Friday 31 May 2019

No 12640, Friday 31 May 2019, Neyartha

All those who are not regular commenters but who are rookie commenters or silent followers of the blog are requested to post answers with annotations in the comments section. In your own interest please avoid looking up the answers from the interactive version. Don't hesitate to post your annotations, in case you make a mistake in the annotation someone will correct it with the right annotation.

Each commenter is requested to post only 5 answers thereby giving others also a chance to participate. Please provide all your answers in one comment.

Regular solvers/Veterans can post 1 answer each, but after 11 AM only

The regular blog will replace the clues at 2 PM.

Thanks for the response, here's the regular blog.

Speedaway with Neyartha today

7   Champion oddly welcomes an Italian operatic composer after cutting short a drink of coffee (10) CAPPUCCINO {PUCCINi} in {ChAmPiOn}
9   Yours truly misplaced a valuable metal disc's picture (4) ICON (+i)ICO(-i)N
10 Democrat initially bends backward to gather information on the inexpensive cut of meat (5-3) SCRAG-END {De...t}{ARCS}<= over {GEN}
11 Some of Kalki's methods are a fatalist's concern (6) KISMET [T]
12 Right to get rid of the line in a shade of black on the cavalry sword (5) SABRE SAB(-l+r)RE
13 Transition to a fruit leading to a wild run? (2,7)  GO BANANAS GOB{ANANAS} Anno not clear (Addendum - {GO}{BANANAS) - See comments)
14 Playing pace upsets legislator's sit out (7) ALLEGRO LEGisLAtOR*
17 Gangster in front of a farm building getting power from a drink (7) ALCOPOP {AL}{CO{P}OP}
20 Train the man to welcome the tense revolutionary behind the wall-less cabin (9) HABITUATE {H{cABIn}(TAUT<=}E}
22 Choose to add to the family, potentially overnight? (5) ADOPT [MD?] [DD] See comments
25 Playing pace of Virginia besieged by a moral weakness (6) VIVACE {VI{VA}CE}
26 Grape variety found by a Greek character in front of a derelict castle (8) MUSCATEL {MU}{CASTLE*} The grape variety is MUSCAT and MUSCATEL is the wine produced from these grapes.
27 Undeniably gross-looking iguana initially seen on a citrus fruit (4) UGLI Acrostic
28 Returned a lower amount recently after a note to create a mosaic (10) TESSELLATE {TE}{LESS<=}{LATE}

1   Vehicle instrument panel found on a board over a shopfront (6) FASCIA [DD]
2   Rocky debris with chromium spotted inside a German lake (5) SCREE {S{CR}EE}
3   Vocal legatee with a right to enter the upended container to get the parachute delivery (3-4) AIR-DROP (~heir){AIR}{PO{R}D<=}
4   A mixed drink for the knight wearing crumpled calico (8) COCKTAIL {COC{KT}AIL*}
5   One tucking into a well-prepared feast in an elaborate party (6) FIESTA {F{1}ESTA*}
6   Playing pace gets the calm Asian at the bottom expelled by a circular letter (8) MODERATO MODERAT(-e+o)O
8   I repair, after aimless wandering, to a grassy plain (7) PRAIRIE*
15 Energy spent after the Pole decamps with the fermentation agents' residue (8) LEAVINGS LEAVenINGS
16 Potentially fatal Russian game? (8) ROULETTE [CD]
18 Eccentric's audible cry after getting evenly loaded (7) ODDBALL {lOaDeD}{BALL}(~bawl)
19 One encountered northbound bridge opponents after I entered the record (7) ITEMISE {1}{MET<=}{I}{SE}
21 Style of handwriting in the letters from the hospital ICU (6) ITALIC [T]
23 Playing pace depicted in a torn poster (6) PRESTO*
24 Doorkeeper removing a perambulator's top (5) USHER pUSHER

Reference List
Right = R, Line = L, Power = P, Note = TE, Knight = KT, Asian = E, Energy = E, Pole = N, Bridge opponents = S, E,


Thursday 30 May 2019

No 12639 Thursday 30 May 2019, Buzzer

An X-less pangram

1   Instant justice provided, borders on foolhardy (5) JIFFY {J}{IF}{Fo...rY}
 Embargo on plastic to backfire (9) BOOMERANG*
9   I court cracking romantic partner say (7) DICTATE {D{I}{CT}ATE}
10 Dead extraterrestrial drops from the sky alight (7) DETRAIN {D}{ET}{RAIN}
11 Certain term entailing burying (9) INTERMENT [T]
12 Spell F.A.Z.E for the audience (5) PHASE (~faze)
13 Be lippy having to follow master plan (3,3) MAP OUT {MA}{POUT}
15 Wear and tear light on fabric ultimately (8) CLOTHING {f...iC}{LIGHT+ON}*
18 Harsh satire indeed not seen often (8) STRIDENT {SaTiRe+InDeEd+NoT}
19 One way to deliver and mostly rear children (6) BREECH {BREEd}{CH}
22 Pretentious person expected special wheels (5) PSEUD {DUE}{SP}<=
24 Professional job without staff (9) POSTWOMAN {POST}{WO}{MAN}
26 A question and answer about atmosphere in fish tanks (7) AQUARIA {A}{QU}{A}{AIR<=}
27 Selfie accidentally captured leader of the sinister people? (7) LEFTIES {LEF{The}IES*}
28 Nothing necessary to work out answer right? (4-5) OKEY-DOKEY {O}{KEY}{DO}{KEY}
29 Relationship that is essential to preserve (3-2) TIE-IN {T{IE}IN}

1   He who betrayed over a million in the name of religion (7) JUDAISM {JUDA{1}S}{M}
2   Truth about English side (5) FACET {FAC{E}T}
3   You're darn convoluted all the time ... (4-5) YEAR-ROUND*
4   ... Buzzer. Have a bit of normal level? (2,4) BE EVEN {BEE}{'VE}{N}
5   Sort of font, non-black, in bold pen over half of file (3,5) OLD STYLE {bOLD}{STY}{fiLE}
6   Take in each place going north (3,2) EAT UP {EA}{PUT<=}
7   Yoga positions thought to be detailed incidentally (2,2,5) AS AN ASIDE {ASANAS}{IDEa}
8   Strong drink has English herb (7) GINSENG {GIN'S}{ENG}
14 As such, adorable hound (9) PERSECUTE {PER SE}{CUTE}
16 Spoiling for what thing to get mad about (5,1,3) THROW A FIT {FOR+WHAT}*{IT}
17 Spa trips included in a special gift bag (8) KNAPSACK {KN{SPA*}ACK}
18 Very captivating opus conducted by female singer (7) SOPRANO {S{OP}{RAN}O}
20 Hard with a child to be practical (5,2) HANDS ON {H}{AND}{SON}
21 Girl, she lay abandoned (6) ASHLEY*
23 Yes in Russia Bolshevik is challenged (5) DARED {DA}{RED}
25 May's pronouncement leads to this by the earful? (5) MAIZE (~mays)

Reference List
Justice = J, Court = CT, Dead = D, Master = MA, Children = CH, Special = SP, Without = WO, Question = QU, Answer = A, A = 1, Million = M, Normal = N, Each = EA, Thing = IT, Very = SO, Hard = H


Wednesday 29 May 2019

No 12638, Wednesday 29 May 2019, Arden

 Need song composed in chaste French? (7,2,5) CHANSON DE GESTE {NEED+SONG}* in {CHASTE} &lit
10 Reach as omentum gets a momentum initially (5) GAMUT {G{A}{Mo...m}UT}
11 First test venue — sun set, also spread over morning (3,6) LOS ALAMOS {SOL<=}{AL{AM}OS*}
12 Spooner ran, chased by bully — that's standard in Russia (3,4) RED FLAG (fled rag to red flag)
13 Lover boy goes from head to toe, completely (7) OVERALL {(-l)OVER{AL}(+l)L}
14 Chamber's keen, starts probing ties (5) CRYPT {CRY}{Pr...g}{Ties}
16 I'd gatecrashed earlier into a place of refreshment (3,6) TEA GARDEN {GATE}*{ARDEN}
19 Team's demand for an additional course (4,5) SIDE ORDER {SIDE}{ORDER}
20 Brilliance amid all the clatter (5) ECLAT [T]
22 Perfect score for outstanding girl — a dish! (7) ANTENNA {AN{TEN}NA}
25 Gas had a new issue (7) NEONATE {NEON}{ATE}
27 Now wearing clothes, everyone's well informed (4-2-3) KNOW-IT-ALL {K{NOW}IT}{ALL}
28 Trace article in Times cover (5) T?I?T {Addendum - TAINT - {T{A}IN}T} - See comments)
29 Sign of impending union battle — will call later (10,4) ENGAGEMENT RING {ENGAGEMENT}{RING}

2   A nymph had included a crazy line... (9) HAMADRYAD {H{A}{MAD}{RY}AD}
3   ...on birth of two boys (5) NATAL {NAT}{AL}
4   Duty-bound to detect a scam of sorts, within old book cover (9) OBLIGATED {O}{B}{LI{GATE}D}
5   It's flat opening music (5) DISCO {DISC}{O}
6   Engage organisation, get used to peace and prosperity (6,3) GOLDEN AGE {G{OLD}ENAGE*}
7   A doctor in South American island (5) SAMOA {S{A}{MO}A}
8   Foreign characterany displaced Polynesian? (7) EPSILON POLyNESIan*
9   Spies hid paper on growing fungus (6) AGARIC {CI{RAG}A}<=
15 First results in, counting afresh — winning? (9) TROUNCING {T{Re...s}OUNCING*}
17 Learn about breaking a sound barrier — it will provide excitement (9) ADRENALIN {A}{D{LEARN*}IN}
18 Regularly deal with wild animal — takes time, but it's spotted (9) DALMATIAN {DeAl}{LMA{T}IAN*}
19 Restrain half sleepy reporter plugging in (7) SHACKLE {S{HACK}LEepy}
21 Have to go around, it's agreed (6) TREATY {TR{EAT}Y}
23 Strip it, had a change of heart? (5) THONG TH(-i+o)ONG
24 Embrace the French with fear (5) ALARM {A{LA}RM}
26 Essentially draw the fur (5) OTTER lOTTERy

Reference List
Line = RY(Railway), Old = O, Book = B, Doctor = MO, Paper = RAG,


Tuesday 28 May 2019

No 12637, Tuesday 28 May 2019, Arden

1   Road transport is slow, 80% will take flight (7) BUSTARD {BUS}{TARDy}
5   Produce milk with hybrid American cattle (7) LACTATE {A+CATTLE}*
9   Old man takes note — it's old fashioned (5) DATED {DA{TE}D}
10 Cavalier's dubious role backing the clique (9) CABALLERO {CABAL}{ROLE*}
11 Soon gets home, rather seriously (9) EARNESTLY {EAR{NEST}LY}
12 Talk about rolling back the tarpaulin a bit (5) PRATE [T<=]
13 House food? (4) DIET [DD]
15 Inertia’s hard to check — greatly affected (8) LETHARGY {LET{H}ARGY*}
18 Live to see the list included in the singing style (3,5) BEL CANTO {BE}{L{CANT}O}
19 One among the internees is a winger (4) ERNE [T]
22 Food for transport, mostly across America (5) SUSHI {S{US}HIp}
24 Dispatched again — almost the entire lot was bitter (9) RESENTFUL {RESENT}{FULl}
26 Malala gets aid, becomes a displaced person (5,4) DALAI LAMA {MALA+AID}*
27 Definite article, perhaps it's to be deleted (5) CLEAR ARtiCLE*
28 Some reportedly pick bird's bone (7) STERNUM {TERN} in {SUM}(~some)
29 She recalled name of rebel (7) HERETIC {HER}{CITE<=}

1   Poor state, not many link it with Wisconsin (6) BADGER {BAD}{GERm} (Correction - {BAD}{GERmany} - See comments)
2   Near Tunis it turns dark (9) SATURNINE*
3   Doubled infusion in beer, it will go bad (5) ADDLE {A{DD}LE}
4   Caught in the end — it's essentially single event (9) DECATHLON {DE{C}ATH}{aLONe}
5   Throw next to the entrance (5) LOBBY {LOB}{BY}
6   What ISIS wanted was to bomb the capital within no time (9) CALIPHATE {THE+CAPItAL}*
7   Lords, for example are one up (5) ARENA {ARE}{AN<=}
8   Ran away from French European upbringing (6) ELOPED {DE}{POLE}<=
14 Savoir-faire, here in Paris one's a strategist (9) TACTICIAN {TACT}{ICI}{AN}
16 Prime minister will explain about calories (regular intake) (9) TAOISEACH {T{cAlOrIeS}EACH}
17 Scrape the bottom rung, choose to have fun on the way up (9) GENUFLECT {runG}{E{FUN<=}LECT}
20 Remarks as the team enters (6) ASIDES {A{SIDE}S}
21 Priest is extremely careful with a boy (6) CLERIC {Ca...uL}{ERIC}
23 Comfort as Pound goes into deposit (5) SALVE {SA{L}VE}
24 Reign of the champions, Bill free to leave (5) REALM {REAL Madrid}
25 City by the river is better (5) NICER {NICE}{R}

Reference List
American = A, US,  Note = TE, Hard = H, See = LO, DoubleD = DD, Caught = C, One = AN, Pound = L, Bill = AD, Free = RID, River = R


Monday 27 May 2019

No 12636, Monday 27 May 2019, Arden

1   Shirk work — in African countries one loses interest (8) MALINGER {MALI}{NiGER}
5   Put off over a quarter, sail shortened (6) REEFED {DEF{E}ER}<=
10 Spineless fellow, comes with his replacement in tow (7) DISHRAG {D{HIS*}RAG}
11 Phalanger's work — only believe when exposed (7) OPOSSUM {OP}{O}{aSSUMe}
12 Those in the middle find panel is stupid (5) INANE {fINd}{pANEl}
13 Boniface's store in exclusive surroundings... (9) INNKEEPER {INN{KEEP}ER}
14 ...till Charlie remains on record (4,8) CASH REGISTER {C}{ASH}{REGISTER}
18 It's crazy to go like that (5,3,4) ROUND THE BEND [C&DD]
21 In no state to go around in the night (9) NOCTURNAL {NO}{C{TURN}AL}
23 Poppycock about poison in the food (5) ROAST {RO{AS}T}
24 Repeat it time after time, I'm off! (7) ITERATE {IT}{ERA}{TimE}
25 Candidate has no prospect sweetheart (7) NOMINEE {NO}{MINE}{swEet}
26 Watergatenews trickled in from a winger (6) G?N?E? (Addendum - GANNET {GA(NN)ET*} - See comments}
27 Corral cattle — get a feeder, perhaps (8) PENSTOCK {PEN}{STOCK}

1   Servant lets doctor in, capital! (6) MADRID {MA{DR}ID}
2   Sailor's a rogue, changing sides (6) LASCAR (-r+l)LASCA(-l+r)R
3   Nanny frisked — is unarmed (9) NURSEMAID*
4   Busy shipping lane gets language access (7,7) ENGLISH CHANNEL {ENGLISH}{CHANNEL}
6   Wear that Rodrick wears with ease (5) ERODE {E}{ROD}{E}
7   They are worried American vessels will take head of state by force (8) FUSSPOTS {F}{USS}{POT}{St..e}
8   Rum made with rare variety of sugarcane (8) DEMERARA {MADE+RARE}*
 Make it even, rest under table (14) COUNTERBALANCE {COUNTER}{BALANCE}
15 He doesn't know if it's part of musical sign or a musical note (9) IGNORAMUS [T]
16 Cosby's invested some money on image building (8) BRANDING {B{RAND}ING}
17 Food served in the centre of slum, lights all around church (8) LUNCHEON {sLUm}{N{CH}EON}
19 Prison on beachhead built in Goa (6) BAGNIO* {Be..h}{IN+GOA}*
20 Characteristic run (6) STREAK [DD]
22 Consumption has partly gone up in Butane gas unit (5) USAGE [T<=]


Sunday 26 May 2019

Special, Sunday 26 May 2019, Amrita

Three answers per commenter as usual till 6 PM (Annotations compulsory)
Please provide all your answers in one comment.

6   Captain's wicket caught in the middle (5)
7   These kind of flights are a struggle? (4,4)
10 Device to translate texts featuring Mann essentially (7)
11 Chapter with a short story and small poem (7)
12 Make a mess of playing Schubert without introduction (7)
13 Heinous murder without any outside help (7)
14 Cease to be of any consolation? (4,7)
19 In front, doctors check on patients here? (7)
21 Fried meal mostly said to cause a feeling of unease (7)
23 Bill's often tired when traveling a little bit (7)
25 Fight over lead poisoning? It's an outrage! (3,4)
26 Cooked apples without pits essentially for a kind of soup (5,3)
27 Tear off green detail (5)
1   Romantic endless banter turns toxic (8)
2   Cover mum having fever (6)
3   Spooner suggests standard trophies as stands (5,5)
4   Stake in Vietnam raised (4)
5   Regular squadron United Kingdom sent back - It’s a puzzle (6)
6   Couple of wannabes, say, bimbos - could be green and hot! (6)
8   Drunk carries drug to head office? Oh, dear! (5,2)
9   Harry abandons society to become the leader of the church (5)
13 One claims note / Currency of yore (10)
15 Lake Erie, essentially cold, turbulent is a danger for boatmen (7)
16 One entered tenantless, vacant property for bathroom items (8)
17 Dungaries over white dotted yellow tops are drab (5)
18 On the rebound, marry friend from the South with a double chin (6)
20 Flexible within, partly hollow? (6)
22 Bonafide first lady's repulsive (6)
24 Site to return items of clothing (4)

Across Lite version can be accessed at AMRITA 7


The Sunday Crossword No 3049, Sunday 26 May 2019


1   In valley, Ezekiel and others pray, continue (2,4) DO TELL {D{OT}ELL}
4   Sticky end delivered (8) STUBBORN {STUB}{BORN}
9   Gasp! A cunning plan! (6) WHEEZE [DD]
10 Where, surprisingly, I find song with three words (4,2,2) HERE WE GO {WHERE*}{EGO}

12 Primarily: lounge, or lie lazily (4) LOLL Acrostic &lit
13 With head oddly empty, bear reflected in wood, spluttering 'Huzzah!' (5-2-3) WHOOP-DE-DOO {hEaD}{POOH}<= in {WOOD}*
15 Play where that carpet's frayed; sofa's out of bounds (3,3,4,2) ACT THE PART OF {THAT+CARPET}*{sOFa}
18 A Catholic grandee, severest for the most part in liturgy, say (3,2,7) ACT OF WORSHIP {A}{C}{TOFf}{WORSt}{HIP}
21 Strident Australian on radio: where to buy BBQs? (10) KOOKABURRA (~ cook a bar ?)

22 Implausible... but fine (4) THIN [DD]
24 Man's environment is as part of Earth; is running out of time (5,3) IRISH SEA {IS+EARtH+IS}* Man meaning Isle of Man here
25 Tucking into Bavarian lager, a couple of Germans become louder (6) BIGGER {BI{GG}ER}
26 Romance involving Friends character, most obscene (8) GROSSEST {G{ROSS}EST}
27 Tone's set by these two chapters on self-destruction (1,5) C CLEFS {C}{C}{SELF*}

1   Sorry, charge is something applied to your phone (8) DOWNLOAD {DOWN}{LOAD}
2   British left occupies gutted hotel: major damage to London (3,5) THE BLITZ {B}{L} in {THE rITZ}
3   Act with inadequate zeal? (4) LAZE* &lit
5   Novel and its library readers? (3,9) THE BORROWERS [DD]
6   Committee goes after money; it's where cuts will be made (10) BREADBOARD {BOARD}<=>{BREAD}
7   Missing Latin lover at party, go too far (6) OVERDO {lOVER}{DO}
8   Once liberal, now almost completely reactionary? (6) NEOCON {ONCE*}{NOw*} &lit
11 Film and its originators? (3,9) THE PRODUCERS [DD]
14 Again and again, penniless bloke arrives at square dances (3-3-4) CHA-CHA-CHAS {CHAp}{CHAp}{CHAp}{S}

16 Not just any Tory leader in court (3,5) THE HAGUE {THE}{HAGUE}
17 Italian renounced fussy puritanism, being hot under the collar (2,2,4) UP IN ARMS PURitANISM*
19 With fleece surrounding one, being drawn down by gravity? (6) SKIING {SK{I}IN}{G} &lit
20 Tenor misses opening of Götterdämmerung, a dotty little thing (6) DOMINO DOMINgO
23 Revealed in indiscreet circle (4) DISC [T]

Reference List
Ezekiel and others = OT(Old Testament), Ego = I, Catholic = C, German = G, Chapter = C, British = B, Left = L, Party = DO, Square = S, Gravity = G


Saturday 25 May 2019

No 12635, Saturday 25 May 2019, Arden


1. Can I accept a resolution, get the ability to hold charge? (11) CAPACITANCE {CAN+I+ACCEPT+A*}
7. River settlement, mostly (3) CAM {CAMp}
9. Look and pick out good weapon (5) LANCE {gLANCE}
10. Cumbersome procedure to set up — Mumbai suburb's close to office... (9) RIGMAROLE {RIG}{MAROL}{officE}
11. ...another suburb's riot affected, not very elegant... (9) MALADROIT {MALAD}{RIOT*}
12. // Mumbai's lifeline (5) LOCAL (DD)
13. Drunk will flip over top (7) TOSSPOT {TOSS}{TOP<=}
15. Meet // girlfriend (4) DATE (DD)
18. Stopping half the group (4) BLOC {BLOCking}
20. Last page in newspaper, only on herb (7) OREGANO {OR{pagE}GAN}{O}
23. Puzzle for a soldier's coach (5) REBUS {RE}{BUS}
24. Too small to know communist revolution was at a dacha, perhaps (9) WEEKENDER {WEE}{KEN}{RED<=}
26. Prongs seen in retreat, showing meanness (9) PETTINESS {STEP<=} around {TINES} Retreat=Step back
27. Game and set plays a part in reproduction (5) GONAD {GO}{AND*}
28. Men abandoned young woman, help! (3) AID {mAID}
29. Shifting below, agrees it's hard work (5,6) ELBOW GREASE {BELOW+AGRESS*}


1. Disaster when they are emptied under the palms (8) CALAMITY {CALAMI}{TheY}
2. Yen write-off makes him an incurable optimist (8) PANGLOSS {PANG}{LOSS}
3. Faith could start, rush underneath (5) CREED {Could}{REED}
4. Gathering praise for retaining the ashes (7) TURNOUT {T{URN}OUT}
5. Require return ticket to enter, so refused (7) NEGATED {NE{TAG<=}ED}
6. The last boy better exposed, gets a stripe (9) EPAULETTE {thE}{PAUL}{bETTEr}
7. Squat on crossbar on either side, it hurts! (6) CROUCH {CrossbaR}{OUCH}
8. Breakfast for us lime, bananas and nuts (6) MUESLI {US+LIME*}
14. Scoring penalties in an area of conflict (9) PALESTINE {PENALTIES*}
16. Ring girl to get a piece of cloth (8) BANDANNA {BAND}{ANNA}
17. Grope around to get free food (8) PORRIDGE {GROPE*} around {RID}
19. In Moscow, her beau got her some flowers (7) COWHERB (T)
20. Finished by saying 'supervised' (7) OVERSAW {OVER}{SAW}
21. Drink made of 67% grapes and 33% papaya (6) GRAPPA {GRAPes}{PApaya}
22. Centrally stable status, credit has reduced (6) ABATED {stABle}{stATus}{crEDit}
25. Keen to see some of the bronze age relics (5) EAGER (T)

Reference List

Good=G, Only=O, Soldier=RE, Men=M

Colour/Font Scheme

DefinitionSolutionComponent lettersEmbedded linksTheme word Anagram IndicatorC/C indicatorReversal IndicatorHidden word IndicatorLetter Pick indicatorDeletion IndicatorHomophone IndicatorMovement IndicatorPositional IndicatorSubstitution, IndicatorLink/Connector, Extraneous


Friday 24 May 2019

No 12634, Friday 24 May 2019, Gridman

All those who are not regular commenters but who are rookie commenters or silent followers of the blog are requested to post answers with annotations in the comments section. In your own interest please avoid looking up the answers from the interactive version. Don't hesitate to post your annotations, in case you make a mistake in the annotation someone will correct it with the right annotation.

Each commenter is requested to post only 5 answers thereby giving others also a chance to participate. Please provide all your answers in one comment.

Regular solvers/Veterans can post 1 answer each, but after 11 AM only

The regular blog will replace the clues at 2 PM.

Thanks for the response, here's the regular blog.

1   Ancient sled rolls in secret (11) CLANDESTINE*
9   Nutshell not hard, easily broken — it's empty (4,3) NULL SET NUTShELL*
10 Trains fishy groups (7) SCHOOLS [DD]
11 You finally get man’s support for deep shade (5) UMBRA {yoU}{M}{BRA}
12 Finish of nicer diseased gland (9) ENDOCRINE {END}{O}{NICER*}
13 Small picture of main settlement (5) INSET [T]
15 Man is out of misadventure but foolishly in slavery (9) SERVITUDE mISaDVEnTURE*
18 Faceless activist is in general hospital making nonsensical talk (9) GIBBERISH {G}{lIBBER}{IS}{H}
21 Cry of accomplishment of that woman in empty theatre (5) THERE {Thea{HER}trE}
22 Tending to injured tamer in big top (9) TREATMENT {T{TAMER*}ENT}
24 Chief of upstarts in band is feeling sorry (5) RUING {R{Up...s}ING}
26 Mum puts a fellow in the shade (7) MAGENTA {M{A}{GENT}A}
27 Two friends are web-footed (7) PALMATE {PAL}{MATE}
28 Misgiving of overstrained, faltering daughter is removed (11) RESERVATION OVERSTRAINEd*

1   Muddling argument against solderer's activity (9) CONFUSING {CON}{FUSING}
2   Baldie doesn't complete putting out a spontaneous remark (2-3) AD-LIB BALDIe*
3   Put down cloak and strip (9) DISMANTLE {DIS}{MANTLE}
4   Fix supports for pieces of furniture (7) SETTEES {SET}{TEES}
5   No stranger felt left out of friendliest grouping (7) INSIDER fRIeNDlIESt*
6   Just alien greeting Chennai leader (5) ETHIC {ET}{HI}{Ch...i}
7   Hundred and one leaving concern in loneliness (8) SOLITUDE SOLIciTUDE
8   Land mass is over half a mile (4) ISLE {IS}{miLE}
14 Beer mugs lying pell-mell in sink (8) SUBMERGE*
16 Among othersHindi actress follows old college course (5,4) INTER ALIA {INTER}{ALIA}
17 Plant that always gets a go-ahead signal (9) EVERGREEN {EVER}{GREEN}
19 One beginning to chill with paces around cold summits (7) ICECAPS {1}{Ch..l}{PACES*}
20 Upshot turns out to be primarily rigorous for impetuous person (7) HOTSPUR {UPSHOT*}{Ri...s}
22 Press down collector's items with edges worn off (4) TAMP sTAMPs
23 Enthusiast up to bear every other radio part (5) TUNER {NUT<=}{bEaR}
25 Asian team captures artist's line, reportedly (5) IRAQI {1{RA}{Q}1}

Reference List
Hard = H, Support = BRA, General Hospital = GH, Daughter = D, Alien = ET, Greeting = HI, Hundred = C, Team = 11, Artist = RA


Thursday 23 May 2019

No 12633, Thursday 23 May 2019, Gridman

1   Animal worker's east-bound (8) ANTELOPE {ANT}{E}{LOPE}
5   Composition of maestro is on at auditorium (6) SONATA [T]
9   Bowl from big party? (4,3) BLOW OUT {BOWL}* [RA]
10 Reportedly annoy hollow woman to a large degree (7) GREATLY (~grate){GREAT}{LadY|
11 Therefore block the handle (9) SOBRIQUET {SO}{BRIQUET}
12 Talk at length on Right labour group losing independence (3-2) RUN-ON {R}{UNiON}
13 Done with sweetheart shedding pounds (4) OVER lOVER
14 Trace Dahl lost in St. George's, Chennai (9) CATHEDRAL*
17 Stuffing Tamil leader's ready-mix preparation (9) TAXIDERMY {Ta..l}{READY+MIX}*
19 Frank to write order first (4) OPEN {O}{PEN}
23 Be up to church group (5) BATCH {BAT}{CH}
24 Desperate, endure scrap (4-5) LAST-DITCH {LAST}{DITCH}
25 A mother adopts principally urbane non-pro (7) AMATUER {A}{MAT{Ur...e}ER}
26 A new trouble, not big, but one more (7) ANOTHER {A}{N}{bOTHER}
27 Nymphs in publicity that is bland (6) DRYADS {DRY}{ADS}
28 Fellow's steady management around a celebration (5,3) FEAST DAY {F}{STEADY}* over {A}

1   Like the finest, so put up fire-proof material (8) ASBESTOS {AS}{BEST}{SO<=}
2   Model gets foreign money in difficulty (7) TROUBLE {T}{ROUBLE}
3   Check up on joint without approval (4-2) LOOK-IN {LO{OK}IN}
4   Try to get information on what an insect may do (3,3,1,6) PUT OUT A FEELER [DD]
6   Supersede order I've dispatched (8) OVERRIDE*
7   Girl has a number for signal receiver (7) ANTENNA {AN{TEN}NA}
8   A US city individual? No matter who! (6) ANYONE {A}{NY}{ONE}
10 Take delivery of note, understand? (3,3,7) GET THE MESSAGE [DD]
15 Amusing person’s husband arrested and kept back (8) WITHHELD {WIT}{H}{HELD}
16 Thus a person is dashing, maybe (2,1,5) IN A HURRY [CD]
18 In reality two learners made way for right risk calculator (7) ACTUARY ACTUA(-ll+r)RY
20 Sent backward boy out and fixed (7) PATCHED (dis)PATCHED
21 Ace, with a follower, on bumpy road on the bus (6) ABOARD {A}{B}{ROAD*}
22 A professor has taken many extensions (3-3) ADD-ONS {A}{D{D}ON'S}

Reference List
Right = R, Pound = L, Order = O, Church = CE, Big = B, Publicity = AD, Fellow = F, Model = T, Husband = H, Learner = L, Boy = Sid, Many = D


Wednesday 22 May 2019

No 12632, Wednesday 22 May 2019, Gridman

1   What an aerialist must have and what one might look for in a bank statement (7) BALANCE [DD]
5   Precise order head of Sales ignored in blueprint (6) RECIPE PRECIsE*
9   Bar some pestering others (5) INGOT [T]
10 Unkempt vicar having tousled hair causes a racket (9) CHARIVARI {C{HAIR*}VARI*}
11 Try to brook a big beast (7) GORILLA {GO}{RILL}{A}
12 Can be laundered: objection withdrawn quickly? (7) TUBFAST { BUT<=}{FAST}
13 Good, a large number return for wine (5) PINOT {PI}{TON<=}
14 Available for rent — to admit artist or one without bigotry (9) TOLERATOR {TO LE{RA}T}{OR}
16 Port engineer is the one sheltering fugitives (9) HARBOURER {HARBOUR}{ER}
19 Farewell publicity that is unacceptable, to begin with (5) ADIEU {AD}{IE}{Un...e}
21 He has a story to say on old German coin that’s retrieved (7) RELATER {RE}{TALER}<=
23 Patty, did you say? He — or she — is a citizen (7) BURGHER (~burger)
24 Impressionist goes round modern Paris as evaluator (9) APPRAISER {AP{PARIS*}ER}
25 Get away from last section of the deadly duel (5) ELUDE {thE}{DUEL*}
26 Army VIP cut short family classes (6) GENERA GENERAl
27 It sends off the blues (7) SADNESS {SA}{SENDS*}

1   Come in last and call at that place in pub (5,2,3,4) BRING UP THE REAR {B{RING UP}{THERE}AR}
2   Host hampered by essentially harsh restriction (3,4) LEG IRON {LEGI{haRsh}ON}
3   Restricted: to take one direction in small stationery item (7) NOTELET {NOT{E}LET}
4   Wizard to record: short mantra’s in (9) ENCHANTER {EN{CHANt}TER}
5   Worried star hires old cook (5) ROAST {R{O}AST*}
6   Chennai's top and active mountaineer (7) CLIMBER {Ch...i}{LIMBER}
7   Pretend to be cat? (7) PLAYACT {CAT}* [RA]
8   Write about getting new lodging place in Ooty, say (6,8) WINTER QUARTERS {WI{N}TER*}{QUARTERS}
15 Somehow rely on bids to get right fliers (9) LYREBIRDS {RELY*}{BI{R}DS}
17 Turn for the worse makes rebel leader slip away (7) RELAPSE {Re..l}{ELAPSE}
18 Beat — dismally rout the champion (7) OUTRACE {ROUT*}{ACE}
19 Broadcast: "Chief is a flighty person" (7) AIRHEAD {AIR}{HEAD}
20 Head office constantly occupied all round, getting everything done by itself (2-5) IN-HOUSE {IN{HO}USE}
22 Delhi way for Jamaican sect follower (5) RASTA [DD]

Reference List
Try = GO, Good = PI, Artist = RA, Engineer = ER, Publicity = AD, On = RE, It = SA(Sex Appeal), Direction = E, Old = O, New = N


Tuesday 21 May 2019

No 12631, Tuesday 21 May 2019, Gridman

1   Throw no slag by the way — that's Russian policy (8) GLASNOST {NO+SLAG}*{ST}
5   Side group to make up (6) OFFSET {OFF}{SET}
10 Divine core at Chhattisgarh's capital. Right? That's success! (7) VICTORY {diVIne}{Ch...h}{TORY}
11 High point of cab driver having big try on return (7) HOGBACK {B}{GO}<= in {HACK}
12 It holds many a cup that cheers (6) TEAPOT [CD]
13 A silent revolution about one former psychiatrist (8) ALIENIST {A+SILENT}* over {1}
15 No time to instruct everyone (4) EACH tEACH
16 When the watchmaker just comes... (4,2,4) NICK OF TIME [CD]
17 AHALLEAP? (3,2,1,4) ALL IN A HEAP {A}{ALL}{HEAP} Rebus
20 Old area between the hills cut to a shape (4) OVAL {O}{VALley} (Correction - {O}{VALe} - See comments}
23 Such a shirt is not hard-pressed (8) EASYCARE [CD]
24 Prince turned blue over an American native (6) PUEBLO {P}{BLUE*}{O}
26 Withdrawing fellow a poet? (7) WHITMAN {WITH}*{MAN}
27 Nothing right with a gone-off plant (7) OREGANO {O}{R}{A+GONE}*
28 First of all, you observe good, intelligent nature in the Hindu female form (6) YOGINI Acrostic
29 Disregard East Asian financier overwhelming under-graduate (5,3) SHRUG OFF {SHR{UG}OFF}

1   Spoil a surprise — no poacher will… (4,3,4,4) GIVE THE GAME AWAY [DD]
2   Clever, top Chennai leader is old (7) ARCHAIC {ARCH}{A1}{Ch...i}
3   One angry against a political movement (3-3) NEO-CON {ONE}*{CON}
4   States it to hollow youths (4) SAYS {SA}{Yo..hS}
6   In the garden this cover was used quite naturally (3,4) FIG LEAF [CD]
7   Tongue was wagging before greeting Clio at the centre (7) SWAHILI {WAS}*{HI}{cLIo}
8   What a gardener may not want to dampen the enthusiasm (4,3,5,3) TAKE THE BLOOM OFF [DD]
9   Delhi uncle cancelled tea to a sulky group of royals of the past (9) CHALUKYAS {CHAcha}{A+SULKY}*
14 Ascending by engaging Goodman? (9) HIGHERING  (HI{G}{HE}RING} Engaging on double duty? Never knew there is such a word!
18 Permanent placement by replacing unknown with saint (7) LASTING LA(-y+st)STING
19 Guy from a French city that a woman finds admirable (4,3) NICE MAN {NICE}{MAN}
21 Sextet's support to vocal quavering (7) VIBRATO {VI}{BRA}{TO}
22 Admirer taking old city furniture (6) BUREAU {B{UR}EAU}
25 First of all, look over Chennai's hot inlet (4) LOCH Acrostic

Reference List
Big = B, Old = O = Over, Prince = P, Top = A1, IT = SA(Sex Appeal), Support = Bra, Old City = UR


Monday 20 May 2019

No 12630, Monday 20 May 2019, Avtaar

1   Muffler left in Prague, by mistake (7) EARPLUG {EARP{L}UG*}
5   Dropping partner midway, Brando's energetic son produces film (7) ADSORBS {BRAnDOS}*{S}
10 Fabled rebellion? (4) ?C?R (Addendum - SCAR [CD] (rebel lion) - See comments)
11 Course instructions written by software developers (6,4) SOURCE CODE {COURSE}* [RA]
12 Peter and Elizabeth (6) WITHER {WITH}{ER}
13 Grass inhaling judge is absolved (8) REDEEMED {RE{DEEM}ED}
14 B2C distribution channel for soap producers? (3-3,3) SET-TOP BOX {(-c+b)BOX  Set B to C in COX} [CD] See comments
16 Large tract of land off West End, say (5) STATE STATEs (Addendum - eSTATE - See comments)
17 Polish man comes out of palanquin (5) JAPAN JAmPAN
19 Explain why you talked about getting inducted into cabinet (4,5) SHOW CAUSE {SHOWCA{U}SE}
23 Alert eves, ignoring leader, avoid gruelling war of nerves (8) FOREWARN {WAR+OF+NERves}*
24 Plundering dogs frequently broke up, leaving without success (2,4) IN VAIN INVAdINg
26 British doctor could not initially oversee result of a lab test (5,5) BLOOD COUNT {B}{COULD+NOT+Ov...e}*
27 Jog around Algeria's capital city (4) DOHA {HOD<=}{Al...a} Jog/Hod? See comments
28 English-American poet is visited by son and then by daughter unexpectedly (7) ASUDDEN {A{S}U{D}DEN}
29 Avtaar's a fine second, perhaps? (7) MEASURE {ME}{A}{SURE}

2   Set down bed in a corner (7) ASCRIBE {A}{S{CRIB}E}
3   Part of house that, basically, is lacking in soft light (5) PORCH {P}{tORCH}
4   The main part of counsel's ploy — getting release (7) UNSTRAP {coUNSel}{TRAP}
6   Crack journalist couple, on retirement, acquire firm (6) DECODE {ED<=}{CO}{ED<=}
7   Gold crate is carried by soldiers' band (9) ORCHESTRA {OR}{CHEST}{RA}
8   Spooner's father takes risk resulting in a permanent loss (3,4) BAD DEBT (dad bet to bad debt)
 Ceremonial welcome organised for guru had cups of Nescafe offered at the outset (5,2,6) GUARD OF HONOUR {FOR+GURU+HAD}* over {Of}{Ne...e}{Of...d}
15 From twelve and half, deduct seven... finally, add one in and ... then take reciprocal to arrive at this figure (9) TRAPEZOID {D{1}OZEn}{PART} <=
18 Spacecraft crashed, dropping at Palo Alto South (7) APOLLOS  {PALO+aLtO}*{S}
20 Erode fair is about openings in textile looms (7) WHITTLE {WHIT{Te...e}{Lo..s}E}
21 Tear the lady's slip (7) SLITHER {SLIT}{HER}
22 Inept Hague court's chief is transferred (6) GAUCHE {HAGUE+Co..t}*
25 Vyasa's expositions — deep and stimulating, from the beginning (5) VEDAS Acrostic & lit

Reference List
Elizabeth = ER, Channel = COX, Corner = SE(South East), Soft = P, Journalist = ED, Gold = OR, Soldier = RA(Royal Artillery)


Sunday 19 May 2019

Special, Sunday 19 May 2019, K Koteswar Rao

Three answers per commenter as usual till 6 PM (Annotations compulsory)
Please provide all your answers in one comment.

7   What a pity! Kickback today (3,3)
8   Weapon manufacturer is a second grade nameless griever (8)
9   Natural response not initially audible, recording note (8)
10 Departure of old flame on frequent holdouts (6)
11 Thick impressions reportedly (5)
12 Criticism about struggle with West (6)
14 An economic trend? Perhaps it isn't my business (1,2,3,9)
17 Toy or Troy on pillage? (6)
18 Hatred upset Modi upfront (5)
22 Extract the essence by boiling in two months? (6)
23 Make public well near church – It is subject to country’s jurisdiction (8)
24 Observe what follows when half the energy is spent with stick around (4,4)
25 Get the better of clothes changing from/to wife (6)

1   Look before you leap out of barge panel to get at the watering-hole (6,3)
2   Mammal in rising ocean sinks (6)
3   Hooked adjunct but no joint (5)
4   He may not remember misalliance, not ill-treatment (8)
5   Contest fought without husband ferociously on green revolution (3-2-3)
6   Primate bird in the middle of both sides. (5)
8   Actively engaged when coach left a tea dance (2,3,8)
13 Creature in the main ancient city’s feature (3,6)
15 Abstract subject has no answer for Oscar (8)
16 Perhaps prime time, neither is at fault (8)
19 Place, place inside flower (6)
20 Record breaking dowry in store (5)
21 The sound of speed measured by volume and space (5)

Across Lite version van be accessed at KKR 23


The Sunday Crossword No 3048, Sunday 19 May 2019

1   Best-laid plans (that is, what's expected to succeed) (2,4,3,3) OF MICE AND MEN [GK]
10 Former European politican talks emptily, making excuses (7) EXEMPTS {EX}{E}{MP}{TalkS}
11 Time out before study in space age unit (3,4) GAP YEAR {GAP}{YEAR}
12 King rode off before giving command (5) ORDER {RODE}*<=>{R}
13 Was familiar with where to buy cold meats: they say, in a big city (3,5) NEW DELHI (~ knew deli)
15 Lecturer with big book about gravy boat culture finally finds desired piece of terminology (2,3,5) LE MOT JUSTE {L}{TOME<=}{JUS}{boaT{c...rE}
16 What an employer does is manipulates (4) USES [DD]
18 Care of company address for Chanel (4) COCO {CO}{CO}
20 Outfit with attempt to convey 'pizazz' (3-2-3-2) GET-UP-AND-GO {GETUP}{AND}{GO}
22 Dramatic drop in bill at seedy bar (4,4) NOSE DIVE {NOSE}{DIVE}
24 Conservative pursues cut back, at first taking on the money (5) EXACT {AXE<=}{C}{Ta...g}
26 They might spell trouble, 200 wains (7) WICCANS {CC+WAINS}*
27 Sporting achievement in show (4,3) HOME RUN [DD]
28 Sh! The man I saw crawling around – you know... thingummy... (5-3-4) WHATS HIS NAME*

2   Release, from loud wind instrument, a contemplative sound (7) FREEDOM {F}{REED}{OM}
3   Exemption from prosecution right for nuclear pollution (8) IMPURITY IMPU(-n+r)RITY
4   Comfort to be found in tea set (4) EASE [T]
5   Half of lectures skipped after negative feedback's beginning: university student's remiss (10) NEGLECTFUL {NEG}{LECTures}{Fe...k}{U}{L}
6   Languidly moved bike (5) MOPED [DD]
7   Largely unnecessary heckles (7) NEEDLES NEEDLESs
8   Gather up old lamps to collect mint in long-running TV show (3,6,4) TEN OCLOCK NEWS {NET<=}{O}{CLOCK{NEW}S} Lamps/Clocks?
9   Novel, starting point for film (13) TRAINSPOTTING*
14 Oversees 'Pies Versus Stew' (10) SUPERVISES*
17 Salem's gone berserk: an Arthur Miller play's subject (8) SALESMAN {SALEM*}{AN}
19 Wimbledon champ, bully, gets easy money (4,3) CASH COW {CASH}{COW}
21 Taj Mahal's setting captured in simple drawing (7) DIAGRAM {DI{AGRA}M}
23 Naiad, fabulous goddess (5) DIANA*
25 Said what you might find on collar of Siamese (4) THAI (~tie)