, limited (9) SPECTACLE SPECTACLEs
6   Fast in responding being intelligent? Incorrect (5,3,3,4) QUICK OFF THE MARK {QUICK} {OFF THE MARK}
7   Short in bar slyly put away (6) ABRUPT {BAR*}{PUT*}
8   Antagonism shown by heartless adversary carrying it (6) ENMITY {ENeM{IT}Y}
14 Girl, Hazel, I fancy, must accept wager (9) ELIZABETH {ELIZA{BET}H*}
15 Clear list of passengers flying (8) MANIFEST [DD]
16 Alongside king making an exclamation of astonishment (2,6) BY GEORGE {BY} {GEORGE}
18 Do up plot (6) PARCEL [DD]
19 Ruby's on strange horse (3,3) RED RUM {RED} {RUM}
22 Japanese city, very large (also known by another name?) (5) OSAKA {OS}{AKA}

Saturday 29 December 2012

No 10657, Saturday 29 Dec 12, Lightning

 Some long winded clues today.

1   Friend’s effort reformed a criminal without priors (5,8) FIRST OFFENDER*
8   Woodland place (4) PARK [CD]
9   Loud and noisy protest on debts (10) UPROARIOUS {UPROAR}{IOUS}
10 Arranged in layers before being engulfed by unending current (6) TIERED {TI{ERE}De}
11 Overtake and head off goon on the runway (8) OUTSTRIP {lOUT}{STRIP}
12 Assume half of the errors to be fixed in these calculators (9) MEASURERS {ASSUME+ERRors}*
14 Doctor No retired to idle (4) MOON {MO}{ON<=}
15 A dance by graduate students (4) BALL {BA}{LL}
16 Side effect along with a substance formed during a chemical reaction (2-7) BY-PRODUCT [E]
20 Caught extremely elusive girls frolicking with religious leaders (8) CLERGIES {C}{ElusivE+GIRLS*}
21 Extremity of punishment overwhelms German resistance (6) FINGER {FIN{G}E}{R}
23 Detached rogue about to send back offspring to gangster (10) IMPERSONAL {IMP}{ER<=}{SON}{AL}
24 Attempt to initially lay diamonds on a precious metal (4) GOLD {GO}{L}{D}
25 Bad theory devised to separate vehicle’s energy sources (13) CARBOHYDRATES {CAR{BAD+THEORY*}S}

1   Flimsy dossier about tabloid (7) FRAGILE {F{RAG}ILE} (Filmsy corrected to Flimsy)
2   He searches thoroughly with a long toothed tool and some resourcefulness (5) RAKER {RAKE}{R}
3   Rumble created by eccentric fellow returning outside hospital with the German (7) THUNDER {T{H}UN<=}{DER}
4   Classified film (3,4,4,4) FOR YOUR EYES ONLY [DD]
5   Legislates measure on shams (6) ENACTS {EN}{ACTS}
6   Marine debris resulting from stray logs (9) DRIFTWOOD {DRIFT}{WOOD}
7   Hesitant to go back to marriage gathering (7) REUNION {RE<=}{UNION}
13 Time elapsed during one revolutionary journey (5,4) SOLAR YEAR [CD]
15 In Kabul, I micromanaged a person with an eating disorder (7) BULIMIC [T]
17 Fellow breaking in to steal royal file, perhaps (7) RIFFLER {RIF{F}LE}{R}
18 Hundred characters describing Eastern European descendants in the West Indies (7) CREOLES {C}{R{E}OLES}
19 A complete failure in a segment of the mafias code (6) FIASCO [T]
22 Saviour in shining armour, we hear, in a period of darkness (5) NIGHT(~knight)

Friday 28 December 2012

No.10656, Friday 28 Dec 12, Klue Klux Klan

Either I'm off my game today or some things don't really add up in the puzzle.

1 A spot for student, not trite (6) MACULA (MAtriCULAte)
4 Thresholds in city houses (6) MINIMA (IN inside MIMA) LIMINA (IN inside LIMA) See comments below
9 Half of them follow ancient city Goddess (4) URTH (THem after UR)
10 Chasteness understood in Sicily boundaries (10) SIMPLICITY (IMPLICIT inside SicilY)
11 Shilling taken out from nearest cupboard (6) CLOSET (CLOSEsT)
12 Adult, fashion-spirited, played on the road (4,4) AWAY, GAME (A + WAY + GAME)
13 Coat occultist left out somehow (9) STUCCOIST (OCCUlTIST)* where is the extra S coming from? And does Stuccoist mean coat? Can't find such a reference
15 Bridge players in pink city (5) PINSK (S inside PINK)
16 Pasta for Celt born westbound of Tyneside (5) PENNE (NEP<=? + NE)
18 Settler’s work money? (9) SOURDOUGH (SOUR + DOUGH)
22 Smart Alec knowing Israel town (8) WISEACRE (WISE  + ACRE)
23 Carry the French wine (6) DEPORT (DE + PORT) DE is "of" in French, not "the"
25 Inhabiting trees, a royal put up with friend (10) ARBOREALLY (A + R + BORE + ALLY) Adjective and Adverb mismatch?
26 City’s limitless taxing design (4) XIAN (tAXINg)*
27 Specifically determines advantages (6) ASSETS ? (AS + SETS) See comments below
28 Stick to the Goddess after today (6) ADHERE (HERE after AD)

1 Marple mostly to turn spoil-sport? (7) MARPLOT (MARPLe + TO<=)
2 Fish found in Mexico hospital (5) COHOS (T)
3 Nation initially lacking potholes? Strange! (7) LESOTHO (pOTHOLES)*
5 Complaints, yes? Quite so! (3,3) I'LL, SAY (ILLS + AY)
6 Concealed coin ingot at sea (9) INCOGNITO (COIN INGOT)*
7 Goddess of Emirates decapitated grotesquely (7) ARTEMIS (eMIRATES)*
8 Torridly dispose, mainly in a riot (13) IMPASSIONEDLY (DISPOSE MAINLY)*
14 Infectious stubborn worker removed (9) CANKEROUS (CantANKEROUS)
17 King’s sex appeal concerning in East African country (7)  ERITREA (ER + IT + RE + A) A from? (R + IT + RE inside E A) See comments below
19 Flew overnight // with signs of crying (3-4) RED-EYED (DD)
20 Refuse to clothe some agents (7) GARBAGE (GARB + AGEnts) some = half?
21 Skilful researcher short of time? (6) SCIENT (SCIENTist)
24 Cobbler, say, swallows one unknown brownie (5) PIXIE (PIE outside I + X)

Thursday 27 December 2012

No 10655, Thursday 27 Dec 12, Skulldugger

 Phew!! Skuldugger is as devious as ever. Not been able to decipher 17D.

5   O the stuff of life! (6) OXYGEN [CD]
6   Booze ooze causes disturbance (6) RUMPUS {RUM}{PUS}
9   Steadily improves attitude endlessly to get proficient (6) ADROIT Anno pending (Addendum - {AD}{RO}{IT} - See comments for explanation of annotation)
10 Perverse pair seen getting laid on the table? (8) NAPERIES*
11 Primarily bounce, razzmatazz, intensity, oomph (4) BRIO {B}{R}{I}{O}
12 Tardy janitor’s trait criminals’ desire? (5,5) CLEAN SLATE [DD]
13 Stunning looker might be infectious (3-8) EYE-CATCHING {EYE}-{CATCHING}
18 Cut corners can be sharp (5-5) KNIFE-EDGES {KNIFE}-{EDGES}
21 Cocky if smart (4) ABLE ? [DD] (Addendum - ALEC [CD] - See comments}
22 Saw tree (8) CHESTNUT [DD]
23 Unusually large rear-end cushioning for every rear-ending? (6) BUMPER [DD]
24 Tires fall in empty ditches (6) DRAINS {Ditc{RAIN}heS}
25 Dethrones and banishes African premier. Second moving up heralds a dark time (6) SUNSET (+s)SUNSEaT(-s)

1   Junction behind setter’s institute reportedly a shrooms-dealing area (8) MYCOLOGY {MY}{COLOG(~college)}{Y}
2   Rationalist downing cocktail discovered to be pussy (6) SEPTIC ScEPTIC How is 'C' cocktail? (Addendum - SkEPTIC - See comments)
3   Potation peculiar pugilist packs? (3,5) RUM PUNCH {RUM} {PUNCH}
4   Tear around the tree. Around and a round (6) SPIRAL {S{PIR<=}AL}
5   Animal food’s fate? (6) ORDURE [CD]
7   To get in shape, loveliest exercise, eschewing oil (6) SVELTE LoVilEST*
8   Victor, beginning to eat, breaks egg on grill (11) INVESTIGATE {IN{V}{E}STIGATE}
14 Breaking obstaclean ingested purgative (8) CLEANING [T]
15 It can be almost fatal to get close to a woman (4,4) NEAR MISS {NEAR} {MISS}
16 Wild hounds like wild horses? (6) UNSHOD*
17 Banning banned ban craze (6) ?L?E?T (Addendum - DEMENT - DEbarMENT}
19 Pecuniarily pertinent public prosecutor (6) FISCAL [DD]
20 To overpower, undercharge (6) SUBDUE {SUB}{DUE}

Wednesday 26 December 2012

No 10654, Wednesday 26 Dec 12, Tester

Quite a straightforward test from Tester today.

7   Strong vessel causes suffering (8) HARDSHIP {HARD}{SHIP}
9   Immeasurably small heart of anatomical structure (6) ATOMIC [T]
10 Territorial Army follows American lawyer for information (4) DATA {DA}{TA}
11 Meddling with lethal item without respite (3,3,4) ALL THE TIME*
12 Bid to capture back the German (6) TENDER {TEN<=}{DER}
14 Encircle old city with ammunition after the first of September (8) SURROUND {S}{UR}{ROUND}
15 Help donkey first (6) ASSIST {ASS}{1'ST}
16 Renovated synagogue without you and reached a sacred river (6) GANGES SyNAGoGuE*
19 Am I surrounded by two-winged insects in these social units? (8) FAMILIES {F{AM}I}LIES}
21 People who extract ore lay explosive devices in front of Rajya Sabha (6) MINERS {MINE}{RS}
23 Type of visual communication that is avoided when lying (3,7) EYE CONTACT [CD]
24 Wharf built out of rock using Dinar instead of Rand (4) DOCK (-r+d)DOCK
25 Sick Queen behind King is a slayer (6) KILLER {K}{ILL}{ER}
26 Carry out the activity of exerting your muscles in various ways to keep fit (8) EXERCISE [E]

1   Made changes with silver to inflict harm (6) DAMAGE {DAM{AG}E*}
2   Thought from middleman making regular sacrifices (4) IDEA mIdDlEmAn
3   The rates are abnormal for these rooms in hospital (8) THEATRES*
4   Kind of unusual heat on the outskirts of Raipur (6) RATHER {Ram{HEAT*}puR}
5   Instrument played to hug Norma (5,5) MOUTH ORGAN*
6   Maid came back on the first of December with small gemstones (8) DIAMONDS {DIAM<=}{ON}{D}{S}
8   Refine constabulary by sacking engineer maintaining silence (6) POLISH {POLIce}{SH}
13 Clearly Diana isnt bemused by chance to love you first (10) DISTINCTLY {DI}{ISN'T*}{C}{T}{L}{Y}
15 Short answer about gangster and unknown sub-inspector leads to a kind of detailed examination (8) ANALYSIS {AN{AL}{Y}{SI}S}
17 Abstainer wearing strange diadem was allowed to enter (8) ADMITTED {ADMI{TT}ED*}
18 Heartlessly calculate the approximate worth of landed property (6) ESTATE ESTimATE
20 Give little attention to Italian man scratching head (6) IGNORE sIGNORE
22 Respite from tax after the start of recent events (6) RECESS {R}{E}{CESS}
24 Avoid zero in cricket (4) DUCK [DD]

Tuesday 25 December 2012

No.10653, Tuesday 25 Dec 12, Textrous

Christmas wishes to everyone

Textrous is in great touch with this puzzle as is his wont.

6 Is able to see you score (7) CANTATA (CAN + TATA)
7 Run away from girl hugging a date (5) EVADE (EVE outside A D)
9 To wander around an orchard’s no good (4) ROVE (gROVE)
10 Clay pit is fashioned with low-grade skill (10) SPECIALITY (CLAY PIT IS E)*
11 Brilliant erotic novel people didn't finish at first (8) METEORIC (EROTIC* after MEn)
13 American model in couch taken into custody (6) BUSTED (US + T inside BED)
15 Notes England make slow progress (4) WADE (WAD + E)
17 Small story, not novel (5) STALE (S + TALE)
18 Smoke vent, by the sound of it (4) REEK (~WREAK)
19 Pen word oddly to describe custom (6) WRITER (WoRd outside RITE)
20 Our biggest star’s turning point? (8) SOLSTICE (CD)
23 Contrived one to fill in for a phony (10) FICTITIOUS (FACTITIOUS with I for A)
26 Cheat // sheets, 500 of them (4) REAM (DD)
27 Brief letter, senseless in part (5) TERSE (T)
28 Mean to have a drink without starters (7) AVERAGE (A + beVERAGE)

1 Former worker, excellent and extraordinarily decent (10) ANTECEDENT (ANT + E + DECENT*)
2 King and queen go after spirits around lunchtime (6) KAISER (KAS + ER outside 1)
3 Innocent to lose heart somewhere in the church (4) NAVE (NAiVE)
4 Sapper obligated by law to be trustworthy (8) RELIABLE (RE + LIABLE)
5 Labour act hauled up bank (4) WALL (L + LAW)<=
6 Fine to be fitted into revolutionary car part (5) CHOKE (OK inside CHE)
8 New term described by river’s farthest point (7) EXTREME (TERM* inside EXE)
12 Stylish // group of people (5) CLASS (DD)
14 Hot tar complaint? (4,6) SORE, THROAT (HOT TAR)*
16 Suffer terrible fit, right to be taken in emergency transportation (7) AIRLIFT (AIL + FIT* outside R)
17 Agents showed up around hotel for a drink (8) SPRITZER (REPS<= outside RITZ)
21 Pay attention to directions on catalogue (6) LISTEN (EN on LIST)
22 Conservative to knock down a fad (5) CRAZE (C + RAZE)
24 Ripped off shops endlessly (4) TORE (sTOREs)
25 Form of casual avocation making a comeback (4) OVAL (T<=)

Monday 24 December 2012

No 10652, Monday 24 Dec 12, Mover

So Mover moved here. Good opener from Mover.

1   Magna Carta group hiring a plane (7) CHARTER [DD]
5   Taxi I clean for pudding variety (7) CABINET {CAB}{I}{NET}
8   Resin noted on the French motorway (5) ELEMI {E}{LE}{M1}
9   Throw around acid, causing sudden fright (9) STARTLING {S{TART}LING}
11 Boring shoemaker’s drink? (8,5) COBBLER'S PUNCH [DD]
13 Hear poison alarm (6) TOCSIN (~toxin)
16 Move around Oregon with start (8) ORBITING {OR}{BITING}
18 Streaked skin bled outside (8) BRINDLED {B{RIND}LED}
19 Prize taken from an astrophysicist (6) TROPHY [T]
24 From which a lot of honking may be expected (6,2,5) GAGGLE OF GEESE [CD]
26 Aquatic plant providing a variety of materials (5,4) MARE'S TAIL*
27 Zero study required for nymph (5) OREAD {O}{READ}
28 Transposed notes in foot pedal may yield a sticky syrup (7) TREACLE TREA(-d+c)CLE
29 Ground moistened around bottom of ditch (7) WHETTED {W{H}ETTED}

1   Team to sever a severe top style (7) CREWCUT {CREW}{CUT}
2   Bitter expert with broken crib (7) ACERBIC {ACE}{CRIB*}
3   Tentative court case (5) TRIAL [DD]
4   Make new arrangement for holiday destination (6) RESORT RE-SORT
5   Bubbly for those who eat like horses? (8) CHAMPERS [DD]
6   Rusty hinge makes animal cry (5) NEIGH*
7   Drunk held firmly (5) TIGHT [DD]
10 North African port with more flavour (7) TANGIER [DD]
12 Loop rope coil with top attached to bottom (4) ANKH (-h)ANK(+h)H
14 There’s a monster; therefore, back up (4) OGRE <=
15 God, I sin awfully, in colours! (7) INDIGOS*
17 Swiss William legend revealing secrets? (8) TELLTALE {TELL}{TALE}
20 Excuse this foreword (7) PRETEXT {PRE}{TEXT}
21 Gave up and produced (7) YIELDED [DD]
22 How about zero pounds? Empty feeling? (6) HOLLOW {H{O}{LL}OW}
23 Plead guilty with German following publicity (5) ADMIT {AD}{MIT}
24 Spiny shrub has point in blood (5) GORSE {GOR{S}E}
25 Saw wee fellow (5) GNOME [DD]

Sunday 23 December 2012

Special, Sunday 23 Dec 12, Phantom


1.  3 answers per commenter in the comments section.
2.  Annotations to be provided. 

1   Habit to proceed with directions (4)
3   Double trouble in dreading Queen (4,6)
9   Lethargy in absence of love leads to sleep in primates (7)
11 Report how mouse managed to return first with slice of Edam (7)
12 It camouflages with desert’s ship say, taking an age to cross hillock (9)  
13 Dressing for impertinent person? (5)
14 Nine's contribution to nomenclature in vital fluid (6,6)
18 Ostentatious attire drove singers crazy (12)
21 Principle to quote about including honour first (5)
22 Is love for Muslim governor, caught by westbound Naxalite, turning one into a rebel? (9)
24 See, uncertainty returns to overawed Eli in company of siren (7) 
25 'The whole works' as a comedy by Nagesh and Baliah, initially (7)
26 Capital equipment required to process European herb (5,5)
27 Slight stutter (4)

1   Sell over vehicle meant for carrying irons (4,4)
2   Hopeful of lifting embargo on English during decline (8)
4   Guarantee no right to succeed (5)
5   Mobile fare provided here? (6,3)
6   Negligent as I slip-up about being sensible losing energy at first to uplift work (13)
7   Prepare saddle to ride horseback (4-2)
8   Hesitation over breaking free from joint (6)
10 Doubtlessly unique perhaps as fifth company comes up with accessory (13)
15 Emergency evacuation exercise when lifer breaks out taking physician, almost sick hostage (4,5)
16 Setter initially overwhelmed by greeting, hauled up during call from Municipal H.O building (4,4)
17 Culture, medium for promotion of Indian musical compositions? (4,4)
19 Uproar when engineer goes crazy over hugging first love (6)
20 River Styx's mythical boatman with broken anchor (6)
23 Girl's admitted in Jesus and Mary college (5)

To attempt the CW on a separate page follow the link PHANTOM 2

No 2718, Sunday 23 Dec 12

1   - Traitor shot by CO, a leader of troops (8) - TURNCOAT {TURN}{CO}{A}{T}
5   - Team audibly expressed relief (4) - SIDE (~sighed)
7   - Finding Italian composer inside ceremonial court (6,7) - FORMAL VERDICT {FORMAL} {VERDI}{CT}
10 - Following behind leader in rally (5) - LATER {LATE}{R}
11 - Generally free (2,5) - AT LARGE [DD]
12 - Sailor man, bruiser at sea (10) - SUBMARINER*
14 - Fine Greek character making cheese there (4) - FETA {F}{ETA}
16 - Adult feeding toddler perfectly (2,1,1) - TO A T {TO {A} T}
17 - Young landlord brought round second bulletin (10) - NEWSLETTER {NEW}{S}{LETTER}
19 - Struggle to survive in desert heat (3,4) - RAT RACE {RAT} {RACE}
20 - United aware of final in Rome (2,3) - IN ONE {IN ON}{romE}
23 - How Monopoly starts, as it always has (4,3,4,2) - FROM THE WORD GO [DD]
24 - Additional matter involving learner driver (4) - PLUS {P{L}US}
25 - Kirk series open about closure of kirk? (4,4) - STAR TREK {STAR T}{RE}{K} My all time favourite series

1   - One seeking damages losing simple argument (4) - TIFF plainTIFF
2   - Rustic artist interrupting canon, endlessly (5) - RURAL {RU{RA}Le}
3   - About to drink gin or cobblers (8) - CLAPTRAP {C}{LAP}{TRAP}
4   - Guys during a test drive damaged trailer (13) - ADVERTISEMENT {ADVERTISE{MEN}T*}
5   - Screen cast, about 50 (6) - SHIELD {SHIE{L}D}
6   - Cleaner put off by toff (9) - DETERGENT {DETER}{GENT}
8   - Degrade sister, unwisely, in family magazine (7,6) - READER'S DIGEST*
9   - Put right about couple (6) - REPAIR {RE}{PAIR}
12 - Planet could show a change of direction behind sun (6) - SATURN {S}{A}{TURN}
13 - Attractive blue Fiat crashed outside university (9) - BEAUTIFUL {BEA{U}TIFUL*}
15 - A critical time for one to leave alluring woman with nothing on (4,4) - ZERO HOUR {ZERO} {HOURi}
18 - Eminent female, a mostly shy person (6) - FAMOUS {F}{A}{MOUSe}
21 - The Spanish embarrassed over senior church member (5) - ELDER {EL}{DER<=}
22 - Show yellow card to reserve (4) - BOOK [DD]

Saturday 22 December 2012

No 10651, Saturday 22 Dec 12, Incognito

What happened to Mover? 

5   Evictor lost an eye, say, and went around with directed force (6) VECTOR EViCTOR*
7   Indisposed peacemakers stood before water source (6) UNWELL {UN}{WELL}
11 Mr. Walker who walks or rides Hero (7) PHANTOM [GK]
12 French noble found eccentric Tom surrounded by vice (7) VICOMTE {VIC{TOM*}E}
13 Blimey! No yen, yet asses went around groups (10) ASSEMBLIES {{ASSE{BLIMEy*}S}
17 Egad, that’s become old (4) AGED*
18 Sweet fraud (6) HUMBUG [DD]
20 Storage space near model (6) CLOSET {CLOSE}{T}
21 Instrument found, when booze was decanted, after Zorro went out (4) OBOE BOOzE*
22 Little Balakrishna’s (not Bala’s) business supports rising railings (10) BALUSTRADE {BALU'S}{TRADE}
28 Child, not a day old, but might be quarter brown (7) NEWBORN {NE+BROWN}*
29 Regular communication code for you, say (7) UNIFORM Anno pending (Addendum - [DD] - See comments}
30 Hundred and ten besiege capital for a nail-biting finish (6) CLIMAX {C}{LIMA}{X}
31 Increase price that could be earned (6) ENDEAR*

1   Vehicles carried two thirds of an egg for people who don’t eat them (6) VEGANS {V{EGg}ANS}
2   First impaler lost energy and collapsed (6) PRIMAL IMPALeR*
3   Hummer’s military version found when he went around universal motor vehicle, initially, with ecstasy (6) HUMVEE {H{U}{M}{V}E}{E}
4   Fruit grows old with bird feathers (8) PLUMAGES {PLUM}{AGES}
6   Anthem written around clan ancestor (5) TOTEM Anno pending (Addendum - MOTET* - See comments)
8   Thing to light in Warwickshire (4) WICK [T]
9   Wet endings NASA used to have before space shuttles were used (11) SPLASHDOWNS [CD]
10 Principals were confused at the sources of rivers (11) HEADSTREAMS HEADMASTERS*
14 Irish oath, by God! (5) BEGOB [E]
15 Pastoral poem idly left around (5) IDYLL {IDLY+L}*
16 Large counterparts of these extreme covers used to be seen near runways (5) SOCKS [CD]
19 Astronauts did this before Michael Jackson (8) MOONWALK [DD]
23 Take over building adjunct (6) ANNEXE [DD]
24 Extraordinarily interesting uncle (6) USURER [CD]
25 Adroit: lost nothing and circled round for threesome (5) TRIAD ADRoIT*
26 Parka found when a king embraced Nora (6) ANORAK {A}{NORA}{K}
27 Early bird’s breakfast (4) WORM [GK]

Friday 21 December 2012

No.10650, Friday 21 Dec 12, Arden

Another entertaining puzzle to finish this run. Thanks Arden

1 One who gets it is often dumped (4,4,6) DEAR, JOHN, LETTER (CD)
10 Vessel seized somewhere in Somalia or Tanzania (5) AORTA (T)
11 Forwarded without a study, it is performed religiously (9) SACRAMENT (SENT outside A CRAM)
12 Unscrupulous fellow is withdrawn, rest go off (7) SHYSTER (SHY + REST*)
13 Some well known item in entertainment industry (7) EMINENT (T)
14 Endeavoured to change direction for a gang (5) TRIAD (TRIED with A for E)
16 He is off booze, but can get a six pack say, from coach right away (9) ABSTAINER (ABS + TrAINER)
19 Peter cover a church feature counting every step (9) PEDOMETER (PETER outside DOME)
20 With every other character Bernard only will sign on (5) ENROL (bErNaRd OnLy)
22 Changed into a casual shirt, being low key all around (7) MUTATED (MUTED outside A T)
25 Perhaps John takes part in a periodical game (7) MAHJONG (JOHN* inside MAG)
27 Control stand put up again (9) REINSTALL (REIN + STALL)
28 Not true without say, a feudal lord (5) LIEGE (LIE outside EG)
29 Hence Rotterdam because a game of chance (5-4, 5) THREE-CARD, MONTE (HENCE ROTTERDAM)*

2 Idle Barry could be the first to wake up in the morning (5,4) EARLY, BIRD (IDLE BARRY)*
3 Some food like in rank (5) ROAST (AS inside ROT)
4 Daily following a river, watchful (9) OBSERVANT (SERVANT after OB)
5 Some comfortable place while having a chronic headache (5) NICHE (T)
6 Time to give orders, having no time to stamp out (9) ERADICATE (ERA + DICtATE)
7 Subject of article on setter (5) THEME (THE + ME)
8 It could turn any which way (7) ROTATOR (<=>)
9 Fish and French hound (6) BASSET (BASS + ET)
15 Leave office with most of what you own in a small cup (9) DEMITASSE (DEMIT + ASSEt)
17 Extremely sarcastic, went on and on all mixed up (9) SCRAMBLED (SarcastiC + RAMBLED)
18 Extremely thin missile in retreat (9) NARROWEST (ARROW inside NEST)
19 Clean up if not happy with the fish (7) POMFRET (MOP<= + FRET)
21 The lumberjack is half German going by earlier record (6) LOGGER (GER after LOG)
23 One makes efforts to get right in step (5) TRIER (R inside TIER)
24 Measure a say, measure for measure (5) DRAMA (DRAM + A)
26 Play, not Old Testament greeting (5) HELLO (otHELLO)

Thursday 20 December 2012

No 10649, Thursday 20 Dec 12, Arden

Today is 20.12.2012.

1   An olive branch to take pain off Greece, perhaps (5,8) PEACE OFFERING*
10 A protein for work at home (5) ACTIN {ACT}{IN}
11 He makes life hard for soldiers amid the hills…. (9) TORMENTOR {TOR}{MEN}{TOR}
12 …… and ammunition to carry over the hilltop (9) CARTRIDGE {CART}{RIDGE}
13 Old records and old babus make old stories (5) EPICS {EP}{ICS}
14 Many can't follow this French musician (7) CELLIST {C}ELL{IST} Anno pending (Addendum {CE}{L}{LIST} - See comments)
16 It is all about guts (7) ENTERIC [CD]
18 The race was great, organised by the volunteers (7) REGATTA {GREAT*}{TA}
20 For a hunter it is mistake to be caught in a row (7) TERRIER {T{ERR}IER}
22 Some tests allowed indoor also (5) ORALS [T]
24 Oddly Sheila has plenty to copy and paste (9) SELLOTAPE {ShEiLa}{LOT}{APE} This is a Brand name of 'Cellotape'
26 To a disgusting degree a newspaper will exploit a man (2,7) AD NAUSEUM  {A}{D NA}{USE}{U}{M} (Addendum - AD NAUSEAM {A}{D NA}{USE}{A}{M} - See comments)
27 The fool allowing an old dictator to return (5) IDIOT {IDI}{OT<=}
28 Control accounts to get one back in office (13) REINSTATEMENT {REIN}{STATEMENT}

2   Please alter high note somehow (7) ENTHRAL {ALTER+H+N}*
3   Actor isn’t playing tricks, it is the trickster (3,6) CON ARTIST*
4   Chose work to regularly attend later (5) OPTED {OP}{aTtEnD}
5   Come after making some stuffing (9) FORCEMEAT*
6   Turn up with an English official (5) REEVE {REEV<=}{E}
7   One is better dressed when one is involved in the talk (7) NATTIER {NATT{1}ER}
8   He is not commissioned to carry a weapon on the body (5,8) LANCE CORPORAL {LANCE} {CORPORAL}
9   Turbulence when angry dogs charge inside (13) CROSS CURRENTS {CROSS} {CUR{RENT}S}
15 Passing transport trains go in without hesitation (9) TRANSIENT {TRAINS*}{ENTer}
17 For most of the time in office, Doctor Morris deals with this modern scourge (9) TERRORISM {TERm}{MORRIS*}
19 She may be nearing old age (7) GRANNIE [CD] (Addendum - GRANNIE*&lit - See comments)
21 Perhaps, Claudia Cardinale had the oomph — once considered the greatest one (7) ITALIAN {IT}{ALI}{AN}
23 Reject starting price on the vessel (5) SPURN {SP}{URN}
25 Stop! I am in a drunken state (5) LIMIT {L{I'M}IT}