Saturday 31 December 2022

No 13751, Saturday 31 Dec 2022, Gussalufz

Rangoli by Gowri

It's a double Pangram to end the year.

9   Rare garnet of a light variety, cut and sculpted with love (9) UVAROVITE {UV}{VARIETy+0}*
10 Previous home's fourth hundredfold downgrading (5) ABOVE ABO{-d+v}E
11 One boxing pear-shaped fruit right next to the bananas (7) FIGHTER {FIG}{R}<=>{THE*}
12 Leaf cover over "play" parts? (4,3) LILY PAD {LI{PLAY*}D}
13 Every now and then, secure app a tiny bit (5) SCRAP {SeCuRe+ApP}
14 Snarl, "Go back and, er, get the guy with the booze!" (9) BARKEEPER {BARK}{PEE<=}{ER}
16 Zero-zero? Crowd slumps in distress, no more excited for this (9,6) CROSSWORD PUZZLE {ZERO+ZERO+CROWD+SLUMPS-more}* 
19 Very wide, perhaps cut awfully meekly—no risk, ultimately (9) EXTREMELY {EXTRa}{MEEkLY*}
22 Thick strings from one side to the other creating bounds (5) LOPES (-r+l)LOPES
24 Just be better organised, embracing constant discipline (7) SUBJECT {JUST+BE}* over {C}
26 Zebus playing with a couple of roosters? Very cool! (7) SUBZERO {ZEBUS*}{ROo...s}
27 In addition, backed a direct tax, due periodically (5) EXTRA {A+diRecT+taX+duE}<=
28 Grasping gin cocktail after getting lazier at work (9) REALIZING {GIN}*<=>{LAZIER}*

1   Quick update: all flights finally serve starters and drinks! (6) QUAFFS Acrostic
2   Animal's mangled organ found in tree after climbing (8) KANGAROO {ORGAN}* in {OAK<=}
3   Very tense in the tube (10) TOOTHPASTE {TOO}{TH{PAST}E} Just TUBE for Toothpaste okay?
4   Male bird flying, holding one part of a leaf (6) MIDRIB {M}{IDR{1}B*}
5   Refined marijuana overwhelms bachelor at the end of December, ... (4-4) WELL-BRED {WEED} over {LLB}{d...eR}
6   ... can get sick after the first of January (4) JAIL {AIL}<=>{Ja...y}
7   Well, you little animal, make something stronger! (4,2) SOUP UP {SO}{U}{PUP}
8   Petrol dealer's upset about the introduction of foreign energy (4-4) LEAD-FREE {DEALER}* over {Fo...n} and {E}
15 I use Iraq, Libya (in no particular order), overlooking, say, surprisingly stable states (10) EQUILIBRIA {I+UsE+IRaQ+LIByA}*
16 Encourage eating peas regularly? I like paneer, perhaps to a greater extent (8) CHEESIER {CHE{pEaS}{I}ER}
17 Abruptly, Chappell is back, confident after getting rid of top opener (8) OVERTURE {TREVOr<=}{sURE}
18 Impedance one removed from jammed pipeline that carried a lot of gas (8) ZEPPELIN {Z}{PIPELiNE}*
20 Must I bother showing up? Very much! (2,4) TO BITS [T<=]
21 One agrees unquestioningly, "long" is about two sizes off, right? (3-3) YES-MAN {YE{S}{M}{A}N} A from? (Addendum - {YE{S}{M}ArN} - See comments)
23 Of a kind of weather that's wet, around monsoon's onset (6) SMOGGY {S{Mo...n}OGGY}
25 Flex a muscle, nailing test (4) EXAM [T]

Reference List
Love = 0, V(5) hundredfold = D(500), Right = R, Go = PEE, Constant = C, Male = M, Energy = E, Impedance = Z, Sizes = S,M 

Notes from Gussalufz

This crossword bids adieu to the year gone by. There is a nina (in the fourth column from the right) that reads, BYE ZOZZ. "ZOZZ," of course, is meant to be squinted at, to get a passable imitation of 2022 :-).

This puzzle is a double pangram: every letter of the alphabet appears at least twice in the solution, which is again a nod to 2022, the year that has an abundance of "2"s.

In fact, the puzzle is nearly a triple pangram—as another little homage to 2022, 22 letters appear at least 3 times in the solution.

Fitting in so many "J"s, "Q"s, "Z"s, etc. made it hard to create any thematic entries, and there aren't any. The surfaces of 5d and 6d allude to the end of the year and the beginning of a new year, respectively.

I try to not repeat an indicator word within a crossword, but "cut" (for omitting the last letter) slipped through in this one, making an appearance in both 9a and 19a.

Finally, yet again, a crossword of mine has landed on a number that is a reversible prime! Both 13751 and 15731 are prime numbers.

Personal notes

Autumn is in full swing here; leaves have gone through incredible shades of red and yellow and are now mostly brown and falling. It's the best time of the year, according to Oona, my 7-year-old dog. She loves to stand under a large tree in my neighbourhood, waiting for large clusters of leaves to fall. It's not the leaves themselves that actually interest her—it's their shadows. These wispy shadows dart across the ground, kindling a deep-rooted hunting instinct in her, as she probably imagines them to be a fierce and/or edible swarm of creatures scampering around! Here's an obligatory link to an Oona pic [].

Wishing everyone a happy new year, one filled with dogs and cats and other good things.

Friday 30 December 2022

No 13750, Friday 30 Dec 2022, Karaoke

Rangoli by Gowri

All those who are not regular commenters but who are rookie commenters or silent followers of the blog are requested to post answers with annotations in the comments section. In your own interest please avoid looking up the answers from the interactive version. Don't hesitate to post your annotations, in case you make a mistake in the annotation someone will correct it with the right annotation.


Each commenter is requested to post only 5 answers thereby giving others also a chance to participate. Please provide all your answers in one comment.

Regular solvers/Veterans can post 1 answer each, but after 11 AM only

Thanks for the response, here's the regular blog.

9   Etna erupts in dog star constellation (7) CENTAUR {C{ETNA*}UR}
10 Blue dress - It starts an automobile (3,4) LOW GEAR {LOW}{GEAR}A low gear cannot start an automobile
11 Impassioned to acquire oldodge (5) AVOID {AV{O}ID}
12 Judge withdraws support to distressed sister (9) ARBITRESS {BRA<=}{SISTER*}
13 Nit with simpleton in a type of race (3-3-5) EGG-AND-SPOON {EGG}{AND}{SPOON}
16 He shoots sick tiger with camera phone mostly (15) CINEMATOGRAPHER {TIGER+CAMERA+PHONe}* 
18 This instrument translates electrode recording haphazard involuntary talk primarily (3,8) LIE DETECTOR {ELECTRODE}* over {In...y} and {Talk} Semi&lit
22 Hints of nude dancing only in public houses (9) INNUENDOS {NUDE*}{O} in {INNS}
24 Lady's fingers played koras (5) OKRAS*
25 Prying toms' eyes (7) PEEPERS [C&DD]
26 Recreated again with nothing on for audience (7) RENEWED {RE}{(~nude)NEWED}

1   Clear off Republican involved in racket (5) SCRAM {SC{R}AM}
2   Courier in maiden voyage (5) ENVOY [T]
3   Imagine bloody Mary dead? (8) DAYDREAM*
4   Killer whale seen around in Colombia crossword (4) ORCA [T<=]
5   Unreliable airline's preferred travel time perhaps? (3-2-5) FLY-BY-NIGHT [C&DD]
6   What about wearing extremely seamless belts? (6) SWATHS {WHAT}* in {Se...sS}
7   Biblical monsters from the Eastern border invaded into the two states originally (9) BEHEMOTHS {B{E}{HEM}OTH}{St...s}
8   Foolish conspirer caught out, he goes to big house (8) PRISONER cONSPIRER*
14 Daughters struggled with laptops essentially that remain unused for a long time (6,4) GATHER DUST {DAUGHTERS+lapTops}*
15 8s bury relative as per report (9) INTERNEES {INTER}{(~niece}NEES}
16 Series of whistles after criminal is surrounded by police aggressively (8) CALLIOPE {C{AL}LIOPE*}
17 Harrison blasted devices that make powerful sounds (8) AIRHORNS
19 The cricket team's flap, initially eight for none (6) ELEVEN ELEV(-o+e)EN
20 Lot of people solving crossword, except Ross (5) CROWD CrossWORD*
21 Right-hand man gets some sops out of the way (5) ASIDE {A{Sops}IDE}
23 20-100 = irritated (4) SORE ScORE

Reference List
Blue = LOW, Old = O, Support = BRA, Only = O, Republican = R, Caught = C, Criminal = AL(Capone), 20 = SCORE, 100 = C

Thursday 29 December 2022

No 13749, Thursday 29 Dec 2022, Avtaar


Artwork by Prasanna


Rangoli by Gowri

Solution to 8D has been deliberately left unsolved and is to be answered only by a non-regular / novice commenter, with proper annotation. Those who have answered earlier in the week, please give others a chance.

1   Try out Uber's video app (7) YOUTUBE [T]
5   Dry, soft and bent (7) PARCHED {P}{ARCHED}
9   Writer John, reflecting over preface to story (1,1,5) T S ELIOT {TOILE{St..y}T<=}
10 International retreats visited by head of venture funds (7) INVESTS {I}{N{Ve...e}ESTS}
11 Institute books large property without specifying who will take over (9) INTESTATE {I}{NT}{ESTATE}
12 Fire I kindled, imbibing alternative therapy (5) REIKI [T]
13 Staff blend fruit (5) MANGO {MAN}{GO}
15 Passage in fort that is next to river, seized by Don Al (9) CAPONIERE {CAPON{IE}{R}E} 
17 Blue sheet, blankets, black tee - for frequent flyers? (3,3,3) THE JET SET {THE{JET}SE*}{T}
19 Small reclining bed to accommodate one patient (5) STOIC {S{C{1}OT<=}
22 Fills vessel with fresh tea (5) SATES {S{TEA*}S}
23 Like a Greek hero, a South American chains rebel's foot (9) ACHILLEAN {A}{CHIL{r..eL}EAN}
25 Have issue with relatives? (7) INBREED [CD]
26 Wine, say, fermented somehow or the other (7) ANYWISE*
27 Returned close to boundary and stopped the ball after suppressing force (7) YIELDED {b...rY}{fIELDED}
28 Thousands covering up swindle about working age (5,2) KNOCK ON {K}{CON<=}{K}{ON}

1   Removing black earth from this element yields a silvery metal (7) YTTRIUM YTTeRbIUM
2   Left on the table after dinner? In the end, you clean up (7) UNEATEN {yoU}{NEATEN}
3   Portions from nuts I distributed (5) UNITS*
4   Gates is tense about restricting scuttled programming language (9) ENTRANCES {ENT{RAN}{C}ES*}
5   Cardinal, prince and king making an ascent (5) PRIME {P}{EMIR<=}
6   People like Spooner run ... always on top of targets (9) REVERENDS {R}{EVER}{ENDS}
7   Unfriendly news-anchor irritates leading experts at the start (7) HOSTILE {HOST}{Ir...s}{Le...g}{Ex...s}
8   Secret circle rescinded decree (7) D?S?I?E (Addendum - DESTINE clanDESTINE - See comments)
14 Vendors juggling with limits of price bust cost budget (9) OVERSPEND {OVERS{PricE}ND*}
16 Impossible to see? Drop position, says Spooner (5-4) PITCH-DARK {~ditch park to pitch dark)
17 Irritable about wife shedding clothes for show (7) TESTIFY {TEST{wIFe}Y}
18 Teen waves, holding flag in city near Lake Victoria (7) ENTEBBE {ENT{EBB}E*}
20 Doctor likes fancy stone pillar (7) OBELISK {OB}{LIKES*}
21 Worry almost immediately after entering well-known nuclear research centre (7) CONCERN {C{ONCe}ERN}
23 Confused student dropped supplementary (5) ADDED ADDlED
24 Inexperienced tyro discharged order to stop sailing (3,2) LAY TO {LAY}{TyrO}

Reference List
Soft = P, John = TOILET, International =I, Institute = I, Books = NT(New Testament), River = R, Black = JET,  Tee = T, Small = S, Vessel = SS, Force = F, Thousand = K, Black = B, Earth = E, Prince = P, Run = R, Docyor = OB, Student = L

Wednesday 28 December 2022

No 13748, Wednesday 28 Dec 2022, Hypatia

Rangoli by Gowri

Solution to 26D has been deliberately left unsolved and is to be answered only by a non-regular / novice commenter, with proper annotation. Those who have answered earlier in the week, please give others a chance.

1   Look into soft clothing (5) PROBE {P}{ROBE}
4   Basically, cleft horribly altering surface materially! (5) CHASM Acrostic Semi&lit
11 Natural disaster upsets UN - a million buried (7) TSUNAMI [T]
12 Had inspiring scripture in battle (7) AGITATE {A{GITA}TE}
13 Dodge woman without a date (5) EVADE {EV{AD}E}
14 Small mistake reversed while entering below to submit (9) SURRENDER {S}{U{ERR<=}NDER}
15 Start to throw loads in bleach used for linen (10) TABLECLOTH {Th..w} with {LOT} in {BLEACH*}
17 Heads of democracy are ignored sadly in stage (4) DAIS Acrostic
19 What essentially follows party in port (4) DOHA {wHAt}<=>{DO}
21 Label serum test at first before blood grouping (10) STEREOTYPE {Se..m}{Test}{ERE}{O TYPE}
25 Spooner’s stupid and crazy parents (3,3,3) MUM AND DAD (~dum and mad to mumand mad)
27 Start to halve idle working capital (5) DELHI {Ha..e+IDLE}*
28 She's again in cast making movies at last (7) ACTRESS {ACT{RE}S*}{m...eS} Semi&lit
29 Somewhat cute 'n' silly gadget (7) UTENSIL [T]
30 Attempts to provide time for fine cooks (5) FRIES (-t+f)FRIES
31 NASA vague about Armstrong’s first position (5) ASANA {AS{Ar...g}NA*}

2   Reading centre blocked by local trash (7) RHUBARB {R}{HU{BAR}B}
3   Support permit for handcuff? (8) BRACELET {BRACE}{LET}
5   One free to run behind little horned animal (6) HEIFER [1+FREE}*<=>{Ho...d}
6   Awfully hard and sad Hindu ceremony for the departed (7) SRADDHA {HARD+SAD}*
7   Leaving most obese fellow to testify (6) ATTEST fATTEST
8   Ali's left fighting and participates in Tang Ping, say (4,4) LIES FLAT*
9   Say Mira's new song (4) NAIR {N}{AIR}
10 Model tries mobile game (6) TETRIS {T}{TRIES*}
16 Beat hawk getting angry (5,3) TIRED OUT {TIRED}{OUT} (Addendum - {T{IRED}OUT} - See comments)
18 One joins clothes for men (8) SOLDIERS {SOLD{1}ERS}
19 Lower member of faculty taking author up (6) DEMEAN {D{ME<=}EAN}
20 Grisham's terrified about little animal (7) HAMSTER [T]
22 Former leader represented in style (7) YELTSIN*
23 Fit for having to wait around the French (6) EDIBLE {BIDE<=}{LE}
24 A couple of nights with old sweetheart creates attachment (6) ANNEXE {A}{NN}{EX}{swEet}
26 Hope to lose weight to date someone good-looking (4) D?S? (Addendum - DISH (-w+d)DISH - See comments)

Reference List
Soft = P, Date = D, Small = S, Party = DO, Again = RE, Time = T, Fine = T, Reading = R, Fellow = F, New = N, Model = T, The in French = LE, Night = N, Weight = W, Date = D

Tuesday 27 December 2022

No 13747, Tuesday 27 Dec 2022, Hypatia

Rangoli by Gowri

Solution to 25A has been deliberately left unsolved and is to be answered only by a non-regular / novice commenter, with proper annotation. Those who have answered earlier in the week, please give others a chance.

1   Slips of lawyers (6) BRIEFS [DD]
4   Leader of America in revolting roles (6) SATRAP {PART{A}S<=}
9   Food containing starch and no flatulence, from the East (4) SAGO {0}{GAS}<=
10 Cutlery to frustrate girls, per Spooner (10) CHOPSTICKS (~stop chicks to chopsticks)
11 Scan hurried upon finding time inadequate, basically! (6) SHUFTI Acrostic &lit
12 Relatives try to get daughter married before son lands (8) KINGDOMS {KIN}{G{D}O}{M}{S}
13 Striking for author's books (9) PROMINENT {PRO}{MINE}{NT}
15 Cry of a little kitten born inverted (4) KEEN {Ki...n}{NEE<=}
16 Part of wonderful nature (4) ULNA [T} Semi&lit
17 Sculpture of novelist outside Cuba's borders (9) SCRIMSHAW {S{C}{RIMS}HAW}
21 Plant in avenue containing small exercise area (5,3) SWEET PEA {S{WEE}T}{PE}{A}
22 Return without catching kite, gutted in winds (6) SNAKES {SNA{KitE}S<=}
24 Olympic medallist strangely ran up via Rome's centre (5,5)  PAAVO NURMI {RAN+UP+VIA+rOMe}*
25 Disregard first half of eccentric story teller (4) L?A? (Addendum - LIAR pecuLIAR - See comments)
26 Sexy secretary on vacation jammed with band (6) STEAMY {Se...rY} over {TEAM}
27 Frequently knock off beers to join close friend (6) BESTIE {BeErS}{TIE}

1   Alert Bahrain using Twitter (7) BLATHER {ALERT+BH}*
2   Foul stroke in snooker starts to irritate nasty old fellows (2,3) IN OFF {Ir...e}{Na..y}{O}{FF}
3   Group providing advance for current novels, say (7) FICTION F(-a+i)ICTION
5   Crabs entering burrows faraway (6) ABSENT [T]
6   See red run in washing Santa's drawers? (9) REINDEERS {SEE+RED+R+IN}*
7   Composition features little kid performing as Pikachu, say (7) POKEMON {PO{Kid}EM}{ON}
8   Comfortable seats in his car (7,6) ROCKING CHAIRS {HIS+CAR}* [RA]
14 Pilot scheme (9) MANOEUVRE [DD]
16 One French woman sings and strips (7) UNWRAPS {UN}{W}{RAPS}
18 Trendy father has power to impress (7) INSPIRE {IN}{S{P}IRE}
19 Say, "grow up"? That's mean (7) AVERAGE {AVER}{AGE}
20 English horse gets lead in movie - Black Beauty perhaps (6) EPONYM {E}{PONY}{Mo..e} &lit
23 Note awful pants oddly selected (1,4) A FLAT {AwFuL+pAnTs}

Reference List
America = A, Daughter = D, Married = M, Son = S, Books = NT(New Testament), Born = NEE, Cuba = C, Exercise = PE, Area = A, Bahrain = BH, Old = O, Fellow = F, Advance = A, Current =I, Run = R, One in French = EN, Woman = W, Power = P, English = E

Monday 26 December 2022

No 13746, Monday 26 Dec 2022, Vidwan

Rangoli by Gowri

Solution to 25A has been deliberately left unsolved and is to be answered only by a non-regular / novice commenter, with proper annotation. Those who have answered earlier in the week, please give others a chance.

9   Real-life Mrs Bond's real nuts about tea (7) RACHAEL {RA{CHA}EL*}
10 Plain ignorant? Not plain at times! (7) OBVIOUS OBliVIOUS
11 Special agency for terrorism cases returns to state (5) SPAIN {SP}{{NIA<=}
12 Provide enclosure reportedly for howling (9) CATERWAUL {CATER}{(~wall)WAUL}
13 Visionary criminal made errors occasionally (7) DREAMER {MADE+ErRoRs}*
15 Fond of a party circuit (7) ADORING {A}{DO}{RING}
17 One without love's anxious, not good being deprived! (5) NEEDY {oNE}{EDgY}
19 Company 1011 (3) CIA {C1}{A}
20 The Supreme Poet died on stake (5) DANTE {D}{ANTE}
21 A large firm, completely unrestrained, making liquor (7) ALCOHOL {A}{L}CO}{wHOLe}
23 Motivated and heartless idiot in India (7) INDUCED {IN{DUnCE}D}
25 Firm mostly operating around one partner (9) C?M?A?I?N (Addendum - COMPANION {COMPANy}{ON} over {1} - See comments)
27 Teaching unknown, new English 'trading' words (5) TENET Anno pending (Addendum {TE(-x+n+e)NET} - See comments) 
29 Shaken public prosecutor released one on bail (7) DAUNTED {DA}{UNTiED}
30 Case judgement's applied regularly (7) EXAMPLE {EXAM}{aPpLiEd}

1   Reportedly makes vessels (5) URNS (~earns)
2   Bare lover's engaging, exoctic act and a short period of celebration (7) OCTAVE {lO{ACT*{VEr}
3   End of the forgotten long story (4) YARN YeARN
4   Currently commonest form of power (11) ELECTRICAL [CD]
5   Sudden leap partly crossing space and time (4) VOLT  VOL{T}(Addendum - {VOLume}{T} - See comments)
6   Superfluous party may go too far (6) OVERDO {OVER}{DO}
7   Place where India and Pak armies face each other - state with truncated western boundary (8) LOCATION {LOC}{nATION} Western or Northern?
8   Some disillusioned jihadi group (4) ISIL [T]
13 Party for a girl or a lady from Italy (5) DONNA {(-a+do)DONNA}
14 Girl's expression of wish (3) MAY [DD]
15 Iran's base? Possibly a part of Indian Ocean (7,3) ARABIAN SEA {IRANS+BASE}*{A}* Error in fodder, there's an extra S and an A short. See comments.
16 Desire is what is required to get into Harvard English Department (5) GREED {GRE}{E}{D}
18 English armyman like Subedar-Major, one welcomed by silent applause (8) ENCOMIUM {E}{NCO}{M{1UM} A subedar-Major is a JCO and not and NCO! 
20 Old man in Disneyland advertisement (3) DAD [T]
22 Hot ground below the fireplace! (6) HEARTH {H}{EARTH}
24 Cho and this film = cacophony! (6) CANOPY {(canopy+cho)*=cacophony} [CA]
25 Ghanaian currency is partly receding (4) CEDI [T]
26 Explosive side of bombs (4) IEDS
27 Half of that arid part lies in Rajasthan (4) THAR {THat}{ARid} Semi&lit
28 Gather around and pour (4) TEEM<=

Reference List
Tea = CHA, Special = SP, Party = DO, Goody = G, 101 = CI, Died = D, Large = L, Firm = CO, India = IND, Public prosecutor = DA, Time = T, English = E, Department = D, Hot = H

Sunday 25 December 2022

The Sunday Crossword No 3234, Sunday 25 Dec 2022

Artwork by Prasanna

Rangoli by Gowri

1   Cleaner cut out unwillingness (10) RELUCTANCE*
6   Nag a swimmer (4) CARP [DD]
9   Monks party with pint-sized beers? (10) DOMINICANS {DO}{MINI CANS}
10 Everyman rues regularly being simple (4) MERE {ME}{RuEs}
11 Proficiently cook pungent almondy dessert (8,4) BAKEWELL TART {BAKE WELL}{TART}
15 Novelist related incomplete tale, not right (7) TOLSTOY {TOLd}{STOrY}
16 Showing signs of experience, worked from home? (5-2) LIVED-IN [DD]
17 Most frilly, encased in lilaci.e., stimulating (7) LACIEST [T]
19 Not good, missing small cakes (7) MUFFINS {MUFFINg}{S}
20 Interbreed one's deer, did you say? I swear! (5,2,5) CROSS MY HEART {CROSS}{MY}{HEART}
23 Gently knocks back argument (4) SPAT<=
24 I avert their topless cavorting in Côte d'Azur etc (3,7) THE RIVIERA {I+AVERT+tHEIR}*
25 A collection of rabbits suffices (4) DOES [DD]
26 Air arrival (10) APPEARANCE [DD]

1   Intruder, somewhat impolite (4) RUDE [T]
2   Large Incan metropolitan area (to begin with)? (4) LIMA Acrostic Semi&lit
3   Get through to little Leonard's way of seeing things (7,4) CONTACT LENS {CONTACT}{LEN'S}
4   Mischievous English rector with yen for sport (7) ARCHERY {ARCH}{E}{R}{Y}
5   Obscure, formerly, in California (7) CONCEAL {C{ONCE}AL}
7   Home to ancient Wonder, dramatic rain and density in Amazon's character (10) ALEXANDRIA {ALEX{RAIN+D}*A}
8   Bizarrely persistent charm (10) PRETTINESS*
12 Britpop anthem Fever Lover I remixed (4,7) LIVE FOREVER {FEVER+LOVER+I}*

13 Perversely idealistic and stressed, in a way (10) ITALICISED*
14 Somehow locate tree for pickers? (10) ELECTORATE*
18 Store trifles and beer ingredient (7) TOYSHOP {TOYS}{HOP}
19 'Exercise core, men': former tennis ace (7) MCENROE*
21 Carol heading north in Spanish city (4) LEON<=
22 With no coverage, support announced (4) BARE (~bear)

Reference List
Party = DO, Right = R, Good = G, Small = S, English = E, Rector = R, Yen = Y, California = CAL, Density = D

Saturday 24 December 2022

No 13745, Saturday 24 Dec 2022, Dr. X

Margazhi Day 9 Rangoli by Gowri

1   Mingle on bed with singles freely? It has advantages and disadvantages (5,8) MIXED BLESSING {MIX}{BED+SINGLES}*
8   Dog's coming back, crossing borders of estate - go faster! (3,2) GEE UP {G{Es..tE}UP<=}
9   Lukewarm chapatti rolls stuffed with a little eggplant (9) APATHETIC {CHAPATTI}* over {Eg...t}
11 Shoddy curtain, it's not aesthetically appealing (10) UNARTISTIC*
12 Rodent on a tree in New Zealand (4) RATA {RAT}{A}
14 Popular liberal arrested by leader for innuendo (7) INKLING {IN}{K{L}ING}
16 Silencer in front of pistol, a Luger perhaps (7) EARPLUG {Pi...l+A+LUGER}*
17 Bowed down to pick up musical instrument (7) SALUTED {SA{LUTE}D}
19 Society girls spending money to acquire Armani's latest big girl's blouses (7) SISSIES {S}{mISS{a...nI}ES}
21 Wanting right grill for kiln (4) OAST rOAST
22 Possible to separate from cheat cavorting in spot with lassie on vacation (10) DETACHABLE {D{CHEAT*}AB}{La..iE}
25 Succeeded in impressive round with mate involving bishops (9) EPISCOPAL {EPI{S}C}{O}{PAL}
26 Drunkard grabbing sailor's wooden shoe (5) SABOT {S{AB}OT}
27 Seasoned thief, craftily avoiding risk (2,3,4,4) ON THE SAFE SIDE*

2   Ipecac mixed with potassium, it's applied to reduce swelling (3,4) ICE PACK {IPECAC}*{K}
3   Elaborate about royal in exile (10)  EXPATRIATE {EXPAT{R}IATE}
4   Palpitations with recurrent pain around middle of chest (5) BEATS {B{chEst}ATS<=} Semi&lit
5   Applicants in a store welcomed by former partners (9) EXAMINEES {EX{A}{MINE}ES}
6   Very sexy model going out in London's nightlife centre (4) SOHO {SO}{HOt}
7   Captain of Bangladesh meets everyone after final game (7) NETBALL {Ba...h}{ALL}<=>{NET}
8   Vanish, like cigars do? (2,2,2,5) GO UP IN SMOKE [DD]
10 Police record, say, about woman with ecstasy found in plot (6,5) CHARGE SHEET {EG<=}{SHE}{E} in {CHART}
13 Expert starting to suggest idea for artificial body part (10) PROSTHESIS {PRO}{Su...t}{THESIS}
15 Gulp! She discovered about affair in retreat - we're doomed (3,4,2) GOD HELP US {GULP+SHE}* over {DO<=}
18 Gay woman in the French bar, consuming drink heartily (7) LESBIAN {LES}{B{drInk}AN}
20 Leading industrialist, bisexual, cuddling male on couch is drunk (7) IMBIBED {In...t}{M}{BI}{BED}
23 As much as fifty pounds stolen by vile oaf (3,2) ALL OF {L}{L} in {OAF}*
24 Excellent hospital in province of Indonesia (4) ACEH {ACE}{H}

Reference List
Popular = IN, Liberal = L, Society = S, Money = M, Right = R, Suceeded = S, Sailor = AB, Royal = R, Model = T, Ecstasy = E, The in French = LES, Fifty = L, Pound = L, Hospital = H

Friday 23 December 2022

No 13744, Friday 23 Dec 2022, Dr. X

Margazhi 8 Rangoli by Gowri

Hanuman Jayanti Artwork by Prasanna

All those who are not regular commenters but who are rookie commenters or silent followers of the blog are requested to post answers with annotations in the comments section. In your own interest please avoid looking up the answers from the interactive version. Don't hesitate to post your annotations, in case you make a mistake in the annotation someone will correct it with the right annotation.


Each commenter is requested to post only 5 answers thereby giving others also a chance to participate. Please provide all your answers in one comment.

Regular solvers/Veterans can post 1 answer each, but after 11 AM only.

Thanks for the response, here's the regular blog.

1   Shoot a troublesome person in European city (8) BUDAPEST {BUD}{A}{PEST}
5   Start to arouse model, one enthralled by drink in chamber (6) ATRIUM {Ar...e}{T}{R{1}UM}
10 Thrill in brief romp with lad (7) FRISSON {FRISk}{SON}
11 Everybody wearing cravats and suits (7) TALLIES {T{ALL}IES}
12 Series on one channel, primarily relating to mystic symbols (5) RUNIC {RUN}{1}{Ch...l}
13 Start with new nicotine patch initially (9) INCEPTION {NICOTINE+Pa..h}*
14 General practitioner provided comfort daily (6,6) FAMILY DOCTOR*
18 Car, say, with fancy chrome love it! (5,7) MOTOR VEHICLE*
21 Lump of metal covers set with power device in engine (5,4) SPARK PLUG {S{PARK}{P}LUG}
23 Nawab bothering, confining head of monks (5) ABBOT [T]
24 Strange buzz with bit of ale in bar (7) INHUMAN {IN{HUM}{Ale}N}
25 Cut and go, slashing right of point for runs (4-3) RAKE-OFF (-t+r)RAKEOFF
26 Fake tears produced by whiz at the end (6) ERSATZ {TEARS}*{whiZ}
27 Winning with a little aggression, possible after capturing rook (8) ADORABLE {Ag...n}{DO{R}ABLE}

1   In anticipation of headache, takes drug with bit of food (6) BEFORE {B{E}{Food}ORE}
2   Condescends with snide cracks about girl (6) DEIGNS {DEI{G}NS*}
3   Subtly hush a little child kept by couple in stroller (9) PUSHCHAIR {P{HUSH*}{Ch..d}}AIR}
4   Delicate person invites nervously to propose in lodge (9,5) SENSITIVE PLANT {SE{INVITES*}{PLAN}T}
6   Flower in revolting dump outside Long Island (5) TULIP {TU{LI}P<=}
7   Pioneer's popular, not very corrupt (8) INITIATE {IN}{vITIATE}
8   Young lady's brief article, sarcastic, showing contempt for men (8) MISANDRY {MISs}{ANd}{DRY}
9   How kid tucking into jam might be thievish (6-8) STICKY-FINGERED [DD]
15 Leak finally found in dilapidated oriental ship transporting fuel (3,6) OIL TANKER {leaK} in {ORIENTAL}*
16 Leaving out love letter (8) OMISSIVE {0}{MISSIVE}
17 Associates like to cuddle couple of models with desire (8) ATTACHES {A{TT}{ACHE}S}
19 Hold a rifle, turning to protect small boy (6) ABSORB {A}{RO{S}B<=}{B}
20 Check set of steps crossing top of fence (6) STIFLE {STI{Fe..e}LE}
22 Well-groomed maiden looked after houses (5) KEMPT {KE{M}PT}

Reference List
Model = T, Power = P, Runs = R, Rook = R, Drug = E, Girl = G, Very = V, Small = S, Boy = B, Maiden = M