Friday 30 September 2022

No 13674, Friday 30 Sep 2022, WrdPlougher


All those who are not regular commenters but who are rookie commenters or silent followers of the blog are requested to post answers with annotations in the comments section. In your own interest please avoid looking up the answers from the interactive version. Don't hesitate to post your annotations, in case you make a mistake in the annotation someone will correct it with the right annotation.


Each commenter is requested to post only 5 answers thereby giving others also a chance to participate. Please provide all your answers in one comment.

Regular solvers/Veterans can post 1 answer each, but after 11 AM only.

Thanks for the response, here's the regular blog.

8   Castle piece that is sacrificed for a leap, oddly (6) PALACE P(-ie+leap)LACE
9   Programmes shows on screen (8) PROJECTS [DD]
10 One-under — a score one added to rounds on a golf course? (8) NINETEEN Definition by example (1<20 and 18+1)
11 Drape a bust for show (6) PARADE*
12 Groups of nuns dancing around briefly in a circle (6) UNIONS {UN{In}{O}NS*}
13 Reminder to order a small laptop (8) NOTEBOOK {NOTE}{BOOK}
15 Hints of colour beginning to show all around Michigan by end of season (7) REMINDS {RE{MI}{s...oN}D{Show}
17 Parks deposit (7) GROUNDS [DD]
20 Exposing affair full of hot sex appeal, repulsed (8) FLASHING {FLING} over {H}{SA}<=
22 Quiet ragas near the end of concert (6) MODEST {MODES}{c...rT}
23 Bugs, perhaps, essentially irritates religious leader up front (6) RABBIT {i..iTa..s}<=>{RABBI}
25 Inside joke abruptly inserted into rambling intro and tale's conclusion (8) INTERIOR {RIb} in {INTRO+talE}*
26 Sketches made by Neanderthal, curve shifting left to right (8) OUTLINES {(-l)OUT(+l)L}{(-s)INE(+s)S}
27 Set Millie Bobby Brown's digital avatar? (6) ELEVEN [DD] 

1   Virtue of person waiting to see a busy doctor, it is said? (8) PATIENCE (~patient) Singular/Plural?
2   Orders two gates, one broken into scattered pieces — placcleared out (10) CATEGORIES {GATE*}{OR} in {pIeCES}* 
3   Fair to be tackled by sportspersons from both sides of rugby game? (6) SEVENS {Sp...{EVEN}...nS}
4   First hole (7) OPENING [DD]
5   Passenger, male, ejected by Chief of Police and PC (8) COMPUTER COM(-m+p)PUTER
6   Approach in stealth — clandestine arrival (4) NEAR [T] What's the role of 'stealth'?
7   Plant dust scattered on moon (6) STUDIO {DUST*}{IO}
14 Fours and sixes — runs all over park essentially, that is (10) BOUNDARIES {BOUND{pARk}{IE}S}
16 Like a car in bank? Break in, dash (8) DRIFTING {D{RIFT}ING} 
18 Learn, record again (8) DISCOVER {DISC}{OVER}
19 Stand in violent gustmost violent (7) UGLIEST {UG{LIE}ST*}
21 Class tournament (6) LEAGUE [DD]
22 Measures of time in simple rhythms ultimately (6) METRES {ME{T}RE}{r...mS}
24 Order a beast (4) BULL [DD]

Reference List
Hot = H, Sex appeal = SA, Gate = OR, Male = M, Moon = IO, Time = T

Thursday 29 September 2022

No 13673, Thursday 29 Sep 2022, Vidwan

Solution to 5D has been deliberately left unsolved and is to be answered only by a non-regular / novice commenter, with proper annotation. Those who have answered earlier in the week, please give others a chance.

8   Standard gap mostly in middle of the buttocks (7) REGULAR {RE{GULf}AR}
9   General having a smoke in bushy spot (6) LEAFAGE {LE{A}{FAG}E}
11 Trace Spooner's cabbage carrier (8) MOLECULE (~ cole mule to molecule)
12 Seed of some retrograde Pashtun laws (6) WALNUT [T<=]
14 Father left mother? Right about the point where fate and life collide? (6) PALMAR {PA}{L}{MA}{R}
15 Region in far east (4) AREA [T]
19 Instrument central to health or nutrition (7) ALTHORN [T]
20 No rise during early stages (7) NASCENT {N}{ASCENT}
21 One wanting fruit salad or grass (4) TURF FRUiT*
22 Right kind of stone to take support (4,2) REST ON {R}{STONE*}
26 Rules: No sex-drug combo burns again! (6) REIGNS REIGNiteS
27 Regular celebrity stuffs and details basically (8) STANDARD {ST{AND}AR}{De...s}
29 Was dirty black couch cleaned with a mop? (7) SWABBED {WAS*}{B}{BED}
30 I reportedly dance for a seer (7) EYEBALL {(~i)EYE}{BALL}

1   Cold prince's revolting atrocity (5) CRIME {C}{EMIR<=}
2   'Unwell' father, emerges 'lively' (5) AGILE frAGILE
3   Elbow jutting loner can work around nothing (9) OLECRANON {LONER+CAN}* over {0}
4   Peer cribs about slightest sensation? Yes, at first (11) PRELIMINARY {P{RE}{LIMIN}AR}{Y} Not sure of Anno
5   Many expressing love for travel (3) ?L? (Addendum - PLY PoLY - See comments)
6   Party hard! Something like a Cockatoo! (5) GALAH {GALA}{H}
7   Hide works, essays about Princess Royal (9) TANNERIES {T{ANNE}RIES}
10 Rent troubles workers and apprentices (8) ENTRANTS {RENT*}{ANTS}
13 Spooner to dispatch one who betrays or one who starts a fashion (11) TRENDSETTER (~send traitor to trendsetter)
16 Quietly sent art forms or designs (8) PATTERNS {P}{SENT+ART}*
17 Giant ramp built for a bird (9) PTARMIGAN*
18 Taken by surprise! A road built but not opened (9) ASTOUNDED {A}{ST}{fOUNDED}
23 Pre-Buddhist Tibetan priests - retrogressive society elitists (4) SNOBS {BONS<=}{S}
24 Tribute to God of Shepherds guarding Vedas regularly (5) PAEAN {PA{vEdAn}N}
25 A model bagging mostly boring porn (5) ADULT {A}{DULl}{T}
28 Did it regularly get used as pesticide? (3) DDT {DiD+iT}

Reference List
Smoke = FAG, Father = PA, Left = L, Mother = MA, Right = R, No = N, Sex = IT, Drug = E, Black = B, Cold = C, Prince = EMIR, Father = FR, Peer = PAR, About = RE, Yes = Y, Hard = H, Princess Royal = ANNE, Quietly = P, Society = S, Model = T

Wednesday 28 September 2022

No 13672, Wednesday 28 Sep 2022, Karaoke

Solution to 25D has been deliberately left unsolved and is to be answered only by a non-regular / novice commenter, with proper annotation. Those who have answered earlier in the week, please give others a chance.

1   The Spanish go after poor quality bag (6) DUFFEL {EL}<=>{DUFF}
4   They yield only diesels? Maybe (8) OILSEEDS (O+DIESELS}* Semi&lit
9   Rejected strong drinks - one lacks guts (6) STRIPS SPIRiTS<=
10 Avengers used poisonous substance (5,3) NERVE GAS*
12 Parallel loan arranged In time recording second guarantee (8) ANALOGUE {A{LOAN*}G{gUa...e}E}
13 Puzzle lacks ingenuity essentially in cryptic meaning (6) ENIGMA MEAnING*
15 Be ruined by space traveller's bombardment wiping out savings and loan (4,2,6) COME TO NAUGHT {COMET}{ONslAUGHT}
18 Head-shrinker designed starship city (12) PSYCHIATRIST*
23 Criminal relative by marriage? On the contrary (6) OUTLAW (opposite of Inlaw}
24 Move fast to break set point (4,2,2) STEP ON IT*
26 Parasite bird nibbles carnage regularly (6-2) HANGER-ON {H{cArNaGe}ERON}
27 Horror film's second hard copy is circulated (6) PSYCHO {S+H+COPY}*
28 Think highly of some nitre as urea (8) TREASURE [T]
29 Junkies consume heroin in shows (6) USHERS {US{H}ERS}

1   Separate catastrophic accidents killed innocents essentially (8) DISTANCE  ACcIDENTS*
2   Syndicates heartlessly take back killers (8) FIREARMS {FIr{REAR}MS}
3   Once upon a time story about Indian achievement (7) EXPLOIT {EX}{PLO{I}T}
5   Frozen 50% of verdict in review (4) ICED DECIsion<=
6   What comes next is happening in silence! (7) SEVENTH {S{EVENT}H}
7   Join in battle with the awkward gang supplying drugs from outside (6) ENGAGE {E}{GANG*}{E}
8   Remains to stay in express during pleasure trip (6) SASHAY {S{ASH}AY}
11 I don't know cock ends as bird (7) DUNNOCK {DUNNO}{CocK}
14 Surprisingly centurion ignored cues regularly in strike (3,4) RUN INTO  ceNTURION*
16 Top public house located around untidy place (8) PINNACLE {P{INN}ACLE*}
17 Locates children wearing shoddy clothes on island (7) STATIONS {S{TAT}{I}ONS}
19 Perhaps locksmiths have gone through stress regularly (7) SHAVERS {St{HAVE}ReSs}
20 Workers are extremely trustworthy, religious and holy persons (7) TYPISTS {Tr...hY}{PI}{STS}
21 Formal wear of highest office of the cardinal (3,3) TOP HAT [DD]
22 Enactor flawed, right away, right away (2,4) AT ONCE ENACTOr*
25 Reckless to die out and exit (4) ?O?R (Addendum - DOOR {DO OR die} - See comments) 

Reference List
The in Spanish = EL, Only = O, Second = S, Hard = H, Heroin = H, Indian = I, Silence = SH, Drug E, Island = I, Reigious = PI, Right = R

Tuesday 27 September 2022

No 13671, Tuesday 27 Sep 2022, Gussalufz

Solution to 25D has been deliberately left unsolved and is to be answered only by a non-regular / novice commenter, with proper annotation. Those who have answered earlier in the week, please give others a chance.

9   View broadcast at one, live (9) ELEVATION*
10 Enquire about missing Indian Railways card (5) QUEEN ENQUirE*
11 Diamond ring Frenchman dropped in wild shrub (7) RHOMBUS {RH{0}{M}BUS*}
12 Study aspects of sex? Am in! Exciting!! (7) EXAMINE [T]
13 Kind to muffle — at the onset! — naughty nasal sound (5) SNORT {S{Na...y}ORT}
14 Circumstantially single man consumes bites of nutrients and proteins for energy (4,5) WIND POWER {WI{Nu...s}D{Pr...n}OWER}
16 Doctor cures poor father as expected (3,3,3,6) PAR FOR THE COURSE*
19 Was sorry about gluttony, having eaten two times (9) REGRETTED {RE}{GRE{T}{T}ED}
22 Headgear frequently sported backwards by American pilot (5) TIARA {AmeRicAn+pIloT}<=
24 The woman's oddly better with a drink (4,3) HERB TEA {HER}{BeTtEr}{A}
26 Strong feeling — two essentially divides (1+50×2)×2! (3,4) ILL WILL {tWo} in {1+LL}{1+LL}
27 Rise in geeks' demands? (5) NEEDS (RisE in NERDS)
28 Space program's final stages caught in new energy crisis (9) EMERGENCY {s..cE}{p...aM}{ERGEN{C}Y}*

1   Garfunkel is wearing this man's suit (6) HEARTS {HE{ART}'S}
2   When it was time for action from Zorro, he texted you desperately! (4,4) ZERO HOUR {ZORRO+HE+U}*
3   Spiritual master gets ordinary student inspired by the endlessly fascinating journey (6,4) RABBIT HOLE {RABBI}{TH{O}{L}E}
4   Puzzle gossip involving Gussalufz getting extremely gross (6) JIGSAW {J{I}{GrosS}AW}
5   Old Indian coin is over 10 euros, they feel (8) ANTENNAE {ANN{TEN}A}{E}
6   A bit of ale serving as water (4) AQUA {Ale}{QUA}
7   Raised five children, now regularly hides to take stock (6) REVIEW {RaisEd+fiVe+chIldrEn+noW} 
8   Prepare one for final journey, then hear sermon, taking veil off (8) ENHEARSE [T]
15 Hospital department to ask questions covering a month with zero record of performance (10) PROCTOLOGY {PR{OCT}{0}{LOG}Y}
16 Lightly roasting fresh carp with aromatic spice (8) PARCHING {CARP*}{HING}
17 One with some trust on god during complicated test finds concentration (8) TITRATES {T{1}{Tr..t}{RA}TES*}
18 Gangster breaks rules, switches allegiance (8) REALIGNS {RE{AL}IGNS}
20 Plot revealed by Imagine Dragons played in reverse (6) GARDEN [T<=]
21 Push liberal nonsense (6) DRIVEL {DRIVE}{L}
23 A lover not on top sets down cushions (6) ALLAYS {A}{Lo..r}{LAYS} Not on top? See comments
25 I am disappointed about a mission (4) T?S? (Addendum - TASK {T{A}SK} - See comments)
Reference List
Indian Railways = IR, Frenchman = M, About = RE, Time = T, 50 = L, Caught = C, Ordinary = O, Student = L, Old indian coin = ANNA, Euro =E, As = QUA, Record = LOG, God = RA, Gangster = AL(Capone), Liberal = L 

Monday 26 September 2022

No 13670, Monday 26 Sep 2022, Hypatia

Solution to 11D has been deliberately left unsolved and is to be answered only by a non-regular / novice commenter, with proper annotation. Those who have answered earlier in the week, please give others a chance.

1   Painter's drawing in hospital with a flower (6) DAHLIA {DA{H}LI}{A}
4   Setter's bored by the German boxer's doctrine (8) IDEALISM {I{DE}{ALI'S}M}
9   Destroy one virus caught spreading ultimately deadly disease (6) SCURVY {ViRUS+C}*{d...lY}
10 Letters from cycling buddy encourage husband to move ahead (8) ALPHABET {(-p)AL(+p)P} and {ABET}<=>{H}
12 Spooner's hair colour for formal wear (5-3) DRESS-TIE (~ tress dye to dress tie)
13 You and I can get working (6) USABLE {US}{ABLE}
15 Two women with shields fighting in rodeo (4,4,4) WILD WEST SHOW {TWO+W+W+SHIELDS}*
18 How a model performs or protests? (7,1,4) STRIKES A POSE [DD]
21 Assumes largely reliable president's boring America (6) USURPS {U{SURe}{P}S}
22 Cook tosses English eggs in free dessert, say (4,4) RICH FOOD {CHeF}{00} in {RID}
24 Scrap's worth (5,3) THROW OUT {WORTH}* [RA]
25 Bored Anu runs wild in sex (2,1,3) IN A RUT {ANU+R}* in {IT}
26 Married lives need time to weather tear and abuse (8) MISTREAT {M}{IS}{TEAR*}{T}
27 Old country's part of upper Sialkot (6) PERSIA [T]

1   Eat quickly and throw on the ground (4,4)  DASH DOWN [DD]
2   Bug in fuse tripping perfect boxes (8) HOUSEFLY {HO{FUSE*}LY}
3   Give authority to stop and interview West Haryana's leading criminal (6,4,5) INVEST WITH POWER {STOP+INTERVIEW+W+Ha...a}*
5   Decorative object looking lovely basically! (4) DOLL Acrostic #lit
6   Slim odds of a new stagecoach wandering without horse at the lead (1,5,2,1,6) A GHOST OF A CHANCE {OF+A+N+STAGECOACH}* over {Ho..e}
7   Swallow that is biting many birds in bushes initially (6) IMBIBE {I{Many}{Bi..s}{In}{Bu...s}E}
8   Parent taking time to make home run (6) MOTHER {MO{T}HE*}{R}
11 Connection finally back on board (7) ?I?S?I? (Addendum - KINSHIP {bacK}{IN SHIP} - See comments) 
14 Comic hero tries bananas in  American's sack (7) ASTERIX {TRIES}* in {AX}
16 Hence, reporters skip over stops (8) SOJOURNS {SO}{JOURNoS}
17 Some chatted never bringing up bad blood (8) VENDETTA [T<=]
19 Copper gets most used for 23, perhaps (6) CUSTOM {CU}{MOST*}
20 Durga attacking with Shakti, primarily protects (6) GUARDS {DURGA*}{Sh...i}
23 Starts to pray using japa and ritual for Navartri (4) PUJA Acrostic

Reference List
Hospital = H, The in German = DE, Caught = C, Women = W, With = W, President = P, English = E, Runs =R, Sex = IT, Married = M, Time = T, West = W, New = N, American sack = AX, Over = O 

Sunday 25 September 2022

The Sunday Crossword No 3221, Sunday 25 Sep 2022

1   Centralised arrangement for employment qualifications (11) CREDENTIALS*
9   Ransome’s written about a group in a boat (7) OARSMEN*
10 Revolutionary painting? Very upset: it’s hard work (7) TRAVAIL {ART<=}{V}{AIL<=}
11 Leaves out some whom I.T. suggests (5) OMITS [T]
12 Blasted duck – or beautiful bird (8) FLAMINGO {FLAMING}{O}
14 United appoint endlessly wealthy Australian dietician, ultimately opposed to apple pie? (10) UNAMERICAN {U}{NAME}{RICh}{A}{d...aN}
15 Everyman finally did change a lightbulb – in a manner of speaking (4) IDEA {I}{diD}{c...gE}{A}
17 Friends: they’ll give you flowers (4) BUDS [DD]
19 Mountain rock by cape; piercing yell – who’s making it? (7,3) SCREECH OWL {SCREE}{C}{HOWL}
21 Male bird of prey one captured with weapon (8) TOMAHAWK {TOM}{HAWK} over {A}
23 Provide new container for flipping drunkard (5) REPOT <=
25 Land in trouble tucking into dodgy cure (7) ECUADOR {ECU{ADO}R*}
26 No longer working, detective, unerring marksman (4-3) DEAD-EYE {DEAD}{EYE}
27 Blockbusting books from footballer and comedian (11) BESTSELLERS {BEST}{SELLERS}

1   I’m taken aback and largely ill on a French island (7) CORSICA {COR}{SICk}{A}
2   Needs hem altering, being tangled up (8) ENMESHED*
3   Eagle – rather nautical eagle, primarily? (4) ERNE Acrostic &lit
4   Tantalised by a little bird, I will have dined on starter of duck (10) TITILLATED {TIT}{I'LL}{ATE}{Duck}
5   Rattle and bell, often (5) ALARM [DD]
6   A little barista in Edinburgh is covered in blotches (7) STAINED [T]
7   Unhealthy cornet cut out, assuming bachelor’s wanting vegan fare (7,6) COCONUT BUTTER {CORNET+CUT+OUT} over {B}
8   Regrettably, a tour fell flat making you nervous (3,2,1,7)  ALL OF A FLUTTER*
13 Minister having disagreement about church to speak with delicacy (5,5) MINCE WORDS {MIN}{CE}{WORDS}
16 Protection from wind given to top pilot in film (8) SCARFACE {SCARF}{ACE}
18 Chump and onion that’s hard to see? (3,4) DIM BULB {DIM}{BULB}
20 Shore up revival for legendary musician (7) ORPHEUS*
22 Doesn’t show animals' skin (5) HIDES [DD]
24 Superstar’s out of work, we’re told (4) IDOL (~idle)

Reference List
Very = V, United = U, Australian = A, Cape = C, Trouble = ADO, Bachelor = B, Church = CE 

Saturday 24 September 2022

No 13669, Saturday 24 Sep 2022, Avtaar


1   Free, like the character of Dasaratha in the Ramayana, maybe? (6) PAROLE {PA ROLE}
4   Headdress irked star, eh? (5,3) STRAW HAT {STAR}*{WHAT}
9   Training in stylish, small two-wheelers (6)  MOPEDS {MO{PE}D}{S}
10 Riot-control device exploded - Bang! Out near London's East End (5,3) BATON GUN {BANG+OUT}*{l...oN}
11 Online travel portal? (7,7) RAILWAY STATION [CD]
13 "Lake of the Boundless Valley" - fantastic hit on the way up (4-6) HALF-VOLLEY {L+OF+tHe+VALLEY}*
14 Fine, fermented drink made from cashew or coconut (4) FENI*
16 Champion wins maiden crown (4) ACME {AC{M}E}
18 Amidst breaks, cycling coach bonds (10) RESTRAINTS {REST{(-t)RAIN(+t)T}S}
21 Lock assemblies that are ready-to-use? (7,7) TURNKEY SYSTEMS [C&DD]
23 Barred point in pass (8) EXCEPTED {EXCE{PT}ED}
24 Hiding love, mother's starting to torment revolutionary (6) MAOIST {MA}{0}{IS}{To...t}
25 Fine head of solicitors, through slogging and legwork, finally became adviser to the Queen (4,4) TOOK SILK {TO{OK}{So...s}IL}{l...rK}
26 Even characters in Boeing gladly ceded land that was divided in the 1940s (6) BENGAL {BoEiNg+GlAdLy}


1   "Apple in Post Office" by Avtaar (4) POME {PO}{ME}
2   For the audience, Nadal is a great artist (7) RAPHAEL (~rafael) 
3   Girlfriend flirted overtly skipping right behind young man (4-4) LADY-LOVE {OVErtLY}*<=>{LAD}
5   Playing tennis? Try attacking lobs, to start with, for a short while (11) TRANSIENTLY {TENNIS+TRY+At...g+Lobs}*
6   Decapod alien groups having no feet (6) APODAL [T]
7   Fellow admitting Azed's original crossword is torment (7) HAGRIDE {H{Azed}{GRID}E}
8   The hotel lost Mrs Reagan and Mrs Sinatra's possessions (9) TENANCIES {ThE}{NANCIES}
12 Path across river with fountain outside Vatican seems good but is not adequate (3,4,4) ALL VERY WELL {ALL{V}E{R}Y}{WELL}
13 Almost fully breathe out and take pulse (9) HEARTBEAT {BREATHe}*{EAT}
15 Louisiana and Tennessee dons - like Corleone, perhaps? (4,4) LAST NAME {L}{AS}{T}{NAME} (Addendum - {LA}{S{TN}AME} - See comments)
17 Land is turned out in dry wind, south of Missouri (7) MOROCCO {siROCCO}<=>{MO}
19 Freezing Emergency Room avoided by Count (7) NUMBING NUMBerING
20 Pesky, mischievous son chats online (6) SKYPES {PESKY}*{S}
22 ... and others turned up dead (2,2) ET AL LATE<=

Reference List

Eh = WHAT, Training = PE, Stylish = MOD, Small = S, Lake = L, Champion = ACE, Maiden = M, Breaks = REDSTS, Coach = TRAIN, Point = PT, Pass = EXCEED, Love =0, Mother's = MA'S, Fine = OK, Slogging = TOIL
Post Office = PO< Avtaar = ME, Right = RT, Young man = LAD, Fellow = HE, Crossword = GRID, Hotel = H, Path = ALLEY, River = R, Fountain = WELL, Vatican = V, Take = EAT, Louisiana = LA. Teneessee = TN, Like = SAME, Missouri = MO, Emergency Room = ER, Count = NUMBERING, Son = S, Dead = LATE

Colour/Font Scheme

DefinitionSolutionComponent lettersEmbedded linksTheme word Reference list wordAnagram IndicatorC/C indicatorReversal IndicatorHidden word IndicatorLetter Pick indicatorDeletion IndicatorHomophone IndicatorMovement IndicatorPositional IndicatorSubstitution IndicatorOpposite indicatorLink/Connector, Extraneous


Friday 23 September 2022

No 13668, Friday 23 Sep 2022, Bruno


All those who are not regular commenters but who are rookie commenters or silent followers of the blog are requested to post answers with annotations in the comments section. In your own interest please avoid looking up the answers from the interactive version. Don't hesitate to post your annotations, in case you make a mistake in the annotation someone will correct it with the right annotation.


Each commenter is requested to post only 5 answers thereby giving others also a chance to participate. Please provide all your answers in one comment.

Regular solvers/Veterans can post 1 answer each, but after 11 AM only.

Thanks for the response, here's the regular blog.

1   Set of numbers essentially formatted with rating: 1-10? (6) MATRIX {forMATted}{R}{I}{X}
4   Soft at the edges, low in the middle, hard and flat (6) SMOOTH {So{MOO}fT}{H}
8   Hazy nuclear explosion (7) UNCLEAR*
9   English Channel featuring article on English school (7) EDUCATE {E}{DUC{A}T}{E}
11 Complex expression from Olympian's swimming around back half of pool (10) POLYNOMIAL {P{poOL}YNOMIAL*}
12 Excited for a drink right away (4) AGOG {A}{GrOG}
13 Plants from US state lack identification (5) FLORA FLORidA
14 Family cashed in chips (8) ECHIDNAS*
16 Truth is: mood around colleges' extremely cagey (8) ACCURACY {A{C}{C}URA}{CageY}
18 Fraction of supply ultimately stolen (5) RATIO RATIOn
20 Current fashion immodestly revealed (4) MODE [T]
21 One way to summarize numbers from Shakespeare's first act — its twice played (10) STATISTICS {Sh...e+ACT+ITS+ITS}*
23 Fabric worn by graduate — one inspecting tracks (7) LINEMAN {LINE{MA}N}
24 Operator starts to don iron eyeshade (7) DIVISOR {Don}{Iron}{VISOR}
25 Old weapons adjusted to make body armour? (6) GUSSET {GUnS}{SET}
26 Picked up Dark Horse? (6) KNIGHT (~night)

1   Fellow's attempt to get something sweet (5) MANGO {MAN}{GO}
2   Majority of those have captured friend — go get them! (5-2) TALLY-HO {T{ALLY}HOse}
3   Lover wandering at Marina with love (9) INAMORATA {AT+MARINA+0}*
5   Setter raised son for award (5) MEDAL {ME}{LAD<=}
6   You can get fruits here or a vegetable (7) ORCHARD {OR}{CHARD}
7   Asian stew with a tomato's skin that's hard to handle (3,6) HOT POTATO {HOTPOT}{A}{To...tO}
10 Worker's body part has many boils (9) LIVERYMAN {LIVER}{MANY}
13 Resolving to put sealant at the bottom of feature (9) FACTORING {O-RING}<=>{FACT}
15 Function at girl's college's popular around America (9) HERMITIAN {HER}{MIT}{I{A}N}
17 Inept tennis player Monica visited America (7) USELESS {U{SELES}S}
19 AT&T made money (1000 dollars) on needlework (7) TATTING {ATT}*{TIN}{G}
21 Resort in front of church has room (5) SPACE {SPA}{CE}
22 Pick bottom of inkpot to support pen (2-3) CO-OPT {i...oT}<=>{COOP}

Reference List
Rating = R, Low = MOO, Hard = H, English = E, Right = R, Identification = ID, College = C, Graduate = MA, Sealant = O-RING, Popular = IN, America = A, Money = TIN, 1000 dollars = G, Church = CE

Thursday 22 September 2022

No 13667, Thursday 22 Sep 2022, Hypatia

Solution to 1D has been deliberately left unsolved and is to be answered only by a non-regular / novice commenter, with proper annotation. Those who have answered earlier in the week, please give others a chance.

7   English parliamentarian interrupts trials to cause commotions (8) TEMPESTS {T{E}{MP}ESTS}
9   Must hold us at fault (6) SHOULD*
10 Roasts in pots (4) PANS [DD]
11 Presently approach and question Spooner (4,3,3) HERE AND NOW (~ near and how to here and now)
12 People from South failing Hindi (6)  SINDHI {S}{HINDI*}
14 Support group hires new criminal lawyer for contract killer? (8) ANACONDA {A{N}A}{CON}{DA}
15 Pretty simple ones, yet he struggles (4,2,3,4) EASY ON THE EYES {EASY}{ONES+YET+HE}*
18 Not possible to store dill without covers or fresh leaves (8) CILANTRO {C{dILl}ANT}{OR*}
20 Graceful female close to you donated clothes (6) FLUENT {F}{L{yoU}ENT}
21 Possibly in fun, setter's set about that lady - It's not done! (10) UNFINISHED {IN+FUN}*{I'{SHE}D}
22 Poor Anarkali initially separated from her lover (4) SLIM SaLIM
23 Contents of cellar can expose secret (6) ARCANE [T]
24 Study about concealed weapon brought in focus (8) NARROWED {N{ARROW}ED<=}

1   Perhaps Uncle, about 50, had drip injected (8) ?E?A?I?E (Addendum - RELATIVE {RE}{L}{AT{IV}E} - See comments))
2   Discharge after old work (4) OPUS {PUS}<=>{O}
3   Doctor Smith joining current strips of tissue (6) ISTHMI {SMITH*}{I}
4   Lift computer key in the middle, far behind (8) ESCALATE {ESC}{fAr}{LATE}
5   Wholesome words of praise (4,3,3) GOOD FOR YOU [DD]
6   Seed of a plum joined regularly (6) ALMOND {A+pLuM+jOiNeD}
8   Overstretched in hard step at indoor exercises (6,3,4) SPREAD TOO THIN {H+STEP+AT+INDOOR}*
13 Carnegie, say almost accepts request and a suggestion about book (3,7) DAS KAPITAL {D{ASK}A{A+TIP<=}Le} (Correction - {D{ASK}{A}{TIP<=}ALe} - See comments)
16 Got a debit on mobile (8) OBTAINED*
17 Guard dispatched home well within limits (8) SENTINEL {SENT}{IN}{wELl}
19 Overlook independent company protecting neither partner (6) IGNORE {I}{G{NOR}E}
20 Part of stuffed orangutan's hat (6) FEDORA [T]
22 Pickle stain (4) SPOT [DD}

Reference List
English = E, South = S, Support group = AA(Alcoholics Anonymous), New = N, Criminal = AL(Capone), Lawyer = DA, Female = F, About = RE, Fifty = L, Drip = IV, Old = O, Current = I, Computer key = ESC, Hard = H, Home = IN, Independent = I, Company = GE

Wednesday 21 September 2022

No 13666, Wednesday 21 Sep 2022, Dr. X

Solution to 19D has been deliberately left unsolved and is to be answered only by a non-regular / novice commenter, with proper annotation. Those who have answered earlier in the week, please give others a chance.

1   Trying book to tackle anger issues finally (8) TIRESOME {T{IRE}{i...eS}OME}
5   Kid about to taste largely pungent bulb (6) GARLIC {RAG<=}{LICk}
10 Endless confrontation, having knocked back drink in European country (7) BELARUS {B{ALE<=}RUSh}
11 Prohibition during Christmas withdrawn in Middle Eastern country (7) LEBANON {LE{BAN}ON<=}
12 Girl turning down fellow is blunt (5) GRUFF {G}{FUR<=}{F}
13 What conjuror says as the rope levitates magically at last, perhaps (3,6) HEY PRESTO {THE+ROPE+l...eS+m...lY}*
14 Wake up! Get going, like the Sun? (4,3,5) RISE AND SHINE [DD]
18 Company people concealing hard evidence (12) CONFIRMATION {CO}{N{FIRM}ATION}
21 Experiencing difficulties like panic attacks (2,1,6) IN A PICKLE*
23 National party backing gangster in city of Zambia (5) NDOLA {N}{DO}{AL<=}
24 Criminal is arrogant, embodies evil (7) VILLAIN {V{ILL}AIN}
25 Honour ensemble touring city in Spain (7) OURENSE [T]
26 Bit of damage in more primitive steering mechanism (6) RUDDER {RUD{Da...e}ER}
27 Howled as outstanding person backtracked, breaking date (8) ULULATED {LULU<=}{DATE*}

1   Proceed after boat's repaired in Caribbean island (6) TOBAGO {GO}<=>{BOAT}*
2   Arrive in bar without date, turn to entice (4,2) ROLL UP {ROd}{PULL<=}
3   Small ornate gift, one incorporating greatly revolutionary decorative techniques (9) SGRAFFITI {S}{GIFT+1}* over {FAR<=}
4   Action of stirring up trouble by foremost among imams irritated ruler (8-6) MISCHIEF-MAKING {MIS{CHIEF}MA*}{KING}
6   Yellow marble rolling out of line (5) AMBER MARBlE*
7   Want model possessing posh, outstanding quality (4,4) LONG SUIT {LONG}{S{U}IT}
8   Disregards racket by Mafia bosses smuggling ecstasy (8) CONDONES {CON}{DON{E}S}
9   Enthralled by pot, plan wild night with English female for messing around (7,3,4) PLAYING THE FOOL {P{LAY}{NIGHT*}{E}{F}OOL}
15 Rascal removing the underclothes naughtily (9) SCOUNDREL UNDERCLOtheS*
16 Pain to control one extremely immature performer (8) ACHIEVER {ACH{1}E}{VERy}
17 Resulted in detective finding bit of evidence in conclusion (8) ENTAILED {EN{TAIL}{Ev...e}D}
19 Musical instrument in my bag (6) ?O?N?T (Addendum - CORNET - {COR}{NET} - See comments)
20 Fancy dope inside stub of cigarette (3,3) FAG END {FA{GEN}D}
22 Frivolous associate in bar getting drug (5) INANE {IN{A}N}{E}

Reference List
Book = TOME, Kid = RAG, Christms = NOEL, Girl = G, Down = FUR, Fellow = F, Company = CO, National = N, Party = DO, Gangster = AL(Capone), Date = D, Small =S, Line = L, Model = SIT, Posh = U, Racket = CON, Ecstasy = E, Pot = POOL, English = E, Female = F, My = COR, Dope = GEN, Associate = A, Drug = E

Tuesday 20 September 2022

No 13665, Tuesday 20 Sep 2022, Dr. X

Solution to 24D has been deliberately left unsolved and is to be answered only by a non-regular / novice commenter, with proper annotation. Those who have answered earlier in the week, please give others a chance.

1   Vehicle with princess chased by a vehicle! Stop — it could be fatal (7,6) CARDIAC ARREST {CAR}{DI}{A}{CAR}{REST}
8   Sepulchre in mountain, terrifying (5) INTER [T]
9   Caught in photos misbehaving with child in playground game (9) HOPSCOTCH {HOPS{C}OT*}{CH}
11 Commander hands over gangster giving orders for imprisonment (10) COMMITTALS {COM}{MITT{AL}S}
12 Quell riots after queen's assassinated in last Jewish month (4) ELUL qUELL*
14 Intoxicated hags in retro bar chatter in Scottish dialect (7) NASHGAB {HAGS}* in {BAN<=}
16 Receive subtle hint to hold back anger (7) INHERIT {INH{IRE<=}T*}
17 Stage of deterioration after consuming second alcoholic drink (7) ROSTRUM {RO{S}T}{RUM}
19 Allowed to include extravagant French dance (7) GAVOTTE {GAV{OTT}E}
21 Expresses pleasure well, I hear (4) OOHS (~ooze}
22 Container ordered online, filled with large tubes of pasta (10) CANNELLONI {CAN}{NEL{L}ONI*}
25 English miss, most apologetic about one handling defeat badly (4,5) SORE LOSER {SOR{E}{LOSE}Ry}
26 Giving the thumbs-up to relatives enthralled by knocking back spirit (5) OKING {O{KIN}G<=}
27 Cooked foie gras paste for ceremony marking a milestone (4,2,7) RITE OF PASSAGE*

2   Promiscuous mates having sex in retreat every so often (2,5) AT TIMES {AT{IT<=}MES*}
3   Pistols shown by rebellious communist groups without hesitation (10) DERRINGERS {RED<=}{RING{ER}S}
 A royal headgear for enlightened monk (5) ARHAT {A}{R}{HAT}
5   Awful programme's irksome, not good (9)  APPALLING {APP}{gALLING}
6   Lively gleam after entertaining century (4) RACY {RA{C}Y}
7   Colonist's dog biting criminal's butt (7) SETTLER {SETT{c...aL}ER}
8   Inappropriate racket conducted by guru is on reels (11) INCONGRUOUS {CON} in {GURU+IS+ON}*
10 What best man will do to monitor a dispute without getting involved in it? (4,3,4) HOLD THE RING [DD]
13 Heroic champion turned saviour protecting many (10) CHIVALROUS {CH}{IVA{L}ROUS*}
15 Using bubbly boys to entertain miserable female (2,5,2) BY MEANS OF {BY{MEAN}SO*}{F}
18 Lively movements by special songstress with endless energy (7) SCHERZI {S}{CHER}{ZIp}
20 Blowing horn excessively can get annoying finally (7) TOOTING {TOO}{TIN}{a...nG}
23 Water wheel is working, rotated by breeze from the south (5) NORIA {NO<=}{AIR<=}
24 Bond girl, naughty, going topless (4) ?L?E (Addendum - GLUE {G}{bLUE} - See comments))

Reference List
Princess = DI, Caught = C, Child = CH, Commander = COM, Gangster = AL(Capone), Queen = Q, Second = S, Extravagant = OTT(Over the top), Large = L, English = E, Spirit = GO, Sex = IT, Hesitation = ER, Royal = R, Programme = APP, Century = C, Good = G, Racket = CON, Champion = CH, Many = L, Female = F, Special = S, Excessively = TOO, Girl = G